16,313 research outputs found

    Super Yang-Mills theory from nonlinear supersymmetry

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    The relation between a nonlinear supersymmetic (NLSUSY) theory and a SUSY Yang-Mills (SYM) theory is studied for N = 3 SUSY in two-dimensional space-time. We explicitly show the NL/L SUSY relation for the (pure) SYM theory by means of cancellations among Nambu-Goldstone fermion self-interaction terms.Comment: 9 page

    On Wess-Zumino gauge

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    In the relation between the linear (L) supersymmetry (SUSY) representation and the nonlinear (NL) SUSY representation we discuss the role of the Wess-Zumino gauge. We show in two dimensional spacetime that a spontaneously broken LSUSY theory with mass and Yukawa interaction terms for a minimal off-shell vector supermultiplet is obtained from a general superfield without imposing any special gauge conditions in N = 2 NL/L SUSY relation.Comment: 9 page

    On Origin of Mass and Supersymmetry

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    We show that the nonlinear supersymmetric general relativity gives new insights into the origin of mass and elucidates the mysterious relations between the cosmology and the (low energy) particle physics.Comment: 7 page

    On SUSY breaking from NL/L SUSY relation

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    We show in two dimensional space-time (d = 2) the relation between a N = 2 nonlinear supersymmetric (NLSUSY) model and a N = 2 linear (L) SUSY Yang-Mills (SYM) theory with matter (N = 2 LSUSY QCD theory). We give a new interpretation of four Nambu-Goldstone fermion (superon) contact terms, which emerge from a N = 2 general SUSY QCD (composite) action, as mass terms for LSUSY supermultiplets and discuss the possible SUSY breaking mechanism in NL/L SUSY relation for SUSY gauge theories in d = 2.Comment: 11 page

    On vacuum structures of N = 2 LSUSY QED equivalent to N = 2 NLSUSY model

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    The vacuum structure of N = 2 linear supersymmetry (LSUSY) invariant QED, which is equivalent to N = 2 nonlinear supersymmetry (NLSUSY) model, is studied explicitly in two dimensional space-time (d = 2). Two different isometries SO(1,3) and SO(3,1) appear for the vacuum field configuration corresponding to the various parameter regions. Two different field configurations of SO(3,1) isometry describe the two different physical vacua, i.e. one breaks spontaneously both U(1) and SUSY and the other breaks spontaneously SUSY alone.Comment: 10 pages, correct form of the potential given as a footnot

    Linearizing N = 3 nonlinear supersymmetry in two dimensions

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    We investigate for N = 3 supersymmetry (SUSY) in D = 2 the algebraic relation between the Volkov-Akulov (VA) model of nonlinear (NL) SUSY and a (renormalizable) SO(3) vector supermultiplet of linear (L) SUSY. We derive SUSY and SO(3) invariant relations between component fields of the vector supermultiplet and Nambu-Goldstone (NG) fermions of the VA model at leading orders by using three arbitrary dimensionless parameters which can be recasted as the vacuum expectation values of auxiliary fields in the vector supermultiplet. Two different irreducible representations of SO(3) super-Poincar\'e symmetry which appear in the same massless state are compatible with each other in the linearization of NL SUSY. The equivalence of a NL SUSY VA action to a free L SUSY action containing the Fayet-Iliopoulos (FI) D term which indicates a spontaneously SUSY breaking is also discussed explicitly according to the SUSY invariant relations.Comment: 7 pages, Late

    Analytic expression for pull-or-jerk experiment

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    This work focuses on a theoretical analysis of a well-known inertia demonstration, which uses a weight suspended by a string with an extra string that hangs below the weight. The point in question is which string, the upper or lower, will break when pulling down on the bottom edge of the lower string at a constant pulling speed. An analytic solution for the equation of motion allows us to identify the critical value of the pulling speed, beyond which the string breaking varies from one to the other. The analysis also provides us a phase diagram that illustrates the interplay between the pulling speed and the string's elasticity in the pull-or-jerk experiment.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures; To appear in Eur. J. Phys. (2014

    On Linearization of N=1 Nonlinear Supersymmetry

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    The N=1 Volkov-Akulov model of nonlinear supersymmetry is explicitly related to a vector supermultiplet model with a Fayet-Iliopoulos D term of linear supersymmetry. The physical significance of the results is discussed briefly.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX, references added and minor correction

    Nonlinear Supersymmetric General Relativity and Unity of Nature

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    Nonlinear supersymmetric(NLSUSY) general relativity(GR) is considered and a new fundamental action of the vacuum Einstein-Hilbert(EH)-type is obtained by the Einstein gravity analogue geomtrical arguments on new spacetime inspired by NLSUSY. The new action of NLSUSY GR is unstable and breaks spontaneously to EH action with matter(or New spacetime is unstable and induces spontaneously the phase transition to Riemann spacetime with matter), which may be the real shape of the big bang of the universe and give naturally the unified description of spacetime and matter. Some implications for the low energy particle physics and the cosmology are discussed.Comment: Based on the talk given at International Conference on Quantum Theory and Symmetry, September 9-14, Cincinnati University, Ohio, US