80 research outputs found

    Coordinated Regulation of SIV Replication and Immune Responses in the CNS

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    Central nervous system (CNS) invasion during acute-stage HIV-infection has been demonstrated in a small number of individuals, but there is no evidence of neurological impairment at this stage and virus infection in brain appears to be controlled until late-stage disease. Using our reproducible SIV macaque model to examine the earliest stages of infection in the CNS, we identified immune responses that differentially regulate inflammation and virus replication in the brain compared to the peripheral blood and lymphoid tissues. SIV replication in brain macrophages and in brain of SIV-infected macaques was detected at 4 days post-inoculation (p.i.). This was accompanied by upregulation of innate immune responses, including IFNβ, IFNβ-induced gene MxA mRNA, and TNFα. Additionally, IL-10, the chemokine CCL2, and activation markers in macrophages, endothelial cells, and astrocytes were all increased in the brain at four days p.i. We observed synchronous control of virus replication, cytokine mRNA levels and inflammatory markers (MHC Class II, CD68 and GFAP) by 14 days p.i.; however, control failure was followed by development of CNS lesions in the brain. SIV infection was accompanied by induction of the dominant-negative isoform of C/EBPβ, which regulates SIV, CCL2, and IL6 transcription, as well as inflammatory responses in macrophages and astrocytes. This synchronous response in the CNS is in part due to the effect of the C/EBPβ on virus replication and cytokine expression in macrophage-lineage cells in contrast to CD4+ lymphocytes in peripheral blood and lymphoid tissues. Thus, we have identified a crucial period in the brain when virus replication and inflammation are controlled. As in HIV-infected individuals, though, this control is not sustained in the brain. Our results suggest that intervention with antiretroviral drugs or anti-inflammatory therapeutics with CNS penetration would sustain early control. These studies further suggest that interventions should target HIV-infected individuals with increased CCL2 levels or HIV RNA in the CNS

    Towards defining reference materials for extracellular vesicle size, concentration, refractive index and epitope abundance

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    Accurate characterization of extracellular vesicles (EVs) is critical to explore their diagnostic and therapeutic applications. As the EV research field has developed, so too have the techniques used to characterize them. The development of reference materials is required for the standardization of these techniques. This work, initiated from the ISEV 2017 Biomarker Workshop in Birmingham, UK, and with further discussion during the ISEV 2019 Standardization Workshop in Ghent, Belgium, sets out to elucidate which reference materials are required and which are currently available to standardize commonly used analysis platforms for characterizing EV size, concentration, refractive index, and epitope expression. Due to their predominant use, a particular focus is placed on the optical methods nanoparticle tracking analysis and flow cytometry.Comment: 30 pages, 6 figures, 2 table

    Moderators, Mediators, and Other Predictors of Risperidone Response in Children with Autistic Disorder and Irritability

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    Objective/Background: The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) Research Units on Pediatric Psychopharmacology (RUPP) Autism Network found an effect size of d = 1.2 in favor of risperidone on the main outcome measure in an 8-week double-blind, placebo-controlled trial for irritabilityin autistic disorder. This paper explores moderators and mediators of this effect. Method: Intention-to-treat (ITT) analyses were conducted with suspected moderators and mediators entered into the regression equations. MacArthur Foundation Network subgroup guidelines were followed in the evaluation of the results. Results: Only baseline severity moderated treatment response: Higher severity showed greater improvement for risperidone but not for placebo. Weight gain mediated treatment response negatively: Those who gained more weight improved less with risperidone and more with placebo. Compliance correlated with outcome for risperidone but not placebo. Higher dose correlated with worse outcome for placebo, but not risperidone. Of nonspecific predictors, parent education, family income, and low baseline prolactin positively predicted outcome; anxiety, bipolar symptoms, oppositional-defiant symptoms, stereotypy, and hyperactivity negatively predicted outcome. Risperidone moderated the effect of change in 5'-nucleotidase, a marker of zinc status, for which decrease was associated with improvement only with risperidone, not with placebo. Conclusion: The benefit–risk ratio of risperidone is better with greater symptom severity. Risperidone can be individually titrated to optimal dosage for excellent response in the majority of children. Weight gain is not necessary for risperidone benefit and may even detract from it. Socioeconomic advantage, low prolactin, and absence of co-morbid problems non-specifically predict better outcome. Mineral interactions with risperidone deserve further study

    Biological membranes in EV biogenesis, stability, uptake, and cargo transfer: an ISEV position paper arising from the ISEV membranes and EVs workshop

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    Paracrine and endocrine roles have increasingly been ascribed to extracellular vesicles (EVs) generated by multicellular organisms. Central to the biogenesis, content, and function of EVs are their delimiting lipid bilayer membranes. To evaluate research progress on membranes and EVs, the International Society for Extracellular Vesicles (ISEV) conducted a workshop in March 2018 in Baltimore, Maryland, USA, bringing together key opinion leaders and hands-on researchers who were selected on the basis of submitted applications. The workshop was accompanied by two scientific surveys and covered four broad topics: EV biogenesis and release; EV uptake and fusion; technologies and strategies used to study EV membranes; and EV transfer and functional assays. In this ISEV position paper, we synthesize the results of the workshop and the related surveys to outline important outstanding questions about EV membranes and describe areas of consensus. The workshop discussions and survey responses reveal that while much progress has been made in the field, there are still several concepts that divide opinion. Good consensus exists in some areas, including particular aspects of EV biogenesis, uptake and downstream signalling. Areas with little to no consensus include EV storage and stability, as well as whether and how EVs fuse with target cells. Further research is needed in these key areas, as a better understanding of membrane biology will contribute substantially towards advancing the field of extracellular vesicles.Fil: Russell, Ashley E.. University Johns Hopkins; Estados UnidosFil: Sneider, Alexandra. University Johns Hopkins; Estados UnidosFil: Witwer, Kenneth W.. University Johns Hopkins; Estados UnidosFil: Bergese, Paolo. Università Degli Studi Di Brescia; ItaliaFil: Bhattacharyya, Suvendra N.. Indian Institute of Chemical Biology; IndiaFil: Cocks, Alexander. Cardiff University; Reino UnidoFil: Cocucci, Emanuele. Ohio State University; Estados UnidosFil: Erdbrügger, Uta. University of Virginia; Estados UnidosFil: Falcon Perez, Juan M.. Ikerbasque Basque Foundation for Science; EspañaFil: Freeman, David W.. National Institute On Aging National Institute for Helth ; Estados UnidosFil: Gallagher, Thomas M.. Loyola University Of Chicago; Estados UnidosFil: Hu, Shuaishuai. Technological University Dublin; IrlandaFil: Huang, Yiyao. University Johns Hopkins; Estados Unidos. Southern Medical University; ChinaFil: Jay, Steven M.. University of Maryland; Estados UnidosFil: Kano, Shin-ichi. The University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Medicine; Estados UnidosFil: Lavieu, Gregory. Institut Curie; FranciaFil: Leszczynska, Aleksandra. University of California at San Diego; Estados UnidosFil: Llorente, Alicia M.. Oslo University Hospital; NoruegaFil: Lu, Quan. Harvard University. Harvard School of Public Health; Estados UnidosFil: Mahairaki, Vasiliki. University Johns Hopkins; Estados UnidosFil: Muth, Dillon C.. University Johns Hopkins; Estados UnidosFil: Noren Hooten, Nicole. National Institute On Aging National Institute for Helth ; Estados UnidosFil: Ostrowski, Matias. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas en Retrovirus y Sida. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas en Retrovirus y Sida; ArgentinaFil: Prada, Ilaria. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche; ItaliaFil: Sahoo, Susmita. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai ; Estados UnidosFil: Schøyen, Tine Hiorth. Uit The Arctic University Of Norway; Noruega. University Johns Hopkins; Estados UnidosFil: Sheng, Lifuy. University of Washington. School of Medicine; Estados UnidosFil: Tesch, Deanna. Shaw University; Estados UnidosFil: Van Niel, Guillaume. No especifíca;Fil: Vandenbroucke, Roosmarijn E.. University of Ghent; BélgicaFil: Verweij, Frederik J.. No especifíca;Fil: Villar, Ana V.. Universidad de Cantabria; EspañaFil: Wauben, Marca. University of Utrecht; Países BajosFil: Wehman, Ann M.. Universität Würzburg; AlemaniaFil: Ardavan, Arzhang. Peking University; ; ChinaFil: Carter, David Raul Francisco. Oxford Brookes University; Reino UnidoFil: Vader, Pieter. University Medical Center Utrecht; Países Bajo

    Summary of the ISEV workshop on extracellular vesicles as disease biomarkers, held in Birmingham, UK, during December 2017

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    This report summarises the presentations and activities of the ISEV Workshop on extracellular vesicle biomarkers held in Birmingham, UK during December 2017. Among the key messages was broad agreement about the importance of biospecimen science. Much greater attention needs to be paid towards the provenance of collected samples. The workshop also highlighted clear gaps in our knowledge about pre-analytical factors that alter extracellular vesicles (EVs). The future utility of certified standards for credentialing of instruments and software, to analyse EV and for tracking the influence of isolation steps on the structure and content of EVs were also discussed. Several example studies were presented, demonstrating the potential utility for EVs in disease diagnosis, prognosis, longitudinal serial testing and stratification of patients. The conclusion of the workshop was that more effort focused on pre-analytical issues and benchmarking of isolation methods is needed to strengthen collaborations and advance more effective biomarkers

    Relationships of APOE genotypes with small RNA and protein cargo of brain tissue extracellular vesicles from patients with late-stage AD

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    Background and Objectives Variants of the apolipoprotein E (APOE) gene are the greatest known risk factors for sporadic Alzheimer disease (AD). Three major APOE isoform alleles, ϵ2, ϵ3, and ϵ4, encode and produce proteins that differ by only 1-2 amino acids but have different binding partner interactions. Whereas APOE ϵ2 is protective against AD relative to ϵ3, ϵ4 is associated with an increased risk for AD development. However, the role of APOE in gene regulation in AD pathogenesis has remained largely undetermined. Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are lipid bilayer-delimited particles released by cells to dispose of unwanted materials and mediate intercellular communication, and they are implicated in AD pathophysiology. Brain-derived EVs (bdEVs) could act locally in the tissue and reflect cellular changes. To reveal whether APOE genotype affects EV components in AD brains, bdEVs were separated from patients with AD with different APOE genotypes for parallel small RNA and protein profile. Methods bdEVs from late-stage AD brains (BRAAK stages 5-6) from patients with APOE genotypes ϵ2/3 (n = 5), ϵ3/3 (n = 5), ϵ3/4 (n = 6), and ϵ4/4 (n = 6) were separated using our published protocol into a 10,000g pelleted extracellular fraction (10K) and a further purified EV fraction. Counting, sizing, and multiomic characterization by small RNA sequencing and proteomic analysis were performed for 10K, EVs, and source tissue. Results Comparing APOE genotypes, no significant differences in bdEV total particle concentration or morphology were observed. Overall small RNA and protein profiles of 10K, EVs, and source tissue also did not differ substantially between different APOE genotypes. However, several differences in individual RNAs (including miRNAs and tRNAs) and proteins in 10K and EVs were observed when comparing the highest and lowest risk groups (ϵ4/4 and ϵ2/3). Bioinformatic analysis and previous publications indicate a potential regulatory role of these molecules in AD. Discussion For patients with late-stage AD in this study, only a few moderate differences were observed for small RNA and protein profiles between APOE genotypes. Among these, several newly identified 10K and EV-associated molecules may play roles in AD progression. Possibly, larger genotype-related differences exist and are more apparent in or before earlier disease stages

    Bone marrow niche trafficking of miR-126 controls the self-renewal of leukemia stem cells in chronic myelogenous leukemia

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    Leukemia stem cells (LSCs) in individuals with chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) (hereafter referred to as CML LSCs) are responsible for initiating and maintaining clonal hematopoiesis. These cells persist in the bone marrow (BM) despite effective inhibition of BCR–ABL kinase activity by tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs). Here we show that although the microRNA (miRNA) miR-126 supported the quiescence, self-renewal and engraftment capacity of CML LSCs, miR-126 levels were lower in CML LSCs than in long-term hematopoietic stem cells (LT-HSCs) from healthy individuals. Downregulation of miR-126 levels in CML LSCs was due to phosphorylation of Sprouty-related EVH1-domain-containing 1 (SPRED1) by BCR–ABL, which led to inhibition of the RAN–exportin-5–RCC1 complex that mediates miRNA maturation. Endothelial cells (ECs) in the BM supply miR-126 to CML LSCs to support quiescence and leukemia growth, as shown using mouse models of CML in which Mir126a (encoding miR-126) was conditionally knocked out in ECs and/or LSCs. Inhibition of BCR–ABL by TKI treatment caused an undesired increase in endogenous miR-126 levels, which enhanced LSC quiescence and persistence. Mir126a knockout in LSCs and/or ECs, or treatment with a miR-126 inhibitor that targets miR-126 expression in both LSCs and ECs, enhanced the in vivo anti-leukemic effects of TKI treatment and strongly diminished LSC leukemia-initiating capacity, providing a new strategy for the elimination of LSCs in individuals with CML

    A Tunguska Sized Airburst Destroyed Tall el‑Hammam a Middle Bronze Age City in the Jordan Valley Near the Dead Sea

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    We present evidence that in ~ 1650 BCE (~ 3600 years ago), a cosmic airburst destroyed Tall el-Hammam, a Middle-Bronze-Age city in the southern Jordan Valley northeast of the Dead Sea. The proposed airburst was larger than the 1908 explosion over Tunguska, Russia, where a ~ 50-m-wide bolide detonated with ~ 1000× more energy than the Hiroshima atomic bomb. A city-wide ~ 1.5-m-thick carbon-and-ash-rich destruction layer contains peak concentrations of shocked quartz (~ 5–10 GPa); melted pottery and mudbricks; diamond-like carbon; soot; Fe- and Si-rich spherules; CaCO(3) spherules from melted plaster; and melted platinum, iridium, nickel, gold, silver, zircon, chromite, and quartz. Heating experiments indicate temperatures exceeded 2000 °C. Amid city-side devastation, the airburst demolished 12+ m of the 4-to-5-story palace complex and the massive 4-m-thick mudbrick rampart, while causing extreme disarticulation and skeletal fragmentation in nearby humans. An airburst-related influx of salt (~ 4 wt.%) produced hypersalinity, inhibited agriculture, and caused a ~ 300–600-year-long abandonment of ~ 120 regional settlements within a > 25-km radius. Tall el-Hammam may be the second oldest city/town destroyed by a cosmic airburst/impact, after Abu Hureyra, Syria, and possibly the earliest site with an oral tradition that was written down (Genesis). Tunguska-scale airbursts can devastate entire cities/regions and thus, pose a severe modern-day hazard

    Mesenchymal stromal cells’ therapy for polyglutamine disorders: where do we stand and where should we go?

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    Polyglutamine (polyQ) diseases are a group of inherited neurodegenerative disorders caused by the expansion of the cytosine-adenine-guanine (CAG) repeat. This mutation encodes extended glutamine (Q) tract in the disease protein, resulting in the alteration of its conformation/physiological role and in the formation of toxic fragments/aggregates of the protein. This group of heterogeneous disorders shares common molecular mechanisms, which opens the possibility to develop a pan therapeutic approach. Vast efforts have been made to develop strategies to alleviate disease symptoms. Nonetheless, there is still no therapy that can cure or effectively delay disease progression of any of these disorders. Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) are promising tools for the treatment of polyQ disorders, promoting protection, tissue regeneration, and/or modulation of the immune system in animal models. Accordingly, data collected from clinical trials have so far demonstrated that transplantation of MSC is safe and delays the progression of some polyQ disorders for some time. However, to achieve sustained phenotypic amelioration in clinics, several treatments may be necessary. Therefore, efforts to develop new strategies to improve MSC's therapeutic outcomes have been emerging. In this review article, we discuss the current treatments and strategies used to reduce polyQ symptoms and major pre-clinical and clinical achievements obtained with MSC transplantation as well as remaining flaws that need to be overcome. The requirement to cross the blood-brain-barrier (BBB), together with a short rate of cell engraftment in the lesioned area and low survival of MSC in a pathophysiological context upon transplantation may contribute to the transient therapeutic effects. We also review methods like pre-conditioning or genetic engineering of MSC that can be used to increase MSC survival in vivo, cellular-free approaches-i.e., MSC-conditioned medium (CM) or MSC-derived extracellular vesicles (EVs) as a way of possibly replacing the use of MSC and methods required to standardize the potential of MSC/MSC-derived products. These are fundamental questions that need to be addressed to obtain maximum MSC performance in polyQ diseases and therefore increase clinical benefits.Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology: SFRH/BD/148877/2019; CENTRO01-0145-FEDER-000008 CENTRO-01-0145FEDER-022095 POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016719 POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029716 POCI01-0145-FEDER-016807 POCI-01-0145-FEDER016390 UID4950/2020 CENTRO-01-0145-FEDER-022118info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Minimal information for studies of extracellular vesicles 2018 (MISEV2018):a position statement of the International Society for Extracellular Vesicles and update of the MISEV2014 guidelines

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    The last decade has seen a sharp increase in the number of scientific publications describing physiological and pathological functions of extracellular vesicles (EVs), a collective term covering various subtypes of cell-released, membranous structures, called exosomes, microvesicles, microparticles, ectosomes, oncosomes, apoptotic bodies, and many other names. However, specific issues arise when working with these entities, whose size and amount often make them difficult to obtain as relatively pure preparations, and to characterize properly. The International Society for Extracellular Vesicles (ISEV) proposed Minimal Information for Studies of Extracellular Vesicles (“MISEV”) guidelines for the field in 2014. We now update these “MISEV2014” guidelines based on evolution of the collective knowledge in the last four years. An important point to consider is that ascribing a specific function to EVs in general, or to subtypes of EVs, requires reporting of specific information beyond mere description of function in a crude, potentially contaminated, and heterogeneous preparation. For example, claims that exosomes are endowed with exquisite and specific activities remain difficult to support experimentally, given our still limited knowledge of their specific molecular machineries of biogenesis and release, as compared with other biophysically similar EVs. The MISEV2018 guidelines include tables and outlines of suggested protocols and steps to follow to document specific EV-associated functional activities. Finally, a checklist is provided with summaries of key points