507 research outputs found


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    Lapisan tanah dasar adalah lapisan tanah yang berfungsi sebagai tempat perletakan lapis perkerasan dan mendukung konstruksi perkerasan jalan diatasnya. Tanah merah pada dasarnya merupakan tanah asli dan sudah ada di daerah bangkalan sejak dahulu. Tanah merah ini sama dengan tanah-tanah yang lainnya, yang membedakan adalah warnanya yang merah kecoklatan, jenis tanah merah seperti ini hanya ada dibeberapa tempat tertentu saja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh penambahan Portland Cement terhadap nilai California Bearing Ratio (CBR) pada tanah merah Bangkalan. Penggunaan bahan tambah berupa semen ini dilakukan dengan maksud untuk memperbaiki sifat atau tekstur tanah dengan cara mencampur tanah menggunakan bahan sesuai dengan perbandingan tertentu. Metode pengumpulan data yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini diantaranya: Uji Atterberg yang terdiri dari test batas cair/liquid limit (LL) dan test batas plastis/plastic limit (PL) untuk mendapatkan nilai IP (index plasticity), selanjutnya melakukan pengujian test Standart Proctor untuk mengetahui harga kepadatan maksimum dan kadar air optimum. Proses pengujian yang utama yaitu melakukan pengujian CBR dengan maksud mengetahui tingkat kekerasan tanah untuk mencari harga nilai kepadatan tanah dasar. Penelitian  yang digunakan adalah penelitian eksperimen yang dilakukan dilaboratorium dengan membuat campuran tanah merah dan portland cement sebanyak 5 (lima) variasi campuran yaitu: 0%, 2%, 4%, 6%, dan 8%. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa semakin besar penambahan portland cement maka nilai harga CBR semakin tinggi, besarnya nilai CBR pada tanah asli penetrasi 0,1” adalah (1,69%), penetrasi 0,2” adalah (2,07%), pada tanah merah + PC 2% penetrasi 0,1” adalah (2,16%), penetrasi 0,2” (2,52%), dan pada tanah merah +  PC 4% penetrasi 0,1” adalah (3,44%), penetrasi 0,2” (4,22%), pada tanah merah + PC 6% penetrasi 0,1” adalah (12,8%), penetrasi 0,2” adalah (14,56%) dan pada tanah merah + PC 8% penetrasi 0,1” adalah (24,3%), penetrasi 0,2” adalah (25,16%).   Kata kunci : Penambahan Portland Cement, California Bearing Ratio (CBR), Tanah Merah   Abstract Layer of sub grade is subsoil which serves as place to put a hard coating and support construction of pavement of road above. In general, red soil is original soil and have been there in Bangkalan since past. This red soil is similar with other soils. The difference is the color is brownish red. This kind of red soil exists only in several particular places. This research aims to find out how much influence of additional Portland cement to value of CBR (California Bearing Ratio) on red soil of Bangkalan. This application of additional material in form of cement is conducted with a view to improve feature or texture of soil by combining the soil using material which is appropriate with particular ratio. Method of data collection used in this research is among other: Atterberg Test consisting of liquid limit (LL) test and plastic limit (PL) test to obtain IP (index of plasticity). Then, Proctor Standard Test is conducted to find out value of maximum compactness and optimum water level. The main stage of test process is to conduct CBR (California Bearing Ratio) Test with intent to find out level of soil compactness so that value of sub grade compactness can be obtained. This research is experimental research in laboratory  by combining red soil and Portland cement as much as 5 variant that is : 0%, 2%, 4%, 6%, and 8%. Based on result of the research, it can be concluded that more additional portland cement so higher value of CBR. Value of CBR on original penetration  of soil 0.1” is (1.69%); penetration of soil 0.2” is (2.07%);  on red soil + PC 2% penetration 0.1” is (2.16%); penetration 0.2” is (2.52%); and on red soil + PC 4% penetration 0.1” is (3.44%); penetration 0.2” is (4.22%); on red soil + PC 6% penetration 0.1” is (12.8%); penetration 0.2” is (14.56%); and on red soil + PC 8% penetration 0.1” is (24.3%); penetration 0.2” is (25.16%).   Keywords: additional Portland Cement, California Bearing Ratio (CBR), Red Soil

    Epilepsie chez les Enfants Atteints d’InfirmitĂ© Motrice CĂ©rĂ©brale : Ă  Propos de 412 Observations Ă  YaoundĂ©, Cameroun

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    Une étude prospective, descriptive et consécutive réalisée à l’Unité de Neurologie Pédiatrique de l’hôpital gynéco-obstétrique et pédiatrique de Yaoundé (Cameroun) du 1er janvier 2004 au 31 Décembre 2008 a permis de retenir 412 patients admis pour infirmité motrice cérébrale (IMC). L’IMC représentait 20,39% des pathologies neuropédiatriques. L’âge moyen des patients était de 31,7 mois. Les étiologies anténatales étaient de (5,51%), périnatales (65,25%), postnatales (29,22%) ; elles étaient dominées par l’asphyxie néonatale (43,68% de cas). L’épilepsie était l’une des principales affections associées à L’IMC. Elle était retrouvée chez 41,5% des patients. L’épilepsie était plus fréquente dans la tétraplégie spastique et l’hémiplégie cérébrale infantile. Par ailleurs 68,72% de patients ont fait la première crise épileptique au cours de leur première année de vie. Les convulsions néonatales, l’asphyxie néonatale et les infections néonatales ont été les facteurs de risque prédisposant les enfants avec IMC à faire l’épilepsie.Mots Clés enfants ; infirmité motrice cérébrale ; épilepsie ; Camerou

    Managing in conflict: How actors distribute conflict in an industrial network

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    IMP researchers have examined conflict as a threat to established business relationships and commercial exchanges, drawing on theories and concepts developed in organization studies. We examine cases of conflict in relationships from the oil and gas industry's service sector, focusing on conflicts of interest and resources, and conflict as experienced by actors. Through a comparative case study design, we propose an explanation of how actors manage conflict and manage in conflict given that they tend to value and maintain relationships beyond episodes of exchange. We consider conflicts in relationships from a network perspective, showing that actors experienced these while adapting to changes in their business setting, modifying their roles in that network. By identifying conflict with the organizing forms of relationship and network, we show how actors formulate conflict through pursuing and combining a number of strategies, distributing the conflict across an enlarged network

    Defending Family Business Research: The Role of Authors as Defense Attorneys

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    Fréquence des anémies sévÚres chez les enfants ùgés de 2 mois à 15 ans au Centre MÚre et Enfant de la Fondation Chantal Biya, Yaoundé, Cameroun

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    Introduction: Les anémies sévères constituent une cause importante de décès d’enfants. Une analyse épidémiologique et clinique permettrait d’estimer la morbidité et mortalité y relatives afin lutter efficacement contre les causes. Méthodes: Notre étude rétrospective et descriptive porte sur les anémies sévères chez les enfants de 2 mois à 15 ans de juillet 2005 à juillet 2011. Les drépanocytaires et les enfants souffrant de néoplasie étaient exclus. Toutes les admissions de janvier 2008 à juillet 2011 et les décès totaux, qui répondaient aux critères ci-dessus ont été également répertoriés. Résultats: Ont été analysés 4735 cas d’anémie sévère dont 215 décès (4,5%). Entre janvier 2008 et juillet 2011, sur 12879 enfants hospitalisés 2456 souffraient d’anémie sévère dont 96 sont décédés, soit une mortalité spécifique de 0,7% et une létalité de 4,0%. Au total, 22,4% d’anémies sévères survenaient dans la tranche d’âge de moins de 12 mois. Celles de 12 à 59 mois et de plus de 5 ans représentaient respectivement 64,4% et 13,2% des cas. Le paludisme était l’étiologie évoquée chez 89,0% des cas, suivi du sepsis (9,4%). Les décès concernaient les enfants sévèrement anémiés âgés de 12 à 59 mois dans 67,2% de cas. La plupart de patients (84,8%) résidaient à Yaoundé (P = 0,004). Conclusion: Les anémies sévères restent fréquentes à Yaoundé. La mise en oeuvre de da politique de gratuité des antipaludiques et l’utilisation des moustiquaires doivent être effectives. Le renforcement de ces mesures dès le début des saisons pluvieuses préviendrait les flambées d’anémies.Pan African Medical Journal 2012; 12:4

    Identity ambiguity and the promises and practices of hybrid e-HRM project teams

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    The role of IS project team identity work in the enactment of day-to-day relationships with their internal clients is under-researched. We address this gap by examining the identity work undertaken by an electronic human resource management (e-HRM) 'hybrid' project team engaged in an enterprise-wide IS implementation for their multi-national organisation. Utilising social identity theory, we identify three distinctive, interrelated dimensions of project team identity work (project team management, team 'value propositions' (promises) and the team's 'knowledge practice'). We reveal how dissonance between two perspectives of e-HRM project identity work (clients' expected norms of project team's service and project team's expected norms of themselves) results in identity ambiguity. Our research contributions are to identity studies in the IS project management, HR and hybrid literatures and to managerial practice by challenging the assumption that hybrid experts are the panacea for problems associated with IS projects

    Exploring leadership in multi-sectoral partnerships

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    This article explores some critical aspects of leadership in the context of multi-sectoral partnerships. It focuses on leadership in practice and asks the question, `How do managers experience and perceive leadership in such partnerships?' The study contributes to the debate on whether leadership in a multi-sectoral partnership context differs from that within a single organization. It is based on the accounts of practising managers working in complex partnerships. The article highlights a number of leadership challenges faced by those working in multi-sectoral partnerships. Partnership practitioners were clear that leadership in partnerships was more complex than in single organizations. However, it was more difficult for them to agree a consensus on the essential nature of leadership in partnership. We suggest that a first-, second- and third-person approach might be a way of better interpreting leadership in the context of partnerships

    Big data innovation and diffusion in projects teams: Towards a conflict prevention culture

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    Despite the enormous literature on how team conflicts can be managed and resolved, this study diverges, by examining factors that facilitate conflict prevention culture in project teams, especially when introducing Big Data Technology. Relying on findings from relevant literatures and focus group discussions, 28 attributes for embedding conflict prevention culture were identified and put together in questionnaire survey. Series of statistical tests including reliability analysis and exploratory factor-analysis. The results identified five critical success factors for entrenching the culture of conflict prevention in project teams introducing big data driving innovations. The five-factor solution include “building effective relationship”, “effective project communications”, “project team efficacy”, “pro-active conflict management approach” and “effectual project documentation”. Result of this study presents a Conceptual framework for effective management of human resource in relation to conflict prevention among project teams, as an effective strategy for facilitating seamless adoption and diffusion of big data innovation in organisations

    Email adaptation for conflict handling:A case study of cross‐border inter‐organisational partnership in East Asia

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    This paper explores the context of email-based communication in an established but fragile, inter-organisational partnership, which was often overlain with conflict. Drawing upon adaptation theory, this study explores how participants adapt to the use of email to handle conflict. Extensive data were obtained during a 6-month field study of a case of cross-border inter-organisational collaboration in East Asia. We observed that the individuals involved in the cross-border partnership used email as a lean form of communication to stop covert conflict from explicitly emerging. In contrast to prior research on the leanness of email in managing conflict, we found that under the described conflict situation the very leanness of email was appreciated and thus, exploited by those concerned to manage the conflict situation. Specifically, we identified 4 key conflict-triggered adaptation strategies, namely, interaction avoidance, disempowering, blame-protection, and image-sheltering that drove the ways in which email was adapted to maintain organisational partnerships under conflict
