22 research outputs found

    Development of priming technology for enhanced planting value of seeds in kabuli chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)

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    The continuous rise in global population demands more food production under limited land resources accompanied by climate change. More oversupply of quality seeds to meet ever-growing food demand is a highly challenging task. Seeds with low vigour level limit the growth and yield of crops at varied field conditions. Hence, an experiment was conducted to develop a technique for the fast and homogeneous growth of kabuli chickpea seeds. The priming treatments evaluated in the present study enhanced the various seed quality parameters of kabuli chickpea significantly when compared to control. Hydro-priming for 4 hours (at 20°C) and air drying for 72 hours showed better results compared to rest of the treatments both in fresh seeds which recorded higher first count (66.38%), germination (92.50%) root length (11.85 cm), shoot length (6.16), mean seedling length (18.01), dry seedling weight (747 mg), seedling vigour index-I (1665), higher speed of emergence (0.3992) and old seeds with higher first count (61.88%), germination (74.13%) root length (8.15 cm), shoot length (5.85 cm), mean seedling length (14.00 cm), seedling dry weight (611 mg), seedling vigour index-I (1056), higher speed of emergence (0.3814). The aged seeds have recorded 29 % increase in germination percentage in contrast to 8 percent increases in fresh seeds. Kabuli chickpea seeds could be subjected to hydropriming, an affordable, alternative, and eco-friendly technique for improving seed and seedling vigour of kabuli chickpea


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    Objective: Aluminum (Al) corrosion in the NaCl solution is an example of dissolution in the neutral medium. The ongoing corrosion research efforts to produce the eco-friendly corrosion inhibitors to protect the aluminum metal from the corrosive solution. Methods: Herein, mass loss and atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) techniques were conducted to explain the adsorption property of expired Fluoxymesterone drug on the Al surface in the 3 % NaCl solution. Results: All results show that the expired Fluoxymesterone drug molecules generate a stable invisible layer through adsorption mechanism on the electrode surface. The corrosion inhibition behavior mainly depends on the concentration of the expired Fluoxymesterone drug and contact time at 313 K. Conclusion: The corrosion inhibition property is due to adsorption of electron-rich molecules on the Al surface in 3 % NaCl solution

    Effect of Organic Cultivation of Capsicum annuum L. on Soil Microbial Properties under Open-Field and Shade-House Conditions

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    Two bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) varieties, viz., California Wonder and Gangavati Local, were raised under nine completely organic nutrient sources, along with recommended package of practices, and, under completely inorganic nutrient sources. Irrespective of the variety and growing environment, there was substantial increase in total bacterial count (22.97% and 24.98%), population of fungi (20.23% and 20.23%), actinomycetes (36.89% and 36.83%) and mycorrhiza (44.63% and 29.40%) in open-field and shade-house conditions, respectively, in all the nutrient combinations where organic sources were used, compared to the inorganic treatment. All organic nutrient sources used were found to be similar in their effect on soil microbes

    Thermal and morphological studies of chitosan and agar-agar blends

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    Many researchers are attracted to Chitosan based blends due to its properties and potential applications in various fields. The advanced development of Chitosan blends integrates the science and technology of blended materials. The present experimentation is reporting the preparation of Chitosan and Agar-Agar blends (CCA) by chemical mixing of these materials at different compositions. The thermal studies of the prepared blends were studied by differential scanning colorimeter (DSC) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) tools. Thermal studies reveal that the lowest degradation temperatures of blends might be attributed to the partial miscibility of CAA blends at particular composition and miscibility due to single glass transition temperature (Tg) between Chitosan and Agar-agar. Bonding nature of sample blends were carried out by Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) instrumentation. This study reveals the interaction between Chitosan and Agar-agar is partial miscibility. Morphological study reveals that a few aggregated particles, which suggest the partial miscibility of CAA blends. Homogeneity of blend compositions and specific intermolecular interactions of hydrogen bonding type is also observed

    A multi-targeted approach to suppress tumor-promoting inflammation

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    Cancers harbor significant genetic heterogeneity and patterns of relapse following many therapies are due to evolved resistance to treatment. While efforts have been made to combine targeted therapies, significant levels of toxicity have stymied efforts to effectively treat cancer with multi-drug combinations using currently approved therapeutics. We discuss the relationship between tumor-promoting inflammation and cancer as part of a larger effort to develop a broad-spectrum therapeutic approach aimed at a wide range of targets to address this heterogeneity. Specifically, macrophage migration inhibitory factor, cyclooxygenase-2, transcription factor nuclear factor-κB, tumor necrosis factor alpha, inducible nitric oxide synthase, protein kinase B, and CXC chemokines are reviewed as important antiinflammatory targets while curcumin, resveratrol, epigallocatechin gallate, genistein, lycopene, and anthocyanins are reviewed as low-cost, low toxicity means by which these targets might all be reached simultaneously. Future translational work will need to assess the resulting synergies of rationally designed antiinflammatory mixtures (employing low-toxicity constituents), and then combine this with similar approaches targeting the most important pathways across the range of cancer hallmark phenotypes

    Microwave-assisted synthesis, characterisation and thermal study of nano sized metal aluminates

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    Metal oxide nanomaterials having multiple metals are synthesized by microwave combustion route encourage to the synthetic chemists because of its simplicity. Microwave burning of single phase oxide materials with polymer as a fuel to form its multiphase nanomaterials. Nano sized metal aluminates (CuAl2 O4, NiAl2 O4, CoAl2 O4) material is prepared by self-propagating combustion methods using polymer as a fuel. Single phased metal oxides (CuO, NiO, CoO) and aluminium oxide (Al2 O4) with polyvinyl alcohol was ignited in an open atmosphere and complete burning in microwave oven for about 15 minutes to form metal aluminate samples. The structure of as prepared metal aluminate samples arewell studied by employing powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) tool. The morphology of as prepared sample materials was studied by Scanning Electron Micrograph (SEM) and Transmission Electron Micrograph tool. Fourier Transform infrared (FT-IR) spectral study was undertaken to know the bonding in the prepared metal aluminate nanomaterials. The presences of the metals are confirmed by EDAX analysis and also thermal behaviour of the sample is well studied

    Cloning and Expression of Endoglucanase genes from Trichoderma species in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    Abstract: The present study was conducted to isolate and clone the endoglucanase gene from Trichoderma harzianum and to study the expression of endoglucanase genes cloned from different species in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (INVSc1 strain). Using specific primers, gene encoding β-1, 6 endoglucanase (1.3 kb) from T. harzianum was cloned into pTZ57R/T vector. The clone was confirmed through PCR and restriction analysis. The clone was sequenced and analyzed for the homology at the nucleotide and at the protein level for domain analysis. Gene encoding β-1, 6 endoglucanase has shown 97% with reported sequence both at the nucleotide and protein level. Endoglucanase genes cloned from different species were expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae using pYES2/CT vector. The recombinant clones of T. reesei has shown three times more, T. harzianum and T. virens has shown twice the activity when compared to control INVSc1 having pYES2/CT vector. Further, the SDS-PAGE analysis of the recombinant clone β-1, 6 endoglucanase from T. harzianum has shown the presence of corresponding to β-1, 6 endoglucanase

    Kidney disease in human immunodeficiency virus-seropositive patients: Absence of human immunodeficiency virus-associated nephropathy was a characteristic feature

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    Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection can cause a broad spectrum of renal diseases. However, there is paucity of Indian data on the patterns of renal lesions in HIV-seropositive patients. The aim of the present study was to delineate the spectrum of renal lesions in HIV/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome patients. In this prospective study, all HIV-positive patients of both genders aged> 18 years were screened for renal disease. Patients with proteinuria of more than 1 g/24 h were subjected to renal biopsy. A total of 293 HIV-positive patients were screened; of these, 136 (46.4%) patients found to have renal involvement. Dipstick-positive proteinuria of 1+ or more was observed in 112 (38.2%) patients, and 16 (14.2%) patients had proteinuria of more than 1 g/24 h. Renal biopsy in 14 cases revealed glomerulonephritis (GN) in 12 (85.7%) (isolated GN in 4 [28.5%] and GN mixed with chronic TIN in 8 [57.1%]) patients. These include mesangioproliferative GN in 5 (35.7%), membranoproliferative GN in 2 (14.2%), focal segmental glomerulosclerosis in 2 (14.2%), diffuse proliferative GN in 2 (14.2%), and diabetic nephropathy in 1 (7.1%) patients. Chronic interstitial nephritis was noted in 10 (71.42%) (superimposed on GN in 8 [57.1%], isolated in 2 [14.2%]) patients. Granulomatous interstitial nephritis was seen in 3 (24.1%) cases. GN and chronic interstitial nephritis were noted in 85.7% and 71.42% of patients, respectively, mostly superimposed on each other. Mesangioproliferative GN was the most common glomerular lesion, but classical HIV-associated nephropathy was not observed


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    Studies on biology of epigeic earthworms is very much necessary for the selection of suitable earthworm species in effective organic waste management through vermiculture and vermicomposting process for the production of quality and quantity worm biomass (vermiprotein) and vermicompost (biofertilizer). Hence, the present study was undertaken to study the biology of different epigeic earthworm species such as Eudrilus eugeniae (EE), Eisenia fetida (EF) and Perionyx excavatus (PE) cultured in cattle manure at tropical wet and dry climate of Dharwad district, Karnataka state, India. The results of the present study revealed that the incubation period or the time of emergence of juveniles from the cocoon was less (16.33±0.53 days) in Perionyx excavatus as compared to Eudrilus eugeniae (22.33±0.73 days) and Eisenia fetida (24.33±0.88 days). The percent hatching of cocoon was more in E. eugeniae (86.66±6.66) followed by E. fetida (73.33±5.33) and P. excavatus (66.66±4.66), whereas number of hatchling/cocoon was more in Eisenia fetida (2.66±0.33) followed by Eudrilus eugeniae (2.33±0.28) and less in Perionyx excavatus (1.33±0.23). The mean weight of juvenile (mg) at the time of hatching was more in EE (7.90±0.20) followed by EF (7.00±0.57) and less in PE (5.70±0.35). The attainment of sexual maturity was observed early during 6th -9th week in EF and PE, but it was late in EE during 7th -10th week and commencement of cocoon production was noticed soon after one or two week of maturity i.e. from 8th week onwards. It was continuous and multimodal in nature with slight decline in the growth rate after maturity and cocoon production in all three epigeic earthworm species (EE, EF and PE). The various life activities such as incubation period and number of hatchling, maturity were more in EF as that of EE and PE, whereas percent hatching and juvenile weight were more in EE followed by EF and PE. Therefore, the success of vermiculture and vermicomposting process for the production of quality and quantity worm biomass (vermiprotein) and vermicompost (biofertilizer) is mainly depends on the biology or life cycle of the epigeic earthworms, type of organic waste materials used and it also depends on the prevailing abiotic factors

    Comparative evaluation of the metal post and fiber post in the restoration of the endodontically treated teeth

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    Background: Post-retained crowns are indicated for endodontically treated teeth (ETT) with severely damaged coronal tissue. There are still controversies for the most suitable choice of restorative material and the placement method that will result in the highest success rate. This clinical study compares the metal post and fiber post ins the restoration of the endodontically treated teeth. Materials and Methods: Forty endodontically treated and indicated for the post and core were selected for the study and divided into 2 groups equally. In, one group patient′s teeth were restored by metal post, while other group patient′s teeth were treated by fiber post. Comparative evaluation was done on follow-up of the patients on the basis of selected clinical and radiographical criteria. The results were compared using student′s t test with the help of IBM SPSS Statistics 20. Results: More number of failures was noted in patients whose teeth restored with the metal post as compared to those of the fiber post, both clinically as well as radiographically. (Student′s t test, P < 0.01). Conclusion: From the present study, it was shown that fiber post retained restored teeth has less chances of failure as compared to that of metal post. But the results of the present study should be supported by carrying out study on large scale