10 research outputs found

    Information Content of Business Methods Patents

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    We examine the market reaction to business method patents granted to publicly traded firms. Our findings suggest that the "State Street" decision represents a turning point not only for the growth in the number of business method patent filings, but also in the market's awareness and perception of value creation for the filing firms. The granting of a business method patent evokes a positive average stock price reaction, especially in the post-"State Street" period. Cross-sectional differences in abnormal returns depend on the type of patent granted. The market reaction also differs based on industry classification. Copyright 2006, The Eastern Finance Association.

    Uso e conhecimento tradicional de plantas medicinais no SertĂŁo do RibeirĂŁo, FlorianĂłpolis, SC, Brasil Use and traditional knowledge of medicinal plants at SertĂŁo do RibeirĂŁo, FlorianĂłpolis, Santa Catarina State, Brazil

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    O objetivo desta pesquisa foi realizar um estudo etnobotĂąnico sobre o uso e o conhecimento tradicional de plantas medicinais no SertĂŁo do RibeirĂŁo, uma comunidade de origem açoriana, inserida no domĂ­nio da Mata AtlĂąntica e localizada dentro dos limites do Parque Municipal da Lagoa do Peri. Foram realizadas 13 entrevistas com moradores do SertĂŁo do RibeirĂŁo, sendo identificadas 114 espĂ©cies de plantas medicinais, distribuĂ­das em 48 famĂ­lias botĂąnicas. A diversidade de plantas medicinais conhecida no SertĂŁo do RibeirĂŁo Ă© bastante elevada e a obtenção das plantas na prĂłpria comunidade sugere uma forte correlação entre uso e conhecimento tradicional de plantas medicinais e a possibilidade de obtĂȘ-las no local. O conhecimento etnobotĂąnico sobre plantas medicinais nĂŁo difere entre homens e mulheres e o uso de medicamentos industrializados e de plantas medicinais indica uma complementaridade entre a medicina moderna e a medicina popular. A transmissĂŁo do conhecimento feita na prĂłpria comunidade, com pais/avĂłs e vizinhos, demonstra uma rica herança cultural local sobre plantas medicinais.<br>The aim of this research was to do an ethnobotanical study on the use and traditional knowledge of medicinal plants at SertĂŁo do RibeirĂŁo, an Azorean community, inserted in the Atlantic Forest domain and located within the boundaries of Lagoa do Peri Municipal Park. A total of 13 interviews were made with residents of SertĂŁo do RibeirĂŁo, identifying 114 species of medicinal plants, distributed in 48 botanical families. The diversity of medicinal plants known at SertĂŁo do RibeirĂŁo is quite high and the collection of plants by the community suggests a strong correlation between use and traditional knowledge of medicinal plants and the possibility of local gathering. Ethnobotanical knowledge of medicinal plants does not differ between women and men and the use of industrialized medicine and medicinal plants indicates a complementarity between modern and folk medicine. Knowledge transmission within the community, with parents/grandparents and neighbours, shows a rich local cultural heritage of medicinal plants

    Quintais urbanos de Mirassol D'Oeste-MT, Brasil: uma abordagem etnobotĂąnica Urban homegardens of Mirassol D'Oeste-MT, Brazil: an ethnobotany stady

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    Quintais sĂŁo espaços de fĂĄcil acesso e cĂŽmodos para os moradores cultivarem uma diversidade de espĂ©cies que desempenham funçÔes de estĂ©tica, lazer, alimentação e medicinal, dentre outras. O objetivo deste trabalho foi o de descrever a composição florĂ­stica e a respectiva utilização em quintais urbanos de Mirassol D'Oeste, MT, (15Âș 45'30"S e 058Âș16'36"W), com a coleta de dados envolvendo: entrevistas estruturadas e semi-estruturadas aplicadas a 29 moradores; coleta simultĂąnea do material botĂąnico das espĂ©cies indicadas, incorporação destas no LaboratĂłrio de BotĂąnica da UNEMAT, CĂĄceres e anĂĄlise da freqĂŒĂȘncia absoluta e relativa das espĂ©cies mais citadas e encontradas nos quintais. Foram registradas 397 denominaçÔes locais de plantas (etnoespĂ©cies), 275 taxa reunidos em 79 famĂ­lias destacando-se com maior nĂșmero de espĂ©cies: Solanaceae (23), Asteraceae (17), Lamiaceae (14), Rosaceae (12) e Verbenaceae (9). Os atributos alimentar e ornamental representam, individualmente, 35% das espĂ©cies e o medicinal, 29%. Algumas plantas detĂȘm atĂ© quatro potencialidades. Do universo vegetal conhecido e utilizado localmente as espĂ©cies nativas correspondem a 8%, resultado considerado baixo comparando-se aos obtidos em populaçÔes mato-grossenses radicadas no Cerrado e Pantanal. Essa população manifesta por meio de suas prĂĄticas uma tradição agrĂ­cola em interface Ă s caracterĂ­sticas de uma sociedade urbano - industrial coabitando em espaços comuns, o quintal.<br>A home garden is a small track of ground next to or surrounding a house where its residents can cultivate a diversity of plants, whose function is aesthetic, leisure, food, medicinal among others. The aim of this work was to study the floristic composition of urban homegardens in the city of Mirassol D'Oeste, state of Mato Grosso, coordinate 15Âș45'30"S and 58Âș16'36"W. For colleting data we interviewed 29 residents using structured and semi-structured interviews; and, simultaneously collected botanical species which we analysed at the Mato Grosso State University Botanical Laboratory, in CĂĄceres. We made statistical analyses using absolute frequency and relative frequency to quantify and specify the botanical species found in the gardens. We registered a total of 397 ethnobotanical species and grouped 275 taxa in 79 botanical families. The highest numbers among them were 23 species of Solanaceae, 17 Asteraceae, 14 Lamiaceae , 12 Rosaceae and 9 species of Verbenaceae. Food and ornamental attributes represented 35 % of the species and medicinal 29% . Some species had up to four potentialities. From the known plant universe used locally, native species corresponded to 8%. This percentage was considered low when compared to that of the population living in the Pantanal and cerrado areas. This population demonstrated an interface between agricultural tradition and the characteristics of urban-industrial society living in common spaces: the homegardens

    Molecular Diversity and Ecological Roles of Mycorrhiza-Associated Sterile Fungal Endophytes in Mediterranean Ecosystems

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    These guidelines address the diagnosis and management of atherosclerotic, aneurysmal, and thromboembolic peripheral arterial diseases (PADs). The clinical manifestations of PAD are a major cause of acute and chronic illness, are associated with decrements in functional capacity and quality of life, cause limb amputation, and increase the risk of death. Whereas the term “peripheral arterial disease” encompasses a large series of disorders that affect arterial beds exclusive of the coronary arteries, this writing committee chose to limit the scope of the work of this document to include the disorders of the abdominal aorta, renal and mesenteric arteries, and lower extremity arteries. The purposes of the full guidelines are to (a) aid in the recognition, diagnosis, and treatment of PAD of the aorta and lower extremities, addressing its prevalence, impact on quality of life, cardiovascular ischemic risk, and risk of critical limb ischemia (CLI); (b) aid in the recognition, diagnosis, and treatment of renal and visceral arterial diseases; and (c) improve the detection and treatment of abdominal and branch artery aneurysms. Clinical management guidelines for other arterial beds (e.g., the thoracic aorta, carotid and vertebral arteries, and upper-extremity arteries) have been excluded from the current guidelines to focus on the infradiaphragmatic arterial system and in recognition of the robust evidence base that exists for the aortic, visceral, and lower extremity arteries

    The structure of the nucleon: Elastic electromagnetic form factors

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    ACC/AHA 2005 Guidelines for the Management of Patients With Peripheral Arterial Disease (Lower Extremity, Renal, Mesenteric, and Abdominal Aortic): A Collaborative Report from the American Association for Vascular Surgery/Society for Vascular Surgery,⁎Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions, Society for Vascular Medicine and Biology, Society of Interventional Radiology, and the ACC/AHA Task Force on Practice Guidelines (Writing Committee to Develop Guidelines for the Management of Patients With Peripheral Arterial Disease)

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