9 research outputs found

    Youth-identified Considerations for Programming to Support Newcomers’ Healthy Development: A Group Concept Mapping Study

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    Background There is a well-documented need for more responsive promotion and prevention programming for young immigrants and refugees in the context of mental health and healthy development. Incorporating the voice of newcomers in the development of promotion and prevention efforts could assist in producing culturally-relevant materials and improve program outcomes. Objective Our goal was to utilize youth voice to identify considerations for developing programming to support newcomer youths’ healthy development. Methods We employed mixed methods and analyzed data using concept mapping. A total of 37 newcomers between the ages of 14 and 22 participated in focus groups to share their ideas for creating programming that would focus on relationships and well-being. Relevant responses were collated, cleaned, and generated into unique statements, and then sorted individually by 26 youth into thematically similar categories. We used multidimensional scaling and hierarchal cluster analysis to produce a concept map. Results Six concepts, in rank order of importance, emerged as follows: create a space for sharing; discuss relational issues; teach strategies for adjusting to a new country; teach wellness skills; have feel-good activities; and plan for diversity. Conclusions Participants’ lived experience and their own attendance in programming at newcomer organizations assisted them in brainstorming what types of activities, topics, and skills would be helpful for other newcomer youth, as well as considerations for facilitators implementing such programming. Promotion and prevention efforts intended for newcomer youth may benefit by incorporating ideas from the concept map

    Using Youth Voice to Inform Programs and Services Promoting Newcomers\u27 Healthy Development

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    Effective programs to support the healthy development and well-being of youth who have immigrated to Canada are needed. This integrated-article dissertation accentuated the perspectives of refugee and immigrant youth to identify considerations for programming and strategies to promote their healthy development. The first paper (Chapter Two) utilized focus groups to explore newcomer youths’ experiences relocating to a new country and advice for other youth who have recently arrived in Canada. We identified five overarching themes across groups through thematic analysis: (1) moving to a new county is hard, (2) maintain a healthy mindset, (3) take an active role in the adjustment process, (4) stay true to who you are, and (5) you are not alone. Findings captured the hardships of adapting to a new country while also demonstrating participants’ resilience, coping skills, and strategies to lead meaningful lives. The second paper (Chapter Three) utilized youth voice to identify considerations for developing programming to support newcomer youths’ relationships and well-being. We applied group concept mapping and identified six concepts as follows, in rank order of importance: create a space for sharing; discuss relational issues; teach strategies for adjusting to a new country; teach skills for wellness; have feel-good activities; and plan for diversity. Participants’ lived experience and their own attendance in programming at newcomer-serving organizations provided a basis for them to brainstorm what types of activities, topics and skills they believe would be helpful for other newcomer youth, as well as considerations for facilitators implementing such programming. Finally, the third paper (Chapter Four) evaluated the acceptability of an evidence-informed healthy relationships program with newcomer youth at three newcomer-serving agencies. Using a mixed-methods case study approach, the perspectives of youth participants, program facilitators, and agency administrators suggested the program is promising in terms of fit and acceptability. Stakeholders also identified how facilitators can tailor content and activities to be more accessible and culturally meaningful for immigrants and refugees. Taken together, the findings from these papers highlight the perspectives of newcomer youth and advance understanding of how to support their adjustment and healthy development

    Feasibility Trial of the School-Based STRONG Intervention to Promote Resilience Among Newcomer Youth

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    There are thousands of refugee students in Canadian schools and many struggle with distress and trauma symptoms. Even those not demonstrating overt distress may face adjustment challenges. This paper describes the pilot of the Supporting Transition Resilience of Newcomer Groups (STRONG) program in ten schools. STRONG is a 10-session, manualized program focused on building skills and helping students process their migration journey. This pilot used a pragmatic mixed-methods approach to evaluate the feasibility of STRONG, with a focus on acceptability, implementation, and perceived utility of the intervention. Clinicians (n = 16) provided data at the training, throughout the intervention and at the end through clinician surveys and focus groups. Clinicians reported high levels of acceptability for the training and program. Implementation challenges included time constraints, external influences, and some challenges with language. Overall STRONG was seen to provide significant positive benefits for students in increasing connectedness, stress management, and coping strategies. Clinicians felt that students developed more positive self-image and had improved optimism. This feasibility trial of the STRONG program indicated the potential utility for promoting resilience and reducing distress among refugee students through a structured, school-based group intervention

    Large expert-curated database for benchmarking document similarity detection in biomedical literature search

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    Document recommendation systems for locating relevant literature have mostly relied on methods developed a decade ago. This is largely due to the lack of a large offline gold-standard benchmark of relevant documents that cover a variety of research fields such that newly developed literature search techniques can be compared, improved and translated into practice. To overcome this bottleneck, we have established the RElevant LIterature SearcH consortium consisting of more than 1500 scientists from 84 countries, who have collectively annotated the relevance of over 180 000 PubMed-listed articles with regard to their respective seed (input) article/s. The majority of annotations were contributed by highly experienced, original authors of the seed articles. The collected data cover 76% of all unique PubMed Medical Subject Headings descriptors. No systematic biases were observed across different experience levels, research fields or time spent on annotations. More importantly, annotations of the same document pairs contributed by different scientists were highly concordant. We further show that the three representative baseline methods used to generate recommended articles for evaluation (Okapi Best Matching 25, Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency and PubMed Related Articles) had similar overall performances. Additionally, we found that these methods each tend to produce distinct collections of recommended articles, suggesting that a hybrid method may be required to completely capture all relevant articles. The established database server located at https://relishdb.ict.griffith.edu.au is freely available for the downloading of annotation data and the blind testing of new methods. We expect that this benchmark will be useful for stimulating the development of new powerful techniques for title and title/abstract-based search engines for relevant articles in biomedical research.Peer reviewe

    “You Have to be Resilient”: A Qualitative Study Exploring Advice Newcomer Youth Have for Other Newcomer Youth.

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    Research infrequently includes the perspectives of vulnerable and marginalized youth. As the population of newcomer youth in Canada continues to grow, it is imperative that attention is devoted not only to challenges they experience, but also to resilience factors they perceive to support their adjustment and well-being. To address this gap, this qualitative research explored newcomer youths’ experiences and advice for other newcomer youth who have recently arrived in Canada. Thirty-seven newcomer youth from two medium-sized cities in Ontario participated in focus groups. Participants ranged from 14 to 22 in age and identified mostly as female refugees from the Middle East. Through thematic analysis, five overarching themes were found across groups: (1) moving to a new country is hard, (2) maintain a healthy mindset, (3) take an active role in the adjustment process, (4) stay true to who you are, (5) and you are not alone. Youth described hardships that make moving to a new country difficult including lack of belonging due to racism and bullying, insufficient orientation to new systems, language barriers, and high levels of stress. Findings demonstrated youths’ resilience, coping skills, and strategies to lead meaningful lives. Youth discussed resilience strategies such as maintaining a connection with home culture and religion, reframing thinking to be positive, receiving emotional support, accessing community support at newcomer agencies, and building language proficiency. Findings provide implications for professionals working with newcomer youth and reflect the importance of addressing structural barriers and racism. The opportunity for newcomer youth to share experiences as experts in research may also help to promote resilience. Immigration accounts for approximately two-thirds of the population growth in Canada. (Statistics Canada, 2017a). While the economic class of immigrants (i.e. those who have specific occupational skills and experience to support the needs in Canada’s labor market) makes up the greatest proportion of newcomers admitted into the country each year, the Canadian government notably increased the number of refugees to be resettled into the country. An influx of nearly 100,000 refugees resettled in Canada between January 2015 and March 2018, many of whom were under the age of 18 (Child and Youth Refugee Research Coalition, 2018). Global trends reveal that we are presently experiencing one of the largest humanitarian crises in history as the number of forcibly displaced persons worldwide has grown substantially, reaching 70.8 million by the end of 2018 (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, 2018). As part of Canada’s humanitarian commitment to resettle those most at risk, the country had plans to welcome over 30,000 refugees in 2020 (IRCC, 2020). The term newcomer will be used throughout this paper as an inclusive category that describes individuals who have been in the country five years or less

    Response to "Comment on 'Seagrass viviparous propagules as a potential long-distance dispersal mechanism' by A. C. G. Thomson et al"

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    [Extract] Our original article (Thomson et al. 2015) presented data exploring Zostera nigricaulis asexually produced vegetative propagules as a potential long-distance dispersal mechanism for seagrasses. We found that the vegetative propagules of Z. nigricaulis were able to maintain buoyancy and photosynthetic health for more than 85 days, which suggested capacity for long-distance dispersal. While long-term establishment of propagules in situ was not successful due to poor seasonal conditions, highly successful establishment and growth in mesocosm-based experiments gave support for positive establishment opportunities. Resilience of seagrass meadows relies on the ability of seagrass to successfully recolonise denuded areas or disperse to new areas (Macreadie et al. 2014), and this research demonstrated that although successful establishment may be rare, vegetative propagules show re-establishment potential for declining seagrass populations. These results are consistent with results found by Stafford-Bell et al. (2015), where prolonged dispersal of Zostera muelleri vegetative fragments was predicted

    Seagrass viviparous propagules as a potential long-distance dispersal mechanism

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    Resilience of seagrass meadows relies on the ability of seagrass to successfully recolonise denuded areas or disperse to new areas. While seed germination and rhizome extension have been explored as modes of recovery and expansion, the contribution of seagrass viviparous propagules to meadow population dynamics has received little attention. Here, we investigated the potential of seagrass viviparous propagules to act as dispersal vectors. We performed a series of density surveys, and in situ and mesocosm-based experiments in Port Phillip Bay, VIC, Australia, using Zostera nigricaulis, a species known to produce viviparous propagules. Production of viviparous propagules was higher at sites with high wind and current exposure, compared to more sheltered environments. A number of propagules remained buoyant and healthy for more than 85 days, suggesting the capacity for relatively long-distance dispersal. Transplanted propagules were found to have improved survivorship within seagrass habitats compared to bare sediment over the short term (4 weeks); however, all propagules suffered longer-term (<100 days) mortality in field experiments. Conditions outside of meadows, including sediment scouring, reduced the likelihood of successful colonisation in bare sediment. Furthermore, sediment characteristics within meadows, such as a smaller grain size and high organic content, positively influenced propagule establishment. This research provides preliminary evidence that propagules have the potential to act as an important long-distance dispersal vector, a process that has previously gone unrecognised. Even though successful establishment of propagules may be rare, viviparous propagules show great potential for seagrass populations given they are facing global decline

    Rubens, Van Dyck, and Jordaens: Paintings in the Collection of the National Gallery of Canada / Rubens, Van Dyck et Jordaens. Tableaux de la collection du Musée des beaux-arts du Canada

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    4Th Pediatric Allergy And Asthma Meeting (Paam)

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    WORKSHOP 4: Challenging clinical scenarios (CS01–CS06), CS01 Bullous lesions in two children: solitary mastocytoma, S. Tolga Yavuz, Ozan Koc, Ali Gungor, Faysal Gok, CS02 Multi-System Allergy (MSA) of cystic fibrosis: our institutional experience, Jessica Hawley, Christopher O’Brien, Matthew Thomas, Malcolm Brodlie, Louise Michaelis, CS03 Cold urticaria in pediatric age: an invisible cause for severe reactions, InĂȘs Mota, Ângela Gaspar, Susana Piedade, Graça Sampaio, JosĂ© Geraldo Dias, Miguel Paiva, MĂĄrio Morais-Almeida, CS04 Angioedema with C1 inhibitor deficiency in a girl: a challenge diagnosis, Cristina Madureira, TĂąnia Lopes, Susana Lopes, Filipa Almeida, Alexandra Sequeira, Fernanda Carvalho, JosĂ© Oliveira, CS05 A child with unusual multiple organ allergy disease: what is the primer?, Fabienne Gay-Crosier, CS06 A case of uncontrolled asthma in a 6-year-old patient, Ioana-Valentina Nenciu, Andreia Florina Nita, Alexandru Ulmeanu, Dumitru Oraseanu, Carmen Zapucioiu, ORAL ABSTRACT SESSION 1: Food allergy (OP01–OP06), OP01 Food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome: oral food challenge outcomes for tolerance evaluation in a Pediatric Hospital, Adrianna Machinena, Olga DomĂ­nguez SĂĄnchez, Montserrat Alvaro Lozano, Rosa Jimenez Feijoo, Jaime Lozano Blasco, MĂČnica Piquer Gibert, MÂȘ Teresa Giner Muñoz, Marcia Dias da Costa, Ana Maria Plaza MartĂ­n, OP02 Characteristics of infants with food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome and allergic proctocolitis, Ebru Arik Yilmaz, Özlem Cavkaytar, Betul Buyuktiryaki, Ozge Soyer, Cansin Sackesen, OP03 The clinical and immunological outcomes after consumption of baked egg by 1–5 year old egg allergic children: results of a randomised controlled trial, MerrynNetting, Adaweyah El-Merhibi, Michael Gold, PatrickQuinn, IrmeliPenttila, Maria Makrides, OP04 Oral immunotherapy for treatment of egg allergy using low allergenic, hydrolysed egg, Stavroula Giavi, Antonella Muraro, Roger Lauener, Annick Mercenier, Eugen Bersuch, Isabella M. Montagner, Maria Passioti, NicolĂČ Celegato, Selina Summermatter, Sophie Nutten, Tristan Bourdeau, Yvonne M. Vissers, Nikolaos G. Papadopoulos, OP05 Chemical modification of a peanut extract results in an increased safety profile while maintaining efficacy, Hanneke van der Kleij, Hans Warmenhoven, Ronald van Ree, Raymond Pieters, Dirk Jan Opstelten, Hans van Schijndel, Joost Smit, OP06 Administration of the yellow fever vaccine in egg allergic children, Roisin Fitzsimons, Victoria Timms, George Du Toit, ORAL ABSTRACT SESSION 2: Asthma (OP07–OP12), OP07 Previous exacerbation is the most important risk factor for future exacerbations in school-age children with asthma, S. Tolga Yavuz, Guven Kaya, Mustafa Gulec, Mehmet Saldir, Osman Sener, Faysal Gok, OP08 Comparative study of degree of severity and laboratory changes between asthmatic children using different acupuncture modalities, Nagwa Hassan, Hala Shaaban, Hazem El-Hariri, Ahmed Kamel Inas E. Mahfouz, OP09 The concentration of exhaled carbon monoxide in asthmatic children with different controlled stadium, Papp Gabor, Biro Gabor, Kovacs Csaba, OP10 Effect of vitamin D3 supplementation during pregnancy on risk of persistent wheeze in the offspring: a randomised clinical trial, Bo Chawes, Klaus BĂžnnelykke, Jakob Stokholm, Lene Heickendorff, Susanne Brix, Morten Rasmussen, Hans Bisgaard, OP11 Lung function development in childhood, Henrik Wegener Hallas, Bo Chawes, Lambang Arianto, Hans Bisgaard, OP12 Is the effect of maternal and paternal asthma different in female and male children before puberty?, Maike Pincus, Thomas Keil, Andreas Reich, Ulrich Wahn, Susanne Lau, Linus Grabenhenrich, ORAL ABSTRACT SESSION 3: Epidemiology—genetics (OP13–OP18), OP13 Lifestyle is associated with incidence and category of allergen sensitisation: the ALADDIN birth cohort, Sara Fagerstedt, Helena Marell Hesla, Emelie Johansson, Helen Rosenlund, Axel Mie, Annika Scheynius, Johan Alm, OP15 Maternal filaggrin mutations increase the risk of atopic dermatitis in children: an effect independent of mutation inheritance, Jorge Esparza-Gordillo, Anja Matanovic, Ingo Marenholz, Anja Bauerfeind, Klaus Rohde, Katja Nemat, Min-Ae Lee-Kirsch, Magnus Nordenskjöld, Marten C. G. Winge, Thomas Keil, Renate KrĂŒger, Susanne Lau, Kirsten Beyer, Birgit Kalb, Bodo Niggemann, Norbert HĂŒbner, Heather J. Cordell, Maria Bradley, Young-Ae Lee, OP16 Allergic multimorbidity of asthma, rhinitis and eczema in the first 2 decades of the German MAS birth cohort, Thomas Keil, Hannah Gough, Linus Grabenhenrich, Dirk Schramm, Andreas Reich, John Beschorner, Antje Schuster, Carl-Peter Bauer, Johannes Forster, Fred Zepp, Young-Ae Lee, Renate Bergmann, Karl Bergmann, Ulrich Wahn, Susanne Lau, OP17 Childhood anaphylaxis: a growing concern, Filipe Benito Garcia, InĂȘs Mota, Susana Piedade, Ângela Gaspar, Natacha Santos, Helena PitĂ©, MĂĄrio Morais-Almeida, OP18 Indoor exposure to molds and dampness in infancy and its association to persistent atopic dermatitis in school age. Results from the Greek ISAAC II study, Athina Papadopoulou, Despina Mermiri, Elpida Xatziagorou, Ioannis Tsanakas, Stavroula Lampidi, Kostas Priftis, ORAL ABSTRACT SESSION 4: Pediatric rhinitis—immunotherapy (OP19–OP24), OP19 Associations between residential greenness and childhood allergic rhinitis and aeroallergen sensitisation in seven birth cohorts, Elaine Fuertes, Iana Markevych, Gayan Bowatte, Olena Gruzieva, Ulrike Gehring, Allan Becker, Dietrich Berdel, Michael Brauer, Chris Carlsten, Barbara Hoffmann, Anita Kozyrskyj, Caroline Lodge, Göran Pershagen, Alet Wijga, Heinrich Joachim, OP20 Full symptom control in pediatric patients with allergic rhinitis and asthma: results of a 2-year sublingual allergen immunotherapy study, Zorica Zivkovic, Ivana Djuric-Filipovic, Jasmina Jocić-Stevanovic, SneĆŸana Zivanovic, OP21 Nasal epithelium of different ages of atopic subjects present increased levels of oxidative stress and increased cell cytotoxicity upon rhinovirus infection, Styliani Taka, Dimitra Kokkinou, Aliki Papakonstantinou, Panagiota Stefanopoulou, Anastasia Georgountzou, Paraskevi Maggina, Sofia Stamataki, Vassiliki Papaevanggelou, Evangelos Andreakos, Nikolaos G. Papadopoulos, OP22 Cluster subcutaneous immunotherapy schedule: tolerability profile in children, Monica Piquer Gibert, Montserrat Alvaro Lozano, Jaime Lozano Blasco, Olga DomĂ­nguez SĂĄnchez, Rosa JimĂ©nez Feijoo, Marcia Dias da Costa, MÂȘ Teresa Giner Muñoz, Adriana Machinena Spera, Ana Maria Plaza MartĂ­n, OP23 Rhinitis as a risk factor for asthma severity in 11-year old children: population-based cohort study, Matea Deliu, Danielle Belgrave, Angela Simpson, Adnan Custovic, OP24 The Global Lung Function Initiative equations in airway obstruction evaluation of asthmatic children, JoĂŁo Gaspar Marques, Pedro Carreiro-Martins, Joana Belo, Sara Serranho, Isabel Peralta, Nuno Neuparth, Paula Leiria-Pinto, POSTER DISCUSSION SESSION 1: Food allergy (PD01–PD05), PD01 Allergen-specific humoral and cellular responses in children who fail egg oral immunotherapy due to allergic reactions, Marta Vazquez-Ortiz, Mariona Pascal, Ana Maria Plaza, Manel Juan, PD02 FoxP3 epigenetic features in children with cow milk allergy, Lorella Paparo, Rita Nocerino, Rosita Aitoro, Ilaria Langella, Antonio Amoroso, Alessia Amoroso, Carmen Di Scala, Roberto Berni Canani, PD04 Combined milk and egg allergy in early childhood: let them eat cake?, Santanu Maity, Giuseppina Rotiroti, Minal Gandhi, PD05 Introduction of complementary foods in relation to allergy and gut microbiota in farm and non-farm children, Karin Jonsson, Annika Ljung, Bill Hesselmar, Ingegerd Adlerbert, Hilde Brekke, Susanne Johansen, Agnes Wold, Ann-Sofie Sandberg, POSTER DISCUSSION SESSION 2: Asthma and wheeze (PD06–PD16), PD06 The association between asthma and exhaled nitric oxide is influenced by genetics and sensitisation, Björn Nordlund, Cecilia Lundholm, Villhelmina Ullemar, Marianne van Hage, Anne Örtqvist, Catarina Almqvist, PD09 Prevalence patterns of infant wheeze across Europe, Anna Selby, Kate Grimshaw, Thomas Keil, Linus Grabenhenrich, Michael Clausen, Ruta Dubakiene, Alessandro Fiocchi, Marek Kowalski, Nikos Papadopoulos, Marta Reche, Sigurveig Sigurdardottir, Aline Sprikkleman, Paraskevi Xepapadaki, Clare Mills, Kirsten Beyer, Graham Roberts, PD10 Epidemiologic changes in recurrent wheezing infants, Herberto Jose Chong Neto, Gustavo Falbo Wandalsen, Ana Carolina Dela Bianca, Carolina Aranda, Nelson Augusto RosĂĄrio, Dirceu SolĂ©, Javier Mallol, Luis GarcĂ­a Marcos, PD13 A single nucleotide polymorphism in the GLCCI1 gene is associated with response to asthma treatment in children, IvanaBanic, Matija Rijavec, Davor Plavec, Peter Korosec, Mirjana Turkalj, PD14 Pollen induced asthma: Could small molecules in pollen exacerbate the protein-mediated allergic response?, Alen Bozicevic, Maria De Mieri, Matthias Hamburger, PD15 A qualitative study to understand how we can empower teenagers to better self-manage their asthma, Simone Holley, Ruth Morris, Frances Mitchell, Rebecca Knibb, Susan Latter, Christina Liossi, Graham Roberts, PD16 Polymorphism of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) gene among Egyptian children with bronchial asthma, Mostafa M. M. Hassan, POSTER DISCUSSION SESSION 3: Mechanisms—Epidemiology (PD17–PD21), PD17 Pregnancy outcomes in relation to development of allergy in a Swedish birth cohort, Malin Barman, Anna Sandin, Agnes Wold, Ann-Sofie Sandberg, PD18 Evolution of the IgE response to house dust mite molecules in childhood, Daniela Posa, Serena Perna, Carl-Peter Bauer, Ute Hoffmann, Johannes Forster, Fred Zepp, Antje Schuster, Ulrich Wahn, Thomas Keil, Susanne Lau, Kuan-Wei Chen, Yvonne Resch, Susanne Vrtala, Rudolf Valenta, Paolo Maria Matricardi, PD19 Antibody recognition of nsLTP-molecules as antigens but not as allergens in the German-MAS birth cohort, Olympia Tsilochristou, Alexander Rohrbach, Antonio Cappella, Stephanie Hofmaier, Laura Hatzler, Carl-Peter Bauer, Ute Hoffmann, Johannes Forster, Fred Zepp, Antje Schuster, RaffaeleD’Amelio, Ulrich Wahn, Thomas Keil, Susanne Lau, Paolo Maria Matricardi, PD20 Early life colonization with Lactobacilli and Staphylococcus aureus oppositely associates with the maturation and activation of FOXP3+ CD4 T-cells, Sophia Björkander, Maria A. Johansson, Gintare Lasaviciute, Eva Sverremark-Ekström, PD21 Genome-wide meta-analysis identifies 7 susceptibility loci involved in the atopic march, Ingo Marenholz, Jorge Esparza-Gordillo, Franz RĂŒschendorf, Anja Bauerfeind, David P. Strachan, Ben D. Spycher, Hansjörg Baurecht, Patricia Margaritte-Jeannin, Annika SÀÀf, Marjan Kerkhof, Markus Ege, Svetlana Baltic, Melanie C Matheson, Jin Li, Sven Michel, Wei Q. Ang, Wendy McArdle, Andreas Arnold, Georg Homuth, Florence Demenais, Emmanuelle Bouzigon, Cilla SöderhĂ€ll, Göran Pershagen, Johan C. de Jongste, Dirkje S Postma, Charlotte Braun-FahrlĂ€nder, Elisabeth Horak, Ludmila M. Ogorodova, Valery P. Puzyrev, Elena Yu Bragina, Thomas J Hudson, Charles Morin, David L Duffy, Guy B Marks, Colin F Robertson, Grant W Montgomery, Bill Musk, Philip J Thompson, Nicholas G. Martin, Alan James, Patrick Sleiman, Elina Toskala, Elke Rodriguez, Regina Fölster-Holst, Andre Franke, Wolfgang Lieb, Christian Gieger, Andrea Heinzmann, Ernst Rietschel, Thomas Keil, Sven Cichon, Markus M Nöthen, Craig E Pennell, Peter D Sly, Carsten O Schmidt, Anja Matanovic, Valentin Schneider, Matthias Heinig, Norbert HĂŒbner, Patrick G. Holt, Susanne Lau, Michael Kabesch, Stefan Weidinger, Hakon Hakonarson, Manuel AR Ferreira, Catherine Laprise, Maxim B. Freidin, Jon Genuneit, Gerard H Koppelman, Erik MelĂ©n, Marie-HĂ©lĂšne Dizier, A. John Henderson, Young Ae Lee, POSTER DISCUSSION SESSION 4: Food allergy—Anaphylaxis (PD22–PD26), PD22 Atopy patch test in food protein induced enterocolitis caused by solid food, Purificacion GonzĂĄlez-Delgado, Esther CaparrĂłs, Fernando Clemente, Begoña Cueva, Victoria M. Moreno, Jose Luis Carretero, Javier FernĂĄndez, PD23 Watermelon allergy: a novel presentation, Kate Swan, George Du Toit, PD24 A pilot study evaluating the usefulness of a guideline template for managing milk allergy in primary care, Mudiyur Gopi, Tim Smith, Edara Ramesh, Arun Sadasivam, PD26 Efficacy and safety of cow’s milk oral immunotherapy protocol, InĂȘs Mota, Filipe Benito Garcia, Susana Piedade, Angela Gaspar, Graça Sampaio, Cristina ArĂȘde, LuĂ­s Miguel Borrego, Graça Pires, Cristina Santa-Marta, MĂĄrio Morais-Almeida, POSTER DISCUSSION SESSION 5: Prevention and treatment—Allergy (PD27–PD36), PD27 Allergy-protection by the lactic acid bacterium Lactococcus lactis G121: mode-of-action as revealed in a murine model of experimental allergy, Stephanie Brand, Karina Stein, Holger Heine, Marion Kauth, PD29 The relationship between quality of life and morning salivary cortisol after acute bronchiolitis in infancy, Leif Bjarte Rolfsjord, Egil Bakkeheim, Johan Alm, HĂ„vard Ove Skjerven, Kai-HĂ„kon Carlsen, Jon Olav Hunderi, Teresa LĂžvold Berents, Petter Mowinckel, Karin C. LĂždrup Carlsen, PD30 Randomised trial of the efficacy of MP29-02* compared with fluticasone propionate nasal spray in children aged ≄6 years to <12 years with allergic rhinitis, Ulrich Wahn, Ullrich Munzel, William Berger, PD31 10 mg of oral bilastine in 2 to 11 years old children has similar exposure to the adult therapeutic dose (20 mg), Ulrich Wahn, RomĂĄn Valiente, Valvanera Vozmediano, John C. Lukas, MĂłnica RodrĂ­guez, PD33 Daily symptoms, nocturnal symptoms, activity limitations and reliever therapies during the three steps of IOEASMA programme: a comparison, Sebastiano Guarnaccia, Luigi Vitale, Ada Pluda, Emanuele D’Agata, Denise Colombo, Stefano Felici, Valeria Gretter, Susanna Facchetti, Gaia Pecorelli, Cristina Quecchia, PD34 Sensitisation to an inert aeroallergen in weaning rats and longstanding disease, in a sensitisation-tolerant and easily tolerisable rodent strain, George Guibas, Evangelia Spandou, Spyridon Megremis, Peter West, Nikolaos Papadopoulos, PD35 Bacterial and fungi exposure in school and allergic sensitisation in children, JoĂŁo Cavaleiro Rufo, Joana Madureira, InĂȘs PaciĂȘncia, LĂ­via Aguiar, PatrĂ­cia PadrĂŁo, Mariana Pinto, LuĂ­s Delgado, Pedro Moreira, JoĂŁo Paulo Teixeira, Eduardo Oliveira Fernandes, AndrĂ© Moreira, PD36 Comparative study of allergy rhinitis between two populations: children vs. adults, Adriana Izquierdo Dominguez, Antonio Valero, Joaquim Mullol, Alfonso Del Cuvillo, Javier Montoro, Ignacio Jauregui, Joan Bartra, Ignacio Davila, Marta Ferrer, Joaquin Sastre, POSTER VIEWING SESSION 1: Inflammation—Genetics—Immunology—Dermatology (PP01–PP09), PP01 Immune profile in late pregnancy: immunological markers in atopic asthmaticwomen as risk factors for atopy in the progeny, Catarina Martins, Jorge Lima, Maria JosĂ© Leandro, GlĂłria Nunes, Jorge Cunha Branco, HĂ©lder Trindade, Luis Miguel Borrego, PP02 The impact of neonatal sepsis on development of allergic diseases, Secil Conkar, Mehtap Kilic, Canan Aygun, Recep Sancak, PP03 Clinical overview of selective IgE deficiency in childhood, Athina Papadopoulou, Eleni Tagalaki, Lambros Banos, Anna Vlachou, Fotini Giannoula, Despina Mermiri, PP04 Inverse relationship between serum 25(ΟΗ) vitamin D3 and total IgE in children and adolescence, Athina Papadopoulou, Stavroula Lampidi, Marina Pavlakou, Maria Kryoni, Kostas Makris, PP05, PP06, PP07 Asthma control questionnaire and specific IgE in children, Snezhina Lazova, Guergana Petrova, Dimitrinka Miteva, Penka Perenovska, PP08 Features of chronic urticaria of adolescents, Aliya Klyucharova, Olesya Skorohodkina, PP09 Cutaneous mastocytosis in children: a clinical analysis of 8 cases in Greece, Dimitra Koumaki, Alkisti Manousaki, Maria Agrapidi, Lida Iatridou, Omima Eruk, Konstantinos Myridakis, Emmanouil Manousakis, Vasiliki Koumaki, POSTER VIEWING SESSION 2: Food allergy—Anaphylaxis (PP10–PP47), PP10 Prognostic factors in egg allergy, Maria Dimou, Maria Ingemansson, Gunilla Hedlin, PP11 Evaluation of the efficacy of an amino acid-based formula in infants who are intolerant to extensively hydrolysed protein formula, Nitida Pastor, Delphine de Boissieu, Jon Vanderhoof, Nancy Moore, Kaitlin Maditz, PP12 Anaphylaxis and epinephrine auto-injector use: a survey of pediatric trainees, Adeli Mehdi, Shaza Elhassan, Carolin Beck, Ahmed Al-Hammadi, PP13 Anaphylaxis in children: acute management in the Emergency Department, Ioana Maris, Ronan O’Sullivan, Jonathan Hourihane,, PP14 Understanding Cumbrian schools preparedness in managing children at risk of anaphylaxis in order to provide training and support which will create healthy and safe environments for children with allergies, George Raptis, Louise Michaelis, PP15 A new valid and reliable parent and child questionnaire to measure the impact of food protein enterocolitis syndrome on children: the FPIES Quality of Life Questionnaire (FPIESQL), Parent and Child Short Form, Audrey DunnGalvin, Matthew Greenhawt, Carina Venter, Jonathan Hourihane, PP16 An in-depth case study investigation of the experiences of teenagers and young adults in growing up and living with food allergy with emphasis on coping, management and risk, support, and social and self-identity, Evelyn O’Regan, Duncan Cronin, Jonathan Hourihane, Anna O’Reilly, Audrey DunnGalvin, PP17 Cow’s milk protein allergy in Constantine. A retrospective study of 62 cases between 1996 and 2013, Foued Abdelaziz, Dounia Khelifi-Touhami, Nihad Selim, Tahar Khelifi-Touhami, PP18, PP19 Cow’s milk and egg oral immunotherapy in children older than 5 years, Pablo Merida, Ana MÂȘ Plaza, Juan Heber Castellanos, Adrianna Machinena, Montserrat Alvaro Lozano, Jaime Lozano, Olga Dominguez, Monica Piquer, Rosa Jimenez, MÂȘ Teresa Giner, PP20 Professionals’ awareness of management of Cow’s Milk Protein Allergy (CMPA) in North Wales Hospitals, Konstantinos Kakleas, Manohar Joishy, Wendmu Maskele, Huw R. Jenkins, PP21, PP22 Anaphylaxis: the great unknown for teachers. Presentation of a protocol for schools, Mercedes Escarrer, AgustĂ­n Madroñero, Maria Teresa Guerra, Juan Carlos Julia, Juan Carlos Cerda, Javier Contreras, Eulalia Tauler, Maria Jesus Vidorreta, Ana Rojo, Silvia Del Valle, PP23 Challenges facing children with food allergies and their parents in out of school activity sectors, Niamh Flynn, PP24 A review of food challenges at a Regional Irish Centre, Gary Foley, Carol Harmon, John Fitzsimons, PP25 The use of epinephrine in infants with anaphylaxis, Krasimira Baynova, Ávila Maria Del Robledo, Labella Marina, PP26, PP27, PP28 Mother’s psychological state predicts the expression of symptoms in food allergic children, Aaron Cortes, Alicia Sciaraffia, Angela Castillo, PP29 The correlation between sIgE towards tree nuts and birch pollen in a Danish Pediatric Allergy Clinic, Nanna Juel-Berg, Kirsten Skamstrup Hansen, Lars KĂŠrgaard Poulsen, PP30 Food allergy in children: evaluation of parents’ use of online social media, Andreia Florina Nita, Ioana Valentina Nenciu, Adina Lazar, Dumitru Oraseanu, PP31 The impact of food allergy on quality of life: FAQLQ questionnaire, Rita Aguiar, Anabela Lopes, Maria J. Paes, AmĂ©lia S. Santos, M. A. Pereira-Barbosa, PP32 An unexpected cause of anaphylaxis: potato, Hatice Eke Gungor, Salih Uytun, Umit Murat Sahiner, Yasemin Altuner Torun, PP33 Is it clinical phenotype of allergic diseases determined by sensitisation to food?, Mirjana Zivanovic, Marina Atanasković-Marković, PP34, PP35 Prescribing adrenaline auto-injectors in children in 2014: the data from regional pediatricians, Tina Vesel, Mihaela Nahtigal, Andreja Obermayer-Temlin, Eva Ć oster KriĆŸnik, Mirjana Maslar, Ruben Bizjak, Marjeta TomĆĄič-Matic, Sonja Posega-Devetak, Maja Skerbinjek-Kavalar, Mateja Predalič, Tadej Avčin, PP36 Who should have an adrenaline autoinjector? Adherence to the European and French guidelines among 121 allergists from the Allergy Vigilance Network, Guillaume Pouessel, Etienne Beaudouin, Anne M. Moneret-Vautrin, Antoine Deschildre, Allergy Vigilance Network, PP37 Anaphylaxis by Anacardium Occidentale, Marta Viñas, BartolomĂ© Borja, Nora HernĂĄndez, MÂȘ JosĂ© Castillo, Adriana Izquierdo, Marcel Ibero, PP38 Anaphylaxis with honey in a child, S. Tolga Yavuz, Ali Gungor, Betul Buyuktiryaki, Ozan Koc, Can Naci Kocabas, Faysal Gok, PP39 Evaluation of courses adopted to children on prevention, recognition and management of anaphylaxis, Tina Vesel, Mihaela Nahtigal, PP40 Symptomatic dust mites and shrimp allergy: three pediatric case reports, Filipa Almeida, Susana Lopes, Cristina Madureira, TĂąnia Lopes, Fernanda Carvalho, PP41 Poor identification rates of nuts by high risk individuals: a call for improved education and support for families, Camille Heming, Emily Garrett, Adam Blackstock, Santanu Maity, Rahul Chodhari, PP42 DAFALL: database of food allergies in the Czech Republic, Simona Belohlavkova, Eliska Kopelentova, Petr Visek, Ivana Setinova, Ivana Svarcova, PP43 Serological cross-reactivity between grass and wheat is not only caused by profilins and CCDs, Sigrid Sjölander, Nora Nilsson, Malin Berthold, Helena Ekoff, Gunilla Hedlin, Magnus Borres, Caroline Nilsson, PP44 Oil body associated proteins in children with nuts allergy. Allergens to consider in IgE-mediated nuts allergy, Loreto GonzĂĄlez DomĂ­nguez, Cristina Muñoz Archidona, Ana Moreira Jorge, Sergio Quevedo Teruel, Teresa Bracamonte Bermejo, Miriam Castillo FernĂĄndez, Fernando Pineda de la Losa, Luis Ángel EcheverrĂ­a Zudaire, PP45, PP46 Protective effect of helicobacter pylori infection against food allergy in children, Olga Vrani, Antigone Mavroudi, Maria Fotoulaki, Maria Emporiadou, Kleomenis Spiroglou, Ioannis Xinias, PP47 Anaphylaxis pathway: A road tryp-tase to success?, Helyeh A. Sadreddini, Mia Warnes, Donna Traves, POSTER VIEWING SESSION 3: Miscell