2,080 research outputs found

    Morbid obesity is associated with postoperative complications in laparoscopic hysterectomy

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    Background: The prevalence of obesity in American women is 38.3%. Hysterectomy is the second most common surgery in reproductive age women; most of these procedures are performed laparoscopically. From 2011 to 2015, 3.2% of women age 15-44 years underwent hysterectomy; 89.6% of these procedures were performed for management of medical conditions including uterine fibroids, menstrual disorders, uterine prolapse, and endometriosis. The high rates of obesity and hysterectomy in women demand better understanding of the relationship between obesity and postoperative complications following laparoscopic hysterectomy. Methods: We conducted a retrospective cohort study using the American College of Surgeons National Quality Improvement Database (ACS-NSQIP) by identifying all patients who underwent laparoscopic total hysterectomy, laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy, or laparoscopic supracervical hysterectomy from 2007 to 2013 using Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes. These patients were stratified by BMI (40); univariate and multivariate analyses were then performed to evaluate the incidence of postoperative complications in these groups. Results: Patients with BMI \u3e 30 were more likely to experience postoperative complications including superficial surgical site wound infection, deep surgical site infection, failure to wean from the ventilator \u3e 48 hours, unplanned reintubation, deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, urinary tract infection, renal insufficiency, renal failure, and extended hospital length of stay \u3e 2 days. Multivariate analysis suggests that BMI \u3e 30 is an independent risk factor for superficial surgical site infection, deep vein thrombosis, and pulmonary embolism. Conclusion: Patients with obesity and morbid obesity were more likely to present with risk factors and comorbidities than nonobese patients. While complication rates following laparoscopic hysterectomy are low across BMI groups, patients with BMI \u3e 30 were more likely to suffer from at least one postoperative complication. Data indicate that obesity may contribute to a significantly increased risk of deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism in the postoperative period, suggesting the need for additional venous thromboembolism prophylaxis. Obesity should be considered when planning for and performing laparoscopic hysterectomy

    Measuring impairments of functioning and health in patients with axial spondyloarthritis by using the ASAS Health Index and the Environmental Item Set : translation and cross-cultural adaptation into 15 languages

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    Introduction: The Assessments of SpondyloArthritis international society Health Index (ASAS HI) measures functioning and health in patients with spondyloarthritis (SpA) across 17 aspects of health and 9 environmental factors (EF). The objective was to translate and adapt the original English version of the ASAS HI, including the EF Item Set, cross-culturally into 15 languages. Methods: Translation and cross-cultural adaptation has been carried out following the forward-backward procedure. In the cognitive debriefing, 10 patients/country across a broad spectrum of sociodemographic background, were included. Results: The ASAS HI and the EF Item Set were translated into Arabic, Chinese, Croatian, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Thai and Turkish. Some difficulties were experienced with translation of the contextual factors indicating that these concepts may be more culturally-dependent. A total of 215 patients with axial SpA across 23 countries (62.3% men, mean (SD) age 42.4 (13.9) years) participated in the field test. Cognitive debriefing showed that items of the ASAS HI and EF Item Set are clear, relevant and comprehensive. All versions were accepted with minor modifications with respect to item wording and response option. The wording of three items had to be adapted to improve clarity. As a result of cognitive debriefing, a new response option 'not applicable' was added to two items of the ASAS HI to improve appropriateness. Discussion: This study showed that the items of the ASAS HI including the EFs were readily adaptable throughout all countries, indicating that the concepts covered were comprehensive, clear and meaningful in different cultures

    Residents' support for tourism development: The role of residents' place image and perceived tourism impacts

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    Drawing on the triple bottom line approach for tourism impacts (economic, socio-cultural and environmental) and adopting a non-forced approach for measuring residents' perception of these impacts, this study explores the role of residents' place image in shaping their support for tourism development. The tested model proposes that residents' place image affects their perceptions of tourism impacts and in turn their support for tourism development. The results stress the need for a more flexible and resident oriented measurement of tourism impacts, revealing that more favorable perceptions of the economic, socio-cultural and environmental impacts lead to greater support. Moreover, while residents' place image has been largely neglected by tourism development studies, the findings of this study reveal its significance in shaping residents' perception of tourism impacts as well as their level of support. The practical implications of the findings for tourism planning and development are also discussed

    A resolution for the coiling direction paradox in Neogloboquadrina pachyderma.

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    We present new data on genotypic differences and biogeographic distribution of coiling types in the living planktonic foraminiferal morphospecies Neogloboquadrina pachyderma. The genetic evidence demonstrates that coiling direction in N. pachyderma is a genetic trait, heritable through time, and is not a morphological feature reflecting ecophenotypic variation. The two opposite coiling morphotypes appear to have diverged during the late Miocene, and they have distinctly different ecologies. In combination with fossil evidence, biogeography, and ecology the degree of genetic distinction between the two coiling types of N. pachyderma strongly implies that they should be considered different species. We propose the adoption of the widely recognized name N. incompta for the right coiling morphospecies. The genetic evidence also demonstrates a low level (<3%) of aberrant coiling associated with both morphotypes. The abundance of these aberrant specimens has no relationship with the environment. These findings have important consequences for the use of N. pachyderma and N. incompta as paleoceanographic signal carriers in polar and subpolar waters. Copyright 2006 by the American Geophysical Union

    Disruptive mRNA folding increases translational efficiency of catechol-O-methyltransferase variant

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    Catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) is a major enzyme controlling catecholamine levels that plays a central role in cognition, affective mood and pain perception. There are three common COMT haplotypes in the human population reported to have functional effects, divergent in two synonymous and one nonsynonymous position. We demonstrate that one of the haplotypes, carrying the non-synonymous variation known to code for a less stable protein, exhibits increased protein expression in vitro. This increased protein expression, which would compensate for lower protein stability, is solely produced by a synonymous variation (C166T) situated within the haplotype and located in the 5′ region of the RNA transcript. Based on mRNA secondary structure predictions, we suggest that structural destabilization near the start codon caused by the T allele could be related to the observed increase in COMT expression. Our folding simulations of the tertiary mRNA structures demonstrate that destabilization by the T allele lowers the folding transition barrier, thus decreasing the probability of occupying its native state. These data suggest a novel structural mechanism whereby functional synonymous variations near the translation initiation codon affect the translation efficiency via entropy-driven changes in mRNA dynamics and present another example of stable compensatory genetic variations in the human population

    Results of the worldwide, cross-sectional ASAS-PerSpA study

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    Objectives: To characterise peripheral musculoskeletal involvement in patients with spondyloarthritis (SpA) including psoriatic arthritis (PsA), across the world. Methods: Cross-sectional study with 24 participating countries. Patients with a diagnosis of axial SpA (axSpA), peripheral SpA (pSpA) or PsA according to their rheumatologist were included. The investigators were asked which diagnosis out of a list of six (axSpA, PsA, pSpA, inflammatory bowel disease-associated SpA, reactive arthritis or juvenile SpA (Juv-SpA)) fitted the patient best. Peripheral manifestations (ie, peripheral joint disease, enthesitis, dactylitis and root joint disease), their localisation and treatments were evaluated. Results: A total of 4465 patients were included (61% men, mean age 44.5 years) from four geographic areas: Latin America (n=538), Europe plus North America (n=1677), Asia (n=975) and the Middle East plus North Africa (n=1275). Of those, 78% had ever suffered from at least one peripheral musculoskeletal manifestation; 57% had peripheral joint disease, 44% had enthesitis and 15% had dactylitis. Latin American had far more often peripheral joint disease (80%) than patients from other areas. Patients with PsA had predominantly upper limb and small joint involvement (52%). Hip and shoulder involvement was found in 34% of patients. The prevalence of enthesitis ranged between 41% in patients with axSpA and 65% in patients with Juv-SpA. Dactylitis was most frequent among patients with PsA (37%). Conclusion: These results suggest that all peripheral features can be found in all subtypes of SpA, and that differences are quantitative rather than qualitative. In a high proportion of patients, axial and peripheral manifestations coincided. These findings reconfirm SpA clinical subtypes are descendants of the same underlying disease, called SpA.publishersversionpublishe

    Identification of clinical phenotypes of peripheral involvement in patients with spondyloarthritis, including psoriatic arthritis: a cluster analysis in the worldwide ASAS-PerSpA study

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    OBJECTIVE: To identify clusters of peripheral involvement according to the specific location of peripheral manifestations (ie, arthritis, enthesitis and dactylitis) in patients with spondyloarthritis (SpA) including psoriatic arthritis (PsA), and to evaluate whether these clusters correspond with the clinical diagnosis of a rheumatologist. METHODS: Cross-sectional study with 24 participating countries. Consecutive patients diagnosed by their rheumatologist as PsA, axial SpA or peripheral SpA were enrolled. Four different cluster analyses were conducted: one using information on the specific location from all the peripheral manifestations, and a cluster analysis for each peripheral manifestation, separately. Multiple correspondence analyses and k-means clustering methods were used. Distribution of peripheral manifestations and clinical characteristics were compared across the different clusters. RESULTS: The different cluster analyses performed in the 4465 patients clearly distinguished a predominantly axial phenotype (cluster 1) and a predominantly peripheral phenotype (cluster 2). In the predominantly axial phenotype, hip involvement and lower limb large joint arthritis, heel enthesitis and lack of dactylitis were more prevalent. In the predominantly peripheral phenotype, different subgroups were distinguished based on the type and location of peripheral involvement: a predominantly involvement of upper versus lower limbs joints, a predominantly axial enthesitis versus peripheral enthesitis, and predominantly finger versus toe involvement in dactylitis. A poor agreement between the clusters and the rheumatologist's diagnosis as well as with the classification criteria was found. CONCLUSION: These results suggest the presence of two main phenotypes (predominantly axial and predominantly peripheral) based on the presence and location of the peripheral manifestations

    Search for a New Heavy Gauge Boson Wprime with Electron + missing ET Event Signature in ppbar collisions at sqrt(s)=1.96 TeV

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    We present a search for a new heavy charged vector boson WW^\prime decaying to an electron-neutrino pair in ppˉp\bar{p} collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 1.96\unit{TeV}. The data were collected with the CDF II detector and correspond to an integrated luminosity of 5.3\unit{fb}^{-1}. No significant excess above the standard model expectation is observed and we set upper limits on σB(Weν)\sigma\cdot{\cal B}(W^\prime\to e\nu). Assuming standard model couplings to fermions and the neutrino from the WW^\prime boson decay to be light, we exclude a WW^\prime boson with mass less than 1.12\unit{TeV/}c^2 at the 95\unit{%} confidence level.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures Submitted to PR