13 research outputs found

    Hyperaktiv : en praktisk og teoretisk studie av video i hyperstruktur

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    Hypervideo er et medieuttrykk hvor video er den dominerende informasjonstypen og hvor denne er integrert i en hyperstruktur. Vi har laget et eksempel på hypervideo som vi kaller Hyperaktiv . Ved å ta utgangspunkt i en historisk tilnærming diskuterer vi denne hypervideoen opp mot eksisterende teori skrevet om hypervideo og montasje. Begrepene node, link og navigasjon kan brukes til å beskrive systemet, men ikke grensesnittet i Hyperaktiv. Vi vektlegger derfor et skille mellom grensesnitt og system. Representasjonene av nodene på grensesnittnivå har vi valgt å kalle noderepresentasjoner. Som substitutt for node. link og linkmarkør på grensesnittnivå benytter vi oss av begreper som kildevideo, introduksjonssekvens og multilineær montasje. Begrepet navigasjon er problematisk for å beskrive brukerens aktivitet i forhold til hypervideoen på grensesnittnivå. Vi mener brukeren stadig får presentert, samtidig som han eller hun er med på å skape nye multilineære montasjer i presentasjonslaget. Arbeidsprosessen og metoden har vært utradisjonell. Vi har laget en modell for å beskrive denne

    Discourse and religion in educational practice

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    Despite the existence of long-held binaries between secular and sacred, private and public spaces, school and religious literacies in many contemporary societies, the significance of religion and its relationship to education and society more broadly has become increasingly topical. Yet, it is only recently that the investigation of the nexus of discourse and religion in educational practice has started to receive some scholarly attention. In this chapter, religion is understood as a cultural practice, historically situated and embedded in specific local and global contexts. This view of religion stresses the social alongside the subjective or experiential dimensions. It explores how through active participation and apprenticeship in culturally appropriate practices and behaviors often mediated intergenerationally and the mobilisation of linguistic and other semiotic resources but also affective, social and material resources, membership in religious communities is constructed and affirmed. The chapter reviews research strands that have explored different aspects of discourse and religion in educational practice as a growing interdisciplinary field. Research strands have examined the place and purpose of religion in general and evangelical Christianity in particular in English Language Teaching (ELT) programmes and the interplay of religion and teaching and learning in a wide range of religious and increasingly secular educational contexts. They provide useful insights for scholars of discourse studies to issues of identity, socialisation, pedagogy and language policy

    Numerical Simulation of Viscous Flow Past A Curved Cylinder

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    In the present Master thesis three-dimensional viscous flow simulations of flow past a curved circular cylinder is investigated by utilization of the open source Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) code OpenFOAM. The focus of the present study has been to establish a basic setup for analysing the curved cylinder flow problem in OpenFOAM by verification with recent unpublished Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS) of the same problem. The geometry considered is defined by three parts; a curved quarter-of-ring cylinder with a radius of curvature of 12.5D, a horizontal straight extension of length 10D and a vertical straight extension of 24D, where D is the cylinder diameter. Straight extension lengths are chosen to eliminate free-end effects according to recent research. The plane of curvature is aligned with the incoming flow and directed towards the concave face of the curved part. Uniform inflow at Re=200Re=200 and 500500 is considered and the solution is compared to DNS results by means of analysing near wake flow details. The OpenFOAM solution captures overall wake topology similar to the DNS. Shedding frequencies are close to DNS however reduced slightly due to a stronger spanwise flow. Details in the transitional region around the intersection between the curved and vertical parts for Re=500Re=500 are not captured correctly by the present study. Mean and root-mean-square values of drag and lift forces are overpredicted by the OpenFOAM solution. The tendency increases for larger ReRe and is owed to the relatively low grid resolution near the cylinder compared to DNS. Three variants of sheared inflow conditions are investigated. A linear shear profile is considered both for positive and negative shear rate with Reynolds number extrema of Re=200Re=200 and Re=500Re=500. An additional negative shear is considered for extrema of Re=700Re=700 and Re=200Re=200. Three-dimensionalities in the freestream introduces additional spanwise flow leading to different wake topologies for negative and positive shear. Positive shear exhibits cellular vortex shedding along the vertical extension as seen for straight cylinders in shear flow. Interactions between upwash from the curved part and downwash from shear results in a high-frequency shedding region placed along the span of the vertical extension

    Circuit bending as an aesthetic phenomenon

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    To circuit bend is to open up low voltage keyboards and toys, and apply random connections to their circuits to make them produce new sounds. The term was coined by Qubais Reed Ghazala. This text seeks to show why circuit bending can be considered an aesthetic phenomenon. This is done by giving it an historical background, and by relating it to aesthetic theories and practices. In order to show the practical part of circuit bending, four experiments are carried out. First, three workshops document circuit bending in different contexts. Then, the circuit bending a of Casio SK-1 keyboard is documented, and its new sounds and playability are analyzed. The aesthetic theories and practical experiments will in turn be used to explain why circuit bending can be considered an aesthetic phenomenon, to place it in the field of music and art, and to explain why this interdisicplinary practice can be valuable for finding new ideas in music and techology

    McQueen og det sublime: Visningen av Voss (2001)

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    Denne artikkelen diskuterer visningen av kolleksjonen Voss (2001) av designeren Alexander McQueen i lys av begrepet det sublime. Ved å fokusere på medieringspraksiser som overskrider det vi tradisjonelt tenker på som medier, diskuteres hvordan denne motevisningen med ulike virkemidler griper tak i publikums emosjoner og vender moteindustriens kritiske blikk tilbake på seg selv. Det sublime går som en rød tråd gjennom McQueens arbeid, men settes på spissen i denne visningen der forholdet mellom publikum og modeller i visningens rom settes på prøve

    Fashion Film and Genre Ecology

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    We analyse the challenges and changing character, production and consumption of the emerging genre fashion lm through a genre as ecology approach. This approach accounts for the complexity of various rhetorical practices used within the creative industries, such as fashion. We find that digital mediation compels genre innovation in networked cultures in the mediation of fashion. We examine three fashion films to ascertain how they function as cultural production within web- and mobile-based communication and networked articulations. These need to be understood as part of distributed, polyvocal and multimodally mediated digital branding and advertising strategies that have largely not been addressed as genre by media and communication studies. Genre ecology is proposed as an addition to typological and developmental models of (media) genre innovation

    Discourse and the Linguistic Landscape

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    Research into the way that linguistic and other semiotic signs are displayed in public space has opened up a productive field for social language analysis over the last few years. Often focused on the policy implications – at both institutional and grass-roots level – of public signage, linguistic landscape research has, from the very beginning, engaged with issues of politics and ideology and thus, indirectly, discourse. In recent years it has also begun to theorise the ways in which semiotic artefacts and practices generate meaning by interacting in explicitly dialogical ways. To date however, theorising that is directed specifically at the relationship between linguistic landscape studies and discourse studies has been slight. This chapter explores the nature of this relationship by focusing on select case studies which exemplify the way that acts of linguistic and semiotic display in the public arena operate as key sites for social organisation and for political regulation and contestation. These short case studies also examine how meaning is generated through complex layering of contexts, the interplay between multiple signs, the narrative potential of landscapes and the dialogic possibilities presented by social media which allow local meanings to be up-scaled and reconfigured, thus pulling site-specific semiotic events into much broader discourses