Publikationer från Stockholms universitet
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28632 research outputs found
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‘We have a prodigious amount in common’ : Reappraising Americanisation and circulation of knowledge in the interwar Nordic advertising industry
This article discusses the interwar collaboration in the Nordic advertising industry in relation to the literature on ‘Americanisation’ in advertising and business history. We argue that the focus on Americanisation has caused research to overlook other important arenas for sharing knowledge in the development of advertising and commercial practices in twentieth-century Europe. We show the importance of the systematic collaboration between advertising communities in the Nordic countries through which Anglo-Saxon ideas, as well as domestic experiences, were shared. The collaboration was a crucial platform for the advertising industry to achieve increased societal clout. We also find that the Nordic advertising industry, as a collective, clearly distanced themselves from continental Europe based on a perception that Anglo-Saxon and Nordic advertising shared the same foundations. The results raise questions concerning assumptions about Americanisation and the role of alternative sources of inspiration and transnational collaboration in advertising history
“Att inte reflektera och inte ta åt sig av feedback är ett recept för att inte utvecklas” : Berättelser och lärdomar från ledarnas verklighet
Studiens syfte är att undersöka och skapa förståelse kring processerna för hur ledare lär sig vara ledare. Studien har som ambition att undersöka vad ledarna har lärt sig och hur dessa lärprocesser skett i ledarnas vardag. Nio stycken semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med etablerade ledare inom olika branscher. En tematisk analys skildrade hur erfarenheter genom handlande i vardagen tillsammans med reflektion var de främsta processerna som ansetts avgörande för hur ledarna lärt sig vara ledare. Dessutom har villkor som viljan att leda och viljan att lära haft en central roll. Resultatet visade att förmågor som studien tolkar som mer mjuka värden har utvecklats över tid hos ledarna. Ledarna indikerar att personlig mognad, erfarenhet, reflektion och en vilja att lära varit bidragande till deras lärande och utveckling. The purpose of the study is to investigate and create an understanding of the processes by which leaders learn to be leaders. The study also aims to examine what the leaders have learned and how these learning processes have occurred in the leaders' everyday lives. Nine semi-structured interviews were conducted with established leaders in various industries. A thematic analysis depicted how experiences through actions in everyday life together with reflection were the main processes considered decisive for how the leaders learned to be leaders. In addition, conditions such as the will to lead and the will to learn have played a central role. The result showed that abilities that the study interprets as softer values have developed over time in the leaders. The leaders indicate that personal maturity, experience, reflection and a willingness to learn contributed to their learning and development.
Using a Large Open Clinical Corpus for Improved ICD-10 Diagnosis Coding
With the recent advances in natural language processing and deep learning, the development of tools that can assist medical coders in ICD-10 diagnosis coding and increase their efficiency in coding discharge summaries is significantly more viable than before. To that end, one important component in the development of these models is the datasets used to train them. In this study, such datasets are presented, and it is shown that one of them can be used to develop a BERT-based language model that can consistently perform well in assigning ICD-10 codes to discharge summaries written in Swedish. Most importantly, it can be used in a coding support setup where a tool can recommend potential codes to the coders. This reduces the range of potential codes to consider and, in turn, reduces the workload of the coder. Moreover, the de-identified and pseudonymised dataset is open to use for academic users
Gripen/Griphund (1495) : Marinarkeologisk dokumentation av ett senmedeltida kravellskepp
I Blekinge skärgård vid Stora Ekön ligger på knappt tio meters djup vraket efter den danske unionskungen Hans skepp. Fartyget som av sin samtid kallades Gripen och även vid några tillfällen Griphund förliste år 1495 efter en brand ombord när hon låg för ankar. Södertörns högskola har bedrivit marinarkeologiska undersökningar på platsen sedan 2013 och denna rapport redogör för fortsatt dokumentation av vraket under 2023 tillsammans med Stockholms universitet. Huvudsyftet med insatsen var att studera överbyggnaden på skeppet för att förstå hur fartyget fungerade i strid med speciellt fokus på knektarnas roll ombord och deras samspel med den befintliga vapenteknologin. Rapporten innehåller även en omfattande analys av tidigare bärgade delar från ringvävnadsplagg samt synpunkter på vrakets bevarandestatus. Gripen/Griphund utgör som skeppskonstruktion samt med vapnen och föremålen ombord ett unikt exempel på ett kungligt skepp från slutet av medeltiden. Det är en representant för de nya kravellbyggda skepp som tillsammans med sina furstar var med och bidrog till den tidigmoderna samhällsförändringen.English translation included.</p
An Empirical Study of Language Use in Swedish German-as-a-Foreign-Language Education : Practice and Attitudes of Teachers and Learners
This study aims to investigate when and how much German as well as Swedish is spoken by teachers and pupils in two high school classes. On top of that, the study includes both the teachers´and pupils´attitudes towards the usage of the languages in their German lessons. To answer this, observations during lessons were made and both online surveys to teachers and group interviews with a handful of pupils were constructed. The information gathered was later analyzed with a qualitative content analysis. What could be observed was that both Swedish and German were spoken by teachers, but for different parts of the lesson. They spoke Swedish for example when teaching grammar and clarifying instructions, but German when they asked simple questions or talked about texts during the lesson. The students on the other hand mostly spoke Swedish with each other and sometimes even when asking questions to the teacher. However, when the teacher made clear that they were supposed to speak German, they did. Most of the teachers and pupils would prefer a mix between German and Swedish in their classroom because they saw benefits with both languages in use. For example the fact that Swedish could be used to easily clarify lesson content and German could be used for the pupils to both practice speaking and hearing German.
Barns rättigheter i 2020-talets Sverige : ansvar, utmaningar och möjligheter efter barnkonventionens inkorporering
Sedan januari 2020 gäller FN:s barnkonvention som svensk lag. Inkorporeringenföregicks av diskussion och debatt där olika synsätt på nödvändighetenoch lämpligheten med att göra konventionen till svensk lag fördes fram.I förarbeten till inkorporeringslagen tydliggjordes att stort ansvar lades pådomstolar och andra rättstillämpare att uttolka vad barnkonventionen somsvensk lag ska betyda och innebära i enskilda fall. Samtidigt betonades attfortsatt transformering, dvs. reformer av svensk rätt, troligen skulle kommaatt behövas för att leva upp till konventionen. De som förespråkade inkorporeringenmenade att barns rättigheter skulle komma att stärkas, medan desom var skeptiska och kritiska menade att konventionen inte är konstrueradför direkt tillämplighet och att inkorporering skulle behöva åtföljas av tydligvägledning till rättstillämparen i olika situationer och kontexter.När några år nu har gått sedan den svenska barnkonventionslagen börjadegälla väcks frågan om hur det står till med barns rättigheter i 2020-taletsSverige? Stärktes barns rättigheter? Har domstolar givit auktoritativa beskedom hur konventionen ska tolkas och tillämpas och har lagstiftaren tagitsitt ansvar för fortsatt transformering? Detta är frågor som denna artikelbehandlar genom några nedslag i rättstillämpning och lagstiftningsinitiativ.Syftet är ytterst att diskutera vilka utmaningar som finns i att realisera ochrespektera barns rättigheter samt vilken roll politik och juridik spelar ochvilket ansvar olika aktörer – lagstiftaren, domstolar och andra rättstillämparepå olika nivåer – har och borde ta i att förverkliga konventionen. Avstamp tasi vad inkorporeringen av barnkonventionen inneburit rent rättsligt, varefteren analys följer om vad åtgärden kan sägas ha medfört mer konkret, dvs.vad som hänt (och inte) i rättstillämpning och lagstiftning. Artikeln avslutasmed en diskussion om utmaningar med att förverkliga barnkonventionenefter inkorporeringen, inklusive relationen mellan juridik och politik, menockså möjligheter. Här diskuteras vilken roll (barn) rättsvetenskapen kanspela för att barns rättigheter ska respekteras och realiseras
Life history evolution during a climate-driven butterfly range expansion
Climate change pushes species polewards and upwards – as temperatures rise, species move to areas that were previously too cold for them. During range expansions, species encounter unfamiliar environmental conditions, which may require evolutionary adaptation, but expanding populations may often be hampered by their genetic and demographic properties. Whether range-expanding populations can adapt may greatly affect species distributions, but the question is largely unexplored for native species expanding in response to climate change. In seasonal environments, organisms must endure harsh conditions and synchronise growth and reproduction with the presence of food and mates. To time their life cycles, many animals and plants use seasonal changes in daylength. Insects typically overwinter in diapause (dormancy with paused development and suppressed metabolism), which is induced by short days well before winter. But across-latitude differences in daylength pose challenges for latitudinal range expansions. I focus on whether traits related to seasonal timing and winter survival have evolved during range expansion of the wall brown butterfly (Lasiommata megera) in Sweden. In Chapter I, I confirmed that the wall brown has, in 2000–2020, expanded northwards along the eastern and western coasts of Sweden, and in Chapter II, I demonstrated that these parallel expansions have proceeded independently from the south, in isolation from each other. Laboratory experiments in Chapter I revealed that caterpillars from northern populations have evolved to correctly interpret their local daylength cues. This rapid evolution, repeated along two range expansions, indicates that latitudinal differences in daylength may seldom hinder insect range expansions. In Chapter II, I found that northern range margin populations have lower genetic variation than southern ones but are unlikely to have received much locally maladaptive gene flow from the south. Further, a genomic scan suggested that the parallel phenotypic changes have evolved through non-parallel genetic changes. In Chapter III, a laboratory experiment showed lack of local adaptation to different winters, in contrast to the rapid evolution of diapause timing. Overall winter survival was low in the coldest treatment, indicating that winter temperatures limit the range. In Chapter IV, I studied diapause induction, growth rate, and winter survival in a field setting. Almost all individuals entered diapause, with only minimal impact from the among-population differences found in Chapter I. These evolved differences could stem from natural selection on earlier parts of the generation, which experience longer days than our experiment captured. Further, individuals of northern descent grew faster than those from the south. This could help them grow large enough before winter, yet pre-winter mass did not affect winter survival. This time, natural selection may favour high growth rates in late-hatching individuals with less time to grow before winter. Like in Chapter III, there was no evidence for evolution of improved winter survival, and survival dropped markedly when transplanting individuals outside of the current range. Despite rapid evolution in two traits, cold winters limit the wall brown’s expansion. To predict range expansions, we must pinpoint their drivers, study trait evolution relevant to these drivers, and recognize that traits that are crucial in different seasons may vary in evolvability
Vilka faktorer har betydelse för upplevelsen av lönerättvisa? : En enkätstudie om den relativa betydelsen av demografiska bakgrundsfaktorer, personlighet, lön samt hur löneprocessen går till
På den svenska arbetsmarknaden blir individuell lönesättning allt vanligare. Målet med löneformen är att motivera medarbetare till bättre arbetsprestationer och effektivt arbete, vilket sätter höga krav på den lönesättande chefens förmåga att bedöma medarbetarnas insats. Eventuella skillnader mellan medarbetare och chefers synsätt på rättvisa i lönesättningen öppnar upp för orättvisa, vilket istället kan minska motivationen hos medarbetarna. Sannolikt finns det individuella skillnader som påverkar i vilken mån individen upplever lönerättvisa, vilka studien ämnade att undersöka. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka den relativa betydelsen av demografiska bakgrundsfaktorer, lön, hur löneprocessen går till samt personlighet för individens upplevelse av fyra dimensioner av lönerättvisa (distributiv, procedural, informativ, mellanmänsklig). Hierarkiska multipla regressionsanalyser av enkätdata från tjänstemän i ett industriföretag (N=328) visade att hur löneprocessen går till var av störst betydelse för upplevelsen av lönerättvisa, följt av lön, medan demografiska bakgrundsfaktorer och personlighet hade marginell betydelse i sammanhanget. Sammantaget antyder resultaten att arbetsgivare kan främja huruvida lönen upplevs som rättvis främst genom att följa lönekriterierna samt arbeta med chefens bedömningsförmåga
Sublime Screen Spaces : A reading of the postmodern sublime in the collaged audiovisual images in Prospero’s Books, The Pillow Book and A Life in Suitcases.
This thesis consists of a rereading of The Postmodern Sublime centered on collaged sequences in Peter Greenaway’s Prospero's Books (1991), The Pillow Book (1996) and A Life in Suitcases (2005). The selected films share a collaged imagery that deconstructs the visual screen space into smaller frames, an aesthetic tendency that is here traced and discussed in relation to theories on the sublime established by Jean-François Lyotard, Gilles Deleuze and Frederic Jameson. Although the postmodern sublime has been studied extensively within philosophy and aesthetics, it remains underdeveloped in Cinema Studies. Having been most prominent during the 1980s and 1990s, the concept furthermore begs for a reexamination within a more contemporary framework. By applying the concept to audiovisual images created by an early digital editing technology, The Quantel Paintbox, this thesis proposes a medium specific, technological sublime found in new media’s capacity to create shock through innovation. The thesis, furthermore, affirms the significance of Kant’s notion of Darstellung to the general conceptualization of the postmodern sublime; something that can be seen in the Quantel collages capacity to disrupt and challenge conventional modes of representation
"I want to socialize at the office, but I'll quit if forced to be there" : A Qualitative Case Study on Belongingness of Junior Consultants in Hybrid Work Environments
This thesis dives into the crucial topic of belongingness, the innate human need to feel close, connected, and accepted by others (Ashforth & Schinoff, 2016). It specifically focuses on junior employees within the consulting sector, a group that has faced unique challenges in modern work settings. These settings, which have transitioned from traditional office environments to remote and hybrid working arrangements, have been further accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic. The thesis addresses the significant challenge junior consultants face in establishing a sense of belonging in these new working environments. This factor is pivotal for their integration and long-term engagement work. Employing a qualitative methodology, 28 in-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted with consultants working in 10 medium—to larger consulting firms. These interviews explored workplace belongingness in hybrid work settings. They were analyzed using thematic coding derived from previous literature. The findings of this study expand the previous research and theoretical understanding of belongingness, highlighting that although different paths may lead to a sense of belongingness, social interactions within the physical space are the most valuable aspect for employees. However, the findings point to paradoxes of desires among consultants. Firstly, while they value social interactions, many are unwilling to give up their autonomy for sociability. Secondly, while they prioritize physical presence at the office, they are most present during the days filled with meetings when social interactions are limited. Finally, other factors may support or hinder the cultivation of belonging among employees, such as frequency and quality of social interactions, stress level, leadership transparency, organizational culture, and personal recognition. The findings can empower organizational management professionals to create policies that foster inclusive and supportive workplace, promoting employee integration and satisfaction within remote or hybrid work settings. The study also suggests avenues for future research, particularly in exploring the long-term effects of hybrid work arrangements on performance and retention, which can further enhance the understanding of this evolving work landscape