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    43752 research outputs found

    Reduced order infinite impulse response system identification using manta ray foraging optimization

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    This article presents a useful application of the Manta Ray Foraging Optimization (MRFO) algorithm for solving the adaptive infinite impulse response (IIR) system identification problem. The effectiveness of the proposed technique is validated on four benchmark IIR models for reduced order system identification. The stability of the proposed estimated IIR system is assured by incorporating a pole-finding and initialization routine in the search procedure of the MRFO algorithm and this algorithmic modification contributes to the MRFO algorithm when seeking stable IIR filter solutions. The absence of such a scheme, which is primarily the case with the majority of the recently published literature, may lead to the generation of an unstable IIR filter for unknown real-world instances (particularly when the estimation order increases). Experiments conducted in this study highlight that the proposed technique helps to achieve a stable filter even though large bounds for the design variables are considered. The convergence rate, robustness, and computational speed of MRFO for all the considered problems are investigated. The influence of the control parameters of MRFO on the design performances is evaluated to gain insight into the interaction between the three foraging strategies of the algorithm. Extensive statistical performance analyses employing various non-parametric hypothesis tests concerning the design consistency and convergence are conducted for comparison of the proposed MRFO-based approach with six other metaheuristic search procedures to investigate the efficiency. The results on the mean square error metric also highlight the improved solution quality of the proposed approach compared to the various techniques published in the literature

    The Problems of Developing Depopulating Cities. Does the Czech Debate on Urban Shrinkage Have Any Concrete Consequences?

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    The paper briefly presents the course and basic conclusions of the local branch of the global debate on shrinking cities and then verifies whether any of them have turned into concrete projects or policies. The paper analyses the strategic plans and spatial planning documentation of several dozen Czech cities that can be described as shrinking. While the naming of the problem in terms of strategy is no longer an exception, the debate has so far only rarely made its way onto the subject of specific rules

    Exhibition Venues in European Cities

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    The book Exhibition Venues in European Cities is based on the dissertation of Lenka Štěpánková, the architect of the Brno Exhibition Centre. The book analyses European exhibition venues, their development, transformation and other features in a very engaging way. The book presents exhibition venues in a comprehensive form as a very specific urban, economic, and social phenomenon of European cities, which has significantly influenced their past and present development

    Multifunctional Building

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    Předmětem diplomové práce je zpracování části projektové dokumentace pro provedení stavby polyfunkčního objektu v obci Holubice. Budova je osazena do mírně svažitého pozemku, přiléhajícímu na jihozápadní straně k obecní komunikaci a na severovýchodní straně k železniční vlečce. Navržený objekt je lichoběžníkového tvaru, samostatně stojící, celkově podsklepený a má tři nadzemní podlaží. V prvním podzemním podlaží jsou navrženy podzemní garáže. V prvním nadzemním podlaží jsou zubní ordinace, ordinace dětského lékaře a prostory potřebné k provozu budovy. Ve druhém a třetím nadzemním podlaží jsou byty.The subject of the thesis is the preparation of part of the project documentation for the construction of a multifunctional building in the village of Holubice. The building is set in a slightly sloping plot, adjacent to the municipal road on the south-west side and to the railway siding on the north-east side. The proposed object is trapezoidal in shape, free standing, generally basement and has three floors above ground. Underground garages are planned in the first underground floor. On the first above-ground floor, there is a dentist's office, a pediatrician's office and the premises necessary for the operation of the building. There are apartments on the second and third floors.

    Multifunctional building

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    Position of Health-Related Design Among Architecture Professionals in Slovakia

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    Human health has always played a vital role in shaping cities’ architecture and urban design. However, its importance has often been overshadowed by other pressing social and economic concerns since we only realise the significance of health when it is no longer taken for granted. This paper presents the findings of a study that aimed to assess the current standing of health in the architectural profession among built environment practitioners and architecture students, with a particular focus on the urban design part of the profession, emphasising the urgent need for greater attention to this critical issue in the field. The research identified three main findings. Firstly, research revealed that developers currently play the most proactive role in promoting health in the built environment. Secondly, the health-improving projects and initiatives are limited only to physical health. Last but not least, a clear definition of health and design guidelines that are currently absent could help address increased interest in health-related design in the future

    Kindergarten Žabka

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    Předmětem diplomové práce je projektová dokumentace pro provádění stavby mateřské školy ve Znojmě, v městské části Přímětice. Navrhovaný objekt je samostatně stojící dvoupodlažní částečně podsklepený, zastřešený plochou střechou. V prvním nadzemním podlaží jsou umístěny 2 třídy s celkovou kapacitou 40 dětí ve věku od 3 do 6 let. V podzemním podlaží se nachází technické zázemí budovy a strojovna výtahu. Ve druhém nadzemním podlaží se nachází 3 místnosti klubovny se zázemím, které se budou pronajímat. Svislé nosné konstrukce jsou zděné z vápenopískových bloků, v podzemním podlaží je zdivo z betonových dílců vyplněných betonem a provázaných výztuží. Vodorovné nosné konstrukce jsou navrženy z prefabrikovaných železobetonových předpjatých panelů. Objekt je založen na základových pasech z prostého betonu a je zastřešen jednoplášťovou plochou střechou. Fasáda je řešena jako provětrávaná, zateplená deskami minerální vlny a obložena plechovými kazetami.The subject of the master´s thesis is project documentation for construction of kindergarten building in Znojmo, city part Přímětice. Designed building is detached, two storeyed with partial ceiling and single-skin flat roof. In first floor there are located two classrooms totalling 40 children from age 3 to 6 years old. In underground floor are located rooms with technical facilities and mechanical room for elevator. In the second floor there are located three clubrooms for rent with sanitary facilities. Load-bearing masonry in above-ground floors is constructed of sand-lime blocks, in underground floor load-bearing masonry is made of concrete blocks filled with concrete and connected with reinforcing bars. Horizontal load-bearing structure are designed of prefabricated prestressed reinforced concrete slabs. The object is founded on plain concrete foundation strips and is roofed with a single-skin flat roof. Facade is designed as ventilated, insulated with mineral wool and with metal panelling.

    A Barn for Everyone: Rural Community Life in Barn-Inspired Houses

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    The social life of rural areas has traditionally revolved around pubs, gyms, and, in recent years, cultural centres. The essence of these meeting places is intricately linked with their formal characteristics. Recently, there have been several significant projects in the Czech Republic that have transformed private estates into public spaces. In some instances, these new constructions draw inspiration from the rural barn. What kind of dynamic arises when these different architectural forms intersect, and how does this design approach influence the surrounding environment? This study primary delves into two case studies from the small villages of Skalička and Opatovice to explore these questions further

    Car Showroom, Holešov

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    Úkolem diplomové práce je vypracovat projektovou dokumentaci pro provádění novostavby autosalonu v Holešově. Novostavba je umístěna v katastrálním území Všetuly. Objekt je navržen jako dvoupodlažní, samostatně stojící, osazený na rovinatém pozemku. První podlaží lze rozdělit na showroom, technické a hygienické zázemí pro zaměstnance i zákazníky, a na autoservis. Ve druhém podlaží se nachází kanceláře, zasedací místnost, archiv a hygienické zázemí. Vstup do objektu je orientován ze severní strany objektu. Autosalon je založen na základových prefabrikovaných kalichových patkách provázaných pomocí prefabrikovaných železobetonových základových prahů. Nosný systém objektu tvoří prefabrikovaný železobetonový skelet. Jako výplňové zdivo jsou použity keramické tvárnice. Stropní konstrukce jsou řešeny jako předem předpjaté železobetonové panely. Jednotlivá podlaží spojuje jednoramenné prefabrikované železobetonové schodiště s mezipodestou, které se nachází uvnitř objektu. Zastřešení objektu je navrženo jako plochá vegetační extenzivní střecha. Objekt je zateplen deskami ze skelné minerální vlny a opláštěn pomocí systému provětrávané fasády s obkladem z bondových desek.The task of the master's thesis is to elaborate a project documentation for construction works for new car showroom in Holešov. The new building is located in the cadastral territory of Všetuly. The building is designed as a two-story, detached, set on a flat plot of land. The first floor can be divided into a car showroom, technical and hygienic facilities for employees and customers, and into a car service. On the second floor, there are offices, a meeting room, an archive and hygienic facilities. The entrance to the building is oriented from the north side of the building. The car showroom is based on a foundation of pre-fabricated cup footings connected by means of pre-fabricated reinforced concrete foundation sills. The supporting system of the building consists of a prefabricated reinforced concrete skeleton. Ceramic masonry are used as infill masonry. The ceiling structures are designed as pre-stressed reinforced concrete panels. A single-arm prefabricated reinforced concrete staircase with the mezzanine connects the individual floors, which is located inside the building. The roof of the building is designed as a flat vegetation extensive roof. The building is insulated with boards made of glass mineral wool and sheathed using a ventilated facade system with cladding made of bond boards.


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    Tato disertační práce se zabývá analýzou možností rozvoje rezidenčních ploch v rámci územního plánování měst. Hlavním cílem bylo stanovit index, který by zobrazoval úroveň potenciálu ploch pro rezidenční výstavbu na základě podmínek stanovených územními plány. K tomuto účelu byla vytvořena metodika, která zahrnuje sběr a analýzu údajů z grafických informačních systémů územního plánování. Výzkumná otázka byla zkoumána na příkladových studiích města Brna, Olomouce a Jihlavy, kde byly identifikovány rezidenční návrhové plochy a jejich limity. Výsledky ukázaly, že výstavba rezidenčních objektů může být ovlivněna různými faktory, jako je charakter území, ekologická omezení, technická infrastruktura a další regulační faktory. Pomocí stanoveného Indexu rezidenčního developmentu (IoRD) bylo dosaženo zhodnocení úrovně potenciálu pro výstavbu v jednotlivých městech. Tato disertační práce přináší nový pohled na hodnocení možností rezidenčního rozvoje městských oblastí a zároveň poskytuje metodologii pro stanovení IoRD na základě podmínek územního plánování.This dissertation thesis deals with the analysis of the possibilities of development of residential areas within the framework of spatial planning. The main objective was to establish an index that would show the level of potential of areas for residential development based on the conditions set by the zoning plans. For this purpose, a methodology was developed that involves the collection and analysis of data from graphical information systems of urban planning. The research question was investigated using case studies of the cities of Brno, Olomouc and Jihlava, where residential design areas and their limits were identified. The results showed that residential development can be influenced by various factors such as the character of the area, environmental constraints, technical infrastructure and other regulatory factors. Using the established Index of Residential Development (IoRD), an assessment of the level of potential for development in each city was achieved. This dissertation brings a new perspective to the assessment of residential development potential in urban areas and also provides a methodology for determining the IoRD based on zoning conditions.


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