University of Oslo (UiO): FRITT (E-Journals)
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    Fragmentarisk partnerskap i lærerstudenters FoU-veiledning: En studie av studenter og lærerutdanneres erfaringer

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    In teacher education, it is widely understood that there should be a strong partnership between the universities and the schools involved in order to strengthen the overall quality of the education provided. However, this partnership has historically been weak and various interventions have been attempted in recent decades to rectify the problem. One such is the Norwegian “FoU-oppgaven” (“R&D assignment”) scheme, in which mentoring is offered to student teachers by teacher educators from both contexts. Knowledge is needed about how the interaction between these parties works in this mentoring situation, and the goal of this study is to contribute to this.  Through this study into initial teacher education in Norway, we have investigated student teachers`, school-based mentors` and university lectures` experience of the interaction with each other in R&D mentoring. Focus groups were carried out with each of the parties, and this provided sufficient data to complete a thematic analysis. The study shows that the parties experience fragmented partnerships with varied, distanced, limited, absent, random and artificial interaction. The study provides specific knowledge about the challenges of triadic R&D mentoring that includes parties from both the educational contexts. More generally, the study illustrates the need for a common understanding in co-operational measures and highlights the relationship between ambitious partnership intentions and limited resources in the teacher education system.Samhandlingen mellom campus- og skoledelen av lærerutdanningen har tradisjonelt vært svak. Derfor hevdes det internasjonalt at utvikling av partnerskap mellom universiteter og skoler er avgjørende for å styrke lærerutdanningens kvalitet, og i senere tiår er det lansert mange intervensjoner for å utvikle partnerskap. En av disse er den nylig innførte «FoU-oppgaven» i norsk lærerutdanning, der studentene veiledes av lærerutdannere fra begge kontekster. Det er behov for kunnskap om hvordan samhandlingen mellom partene i denne veiledningen fungerer, og denne undersøkelsens formål er å bidra med dette. Gjennom studien i en grunnskolelærerutdanning undersøkes det hvordan lærerstudenter, praksislærere og universitetslærere opplever samhandlingen med hverandre i FoU-veiledningen. Fokusgrupper ble gjennomført med hver av partene, og dette gav materiale til en tematisk analyse. Studien viser at samhandlingen karakteriseres av et begrenset utviklet partnerskap, preget av avstand mellom intensjoner og opplevde realiteter, uklarhet mht. partenes roller og oppgaver, samt varierende samhandling og engasjement. Studien gir spesifikk kunnskap om utfordringene ved triadisk FoU-veiledning som involverer parter fra begge lærerutdanningskontekstene. Mer generelt viser studien behovet for å klargjøre felles forståelse i samarbeidstiltak, og å belyse forholdet mellom ambisiøse partnerskapsintensjoner og begrensede ressurser i lærerutdanning

    Samarbeid om selvmordsforskning i Norden

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    Om lag 25 selvmordsforskere fra de nordiske landene var samlet 21. og 22. juni i Kungälv i Sverige for å drøfte utfordringer og muligheter i samarbeid om selvmordsforskning i Norden

    Debt and Emotional Labour in Present Day Serbia: On the Affects of Indebtedness

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    This article deals with the affective aspects of indebtedness in present-day Serbia. Based on ethnographic fieldwork conducted in Belgrade and Šabac during the period 2016-19, it analyses gendered aspects of affective states created and triggered by indebtedness. Indebtedness is here conceptualized to involve not just material and financial obligation, but also asymmetry in emotional labour. That way, the article contributes to the line of research that challenges understandings of debt as a binary relationship between creditor and debtor and argues for a perspective that encompasses the complex affective involvements of indebted subjects and the imbrication of indebtedness, emotional labour, love and care in the everyday life. The ethnographic fieldwork setting is kafana, a tavern with the live neofolk music, which is a space for reflection, expression or venting of the affects, but primarily for their modification, and therefore a primary site for research on postsocialist affect(s). Through the ethnographic vignettes of requesting, performing and consuming songs, as well as material obtained from the pre- and post-performance conversations with employees and customers who found themselves in different situations of debt, it analyses the affective registers of indebtedness and points out that the gendered asymmetry in care debt is formulated in the language and logic of emotional capitalism

    Marriage, Divorce and Mutual Indebtedness : Perspectives from Tajikistan

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    This article offers an original insight on the gift economy in Tajikistan. As long shown by the literature, ceremonial expenditures sustain social status and convey moral obligations and social order. In this context, we find that marriage breakdown sheds a new light on social cohesion and the sense of indebtedness in Tajik society. In the case studies provided, the material and symbolic meaning of marital breakdown is analysed from the perspective of divorced women. In the context of high ritual expenditure, we ask what are the effects of divorce (and more broadly, demarriage) on women’s perceptions of gender and marital roles in a context of economic crisis and mass male migration to Russia. Specifically, we are interested in the language of debt that shapes women’s discourses about their former marital bond, and how it disrupts the principles of the gift economy that derive from traditional gender and generational roles. In particular, the notion of debt allows divorced women to condemn their ex-in-laws’ failings towards them. The end of the marriage opens the way for the denunciation of broken promises, the expression of unfulfilled expectations and the breaking of marital, gender and collective obligations towards the spouse. While it brings with it a demand for recognition and social justice, it also expresses the contradictory tensions that run through society, its norms and the traditional social roles associated with conjugality. Image credit J. Cleuzio

    The purpose of science education: Guidance provided by Swedish Science Syllabuses

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    This study used a quantitative deductive approach based on Biesta’s functions of education and Roberts’ curriculum emphases to analyse the purposes that are stressed in the Swedish science syllabuses in lower and upper secondary school. The study shows that the syllabuses advocate multiple purposes both with respect to functions of education and curriculum emphases. Most sentences stressed the function of qualification, indicating that the overall purpose of science education is to provide students with knowledge and skills, while transmitting certain norms or creating independent critical thinking skills is less prioritised. The extent to which the different curriculum emphases were stressed differed both between different science syllabuses and between different parts of the syllabuses. Possible consequences of these differences are discussed in relation to teachers’ design of teaching and students’ possibilities to develop knowledge and skills necessary for active participation in science-related issues as citizens

    Sunni-centrisme, shia-islamisme og sekterisme

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    Studiet af mellemøstlig islamisme ti år efter de arabiske revolter

    The presentation of the plague of 749/1348 and the fitna of 762/1361 by the Damascene scholar Ibn Kathîr

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    Two of Ibn Kathîr’s detailed reports are analysed as stories and the aim is to identify the message he wants to transmit through them. The focus is on Ibn Kathîr’s narrative techniques and a connection is drawn to Hayden White’s archetypes of stories

    Den motstandsdygtige stat i Libanon: Verdensanskuelse og sekularisering

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    Hvorfor bliver Libanon ved med at hænge sammen som en slags stat trods alle problemer, og hvorfor ender libaneserne trods demonstrationerne tilsynelatende med passivt at støtte deres ledere


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    Kåre Fuglseth og Thor-Andre Skrefsrud (Red). Innføring i KRLE-didaktikk. Undervisning i religion, livssyn og etikk i et flerkulturelt samfunn IKO-Forlaget, 2021. Anmeldt av Ragnhild Laird Iversen Stipendiat i religionsdidaktikk, US


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    Kristin Johansen Horrigmo og Kristine Toft Rosland (red.). Fagdidaktikk for SRLE: Barnehagens fagområder, kunnskapsgrunnlag og arbeidsmåter. Cappelen Damm Akademisk, 2021. Kjartan Belseth og Geir Winje. Religioner og hverdagspluralisme i barnehagen. Cappelen Damm Akademisk, 2021. Anmeldt av Gunnar Magnus Eidsvåg   Caroline Klintborg. Vägen är allt. En introduktion till religionspedagogik för den kristna församlingen. Argument Förlag, 2021. Anmeldt av Asbjørn G. Håkonseth   Markus Lindholm. Nysgjerrighet. Dybdelæring i informasjonssamfunnet. Universitetsforlaget, 2021. Anmeldt av Hallvard Håstei


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    University of Oslo (UiO): FRITT (E-Journals) is based in Norway
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