14 research outputs found

    Renewal Spa Zabrdovice

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    Cílem bakalářské práce je rozvinout architektonickou studii rozšiřující historický areál městských lázní v Brně Zábrdovicích o novostavbu krytého plaveckého bazénu. Zadaná parcela je situována při ulici Zábrdovické v těsném blízkosti funkcionalistického objektu zimních lázní. Navrhovaná budova reaguje na tento objekt jednoduchostí kompozičního a tvarového řešení. Celá budova se skládá ze dvou kompozičních hmot. První tvoří prosklený válec, který slouží jako vstupní hala a hlavní komunikační prostor. Na tuto část je napojen zbytek dvoupatrové budovy. Zde se nachází samotná bazénová hala a šatny. Ve druhém nadzemním podlaží je restaurace s prostorem pro možné pořádání výstav. Tato část je železobetonová s vnější omítkou bílé barvy, která podtrhuje čistotu a jednoduchost celé stavby. Budova je kompletně podsklepená a nachází se zde potřebné technologie pro úpravu vody a vzduchu.The purpose of the bachelor thesis is to develop an architectural study expanding the historical areal of the urban spa in Brno-Zábrdovice with new building of indoor swimming pool. The assigned building site is located on the Zábrdovická street in close neighborhood to the functionalist object of the winter spa. The projected building responds to this object with simplicity of composition and shape solution. The whole building is consisted of two compositional forms. The first is glazed cylinder, which is used as the entrance hall and the main communication space. To this part is connected the rest of the two-storey building. In this part is a hall with a swimming pool and changing rooms. On the second floor is restaurant with the space for organization of exhibitions. This reinforced concrete section has white facade, which emphasizes the purity and simplicity of the whole building. The building has a fully basement and there are a necessary technologies for water and air regulation.

    Moravian wine centre Brno

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    Diplomová práce byla zpracována jako architektonická studie Moravského vinařského centra v Brně na základě zadání. Cílem bylo vytvoření polyfunkčního objektu, který má sloužit jako centrum vinařství na Jižní Moravě a také jako kulturní centrum spjaté s vínem a gastronomií. Byl vytvořen návrh budovy s pěti nadzemními a jedním podzemním podlažím situovaný v řadové zástavbě na ulici Hlinky, která je historicky spjata s pěstováním a výrobou vína. Součástí vinařského centra je restaurace, hotel, galerie, vinárna, prodejny, kongresové sály, kanceláře Vinařského Institutu a garáže s automatickým zakládacím systémem.The presented diploma thesis was elaborated as an architectural study of the Moravian wine center in Brno according to the assignment. The aim was to create a multifunctional object, which will serve as a center of winery in South Moravian region and also as a cultural center related to wine and gastronomy. The proposal of the building was created with the five above-ground floor and one basement. It is situated in a rowhouse on the street Hlinky, which is historically associated with the cultivation and production of wine. The wine center consists of the restaurant, hotel, gallery, winehouse, shops, congress halls, offices of the Wine Institute and a garage with an automatic parking system.

    Comparing Notes: Recording and Criticism

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    This chapter charts the ways in which recording has changed the nature of music criticism. It both provides an overview of the history of recording and music criticism, from the advent of Edison’s Phonograph to the present day, and examines the issues arising from this new technology and the consequent transformation of critical thought and practice

    Wider Still and Wider: British Music Criticism since the Second World War

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    This chapter provides the first historical examination of music criticism in Britain since the Second World War. In the process, it also challenges the simplistic prevailing view of this being a period of decline from a golden age in music criticism

    Stop the Press? The Changing Media of Music Criticism

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    Renewal Spa Zabrdovice

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    The purpose of the bachelor thesis is to develop an architectural study expanding the historical areal of the urban spa in Brno-Zábrdovice with new building of indoor swimming pool. The assigned building site is located on the Zábrdovická street in close neighborhood to the functionalist object of the winter spa. The projected building responds to this object with simplicity of composition and shape solution. The whole building is consisted of two compositional forms. The first is glazed cylinder, which is used as the entrance hall and the main communication space. To this part is connected the rest of the two-storey building. In this part is a hall with a swimming pool and changing rooms. On the second floor is restaurant with the space for organization of exhibitions. This reinforced concrete section has white facade, which emphasizes the purity and simplicity of the whole building. The building has a fully basement and there are a necessary technologies for water and air regulation

    The Gender Paradox: Criticism of Women and Women as Critics

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    In May 2014 a storm erupted in the British classical music world when five established male critics fat-shamed Irish mezzo-soprano Tara Erraught, who was performing Octavian in Der Rosenkavalier at Covent Garden. Instead of focusing upon Erraught’s technique or interpretation, the critics ridiculed her physique. Writing in the Financial Times Andrew Clark referred to Erraught as ‘a chubby bundle of puppy-fat’; Michael Church in The Independent and Rupert Christiansen in The Telegraph both described her as ‘dumpy’; Andrew Clements in The Guardian called her ‘stocky’; and Richard Morrison in The Times characterised her as ‘unbelievable, unsightly and unappealing’. Although these sexist comments drew widespread condemnation, they are symptomatic of a centuries-old tendency for empowered male critics to fail to produce objective assessments of female musicians

    Critiquing the Canon: The Role of Criticism in Canon Formation

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    Music critics wield great power. Their writing influences public opinion and contributes to how audiences receive works. They focus attention upon specific works and musicians, thus justifying these as most worthy of public recognition and debate. They help works to achieve repeat performances, and thereby to establish their places within the performing canon. In the age of recorded sound, they influence sales and affect charts. Although some claim that with the recent rise of ubiquitous digital critical commentary (much of it amateur) professional critics have lost their traditional authority, online criticism continues to exercise considerable sway. In a very real way, critics have been – and continue to be – the gatekeepers of the canon. As Roy Shuker has observed, ‘popular music critics … function as significant gatekeepers and as arbiters of taste’

    British Music Criticism, 1890–1945

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    Musical Discourse in Italy, 1500-1800

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    The Cambridge History of Music Criticism is the first study of music criticism on this scale, and is intended to become the standard reference work in this growing area of investigation. My chapter considers musical discourse in Italy between 1500-1800. It surveys writings on music in various different guises, including a discussion of previously-neglected musical correspondence and summarises the beginning of 'true' music criticism towards the end of the period