19 research outputs found

    Impact of Nano- and Micro-Sized Chromium(III) Particles on Cytotoxicity and Gene Expression Profiles Related to Genomic Stability in Human Keratinocytes and Alveolar Epithelial Cells

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    Exposure to Cr(VI) compounds has been consistently associated with genotoxicity and carcinogenicity, whereas Cr(III) is far less toxic, due to its poor cellular uptake. However, contradictory results have been published in relation to particulate Cr2_2O_3.TheaimofthepresentstudywastoinvestigatewhetherCr(III)particlesexertedpropertiescomparabletowatersolubleCr(III)ortoCr(VI),includingtwonano−sizedandonemicro−sizedparticles.ThemorphologyandsizedistributionweredeterminedbyTEM,whiletheoxidationstatewasanalyzedbyXPS.ChromiumreleasewasquantifiedviaAAS,andcolorimetricallydifferentiatedbetweenCr(VI)andCr(III).Furthermore,thetoxicologicalfingerprintsoftheCr. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether Cr(III) particles exerted properties comparable to water soluble Cr(III) or to Cr(VI), including two nano-sized and one micro-sized particles. The morphology and size distribution were determined by TEM, while the oxidation state was analyzed by XPS. Chromium release was quantified via AAS, and colorimetrically differentiated between Cr(VI) and Cr(III). Furthermore, the toxicological fingerprints of the Cr_2O3O_3 particles were established using high-throughput RT-qPCR and then compared to water-soluble Cr(VI) and Cr(III) in A549 and HaCaT cells. Regarding the Cr2_2O_3$ particles, two out of three exerted only minor or no toxicity, and the gene expression profiles were comparable to Cr(III). However, one particle under investigation released considerable amounts of Cr(VI), and also resembled the toxicity profiles of Cr(VI); this was also evident in the altered gene expression related to DNA damage signaling, oxidative stress response, inflammation, and cell death pathways. Even though the highest toxicity was found in the case of the smallest particle, size did not appear to be the decisive parameter, but rather the purity of the Cr(III) particles with respect to Cr(VI) content

    A 23-Year-Old Female with a Mixed Germ Cell Tumor of the Pituitary Infundibulum: The Challenge of Differentiating Neoplasm from Lymphocytic Infundibuloneurohypophysitis—A Case Report and Literature Review

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    The pathologic spectrum of diseases that infiltrate the pituitary infundibulum includes a broad variety of clinical entities. There are significant differences in the prevalence of these etiologies depending on the age of presentation. Lymphocytic infundibuloneurohypophysitis (LINH) predominates over other causes of infundibular disease in adults over age 21. Differentiating LINH from other causes of infundibular disease can be difficult because the various etiologies often have similar clinical presentations and radiologic imaging characteristics. We report the first case in an adult of a mixed germ cell tumor comprised of germinoma and embryonal cell carcinoma infiltrating the pituitary infundibulum. In our case, a 23-year-old female was initially misdiagnosed as having LINH. She presented with panhypopituitarism and diabetes insipidus, which is the most common initial presentation in both entities. The two diagnoses are difficult to distinguish based on MRI imaging, CSF findings, and histopathological examination. Our case demonstrates the need for close follow-up of patients with isolated lesions of the pituitary infundibulum and reinforces the need for biopsy of an infundibular lesion when progression of disease is demonstrated. In our case, biopsy with comprehensive immunohistochemical staining was the sole means of making a definitive diagnosis

    Simplified Criteria to Assess Long-Term Antiviral Treatment Indication in Chronic HBV-Infected Pregnant Women in Cambodia

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    Pregnant women identified to carry hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) should be linked to care for the determination of the need for long-term antiviral therapy (LTT). We assessed the performance of simplified criteria, free from HBV DNA quantification, to select women eligible for LTT using different international guidelines as a reference. A retrospective analysis of HBV-infected pregnant women enrolled in the phase 4 ANRS TA-PROHM study was conducted in Cambodia. Sensitivity, specificity, and AUROC were computed to compare three simplified criteria (TREAT-B, HBcrAg/ALT, and TA-PROHM) with the American (AASLD) and European (EASL) guidelines as a reference. An additional assessment was performed at 6 months postpartum. Of 651 HBsAg-positive women, 209 (32%) received peripartum antiviral prophylaxis using tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF). During pregnancy, 9% and 12% of women were eligible for LTT according to AASLD and EASL guidelines, respectively; 21% and 24% of women were eligible for prophylactic TDF and 2% and 5% in those ineligible (p < 0.001). Using the AASLD guidelines, the AUROC of TREAT-B, HBcrAg/ALT, and TA-PROHM scores were 0.88 (95%CI, 0.85–0.90), 0.90 (95%CI, 0.87–0.92), and 0.76 (95%CI, 0.73–0.80), respectively. Using the EASL guidelines, the AUROCs were lower: 0.73 (95%CI, 0.69–0.76), 0.76 (95%CI, 0.73–0.80), and 0.71 (95%CI, 0.67–0.74), respectively. Among those ineligible for prophylactic TDF, only 2% to 6% present an indication for LTT at 24 weeks postpartum. Few pregnant women are eligible for LTT, and the use of simplified criteria could represent an efficient triage option in decentralized areas to identify those negative for whom there is no urgent indication for LTT and focus on those positive for whom other exams must be conducted to confirm LTT indication


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    Engagé dans un mouvement vertigineux, notre xxie siècle brouille les repères. En intégrant du non-vivant au vivant et du vivant au non-vivant, les nouvelles techniques bouleversent les frontières de l’anthropologie. Les conceptions que l’« humain pensant » a de lui-même, de son schéma corporel comme de son identité, en sont renversées. Ce quatrième tome de la série L’Homme-trace prend donc le « corps », le corps-trace plus précisément, comme objet d’études. Il s’agit pour les chercheurs réunis ici d’examiner les processus traçuels à l’œuvre en reprenant et questionnant la thèse, développée par Béatrice Galinon- Mélénec, d’une interaction étroite et rétroactive entre le corps et un système écologique multifactoriel marquée par l’histoire de l’Évolution. Le corps ainsi considéré s’inscrit dans une dynamique systémique liant un corps-interprété et un corps-interprétant au sein d’un complexe où des corps en co-présence sont animés par des interactions permanentes : à l’intérieur du corps, du dedans au dehors et du dehors au dedans. Avec cette nouvelle approche, toute la relation soignant-soigné, par exemple, prend une nouvelle dimension. La série L’Homme-trace montre comment la trace peut servir de paradigme interprétatif au sein de différentes disciplines et combien cette approche impose une déconstruction des processus à l’œuvre dans l’interprétation humaine de la notion de trace

    Inflammation and Nutritional Science for Programs/Policies and Interpretation of Research Evidence (INSPIRE).

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    An increasing recognition has emerged of the complexities of the global health agenda-specifically, the collision of infections and noncommunicable diseases and the dual burden of over- and undernutrition. Of particular practical concern are both 1) the need for a better understanding of the bidirectional relations between nutritional status and the development and function of the immune and inflammatory response and 2) the specific impact of the inflammatory response on the selection, use, and interpretation of nutrient biomarkers. The goal of the Inflammation and Nutritional Science for Programs/Policies and Interpretation of Research Evidence (INSPIRE) is to provide guidance for those users represented by the global food and nutrition enterprise. These include researchers (bench and clinical), clinicians providing care/treatment, those developing and evaluating programs/interventions at scale, and those responsible for generating evidence-based policy. The INSPIRE process included convening 5 thematic working groups (WGs) charged with developing summary reports around the following issues: 1) basic overview of the interactions between nutrition, immune function, and the inflammatory response; 2) examination of the evidence regarding the impact of nutrition on immune function and inflammation; 3) evaluation of the impact of inflammation and clinical conditions (acute and chronic) on nutrition; 4) examination of existing and potential new approaches to account for the impact of inflammation on biomarker interpretation and use; and 5) the presentation of new approaches to the study of these relations. Each WG was tasked with synthesizing a summary of the evidence for each of these topics and delineating the remaining gaps in our knowledge. This review consists of a summary of the INSPIRE workshop and the WG deliberation