52 research outputs found

    Acute Cardiovascular Effects of Controlled Exposure to Dilute Petrodiesel and Biodiesel Exhaust in Healthy Volunteers: A Crossover Study

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    Abstract Background Air pollution derived from combustion is associated with considerable cardiorespiratory morbidity and mortality in addition to environmental effects. Replacing petrodiesel with biodiesel may have ecological benefits, but impacts on human health remain unquantified. The objective was to compare acute cardiovascular effects of blended and pure biodiesel exhaust exposure against known adverse effects of petrodiesel exhaust (PDE) exposure in human subjects. In two randomized controlled double-blind crossover studies, healthy volunteers were exposed to PDE or biodiesel exhaust for one hour. In study one, 16 subjects were exposed, on separate occasions, to PDE and 30% rapeseed methyl ester biodiesel blend (RME30) exhaust, aiming at PM10 300 Όg/m3. In study two, 19 male subjects were separately exposed to PDE and exhaust from a 100% RME fuel (RME100) using similar engine load and exhaust dilution. Generated exhaust was analyzed for physicochemical composition and oxidative potential. Following exposure, vascular endothelial function was assessed using forearm venous occlusion plethysmography and ex vivo thrombus formation was assessed using a Badimon chamber model of acute arterial injury. Biomarkers of inflammation, platelet activation and fibrinolysis were measured in the blood. Results In study 1, PDE and RME30 exposures were at comparable PM levels (314 ± 27 Όg/m3; (PM10 ± SD) and 309 ± 30 Όg/m3 respectively), whereas in study 2, the PDE exposure concentrations remained similar (310 ± 34 Όg/m3), but RME100 levels were lower in PM (165 ± 16 Όg/m3) and PAHs, but higher in particle number concentration. Compared to PDE, PM from RME had less oxidative potential. Forearm infusion of the vasodilators acetylcholine, bradykinin, sodium nitroprusside and verapamil resulted in dose-dependent increases in blood flow after all exposures. Vasodilatation and ex vivo thrombus formation were similar following exposure to exhaust from petrodiesel and the two biodiesel formulations (RME30 and RME100). There were no significant differences in blood biomarkers or exhaled nitric oxide levels between exposures. Conclusions Despite differences in PM composition and particle reactivity, controlled exposure to biodiesel exhaust was associated with similar cardiovascular effects to PDE. We suggest that the potential adverse health effects of biodiesel fuel emissions should be taken into account when evaluating future fuel policies. Trial registration ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT01337882 /NCT01883466. Date of first enrollment March 11, 2011, registered April 19, 2011, i.e. retrospectively registered

    Photocatalytic Decomposition of Formic Acid on Mo2C-Containing Catalyst

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    Soluble components in the peripheral blood from experimental exposure of 14 healthy subjects to filtered air and wood smoke. Samples were collected before (pre), at 24 h and 44 h after exposure, to air and wood smoke. Data are given as medians with interquartile range. (DOCX 62 kb

    Discourse and religion in educational practice

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    Despite the existence of long-held binaries between secular and sacred, private and public spaces, school and religious literacies in many contemporary societies, the significance of religion and its relationship to education and society more broadly has become increasingly topical. Yet, it is only recently that the investigation of the nexus of discourse and religion in educational practice has started to receive some scholarly attention. In this chapter, religion is understood as a cultural practice, historically situated and embedded in specific local and global contexts. This view of religion stresses the social alongside the subjective or experiential dimensions. It explores how through active participation and apprenticeship in culturally appropriate practices and behaviors often mediated intergenerationally and the mobilisation of linguistic and other semiotic resources but also affective, social and material resources, membership in religious communities is constructed and affirmed. The chapter reviews research strands that have explored different aspects of discourse and religion in educational practice as a growing interdisciplinary field. Research strands have examined the place and purpose of religion in general and evangelical Christianity in particular in English Language Teaching (ELT) programmes and the interplay of religion and teaching and learning in a wide range of religious and increasingly secular educational contexts. They provide useful insights for scholars of discourse studies to issues of identity, socialisation, pedagogy and language policy

    Effect of wood smoke exposure on vascular function and thrombus formation in healthy fire fighters

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    Background: Myocardial infarction is the leading cause of death in fire fighters and has been linked with exposure to air pollution and fire suppression duties. We therefore investigated the effects of wood smoke exposure on vascular vasomotor and fibrinolytic function, and thrombus formation in healthy fire fighters. Methods: In a double-blind randomized cross-over study, 16 healthy male fire fighters were exposed to wood smoke (~1 mg/m3 particulate matter concentration) or filtered air for one hour during intermittent exercise. Arterial pressure and stiffness were measured before and immediately after exposure, and forearm blood flow was measured during intra-brachial infusion of endothelium-dependent and -independent vasodilators 4–6 hours after exposure. Thrombus formation was assessed using the ex vivo Badimon chamber at 2 hours, and platelet activation was measured using flow cytometry for up to 24 hours after the exposure. Results: Compared to filtered air, exposure to wood smoke increased blood carboxyhaemoglobin concentrations (1.3% versus 0.8%; P &lt; 0.001), but had no effect on arterial pressure, augmentation index or pulse wave velocity (P &gt; 0.05 for all). Whilst there was a dose-dependent increase in forearm blood flow with each vasodilator (P &lt; 0.01 for all), there were no differences in blood flow responses to acetylcholine, sodium nitroprusside or verapamil between exposures (P &gt; 0.05 for all). Following exposure to wood smoke, vasodilatation to bradykinin increased (P = 0.003), but there was no effect on bradykinin-induced tissue-plasminogen activator release, thrombus area or markers of platelet activation (P &gt; 0.05 for all). Conclusions: Wood smoke exposure does not impair vascular vasomotor or fibrinolytic function, or increase thrombus formation in fire fighters. Acute cardiovascular events following fire suppression may be precipitated by exposure to other air pollutants or through other mechanisms, such as strenuous physical exertion and dehydration.Originally included in thesis in manuscript form.</p

    The influence of combustion conditions on flue gas particle composition in a modified pellets   stove

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    I tvÄ översiktsartiklar har ledande europeiska och amerikanska forskare slagit fast att partiklar i emissioner frÄn vedeldning och utslÀpp vid smÄskalig biobrÀnsleeldning generellt sett mÄste anses som skadligt för hÀlsan vid exponering, Àven i de lÄga halter som normalt förekommer i utomhusluften. Vad som dock saknas Àr kunskap kring hur denna "farlighet" förÀndras, och kan pÄverkas, dÄ modern teknik anvÀnds samt hur olika biobrÀnslen förhÄller sig i detta sammanhang. Med avseende pÄ detta sÄ genomfördes detta examensarbete i syfte att faststÀlla hur olika förbrÀnningsförhÄllanden i en modifierad pelletskamin inverkar pÄ rökgaspartiklarnas sammansÀttning m a p organiskt och elementÀrt kol. Vidare undersöktes om det Àr möjligt att stabilt generera en "sotande" förbrÀnning under lÀngre perioder för framtida toxikologiska studier av rökgaser frÄn biomassa. Resultaten visar pÄ att det Àr möjligt att med hjÀlp av de parametrar som funnits att variera, stabilt kunna generera olika sorters förbrÀnningstyper i den nu anvÀnda och modifierade pelletskaminen dÀr sÄvÀl totalhalten partiklar som fördelningen av organiskt och elementÀrt kol i partiklarna varierade. Detta Àr lovande och visar pÄ att det pÄ ett kontrollerat vis gÄr att skapa emissioner under ofullstÀndiga förbrÀnningsförhÄllanden dÀr partiklarna har olika karakteristik. För att genomföra mer ingÄende studier rekommenderas dock att vissa förbÀttringar och utveckling av tekniken genomförs, för ökad kontroll och flexibilitet. Detta kan antingen ske med en ombyggd (enligt de förslag som ges i felkÀllor) pelletskamin (t ex Pitekaminen), alternativt en helt ny egendesignad reaktor/kamin. Detta för att kunna verifiera de resultat som fÄtts innan nÄgon omfattande studie kring partikelegenskaper grundas pÄ de resultat som nÄtts i detta arbete. En aspekt Àr att det i befintliga system (kaminer m m) Àr svÄrt att elda pellets "kallt", och generera pyrolysprodukter, eftersom pellet Àr ett torrt brÀnsle och det matas in pÄ en het/glödande brÀnslebÀdd. För att komma runt detta, men fortfarande nyttja fördelarna med kontinuerligt matad pellets, behövs troligen en helt annan design av förbrÀnningsutrymmet dÀr en "primÀr-zon" pyrolyserar brÀnslet innan koksförbrÀnningen sker vid högre temperatur.In two review articles leading European and American researchers have stated that particles in emissions from residential wood combustion and emissions from small-scale biomass burning in general must be regarded as harmful to health during exposure, even in the low concentrations normally found in outdoor air. However, what is missing is knowledge about how this toxicity changes and may be affected when modern combustion technology is used and how different biomass fuels relate in this context. Because of this, the objective with this work was to determine the influence of combustion conditions in a modified pellet stove on the composition of particulate matter in the emissions with respect to the distribution of organic and elemental carbon. A further purpose was to investigate whether it is possible to generate a stable "sooty" burning state for longer periods of time to be used in future toxicological studies of biomass emission particles. The results showed that it is possible, by adjusting the parameters that was available, to generate stable conditions of different types of combustion in the currently used and modified pellet stove. Both the total mass concentration of particles and the distribution of organic and elemental carbon in the particulate matter varied. This is promising and shows that it is possible to create, in a controlled manner, incomplete combustion conditions where the particles have different characteristics and properties. In order to conduct more detailed studies, however, it is recommended that certain improvements and development of technology is implemented, to enable better control and flexibility. This can be done either with a rebuilt pellet stove or a completely new self-designed reactor. This should be applied to verify the results obtained before any comprehensive study on particle properties based on the results achieved in this work is performed

    Design and evaluation of an experimental setup for human exposure studies of emissions   from biomass combustion.

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    Ledande europeiska och amerikanska forskare har slagit fast att partiklar i emissioner frÄn vedeldning ("vedrök") och utslÀpp vid smÄskalig biobrÀnsleeldning generellt sett mÄste anses som skadligt för hÀlsan vid exponering, Àven i de lÄga halter som normalt förekommer i utomhusluften. Vad som dock saknas Àr kunskap kring hur denna "farlighet" förÀndras, och kan pÄverkas, dÄ modern teknik anvÀnds samt hur olika biobrÀnslen förhÄller sig i detta sammanhang. SkÀlet till att det Àr sÄ viktigt med forskning inom omrÄdet Àr eftersom det Àr beslutat i Europeiska Unionen att 2020 skall 20% av medlemsnationernas energibehov komma frÄn förnyelsebara brÀnslen. Redan nu Àr det kÀnt att stora delar av PM2,5 kommer frÄn biomassaförbrÀnning, frÀmst smÄskalig sÄdan, och dÀrav behövs forskning om vilka tekniker som har minst negativa effekter sÄ att rÀtt teknik vÀljs nÀr EU mÄlet uppnÄs. Ett bra sÀtt att undersöka dessa frÄgestÀllningar Àr genom s.k. humanexponeringar dÀr mÀnniskor pÄ ett kontrollerat vis exponeras för olika typer luftburna föroreningar, t ex vedrök och dieselavgaser. Syftet med detta examensarbete var dÀrför att konstruera, utvÀrdera och undersöka olika delar och frÄgestÀllningar kopplat till ett sÄdant humanexponeringssystem vid ETPC, UmeÄ universitet. Under de tester som genomfördes i slutet av arbetet sÄ visade det sig att systemet fungerar som det ska och att det gÄr med lite erfarenhet av systemet att genomföra repeterbara försök i laborationsuppstÀllningen i sin helhet. De problem som stöttes pÄ var bland annat utspÀdningen av rökgaserna men till slut sÄ hittades SEC100 som klarade de krav som stÀlls och med regelbundet underhÄll sÄ finns det inget som talar för att det kommer uppstÄ nÄgra problem med framtida exponeringar nÀr denna anvÀnds under samma förhÄllanden som under detta arbete. Ett annat problem var Omblandningen i kammaren som inte Àr perfekt, det var en viss skillnad i koncentration i de olika hörnen av kammaren, men utifrÄn de förutsÀttningar som fanns uppfylls de krav som stÀllts och systemet i sin helhet har under upprepade exponeringar visat sin duglighet.Leading European and U.S. researchers have concluded that fine particles in emissions from burning wood ("wood smoke") and emissions from small-scale biomass burning in general must be regarded as harmful to health, even in the low concentrations normally found in outdoor air. However, what is lacking is knowledge about how this health risk is changing, and may be affected, when modern technology is used and how different biofuels relate in this context. The reason it is so important to do research in the area is because it is decided in the European Union that in 2020, 20% of the member nations energy needs will come from renewable fuels. It is already known that large parts of PM2,5 derives from biomass combustion (mainly small scale) and hence the need for research on what technologies that have the least negative effects so that the correct technology is chosen on the way to the goal. An important method to explore these issues is through controlled human exposures where different kinds of air pollution components can be used, e g wood smoke and diesel exhaust. The objective with this master thesis was therefore to construct, evaluate and elucidate different component is such an exposure set-up at ETPC, UmeÄ university.es. The control system has been tested and evaluated over several exposures and have fulfilled all the requirements set at the beginning of the work. During the tests conducted at the end of the work it turned out that the system is working properly and that it is possible with a little experience of the system to conduct repeatable experiments in the setup in its entirety. One of the problems encountered was the dilution of flue gases but when the ejector SEC100 was found it passed the requirements and with regular maintenance, there are no indications that there will be any problems with future exposures when used under the same conditions as during this work. Mixing in the chamber is not perfect but on the conditions that existed it met the requirements set and the system as a whole has during repeated exposures shown that it also fulfills all the requirements set at the beginning

    Social Responsibility : A comparative case study of Social Responsibility, its meaning and significance for the employee

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    Bakgrund I dagens samhĂ€lle Ă€r CSR, samhĂ€lleligt ansvarstagande, en viktig frĂ„ga för företag. De studier som undersökt medarbetare i företag som arbetar med CSR har visat pĂ„ ett positivt samband mellan detta arbete och medarbetarnas motivation. DĂ€remot har fĂ„ kvalitativa studier fokuserat pĂ„ medarbetaren och ingen studie har tidigare anvĂ€nt meningsskapande som perspektiv för att skapa förstĂ„else om detta fenomen. Syfte Syftet med denna studie Ă€r att med en komparativ utgĂ„ngspunkt belysa vilken mening medarbetare skapat i deras arbetsgivares samhĂ€lleliga ansvarstagande för att skapa förstĂ„else för betydelsen av arbetsgivares förhĂ„llningssĂ€tt till samhĂ€lleligt ansvarstagande för medarbetares sjĂ€lvbild, motivation och organisatoriska engagemang. Metod Studien har antagit en komparativ fallstudiedesign. En kvalitativ metod och en iterativ ansats med deduktiva inslag har anvĂ€nts. Det empiriska materialet har samlats in genom tre semistrukturerade intervjuer med medarbetare pĂ„ respektive fallföretag. Slutsatser Medarbetare ser att arbetsgivarens samhĂ€lleliga ansvarstagande finns till för att tillgodose medarbetarnas behov av att vara en del av nĂ„got som gör gott för andra intressenter. Medarbetares motivation och organisatoriska engagemang kan hĂ€rledas ur deras arbetsgivares samhĂ€lleliga ansvarstagande sĂ„vida medarbetarna sjĂ€lva tycker att den typen av arbete Ă€r viktigt. Detta förklaras av att individens sjĂ€lvbild och arbetsgivarens organisatoriska identitet och bĂ„da parters underliggande vĂ€rderingar överensstĂ€mmer.Background In our society, the question of social responsibility is of importance for most companies and it has long been a subject for scholars. Studies of employees in social responsible companies indicate a positive correlation between CSR activities and motivation. However, only a few have focused on the employee and none of the previous studies have used sensemaking as a theoretical perspective to deepen our knowledge and understanding of employees’ behavior within a socially responsible company. Aim The aim of this study is to illustrate, with a comparative approach, what meaning employees have given to their employer’s social responsibility to provide an understanding of the significance of employers’ various approaches to social responsibility for the social identity, organizational engagement and motivation of employees. Methodology The research design is a comparative case study. A qualitative methodology was used with an iterative approach, although the initial approach was deductive. The empirical data was gathered through three semi-structured interviews with employees on each company. Conclusions Employees consider that the purpose of their employer’s social responsibility is to fulfill their need to belong to a company that does good for other stakeholders. Employees’ motivation and organizational commitment may be derived from their employer’s social responsibility if the employees themselves consider these activities important. This is explained by congruence between the individual’s social identity, the employer’s organizational identity and the underlying values of these identities

    Particulate hydroxy-PAH emissions from a residential wood log stove using different fuels and burning conditions

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    Hydroxylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are oxidation products of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, but have not been studied as extensively as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Several studies have however shown that hydroxylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons have toxic and carcinogenic properties. They have been detected in air samples in semi urban areas and combustion is assumed to be the primary source of those compounds. To better understand the formation and occurrence of particulate hydroxylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from residential wood log stove combustion, 9 hydroxylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and 2 hydroxy biphenyls were quantified in particles generated from four different types of wood logs (birch, spruce, pine, aspen) and two different combustion conditions (nominal and high burn rate). A previously developed method utilizing liquid chromatography photo ionization tandem mass spectrometry and pressurized liquid extraction was used. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons were analyzed along with hydroxylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. The hydroxylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon emissions varied significantly across different wood types and burning conditions; the highest emissions for nominal burn rate were from spruce and for high burn rate from pine burning. Emissions from nominal burn rate corresponded on average to 15% of the emissions from high burn rate, with average emissions of 218 mu g/MJ(fuel) and 32.5 mu g/MJ(fuel) for high burn rate and nominal burn rate, respectively. Emissions of the measured hydroxylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons corresponded on average to 28% of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons emissions. This study shows that wood combustion is a large emission source of hydroxylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and that not only combustion conditions, but also wood type influences the emissions of hydroxylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. There are few studies that have determined hydroxylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in emissions from wood combustion, and it is therefore necessary to further investigate the formation, occurrence and distribution of these compounds as they are present in significant amounts in wood smoke particles.Bio4Energ
