7 research outputs found

    Specific adsorption sites and conditions derived by thermal decomposition of activated carbons and adsorbed carbamazepine

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    The adsorption of organic micropollutants onto activated carbon is a favourable solution for the treatment of drinking water and wastewater. However, these adsorption processes are not sufficiently understood to allow for the appropriate prediction of removal processes. In this study, thermogravimetric analysis, alongside evolved gas analysis, is proposed for the characterisation of micropollutants adsorbed on activated carbon. Varying amounts of carbamazepine were adsorbed onto three different activated carbons, which were subsequently dried, and their thermal decomposition mechanisms examined. The discovery of 55 different pyrolysis products allowed differentiations to be made between specific adsorption sites and conditions. However, the same adsorption mechanisms were found for all samples, which were enhanced by inorganic constituents and oxygen containing surface groups. Furthermore, increasing the loadings led to the evolution of more hydrated decomposition products, whilst parts of the carbamazepine molecules were also integrated into the carbon structure. It was also found that the chemical composition, especially the degree of dehydration of the activated carbon, plays an important role in the adsorption of carbamazepine. Hence, it is thought that the adsorption sites may have a higher adsorption energy for specific adsorbates, when the activated carbon can then potentially increase its degree of graphitisation.DFG, 414044773, Open Access Publizieren 2019 - 2020 / Technische Universität Berli

    Microplastic in the water cycle : sampling, sample preparation, analyses, occurrence and assessment

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    Gedruckt erschienen im Universitätsverlag der TU Berlin, ISBN 978-3-7983-3162-4Das interdisziplinäre Forschungsprojekt MiWa widmete sich grundlegenden Fragestellungen zur Analytik und Wirkung von Mikroplastik-Partikeln im Wasserkreislauf. Es wurden Methoden der Umweltprobennahme, der Probenaufbereitung und verschiedene Detektionsverfahren zur Charakterisierung und Quantifizierung von Mikroplastik intensiv untersucht, miteinander verglichen und weiterentwickelt. Öko- und humantoxikologische Untersuchungen dienten dem Zweck, die potenziell von Mikroplastik ausgehende Gefährdung für die aquatische Umwelt und den Menschen zu analysieren und zu bewerten. Eine Harmonisierung und Standardisierung von Methoden der Probennahme, Probenaufbereitung und Mikroplastik-Detektion sind trotz der erheblichen Fortschritte derzeit nur teilweise möglich. Die ökotoxikologischen Studien zeigen zwar die Aufnahme von Mikroplastik-Partikeln durch einige Organismen, jedoch konnte bisher keine schädigende Wirkung nachgewiesen werden. Dabei wurden für eine Auswahl aquatischer Modellspezies sowohl Szenarien direkter als auch indirekter Exposition innerhalb einer Nahrungskette betrachtet. Interaktionen mit menschlichen Modellzellen wurden bislang nur bei Mikroplastik-Partikeln mit Größen weit unterhalb von 1 µm (also Nanoplastik) beobachtet. Eine umfassende Bewertung ist bislang nicht möglich.The interdisciplinary research project MiWa focused on principle knowledge gaps of analytical detection and effects of microplastic in fresh water cycles. Methods for environmental sampling, sample preparation and different analytical identification and quantification were intensively investigated, compared and further developed. Toxicological studies were conducted to assess potential risks of microplastic particles towards the environment and human health. Harmonization and standardization are still only partially possible despite various improvements. The eco-toxicological experiments confirmed the intake of microplastic particles by different organisms but no hazardous effects could be found. Both direct ingestions and indirect exposition within food webs were tested. Interactions with exemplary human cells were only observed for particle sizes far below 1 µm (thus nanoplastic). An assessment is currently only possible to a limited extent.BMBF, 02WRS1378, Mikroplastik im Wasserkreislauf (MiWa

    Chemistry of the Gastrointestinal Hormones and Hormone-like Peptides and a Sketch of Their Physiology and Pharmacology

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