922 research outputs found

    Zone d’ombre dans la vie d’un enfant : Histoire d’une greffe

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    Appropriating Play: Examining Twitch.tv as a Commercial Platform

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    This thesis critically analyzes Twitch.tv, a gaming-oriented, online live-streaming site. Viewing the site as a ‘lean platform’ (Srnicek, 2017), it analyzes many aspects of Twitch’s business operations, including ownership structure, video game industry affiliations, use of data, and the monetization of user activity. This analysis then identifies three major areas of concern arising from these operations: the tendency toward monopolization in the gaming industry and its peripheral activities; the intensification of audience commodification; and, the tendency to turn professional streamers into precarious creative labourers. All of these implications point to a growing need for concerted labour organization. The goal of this thesis is to address gaps in the existing literature about Twitch and to provide a foundation for future critical inquiries into the site

    Design of the U2 Experiment Ground Support Equipment

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    Small satellites and sensor payloads aboard larger spacecraft can benefit from ground support equipment (GSE) which reduces the time and cost of developing and flight qualifying space instruments. User friendly microcomputers and a comprehensive system design make such GSE possible and, due to the availability of high speed processors with real-time operating systems, even sophisticated instruments can be accommodated. This was demonstrated by The Johns Hopkins University / Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU / APL) during its work with the U2 Experiment, part of the Strategic Defense Initiative Office\u27s Delta 181 Mission. The U2 Experiment, an orbiting multi-sensor optical emissions instrument, was designed, built, and tested by The JHU / APL. The instrument required a high data rate and complex command capability. It also required a relatively short design-to-launch time of eighteen months. GSE was built to facilitate the U2 Experiment\u27s data processing and instrument control subsystem development, sensor subsystem integration, functional and environmental testing (both independent of, and united with, the spacecraft intended to carry it into orbit), and the U2 Experiment\u27s flight data retrieval. Important elements of a GSE system include: 1) Sensor stimulation and exact emulation of the experiment and spacecraft interfaces. 2) A compatible data acquisition and control unit. 3) A user-friendly, real-time computer system. The GSE design for the U2 Experiment is described to show how it satisfied these requirements

    The role of inducible costimulator in autoimmunity

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    Le costimulateur inductible (ICOS) est un rĂ©cepteur costimulatoire des cellules T crucial pour l’immunitĂ© humorale. Chez l’humain, une dĂ©ficience de ICOS est associĂ©e Ă  des infections rĂ©currentes dĂ» Ă  des dĂ©fauts de diffĂ©rentiation des lymphocytes T auxiliaires folliculaires (Tfh) et un manque d’anticorps protecteurs. Paradoxalement, certains patients dĂ©ficients en ICOS dĂ©veloppent des signes d’autoimmunitĂ© causĂ©s par des autoanticorps. Ces observations sont en accord avec des rĂ©sultats suggĂ©rant que ICOS joue un double rĂŽle dans la promotion des fonctions de cellules T effectrices et de cellules T rĂ©gulatrices. L’arthrite rhumatoĂŻde (RA) est une maladie autoimmune caractĂ©risĂ©e par l’inflammation articulaire et la destruction progressive des os. Dans la premiĂšre Ă©tude prĂ©sentĂ©e au Chapitre 2, nous avons dĂ©montrĂ© que ICOS est requis pour l’initiation et la maintenance de l’arthrite induite par le collagĂšne (CIA), un modĂšle murin de la RA. Nous avons dĂ©montrĂ© que des Ă©vĂ©nements clĂ©s de l’initiation de la CIA incluant la production d’anticorps contre le collagĂšne et la prolifĂ©ration de cellules T inflammatoires sont dĂ©pendants de la voie de signalisation ICOS-PI3K. Aussi, nous avons trouvĂ© que la signalisation par ICOS-PI3K promouvoit le maintien de la CIA. De plus, nous avons Ă©tabli que l’inhibition de la glycolyse rĂ©duit la sĂ©vĂ©ritĂ© de la CIA, ce qui suggĂšre un chevauchement entre la signalisation ICOS-PI3K et le mĂ©tabolisme du glucose dans la pathogenĂšse de l’arthrite autoimmune. Dans la deuxiĂšme Ă©tude prĂ©sentĂ©e au Chapitre 3, nous avons utilisĂ© des souris dont les cellules T rĂ©gulatrices sont dĂ©ficientes en ICOS (ICOS FC) pour Ă©valuer l’impact de ICOS dans les cellules Tfr. Nous avons trouvĂ© que les souris ICOS FC possĂšdent un taux rĂ©duit de cellules Tfr, mais aucune diminution des cellules T rĂ©gulatrices (Treg) prĂ©curseurs. De plus, les souris ICOS FC ont un taux Ă©levĂ© de cellules B du centre germinatif (GC) non-spĂ©cifiques ainsi qu’une production accrue d’anticorps anti-nuclĂ©aires. Nous avons aussi observĂ© une perturbation des rĂ©ponses anti-virales et de la production d’anticorps spĂ©cifiques dans les souris ICOS FC ce qui suggĂšre des rĂŽles non-rĂ©gulateurs pour les cellules Tfr. Nous avons effectuĂ© une analyse de transcriptome de cellule unique avec des Tregs et nous avons observĂ© une accumulation de prĂ©curseurs de Tfr dans les souris ICOS FC, ce qui suggĂšre un dĂ©faut de la transition Treg Ă  Tfr. Nos donnĂ©es suggĂšrent que ICOS participe Ă  la diffĂ©rentiation des cellules Tfr en rĂ©gulant KLF2 et NFAT2, ce qui contribue Ă  l’établissement de traits folliculaires. En rĂ©sumĂ©, nous avons dĂ©montrĂ© que ICOS promouvoit le dĂ©veloppement de l’arthrite autoimmune en soutenant les fonctions des cellules T inflammatoires par la voie de signalisation ICOS-PI3K. De plus, nos rĂ©sultats prouvent que ICOS peut prĂ©venir la production d’autoanticorps en supportant la diffĂ©rentiation des cellules Tfr. Notre travail contribue Ă  l’avancement des connaissances en ce qui concerne le rĂŽle double de ICOS dans l’immunitĂ© cellulaire et humorale et fournit des paramĂštres importants Ă  considĂ©rer lors de la recherche de nouvelles cibles thĂ©rapeutiques.The inducible costimulator (ICOS) is a T cell costimulatory receptor crucial for humoral immunity. In humans, ICOS deficiency is associated with recurrent infections due to defects in T follicular helper (Tfh) differentiation and lack of protective antibodies. Paradoxically, some ICOS-deficient patients were found to exhibit signs of antibody-mediated autoimmunity. These observations are congruent with findings suggesting that ICOS plays a dual role in promoting T effector and T regulatory cell functions. Due to this ambivalence, the role of ICOS in autoimmunity remains unresolved. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease characterized by joint inflammation and progressive bone destruction. The number of ICOS+ T cells in the synovial tissues of RA patients was found to be elevated, suggesting a potential involvement of ICOS signaling in the pathogenesis of RA. In the first study presented in Chapter 2, we showed that ICOS is required for the initiation and maintenance of collagen-induced arthritis (CIA), a murine model of RA. We found that key CIA initiation events such as anti-collagen antibody production and inflammatory T cell proliferation were dependent on ICOS-PI3K signaling. Further, we found that ICOS-PI3K signaling promotes maintenance of established CIA. Additionally, we show that glycolysis inhibition ameliorates CIA, thus suggesting potential overlaps between ICOS-PI3K signaling and glucose metabolism in the pathophysiology of autoimmune arthritis. The initiation of autoimmunity depends on the action of autoimmune effector cells, but also on a failure of regulatory cells. Amongst the latter, T follicular regulatory (Tfr) cells are thought to prevent autoantibody production. In the second study presented in Chapter 3, we used regulatory T cell-specific ICOS knockout (ICOS FC) mice to investigate the impact of ICOS signaling in Tfr cells. We found that ICOS FC mice display a significant reduction in Tfr cell numbers, but no depletion of their T regulatory (Treg) precursors. Further, ICOS FC mice exhibited a rise of extraneous germinal center (GC) B cells numbers and increased production of anti-nuclear antibodies. We also observed disruptions of anti-viral responses and antigen-specific antibody production in ICOS FC mice, suggesting non-regulatory roles for Tfr cells. We performed single-cell transcriptome analysis of regulatory T cells and observed an accumulation of Tfr precursors in ICOS FC mice suggestive of a Treg-to-Tfr transition defect. Mechanistically, we found that ICOS participates in Tfr differentiation by regulating KLF2 and NFAT2, thereby contributing to the establishment of follicular T cell traits. In sum, we demonstrate that ICOS promotes the development of autoimmune arthritis by fostering inflammatory T cell responses in a PI3K-dependent manner. In addition, our work shows that ICOS can prevent autoantibody production by supporting Tfr differentiation. Thus, we contribute insights into the dual role of ICOS in the cellular and humoral arms of autoimmunity, providing important parameters to be considered when searching for novel therapeutic targets

    An analysis of a preemphasis-deemphasis technique for LCRU television

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    Analysis of preemphasis-deemphasis technique for LCRU television system providing link between lunar astronaut and MSF

    Separable Attentional Predictors of Language Outcome

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Salley, B., Panneton, R. K. and Colombo, J. (2013), Separable Attentional Predictors of Language Outcome. Infancy, 18: 462–489. doi:10.1111/j.1532-7078.2012.00138.x, which has been published in final form at http://doi.org/10.1111/j.1532-7078.2012.00138.x. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.The aim of this study was to examine the combined influences of infants attention and use of social cues in the prediction of their language outcomes. This longitudinal study measured infants' visual attention on a distractibility task (11 months), joint attention (14 months), and language outcomes (word –object association, 14 months; MBCDI vocabulary size and multi-word productions at 18 months of age). Path analyses were conducted for two different language outcomes. The analysis for vocabulary revealed unique direct prediction from infants' visual attention on a distractibility task (i.e., maintaining attention to a target event in the presence of competing events) and joint attention (i.e., more frequent response to tester's bids for attention) for larger vocabulary size at outcome; this model accounted for 48% of variance in vocabulary, after controlling for baseline communication status (assessed at 11 months). The analysis for multi-word productions yielded direct effects for infants' distractibility, but not joint attention; this model accounted for 45% of variance in multi-word productions, again after controlling for baseline communication status. Indirect effects were not significant in either model. Results are discussed in light of the unique predictive role of attentional factors and social/attention cues for emerging language

    Bien manger en 2015 : perception du concept par des adultes clĂ©s agissant auprĂšs d’enfants d’ñge prĂ©scolaire au QuĂ©bec

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    Contexte Le concept de saine alimentation est, en 2015, empreint de confusion. La complexitĂ© de ce construit est un frein Ă  l’adoption de saines habitudes alimentaires. Les perceptions associĂ©es Ă  ce concept qu’ont les parents et le personnel des services de garde influencent le comportement alimentaire des enfants avec qui ils sont en relation. Les comportements alimentaires des enfants de moins de 5 ans sont d’intĂ©rĂȘt car ils ont de fortes chances d’ĂȘtre maintenus tout au long de la vie. Des actions ont Ă©tĂ© mises en place au cours des derniĂšres annĂ©es auprĂšs de ces cibles afin d’amĂ©liorer leurs pratiques alimentaires. Objectifs Explorer ce que signifie bien manger pour des parents d’enfants d’ñge prĂ©scolaire, des Ă©ducatrices et des responsables de l’alimentation (RA) en milieu de garde au QuĂ©bec en 2015. MĂ©thode Dans le cadre d’un sondage Ă©lectronique menĂ© auprĂšs de la population cible, une question ouverte est posĂ©e en lien avec les perceptions du « bien manger ». Les rĂ©ponses qualitatives gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©es par ce sondage sont analysĂ©es selon une approche dĂ©ductive et inductive avec une grille de codification ainsi que des tests statistiques. RĂ©sultats La variĂ©tĂ© est le sous-thĂšme le plus frĂ©quent parmi les 1753 parents alors que la santĂ© prend la premiĂšre place parmi les 1055 Ă©ducatrices et les 267 RA. Les qualitĂ©s organoleptiques sont surtout abordĂ©es par les RA, alors que les rĂ©fĂ©rences aux signaux de faim et de satiĂ©tĂ© se dĂ©marquent chez les Ă©ducatrices. En gĂ©nĂ©ral, tous les intervenants font mention de concepts reliĂ©s au « bien manger » incluant la variĂ©tĂ©, la saine alimentation, l’équilibre, la modĂ©ration ou le plaisir. Conclusion Ce portrait reprĂ©sente les perceptions du « bien manger » qu’ont des acteurs clĂ©s auprĂšs d’enfants de 2 Ă  5 ans en 2015. Ces informations sont utiles pour dĂ©velopper des stratĂ©gies de communication rejoignant ces cibles afin de favoriser l’adoption de saines habitudes alimentaires. Les cadres de rĂ©fĂ©rence et guides gouvernementaux ont un rĂŽle important dans les recommandations qu’ils intĂšgrent, lesquelles sont reprises par les professionnels actifs en dĂ©veloppement de saines habitudes de vie Ă  la petite enfance.Context There is confusion surronding the concept of healthy eating in 2015. The complexity of this construct is a barrier to adopting healthy eating habits. The perceptions of this concept that have parents and caregivers influence the eating behavior of the children with whom they interact. Eating behaviors of children under five are of interest because they are likely to be maintained throughout life. Actions have been established in recent years to improve the dietary practices of the target population. Objectives Explore what it means to “eat well” for parents of preschool children, educators and food managers in childcare centers in Quebec in 2015. Methodology As a part of an electronic survey, an open-ended question is asked to the target population in relation to perceptions of "eating well". The qualitative responses generated by this survey are analyzed using a deductive and inductive approach with a coding grid as well as statistical tests. Results Variety is the most common sub-theme among the 1753 parents, while health ranks first among the 1055 educators and the 267 food managers. Organoleptic qualities are mainly addressed by food managers, while mentions of signs of hunger and fullness stand out among the educators. In general, all stakeholders refer to the concepts of "eating well" such as variety, healthy eating, balance, moderation or pleasure. Conclusion This portrait represents the perceptions of “eating well” that key stakeholders with 2 to 5-year old children have in 2015. This information is useful for developing communication strategies that meet these targets in order to promote the adoption of healthy eating habits. Reference frameworks and government guides have an important role regarding the recommendations they provide, which are used by professionals working in developing healthy lifestyles in early childhood
