4,445 research outputs found

    Knowing where you are walking: the benefits and hazards of using theoretical roadmaps and research to guide community consultation practice

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    This paper progresses the 2006 Trans-Tasman Conference theme by considering 'do you know where you are walking?' and more importantly 'do you know how to get there?'. The community psychologist’s aspirations for the 'common good' anticipate outcomes such as social justice, sense of community and empowerment, and prescribe congruent values-based praxis to accomplish it. Such concepts and visions compel us to act for social change; they also enlighten the challenging decisions and processes we encounter in our personal every day walk of life. This journey can be complex as the 'doing' of community psychology often involves an emotive personal as well as professional commitment, sometimes associated with a particular political agenda. This paper considers how mapping the psychological landscape of a community, along with its history and geography, can help guide the practitioner through difficult terrain. Some of the author’s experiences are considered from theoretical perspectives including sense of community, community consultation processes, social ecology, community readiness and capacity building. These narratives illustrate how such theoretical maps can help the community psychologist to avoid walking in circles, down dead-end streets and up one-way streets while 'walking the walk'

    Agricultural influences on carbon emissions and sequestration

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    This report was presented at the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference. Agricultural systems contribute to carbon emissions through several mechanisms: the direct use of fossil fuels in farm operations, the indirect use of embodied energy in inputs that are energy intensive to manufacture (e.g. fertilizers), and the cultivation of soils resulting in the loss of soil organic matter. However agriculture can also sequester carbon when organic matter accumulates in the soil or above-ground woody biomass acts as a permanent sink or is used as an energy source that substitutes for fossil fuels. The latest empirical data on agricultural carbon emissions and carbon sequestration opportunities in agricultural systems are reviewed and the necessary land use and management practices that will need to be employed to optimise carbon sequestration are considered

    Agricultural labour and the contested nature of women's work in interwar England and Wales

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    This article uses a case-study of agriculture to explore the range of anxieties and contradictions surrounding women's work in the interwar period. National statistics are shown to be inconsistent and questionable, raising questions for historians reliant on official data, but they point to regional variation as the continuous defining feature of female labour force participation. Looking beyond the quantitative data a distinction emerges between traditional work on the land and processes. The article shows that women workers in agriculture provoked vigorous debate among a range of interest groups about the scale, nature, and suitability of this work. These groups, such as the National Federation of Women's Institutes, the Women's Farm and Garden Association, and the National Union of Agricultural Workers represented a range of social classes and outlooks, and had diverse agendas underpinning their interest. Consequently women's agricultural labour is exposed as a site of class and gender conflict, connecting to wider economic and cultural tensions surrounding the place of women in interwar society


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    ABSTRAKPenyakit Jantung Bawaan (PJB) merupakan kelainan kongenital, dimana terjadi kelainan struktur dan fungsi pada jantung karena perkembangan abnormal sebelum kelahiran. PJB disebabkan oleh faktor genetik dan faktor lingkungan yang mempengaruhinya, yaitu usia ibu hamil, hubungan kekerabatan, ibu dengan infeksi rubella dan cytomegalovirus, ibu dengan diabetes, ibu yang mengkonsumsi obat-obatan seperti antihipertensi dan antikonvulsan serta ibu yang mengkonsumsi alkohol dan merokok. Kelainan kongenital terlihat lebih banyak terjadi pada bayi yang lahir dari ibu muda ( 35 tahun). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adanya hubungan antara usia ibu dan faktor lingkungan saat hamil dengan kejadian PJB di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah dr. Zainoel Abidin (RSUDZA) Banda Aceh Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional yang dilakukan pada bulan Oktober 2012- Desember 2012. Sampel diambil dengan consecutive sampling dengan responden sebanyak 45 orang. Variabel dalam penelitian ini adalah usia dan faktor lingkungan. Berdasarkan uji analisis Fisher Exact test, (p= 0,174) tidak terdapat hubungan antara usia ibu saat hamil dengan kejadian PJB di Rumah Sakit Umum dr.Zainoel Abidin, Banda Aceh. Selanjutnya,didapatkan p= 0.674 pada uji Fisher Exact test, ini menyatakan bahwa pada tingkat kemaknaan 95% dengan ?=0,05, tidak ada hubungan antara faktor lingkungan dengan kejadian PJB di RSUDZA. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah usia ibu saat hanil dan factor lingkungan yang mempengaruhinya saat hamil tidak berhubungan dengan kejadian penyakit jantung bawaan.Kata kunci: Penyakit Jantung Bawaan, Usia Ibu, Faktor lingkunga

    Archaeology in South Australia - A Report on Recent Work

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    The South Australian Museum has since 1972 operated as a division of the South Australian Department of Environment and Conservation. It operates by authority of the Museum Act (1939). The work of investigating archaeological sites, curating collections and supplying information about them falls to the Anthropology and Archaeology Branch. The work of gazetting, reserving, protecting and inspecting sites of public significance falls to the Museum's Aboriginal and Historic Relics Section by virtue of the Aboriginal and Historic Relics Preservation Act (1965). This report will detail the work of the South Australian Museum's Anthropology and Archaeology Branch

    Human rights, modernity and culture: understanding the position of lobola as a form of VAW and the current human rights normative standards and discourse on VAW

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    As the feminist movement in Africa continues to question and dismantle long-held religious and cultural beliefs and practices, this has influenced critical debates on the validity of their co-existence with human rights norms and standards on violence against women and discrimination. This dissertation aims to critically interrogate the relationship between culture, violence against women (VAW), and women's rights in Africa. Specifically, it delves into the cultural practice of bride price (also known as Lobola) to understand whether the practice is a cause and/or consequence of VAW in family relations. This dissertation hypothesises that Lobola is both a cause and consequence of VAW and should be explicitly identified as a form of VAW, a human rights violation. This dissertation adopts a theoretical analysis using Heise's Integrated Ecological Framework (Heise's framework) on VAW, which provides a valuable tool to analyse and deconstruct the systemic causes and influences of VAW. Heise's framework is adopted to analyse how certain cultural practices at the macro systemic level may relate to and influence VAW practices. To conduct this analysis using Heise's framework, this dissertation uses available literature on previously conducted focus group discussions on experiences, opinions and perceptions of Lobola by both young people and adults. The theoretical analysis highlights a positive correlation between Lobola and the violence women face in marriage and upon divorce. However, the research also establishes that the practice of Lobola itself does not present as a form of violence against women - but because of the perceptions, beliefs, and power systems it creates, the practice becomes an aggravator of VAW. The results from the analysis show that Lobola creates rigid gender roles, skewed beliefs of entitlement and ownership of women's lives and bodies, and asymmetrical power relations that influence VAW. Since the theoretical analysis proved that Lobola aggravates the violence women face in marriage and upon divorce, the dissertation also carries out a legal analysis to understand the position of harmful practices and the legal consequences using international human rights norms and standards on women's rights and VAW. In line with fulfilling its mandate, the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW Committee), after receiving four state periodic reports from Kenya, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Uganda between 2010 and 2012, in its concluding observations expressed MBWPRE001-Pretty Mubaiwa concern over the persistence of harmful traditional and cultural practices that affect women. In each instance, the Committee reiterated that Lobola is a harmful practice that aggravates discrimination against women. These concluding observations ushered in an expanded narrative on harmful traditional and cultural practices that disproportionately affect women and thus promote gender-based discrimination. Using these four case studies, this dissertation, therefore, looks at these countries' customary and civil laws to understand the legislative landscape around traditional and cultural practices. The findings include that in all four states, Lobola is required to recognise and register a customary marriage. This means that legally, Lobola is recognised as a legitimate requirement for a marriage to be recognised and registered. Additionally, an appraisal of the standard-setting frameworks protecting the right of women to be free from violence and discrimination shows that, even though there are legally binding standards and mechanisms at the regional and international levels that are mandated to protect these rights, there are normative gaps that continue to impact the protection of women from violence negatively. The CEDAW Committee has called Lobola a harmful practice. However, as the principal women's rights body within the UN system, the Committee has failed to take further steps towards standard-setting or follow-up with states to continue encouraging the elimination of this practice. This gap limits the scope for women to pursue justice when they experience multiple and intersecting forms of violence in general. This dissertation thus concludes that Lobola should be specifically recognised as a form of VAW within the realm of harmful traditional practice. It is inconsistent with the current international standards on equality, non-discrimination, and violence against women


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    Tujuan penelitian untuk mengkaji keabsahan dan akibat hukum pelaksanaan lelang barang jaminan Hak Tanggungan yang dilakukan tanpa pemberitahuan kepada Debitur dan tanpa pengumuman lelang. Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan yuridis normatif memakai pendekatan kasus dan pendekatan perunndang-unndangan. Hasil penelitian yaitu pelaksanaan lelang barang jaminan dengan tanpa pemberitahuan kepada Debitur dan tanpa pengumuman lelang adalah tidak sah, karena tidak sesuai pada prosedurnya lelang sesuai Permenkeu RI juga tidak memenuhi asas publisitas, keterbukaan dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan. Sedangkan, akibat hukum pelaksanaan lelang yang dilakukan tanpa pemberitahuan kepada Debitur dan tanpa pengumuman lelang adalah dapat dibatalkan. Kata Kunci: Lelang, Hak Tanggungan, Debitur. This research has as purpose to examine the validity and legal consequences if the auction of mortgage collateral is carried out without notification to the debtor and without an announcement of the auction. The research was conducted by normtive juridical using a case approach and statute approach. The research results showed that auction execution guarantee which is conducted without notification to the debtor and without auction announcement is invalid, because it is not in accordance with the auction procedure as regulated in the regulation of the minister of finance of the Republic of Indonesian and does not meet the principle of publicity, principle of transparency and principle of accountibility. While, legal consequences of the auction is without notification to the debtor and without an announcement of the auction voidable. Keywords: Auction, Mortgage, Debtor


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    Ayurveda imparts a great emphasis upon the maintenance of positive health of a person. According to WHO, health is a complete state of physical, mental, social, spiritual well being and not merely the absence of disease. Sushruthas quotation regarding Swastha is exactly same which was told many decades back. Healthy body is the outcome of healthy food and lifestyle and it is the basis for health and disease. Nutrient rich diet which is consumed in proper time and amount will help the body which contributes it to maintain the homeostasis. Food has to be properly digested for the nourishment and formation of healthy Dhathu. Digestion takes place in Mahakoshta and as a result of this, food is converted into Prasadamsa and Kittamsa. Dhatus are formed in a series from Rasa to Shukra from this Prasada portion. Dhatus after their Dhatuagni paka is divided into Sara and Kitta bhaga, and from this Kitta bhaga dhatu malas are formed. Malas represent a wide variety of substances produced by the body through different Pakas conducted in the body. Removal of metabolites and waste products are the basic physiological functions of body. Mala are the waste products that need to be eliminated from the body periodically. Scope of the experiment: Here in this article the physiological interpretation of Dhatumala and its need to be flushed out on regular basis is explained. Physiological view point of Dhathumala will help to understand what it is and how it is formed in the body in a better way to the present generation

    Alien Registration- Pretty, Kenneth (Portland, Cumberland County)

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