55 research outputs found

    The Human Gut and Dietary Salt: The Bacteroides/Prevotella Ratio as a Potential Marker of Sodium Intake and Beyond

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    The gut microbiota is a dynamic ecosystem that plays a pivotal role in maintaining host health. The perturbation of these microbes has been linked to several health conditions. Hence, they have emerged as promising targets for understanding and promoting good health. Despite the growing body of research on the role of sodium in health, its effects on the human gut microbiome remain under-explored. Here, using nutrition and metagenomics methods, we investigate the influence of dietary sodium intake and alterations of the human gut microbiota. We found that a high-sodium diet (HSD) altered the gut microbiota composition with a significant reduction in Bacteroides and inverse increase in Prevotella compared to a low-sodium diet (LSD). However, there is no clear distinction in the Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes (F/B) ratio between the two diet types. Metabolic pathway reconstruction revealed the presence of sodium reabsorption genes in the HSD, but not LSD. Since it is currently difficult in microbiome studies to confidently associate the F/B ratio with what is considered healthy (e.g., low sodium) or unhealthy (e.g., high sodium), we suggest that the use of a genus-based ratio such as the Bacteroides/Prevotella (B/P) ratio may be more beneficial for the application of microbiome studies in health

    Development of an Intermittent Solar Dryer for Cocoa Beans

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    A solar dryer with thermal energy storage was developed for intermittent drying of cocoa beans. The prototype was built using readily available local materials.  Drying mechanism was based on a combination of convective heating and direct radiation, with a provision for controlling the rate of airflow through the beans.  The experimental model dehydrated cocoa beans from 53.4 to 3.6% moisture content (w.b) in a 72 hours inter-mittent drying process against ambient temperature and relative humidity in the range 25-30oC and 58-98%, respectively.  Quality assessment of the dried beans showed that beans of good quality attributes: pH of 6.35, acid value of 3.40 mg/g, with mildly bitter taste were obtained under free convective drying; whilst, increase in moisture re-absorption and acidic flavour were indicated with forced convective drying.  The work, thus, provides a viable system for producing cocoa beans of good quality attributes, comparable with using the traditional sun-drying, but without the associated drudgery

    Development of an intermittent solar dryer for cocoa beans

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    A solar dryer with thermal energy storage was developed for intermittent drying of cocoa beans. The prototype was built using readily available local materials. Drying mechanism was based on a combination of convective heating and direct radiation, with a provision for controlling the rate of airflow through the beans. The experimental model dehydrated cocoa beans from 53.4 to 3.6% moisture content (wb) in a 72 hours inter-mittent drying process against ambient temperature and relative humidity in the range 25-30 o C and 58-98%, respectively. Quality assessment of the dried beans showed that beans of good quality attributes: pH of 6.35, acid value of 3.40 mg/g, with mildly bitter taste were obtained under free convective drying; whilst, increase in moisture re-absorption and acidic flavour were indicated with forced convective drying. The work, thus, provides a viable system for producing cocoa beans of good quality attributes, comparable with using the traditional sun-drying, but without the associated drudgery

    Ergonomic Characteristics and Mean Anthropometry Data of Gari-Frying Population in South-Western Nigeria

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    Disregarding ergonomics in designing a workstation has been identified as a major cause of inefficiency, low productivity and injury to personnel, especially among indigenous food processing operators. Operations such as gari-frying require an ergonomic workstation but due to unavailability or insufficient data, this has not been possible. This study focused on the collection of anthropometric data of the gari-frying population in the six southwestern states of Nigeria to provide data needed for designing gari-frying facilities that fit the target population. Twenty-five body dimensions were measured among 120 gari-frying processors from six states. Statistical analysis was performed using the SPSS package. Results show that there is a statistically significant difference in variability of data across and within the states in all the body dimensions measured at P≤0.05, therefore. This work, thus recommended that the workstation should be designed with percentile values to cover a larger number of the target population. Keywords: Ergonomic, Workstation, Gari-frying, Design to fit, Anthropometry. DOI: 10.7176/ISDE/12-5-02 Publication date:August 31st 202

    Toward a Resilient Future: The Promise of Microbial Bioeconomy

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    Publication history: Accepted - 19 April 2023; Published - 27 April 2023.Naturally occurring resources, such as water, energy, minerals, and rare earth elements, are limited in availability, yet they are essential components for the survival and development of all life. The pressure on these finite resources is anthropogenic, arising from misuse, overuse, and overdependence, which causes a loss of biodiversity and climate change and poses great challenges to sustainable development. The focal points and principles of the bioeconomy border around ensuring the constant availability of these natural resources for both present and future generations. The rapid growth of the microbial bioeconomy is promising for the purpose of fostering a resilient and sustainable future. This highlights the economic opportunity of using microbial-based resources to substitute fossil fuels in novel products, processes, and services. The subsequent discussion delves into the essential principles required for implementing the microbial bioeconomy. There is a further exploration into the latest developments and innovations in this sub-field. The multi-sectoral applications include use in bio-based food and feed products, energy recovery, waste management, recycling, and cascading. In multi-output production chains, enhanced microbes can simultaneously produce multiple valuable and sustainable products. The review also examines the barriers and facilitators of bio-based approaches for a sustainable economy. Despite limited resources, microbial-based strategies demonstrate human ingenuity for sustaining the planet and economy. This review highlights the existing research and knowledge and paves the way for a further exploration of advancements in microbial knowledge and its potential applications in manufacturing, energy production, reduction in waste, hastened degradation of waste, and environmental conservation.This research received no external funding

    Travel Writing and Rivers

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    Ubuntu: Revisiting an Endangered African Philosophy in Quest of a Pan-Africanist Revolutionary Ideology

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    In the final analysis, Kwame Nkrumah advanced that pan-Africanism must be about the unity of African masses under socialist governments. However, the concept of pan-Africanism in recent times has been misconstrued in the most treacherous manner. On one hand, the concept has been reduced to a “dansiki-wearing” competition by a layer of cultural nationalists; and on the other hand, it has been reduced to a “Black capitalism” bourgeois agenda. In spite of the apparent failures of capitalism, bourgeois economists like Nigeria’s Tony Elumelu, have been peddling a purported refined capitalist system under the ambiance of “Africapitalism”, as a stimulant for economic growth and development in Africa. Under the pretense of a “pan-African” agenda, bourgeois economists have been touting this neoliberal agenda across the continent and beyond, for self-serving purposes. The danger this portends is the detachment of pan-Africanism from its socialist agenda. Indeed, existing works on African personality have showed the nexus between a pre-colonial communal relationship and socialism. The Sotho epistemology, Ubuntu, is undoubtedly a product of this ancient communal relationship. Ubuntu expresses the humanistic tendencies that are fast going into extinction in today’s individualistic society. Ultimately, the withering of Ubuntu is not unconnected to the dominance of capitalism. The economic system through alienation has not just distorted the relationship among humans, but also between humans and nature. This study thus argues that Ubuntu as a value system is a material product of pre-feudal African society; and that because of this trajectory, Ubuntu must be reassessed as a potential social force for resistance that can pave the way for the emergence of a scientific socialist African society. Ubuntu is not scientific socialism and vice-versa, but the value system if properly understood can lay the foundation towards the birth of the former

    Analysis of cassava production and its socioeconomic importance in Nigeria

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    This thesis investigates the trend of cassava production and assesses the importance of the crop to livelihoods of Nigerians. Using qualitative analysis of secondary information obtained from reliable domestic and international organizations, the findings show that cassava serves as a major source of income and food for rural farmers, as well as people living in urban communities. Nonetheless, the study further shows that the industry is constantly bedevilled by problems ranging from soil infertility to poor quality of planting materials, as well as pests and diseases. These issues put a serious question mark on the future integrity of the country as the leading producer of the crop. By implication, cassava production, though ascending in terms of productivity and yield, yet, its future is precarious and unpredictable. Among the recommendations include, dealing with the spread of pests and diseases through careful selections amongst farm improved planting materials and conscious education for local farmer