20 research outputs found

    Effekten av KBT-baserad coaching på säljstil, säljförmåga och arbetsprestation hos säljare.

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    Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur KBT-baserad psykologisk coaching kan påverka säljförmåga, säljstil och arbetsprestation hos säljare på ett större svenskt telekomföretag. Av de tolv säljare som ingick i studien fick sex genomgå coaching och övriga deltagare utgjorde en kontrollgrupp. Formulären Sales Orientation Customer Orientation (SOCO) och Selling Skills användes för att studera säljstil respektive säljförmåga före och efter coaching. Arbetsprestation mättes med hjälp av chefsskattningar. Resultaten visade att såväl coachinggruppen som kontrollgruppen utvecklade högre säljförmågor och arbetsprestation över tid. Deltagarna bedömde sig vara mer kunniga om sina produkter och konkurrenter, ha en större förmåga att presentera sina produkter och deras chefer bedömde att de presterade bättre i sitt arbete. Resultaten visar också att de observerade förändringarna sannolikt inte är orsakad av coaching som metod. Att samtliga deltagare utvecklas positivt avseende försäljningsskicklighet och arbetsprestation tyder på gemensamma orsaker som exempelvis säsongseffekter, interventionseffekter eller gruppgemensamma faktorer. Studien är den första som empiriskt studerar hur psykologiskt baserad coaching kan påverka säljstil, säljförmåga och arbetsprestation hos säljare.The purpose of the study was to examine the possible effects of psychologically based coaching on sales factors and work performance of salesmen working at a major telecommunication company in Sweden. Six of the participants received cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) based coaching and the remaining six participants comprised the control group. The Sales Orientation Customer Orientation SOCO and Selling Skills questionnaires were used to study selling orientation and selling skills respectively and manager ratings were used to study participant work performance. All studied variables were measured before and after coaching. The results show that the participants exhibited significantly higher selling skills and work performance over time. The participants estimated that they were more knowledgeable regarding their products and competitors, were better able to present their products and their managers estimated that their work performance was higher. The results also indicate that the observed changes probably are not caused by the method of coaching. The positive development in selling skills and work performance observed in the both groups of participants indicate that the positive effects observed are due to common causes such as seasonal effects, intervention effects or other group specific causes. The study is the first to empirically investigate the effects of coaching on selling orientation, selling skills and work performance in salesmen

    In-hospital cardiac arrest resuscitation performed by the hospital emergency team: A 6-year retrospective register analysis at Danderyd University Hospital, Sweden [version 1; referees: 2 approved]

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    Background: Cardiac arrest requires rapid and effective handling. Huge efforts have been implemented to improve resuscitation of sudden cardiac arrest patients. Guidelines around the various parts of effective management, the chain of survival, are available. The aim of the present retrospective study was to study sudden in-hospital cardiac arrest (IHCA) and the outcomes of emergence team resuscitation in a university hospital in Sweden. Methods: The Swedish Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Registry was used to access all reported cases of IHCA at Danderyd Hospital from 2012 through 2017. Return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC), discharge alive, 30-day mortality and Cerebral Performance Scales score (CPC) were analysed. Results: 574 patients with cardiac arrests were included in the study: 307 patients (54%) had ROSC; 195 patients (34%) were alive to be discharged from hospital; and 191 patients (33%) were still alive at day-30 after cardiac arrest. Witnessed cardiac arrests, VT/VF as initial rhythm and experiencing cardiac arrest in high monitored wards were factors associated with success. However, 53% of patients’ alive at day-30 had a none-shockable rhythm, 16% showed initially a pulseless electrical activity and 37% asystole. CPC score was available for 188 out of the 195 patients that were alive to be discharged: 96.5% of patients where data was available had a favourable neurological outcome, a CPC-score of 1 or 2 at discharge, and only 6 of these patients had a CPC-score of 3 or higher (3%). Conclusions: One third of patients with sudden IHCA were discharged from hospital and alive at day-30, a clear majority without cognitive deficit related to the cardiac arrest. High monitored care, witnessed cardiac arrest and shockable rhythm were factors associated with high success; however, more than half of surviving patients had initially a none-shockable rhythm

    Comparing Notes: Recording and Criticism

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    This chapter charts the ways in which recording has changed the nature of music criticism. It both provides an overview of the history of recording and music criticism, from the advent of Edison’s Phonograph to the present day, and examines the issues arising from this new technology and the consequent transformation of critical thought and practice

    Wider Still and Wider: British Music Criticism since the Second World War

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    This chapter provides the first historical examination of music criticism in Britain since the Second World War. In the process, it also challenges the simplistic prevailing view of this being a period of decline from a golden age in music criticism

    Stop the Press? The Changing Media of Music Criticism

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    Objektivitetsidealets estetiska rötter –

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    Avsikten med denna artikel är att tillföra diskussionen om det journalistiska objektivitetsidealets bakgrund nytt stoff med hjälp av en inblick i dagspressens estetiska kritik under första hälften av 1800-talet. Relationerna mellan estetisk kritik och nyhetsjournalistik har inte tidigare studerats av journalistikforskningen, men sätts i det följande in i ett historiskt perspektiv. Artikeln diskuterar också hur den estetiska kritikens förhållningssätt till "sanning" och "verklighet" har påverkat objektivitetsidealet inom nyhetsjournalistiken

    Smärtupplevelser under PCI-behandling vid punktion av arteria radialis

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    Syfte: Syftet med föreliggande studie är att studera smärtupplevelser, smärtfrekvens och smärtintensitet hos patienter med akut kranskärlssjukdom, som genomgår PCI-behandling med punktion av a. radialis, vid ett universitetssjukhus i mellansverige. Syftet är även att studera skillnaden i smärtfrekvens mellan män och kvinnor som genomgår PCI-behandling. Metod: Deskriptiv, komparativ tvärsnittstudie med kvantitativ ansats. Totalt 31 deltagare tillfrågades varav 20 medverkade i studien, bortfallet uppgick till 11. Datainsamling skedde med enkätfrågor rörande smärtfrekvens, -intensitet, -lokalisation och skede. Visuell analog skala (VAS) användes för att mäta smärtintensitet. Data sammanställdes i stapeldiagram i Microsoft Word samt Statistical Packages for the Social Sciences. Resultat: I studien upplevde 5 (n=20) deltagare smärta, lokalbedövning samt kateter införande var de skeden där flest deltagare upplevde smärta, den vanligaste lokalisationen var i underarmen oberoende av skede. Högst skattade smärtintensitet var 9 (0-10) på VAS-skalan och upplevdes i annan kroppsdel. Av de kvinnliga deltagarna (n=5) upplevde 60% smärta och av de manliga (n=15) upplevde 20% smärta. Det var ingen signifikant skillnad i smärtfrekvens mellan könen, p=0,371. Slutsats: Resultatet visar att 25% av deltagarna upplevde smärta i samband med PCI-behandling. Det vanligaste skedet där smärta upplevdes var lokalbedövning.  Smärtans lokalisation var vanligast förlagd till underarmen. Ingen signifikant skillnad mellan män och kvinnors smärtfrekvenser har påvisats.Aim: The aim with this study was to measure the sensation of pain, pain frequency and the intensity of pain in patients with acute coronary heart disease, whom experienced PCI-treatment with catheterization, through a. radialis, at a university hospital in central Sweden. The aim was also to study differences in pain frequency between men and women who experienced PCI-treatment. Method: Descriptive, comparative cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach. A total of 31 participants where asked of which 20 chose to partake in the study, the non-respons was counted to 11. The data was collected with a survey regarding pain frequency,  -intensity, -localization and phase. Visual analog scale (VAS) was used to estimate intensity of pain. Data was compiled into bar charts in Microsoft Word and Statistical Packages for the Social Sciences.  Result: Five (n=20) of the participants experienced pain, local anesthesia and catheterization where the most common phase to experience pain. The most common localization to experience pain in was the forearm, disregarding any particular phase of the treatment. The highest intensity of pain where estimated to 9 (0-10) on the VAS-scale and was located to other limb. Among the female participants (n=5) 60% experienced pain and among the male participants (n=15) 20% experienced pain. There was no significant difference pain intensity between genders, p=0,371. Conclusion: The results show that 25% of the participants experienced pain during PCI-treatment. The most common phase to experience pain was during local anesthesia. The most common pain localization was the forearm. No significant differences in pain frequencies between men and women could be measured

    Smärtupplevelser under PCI-behandling vid punktion av arteria radialis

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    Syfte: Syftet med föreliggande studie är att studera smärtupplevelser, smärtfrekvens och smärtintensitet hos patienter med akut kranskärlssjukdom, som genomgår PCI-behandling med punktion av a. radialis, vid ett universitetssjukhus i mellansverige. Syftet är även att studera skillnaden i smärtfrekvens mellan män och kvinnor som genomgår PCI-behandling. Metod: Deskriptiv, komparativ tvärsnittstudie med kvantitativ ansats. Totalt 31 deltagare tillfrågades varav 20 medverkade i studien, bortfallet uppgick till 11. Datainsamling skedde med enkätfrågor rörande smärtfrekvens, -intensitet, -lokalisation och skede. Visuell analog skala (VAS) användes för att mäta smärtintensitet. Data sammanställdes i stapeldiagram i Microsoft Word samt Statistical Packages for the Social Sciences. Resultat: I studien upplevde 5 (n=20) deltagare smärta, lokalbedövning samt kateter införande var de skeden där flest deltagare upplevde smärta, den vanligaste lokalisationen var i underarmen oberoende av skede. Högst skattade smärtintensitet var 9 (0-10) på VAS-skalan och upplevdes i annan kroppsdel. Av de kvinnliga deltagarna (n=5) upplevde 60% smärta och av de manliga (n=15) upplevde 20% smärta. Det var ingen signifikant skillnad i smärtfrekvens mellan könen, p=0,371. Slutsats: Resultatet visar att 25% av deltagarna upplevde smärta i samband med PCI-behandling. Det vanligaste skedet där smärta upplevdes var lokalbedövning.  Smärtans lokalisation var vanligast förlagd till underarmen. Ingen signifikant skillnad mellan män och kvinnors smärtfrekvenser har påvisats.Aim: The aim with this study was to measure the sensation of pain, pain frequency and the intensity of pain in patients with acute coronary heart disease, whom experienced PCI-treatment with catheterization, through a. radialis, at a university hospital in central Sweden. The aim was also to study differences in pain frequency between men and women who experienced PCI-treatment. Method: Descriptive, comparative cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach. A total of 31 participants where asked of which 20 chose to partake in the study, the non-respons was counted to 11. The data was collected with a survey regarding pain frequency,  -intensity, -localization and phase. Visual analog scale (VAS) was used to estimate intensity of pain. Data was compiled into bar charts in Microsoft Word and Statistical Packages for the Social Sciences.  Result: Five (n=20) of the participants experienced pain, local anesthesia and catheterization where the most common phase to experience pain. The most common localization to experience pain in was the forearm, disregarding any particular phase of the treatment. The highest intensity of pain where estimated to 9 (0-10) on the VAS-scale and was located to other limb. Among the female participants (n=5) 60% experienced pain and among the male participants (n=15) 20% experienced pain. There was no significant difference pain intensity between genders, p=0,371. Conclusion: The results show that 25% of the participants experienced pain during PCI-treatment. The most common phase to experience pain was during local anesthesia. The most common pain localization was the forearm. No significant differences in pain frequencies between men and women could be measured

    Smärtupplevelser under PCI-behandling vid punktion av arteria radialis

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    Syfte: Syftet med föreliggande studie är att studera smärtupplevelser, smärtfrekvens och smärtintensitet hos patienter med akut kranskärlssjukdom, som genomgår PCI-behandling med punktion av a. radialis, vid ett universitetssjukhus i mellansverige. Syftet är även att studera skillnaden i smärtfrekvens mellan män och kvinnor som genomgår PCI-behandling. Metod: Deskriptiv, komparativ tvärsnittstudie med kvantitativ ansats. Totalt 31 deltagare tillfrågades varav 20 medverkade i studien, bortfallet uppgick till 11. Datainsamling skedde med enkätfrågor rörande smärtfrekvens, -intensitet, -lokalisation och skede. Visuell analog skala (VAS) användes för att mäta smärtintensitet. Data sammanställdes i stapeldiagram i Microsoft Word samt Statistical Packages for the Social Sciences. Resultat: I studien upplevde 5 (n=20) deltagare smärta, lokalbedövning samt kateter införande var de skeden där flest deltagare upplevde smärta, den vanligaste lokalisationen var i underarmen oberoende av skede. Högst skattade smärtintensitet var 9 (0-10) på VAS-skalan och upplevdes i annan kroppsdel. Av de kvinnliga deltagarna (n=5) upplevde 60% smärta och av de manliga (n=15) upplevde 20% smärta. Det var ingen signifikant skillnad i smärtfrekvens mellan könen, p=0,371. Slutsats: Resultatet visar att 25% av deltagarna upplevde smärta i samband med PCI-behandling. Det vanligaste skedet där smärta upplevdes var lokalbedövning.  Smärtans lokalisation var vanligast förlagd till underarmen. Ingen signifikant skillnad mellan män och kvinnors smärtfrekvenser har påvisats.Aim: The aim with this study was to measure the sensation of pain, pain frequency and the intensity of pain in patients with acute coronary heart disease, whom experienced PCI-treatment with catheterization, through a. radialis, at a university hospital in central Sweden. The aim was also to study differences in pain frequency between men and women who experienced PCI-treatment. Method: Descriptive, comparative cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach. A total of 31 participants where asked of which 20 chose to partake in the study, the non-respons was counted to 11. The data was collected with a survey regarding pain frequency,  -intensity, -localization and phase. Visual analog scale (VAS) was used to estimate intensity of pain. Data was compiled into bar charts in Microsoft Word and Statistical Packages for the Social Sciences.  Result: Five (n=20) of the participants experienced pain, local anesthesia and catheterization where the most common phase to experience pain. The most common localization to experience pain in was the forearm, disregarding any particular phase of the treatment. The highest intensity of pain where estimated to 9 (0-10) on the VAS-scale and was located to other limb. Among the female participants (n=5) 60% experienced pain and among the male participants (n=15) 20% experienced pain. There was no significant difference pain intensity between genders, p=0,371. Conclusion: The results show that 25% of the participants experienced pain during PCI-treatment. The most common phase to experience pain was during local anesthesia. The most common pain localization was the forearm. No significant differences in pain frequencies between men and women could be measured