2,261 research outputs found

    Large-amplitude inviscid fluid motion in an accelerating container

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    Study of dynamic behavior of the liquid-vapor interface of an inviscid fluid in an accelerating cylindrical container includes an analytical-numerical method for determining large amplitude motion. The method is based on the expansion of the velocity potential in a series of harmonic functions with time dependent coefficients

    Leading slow roll corrections to the volume of the universe and the entropy bound

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    We make an extension to recent calculations of the probability density \rho(V) for the volume of the universe after inflation. Previous results have been accurate to leading order in the slow roll parameters \epsilon=\dot{H}/H^2 and \eta=\ddot{\phi}/(\dot{\phi} H), and 1/N_c, where H is the Hubble parameter and N_c is the classical number of e-foldings. Here, we present a modification which captures effects of order \epsilon N_c, which amounts to letting the parameters of inflation H and \dot{\phi} depend on the value of the inflaton \phi. The phase of slow roll eternal inflation can be defined as when the probability to have an infinite volume is greater than zero. Using this definition, we study the Laplace transform of \rho(V) numerically to determine the condition that triggers the transition to eternal inflation. We also study the average volume analytically and show that it satisfies the universal volume bound. This bound states that, in any realization of inflation which ends with a finite volume, an initial volume must grow by less than a factor of exp(S_{dS}/2), where S_{dS} is the de Sitter (dS) entropy.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figure

    Emerging singularities in the bouncing loop cosmology

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    In this paper we calculate O(Ό4)\mathcal{O}(\mu^4) corrections from holonomies in the Loop Quantum Gravity, usually not taken into account. Allowance of the corrections of this kind is equivalent with the choice of the new quatization scheme. Quantization ambiguities in the Loop Quantum Cosmology allow for this additional freedom and presented corrections are consistent with the standard approach. We apply these corrections to the flat FRW cosmological model and calculate the modified Friedmann equation. We show that the bounce appears in the models with the standard O(Ό2)\mathcal{O}(\mu^2) quantization scheme is shifted to the higher energies ρbounce=3ρc\rho_{\text{bounce}} = 3 \rho_{\text{c}}. Also a pole in the Hubble parameter appears for ρpole=3/2ρc\rho_{\text{pole}} = {3/2} \rho_{\text{c}} corresponding to \emph{hyper-inflation/deflation} phases. This pole represents a curvature singularity at which the scale factor is finite. In this scenario the singularity and bounce co-exist. Moreover we find that an ordinary bouncing solution appears only when quantum corrections in the lowest order are considered. Higher order corrections can lead to the nonperturbative effects.Comment: RevTeX4, 8 pages, 4 figures; v2 change of title, more discussion on co-existence of singularity and bounc

    The galactic antiproton spectrum at high energies: background expectation vs. exotic contributions

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    A new generation of upcoming space-based experiments will soon start to probe the spectrum of cosmic ray antiparticles with an unprecedented accuracy and, in particular, will open up a window to energies much higher than those accessible so far. It is thus timely to carefully investigate the expected antiparticle fluxes at high energies. Here, we perform such an analysis for the case of antiprotons. We consider both standard sources as the collision of other cosmic rays with interstellar matter, as well as exotic contributions from dark matter annihilations in the galactic halo. Up to energies well above 100 GeV, we find that the background flux in antiprotons is almost uniquely determined by the existing low-energy data on various cosmic ray species; for even higher energies, however, the uncertainties in the parameters of the underlying propagation model eventually become significant. We also show that if the dark matter is composed of particles with masses at the TeV scale, which is naturally expected in extra-dimensional models as well as in certain parameter regions of supersymmetric models, the annihilation flux can become comparable to - or even dominate - the antiproton background at the high energies considered here.Comment: 17 pages revtex4, 7 figures; minor changes (to match the published version

    Fragend queer bedenken

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    Das feministische Anliegen, traditionelle GeschlechteridentitĂ€ten zu hinterfragen und aufzulösen, sieht sich zunehmend in andere gesellschaftlichen Befreiungsbewegungen eingebunden und durch eine prinzipielle Kritik an der Kategorie IdentitĂ€t erweitert. In akademischen Diskursen beginnt sich, von den USA ausgehend, nun auch im deutschsprachigen Raum der Terminus "Queer-Theorien" oder "Queer-Studies" zu etablieren, der diese ĂŒber die Kategorie Gender hinausgehenden politischen und philosophischen Bestrebungen zusammenfasst. Im folgenden Beitrag werden zunĂ€chst die begriffliche Verwendung von queer und der historische Kontext der Entstehung von queerer Praxis und Queer-Theorien in den USA und in der BRD bzw. in Österreich skizziert. Danach werden die wesentlichen Inhalte dieser Theorien ñ€“ vor allem im Hinblick auf Geschlechterfragen ñ€“ diskutiert. Die vor allem vom Poststrukturalismus inspirierten Queer-Theorien erweisen sich dabei als bereichernde Denkrichtung, die jedoch ihren Anspruch, IdentitĂ€t radikal durch Pluralismus und Differenz zu ersetzen, nicht einzulösen vermag: Denn, so wird u.a. argumentiert, die Umkehrung der zweiwertigen Logik in dem Sinne, dass die Nicht-Norm zur Norm wird, impliziere per se die Ausgrenzung jener, die nicht dem queeren 'Wir' angehören. Zudem mĂŒsse die Frage aufgeworfen werden, wer inhaltlich die Nicht-Norm als Norm bestimmen sollte und was mit jenen Lebensformen passiere, die einst als nicht-normal postuliert wurden, dann aber in die gesellschaftliche Norm integriert wurden

    Implementing fiscal cash register into a legacy application

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    The diploma thesis presents IS MODIS with legacy technologies, into which an interface for the fiscal verification of invoices has been integrated. The statutory requirements for the fiscal verification of invoices are presented. The problem of using said technologies for establishing a TLS session, for calling online services, for digital signature and verification of messages in PowerBuilder 9.03 and 12.5 is presented. IS MODIS is described, its structure and the system's basic operation. The objects which appear in IS MODIS are presented. Two process flow and data flow diagrams for the process of issuing invoices in the initial and final state are shown and explained. All of the necessary modifications to the application and database are mentioned, followed by a description of new objects and their functions. The objects which had to be supplemented or into which specific calls to new functions and objects had to be integrated (either to control functions or to the external program for communication and sending of data to the Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia) are listed. A solution for calling an external program, which communicates with ISFU, using command line parameters is presented. In the conclusion a description of the installation of the module into the production environment, a list of problems in the initial stage of operation, and a description of the add-ons requested by clients or the legislator are given, followed by a number of improvements or suggestions for easier maintenance and upgrading of IS MODIS

    Richard Millet et la provocation « littéraire »

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    In 2012, Richard Millet, writer and editor, published a short text entitled Éloge littĂ©raire d’Andrea Breivik [The literary praise of Andrea Breivik] which provoked a large media outcry. This “affair” leads us to ask ourselves a few questions. Firstly, we will be interested to know if the text was written out of pure provocation and if everything is allowed to the writer in the name of literature. Then, we will try to determine if the contemporary society is ready to engage in debate even on taboo subjects. Finally, we will answer the question of whether Millet’s essays can be considered populist.En 2012, Richard Millet, Ă©crivain et Ă©diteur, publie un opuscule intitulĂ© L’éloge littĂ©raire de Andreas Breivik qui provoque un vĂ©ritable tollĂ© mĂ©diatique. Cette « affaire » nous a amenĂ© Ă  nous poser quelques questions. Nous tĂącherons d’abord d’établir si ce texte a Ă©tĂ© Ă©crit par pure provocation, et si un Ă©crivain peut tout se permettre au nom de la littĂ©rature. Nous nous demanderons ensuite si la sociĂ©tĂ© contemporaine est prĂȘte Ă  engager un dĂ©bat sur des sujets tabous. Enfin, nous aborderons la question de savoir si les essais de Millet peuvent ĂȘtre considĂ©rĂ©s comme populistes.Libro publicado gracias al apoyo de la Facultad de FilologĂ­a de la Universidad de ƁódĆș, del Instituto de Estudios RomĂĄnicos y de Stowarzyszenie Nauczycieli Akademickich na Rzecz Krzewienia Kultury JęzykĂłw Europejskic
