4,377 research outputs found

    Nighttime Lover

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    Navigation and attitude reference for autonomous satellite launch and orbital operations

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    The navigation and attitude reference performance of a strapdown system are investigated for applications to autonomous satellite launch and orbital operations. It is assumed that satellite payloads are integrated into existing missile systems and that the boost, orbit insertion, and in-orbit operation of the satellite are performed autonomously without relying on external support facilities. Autonomous and long term accurate navigation and attitude reference are provided by a strapdown inertial navigation system aided by a star sensor and earth landmark sensor. Sensor measurement geometry and navigation and attitude update mechanizations are discussed. Performance analysis data are presented for following functional elements: (1) prelaunch alignment; (2) boost navigation and attitude reference; (3) post boost stellar attitude and navigation updates; (4) orbital navigation update using sensor landmark measurements; and (5) in-orbit stellar attitude update and gyro calibration. The system performances are shown to satisfy the requirements of a large class of satellite payload applications

    Master of Arts

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    thesisTeaching assistantships were originally based on an apprenticeship model, where teaching assistants (TAs) would work with a professor by performing tasks such as grading papers, leading discussion groups, or preparing class. However, in the field of second language education, more and more novice and inexperienced TA find themselves teaching and managing an entire course themselves due to increased demand of second language (L2) teachers at U.S. universities. This study reports on the results of teachers beliefs and practices of two distinct populations of L2 TAs: those who self-identify as TAs and plan on making language teaching part of their future career, and TAs who do not plan on teaching language as part of their future career. Previous research has shown that teaching beliefs have a significant impact on how teachers teach. Given the self-identification of students into groups, it is hypothesized that there will be differences between the teaching beliefs and practices between these two groups. Little research has looked specifically at these two populations. This study looked at the teaching beliefs and practices of these two populations through the use of a survey. A 4-point Likert scale survey with matched teaching belief and teacher practice statements was used to compare the self-reported beliefs and practices of the study populations. Classroom observations were conducted on two of the TAs. Following this, any observed inconsistencies between survey data and actual observation were addressed in an interview. iv Results of this study showed that there was no significant difference between the self-reported beliefs and practices of the two groups. However, the career group had higher rates of correlation than the noncareer group, indicating that the career group was developing and growing, while the noncareer group may not be. Classroom observations and interviews revealed that there were many inconsistencies between the self-reported beliefs and practices of TAs, and actual classroom practices, indicating that while the career group is questioning their teaching beliefs and practices more than the noncareer group, both groups are still novice teachers

    Developing Students Speaking Competence Through Information Gap Technique (An Action Research Conducted at Class XI of Tourism Study Program of SMK Negeri 1 Gorontalo)

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    Berdasarkan observasi di kelas XI Program Keahlian Usaha Perjalanan Wisata SMK Negeri I Gorontalo, Nampak bahwa para siswa memiliki masalah dalam menyelesaikan tugas speaking yang diberikan oleh guru. Para siswa biasanya takut dan malu dalam melakukan tugas tersebut. Berdasarkan pengalaman dan realitas dalam pembelajaran di kelas, menunjukkan bahwa hanya terdapat 33,3% dari 36 siswa yang mampu melakukan tugas speaking yang diberikan guru dengan baik. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa kompetensi siswa dalam speaking, harus segera ditingkatkan. Aspek-aspek yang dinilai dalam speaking adalah; pronunciation grammar, word choice, fluency dan communicative ability. Strategi yang biasa digunakan dalam pengajaran speaking masih konvensional dan kadang-kadang tidak relevan dengan materi. Para siswa hanya menghapal dialog yang ada dalam buku paket dan mendemonstrasikannya di depan kelas. Solusi dari persoalan ini, peneliti menggunakan Information Gap Technique dalam pembelajaran speaking, untuk membantu meningkatkan kompetensi siswa kelas XI Program Keahlian Usaha Perjalanan Wisata dalam speaking. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pada siklus pertama, terdapat 25 siswa (69,44%) belum berhasil dalam pembelajaran dan 11 siswa lainnya (30,56%) berhasil. Pada siklus kedua, terdapat 36 siswa (97,22%) yang berhasil. Berdasarkan temuan di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa Information Gap Technique dapat meningkatkan kompetensi speaking siswa kelas XI Program Keahlian Usaha Perjalanan Wisata SMK Negeri I Gorontalo

    Analysing Authenticity: Explaining What it is to be True to Yourself and Why this is Good

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    My project is a conceptual analysis of authenticity that seeks to achieve reflective equilibrium with our considered judgments about authenticity. Given that we ordinarily take authenticity to mean “being true to oneself” and to generally be a good thing, I develop a philosophical conception of authenticity that can adequately account for the following questions: “What is it that we are being true to?”, “What does being true to oneself entail?” and “What is good about being authentic?” I take particular interest in Aristotelianism virtue Eudaimonism and how it can help in providing a tenable understanding of what authenticity is. In answering the first question, I seek to develop a modified account of Alasdair's MacIntyre's (1981) narrative unity of the self, which I term the Extrapolated Narrative Unity of Self [ENUS], as a tenable understanding of the self which we are being true to when being authentic. The ENUS, in short, is a configured narrative unity of self that combines an individual's actual past and present with their projected future self where the projected future self is a function of their telos. Thereafter, I will take being true to ones ENUS to be laden in the effort and wholesome commitment required for one to put into configuring, expressing, maintaining and reasserting the self. Finally, I argue that we ordinarily understand authenticity to be good because we generally take it to require and reinforce a virtuous life for the individual who is authentic. In addition, I argue that we generally understand authenticity to be good because of its inextricable link to a characteristically Eudaimonic life

    The role of tourism promoting community participation in the development of Jiwaka Province in Papua New Guinea

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    This master’s thesis explored whether or not tourism can facilitate community development in the Jiwaka Province in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea (PNG). The people of Jiwaka Province, a newly created province, could benefit from tourism if a national tourism policy is implemented at the provincial level. The literature review examined the role of tourism development in less developed countries, indigenous tourism development, tourism policy, indigenous tourism, tourism advocacy and community development. Action research was used to identify the role of tourism in development of the new province to identify the role, if any, that community participation can have in tourism development. It identified the extent of tourism demand for the Jiwaka Province, some obstacles to tourism development in the province, and how people and smaller communities can become involved in tourism development in Jiwaka Province. The research process led to tourism advocacy, where the researcher helped to educate local people in awareness of the potential they possess and the opportunities available for their community to participate in and to promote development through tourism. The qualitative techniques adopted as part of action research to collect data were interviews and participatory observation. Individual and focus group interviews were used, involving 271 participants, including tourism policy officials in Port Moresby, political leaders of Jiwaka Province, Local leaders and community representatives. The results indicate that the top down approach of the current tourism policy is not effective for tourism development and does not facilitate community participation at the grass roots level. Most local people in Jiwaka Province are very ignorant of the potential and benefits of tourism. There is potential for tourism development, but there are obstacles at all levels of government. Currently, development for all sectors of Jiwaka Province is at an embryonic stage. Therefore, growth in tourism and the Jiwaka community can become a reality over time alongside infrastructural development and other economic advancements. The key issues preventing community participation in tourism are corruption in the government, limited government funding, security and law and order problems, and issues related to tourism marketing and policy implementation at the national, provincial and district levels. Other issues involve funding from the office of the governor in Jiwaka, delays in establishing the provincial government apparatus in the province due to inefficient government human resource processes in Port Moresby, no tourism office space in the province, infrastructural development, and ignorance of tourism. The thesis concluded that community tourism development is the only way for tourism development in Jiwaka because of customary land ownership; a bottom-up approach will deliver more benefits to the community than the current top down approach; a government policy/funding vacuum to support community development leading the communities to turn to corporate and NGO support is deeded, as is the need for tourism advocacy. Recommendations are made to the Jiwaka Provincial Government to prioritise tourism, as a key development agent for communities in Jiwaka Province, using a bottom-up approach, which empowers local people and encourages community participation

    Fault detection in asynchronous sequential circuits

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    As the asynchronous sequential circuit has become more and more important to digital systems in recent years high reliability and simple maintenance of the circuit is stressed. This paper presents a fault-detection algorithm which will be applicable to most of the practical asynchronous sequential circuits. The asynchronous sequential circuit is treated from the combinatoric point of view. First the minimal set of states, both stable states and unstable states, sufficient to detect all possible faults of the circuit is found from the fault table. Then a test sequence is generated to go through these states. It is assumed that testing outputs can be added. Simple and systematic techniques are also presented for the construction of fault table and the generation of test sequence. The usefulness of this algorithm increases as the density of the stable states associated with the circuit increases --Abstract, page ii


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    Abstract. During the Covid-19 pandemic, almost all activities, including the development of Indonesian martial art culture, Pencak Silat, were conducted virtually. The National Coordinator of the Tunggal Hati Seminari-Tunggal Hati Maria Pencak Silat Organization (THS-THM) was supported by lecturers from Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia, Jakarta, as well as IT practitioners from Amreci Teknologi Indonesia, to organize the National Pencak Silat Championship (Kejurnas) virtually using multimedia audiovisual implementation throughout its events. One of the challenges faced during the implementation of multimedia audiovisual was the uneven knowledge of the martial artists regarding multimedia, such as content creation, filming and editing techniques, the use of IT applications and teleconferencing, as well as issues with stable internet services for virtual communication in all regions. Therefore, the implementation of multimedia audiovisual in the Pencak Silat Championship required initial knowledge transfer through training in multimedia content creation, IT training, and the development of virtual communication guidelines, held online from January 2nd, 2021, to March 1st, 2021. With this training and guideline creation, the Kejurnas successfully provided an opportunity for the martial artists to achieve national recognition and improved the competence of the participants in multimedia content creation and mastery of telecommunications and information technology. Abstrak. Di masa pandemi Covid-19 hampir semua bidang kegiatan digelar secara virtual, termasuk kegiatan pengembangan budaya pencak silat Indonesia seperti Kejuaraan Nasional (Kejurnas) Pencak Silat. Koordinatorat Nasional (Koornas) Organisasi Pencak Silat Pendidikan Tunggal Hati Seminari-Tunggal Hati Maria (THS-THM) didukung oleh para dosen dari Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya Jakarta serta praktisi IT Amreci Teknologi Indonesia menggelar Kejurnas pencak silat seni secara virtual dengan menerapkan implementasi multimedia audio visual pada seluruh rangkaian kegiatannya. Permasalahan yang dihadapi dalam penerapan multimedia audio visual adalah tidak meratanya pengetahuan para pesilat terkait multimedia, seperti pembuatan konten, teknik pengambilan gambar dan editing, penggunaan aplikasi IT dan teleconference serta masalah layanan internet untuk komunikasi virtual tidak selalu stabil di semua daerah. Sehingga pelaksanaan penerapan multimedia audio visual pada Kejurnas Pencak Silat ini perlu dimulai dengan transfer pengetahuan terlebih dahulu melalui pelatihan pembuatan konten multimedia, pelatihan bidang IT, dan penyusunan panduan komunikasi virtual pada tanggal 02 Januari 2021 hingga 01 Maret 2021 secara daring. Dengan pelatihan dan pembuatan panduan ini, pelaksanaan Kejurnas berhasil memberikan kesempatan kepada para pesilat untuk tetap mengukir prestasi di tingkat nasional, juga meningkatkan kompetensi para pesilat dalam hal pembuatan konten multimedia dan penguasaan teknologi telekomunikasi dan informatika.