2,354 research outputs found

    Eliminating Excessive and Unfair Exclusionary Discipline in Schools Policy Recommendations for Reducing Disparities

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    All schools must be safe places for all members of the learning community. Schools have the right and indeed the responsibility to develop safe school climates to protect the safety of students and teachers, as well as the integrity of learning Yet the data indicate that it is relatively rare for students to pose a serious danger to themselves or others.In states like Texas, serious safety concerns trigger a "non-discretionary" mandatory removal, but these represent less than 5% of all disciplinary removals from school. While exclusion on grounds of safety is infrequent, students are routinely removed from school for minor offenses like tardiness, truancy, using foul language, disruption, and violation of the dress code.Of course, public school educators are also responsible for ensuring the integrity of the learning environment and attend to misbehavior that does not raise safety concerns. There is no question that there are circumstances where removing a student from a classroom is helpful to de-escalate a conflict, or to pursue an intervention outside the classroom with the support of an administrator, a counselor, parent(s) or community members. However, too many of our nation's public schools have moved away from reserving school exclusion only for the most serious offenses, and as a measure of last resort. Excessive suspensions and expulsions threaten educational opportunity, thereby undermining our national goals for closing academic achievement gaps for all children

    From: Ivory James

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    Asynchronous Tool for an Actual Education: The Forum in Laboratory Practices

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    En este artículo se pone de manifiesto la preocupación existente por la evaluación de los aprendizajes en la educación a distancia para un control de calidad de la misma. Preocupación que viene provocada por la falta de claridad en los planteamientos sobrIn this article the existing preoccupation by the evaluation of the learnings in the remote education for a control of quality of the same one is shown. Preoccupation that comes caused by the lack from clarity in the expositions on how to make this evalu

    An Exploratory Inquiry and Creation of Emergency Room Discharge Education Materials

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    Background Each Emergency Room (ER) across the USA provides every patient with paperwork upon discharge, which commonly includes information about the patient’s diagnosis. This information will briefly describe the condition, provide information on treatment outside the ER, and possibly more, depending on the document and source. These documents are not made by hospital staff, but are generally purchased from outside providers who mass market such documents as resources for hospitals to use to educate patients. One issue with these documents lies in their mass usage, which is not necessarily designed to target the general population’s reading and educational levels. Purpose The purpose of this research was to investigate currently used discharge education materials and evaluate them for their readability and content. From this investigation, recommendations were made and adjustments to the documents were applied in order to increase understanding for the general population. Results The documents ranged in Flesch-Kincaid grade level rankings from 7.8 to 3.6, and with Flesch Reading Ease scores of 54.7 to 85.3. The entirety of the standard documents were ranked at a minimum of 7th grade equivalents, and are, at the hardest rank, ranked at a 54.7 by the Reading Ease score. In comparison, the ‘easy to read’ documents were ranked all below 5th grade level, and at the hardest rank, ranked at a 69.0 with the Flesch Reading Ease calculation. At a minimum, all documents included condition information and home care guidelines. The major obvious difference between the documents considered ‘easy to read’ and the standard documents are that those considered easy to read typically had sections found on the standard document removed, and have the same overall content as the standard version remaining, only in a simpler vocabulary. Conclusions In order to provide the best educational materials to the general public, it would be in the best interest of companies manufacturing these documents to produce only one version, which would be at a level around the 6th grade or below. A document slightly below the 6th grade level would be more ideal, as the simpler the document is, the more patients it will be accessible for overall, accounting for those who are below the national standards. It is not truly necessary to separate the documents into two forms, and it helps to prevent confusion or offense by doing so

    Lymphocyte Proliferation in Response to Benzofuran-2- Carboxylic Acid Derivative (KMEG) on International Space Station (ISS) as Potential Countermeasures for Immune Suppression in Microgravity

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    Microgravity and radiation exposure experienced during space flights result in immune system suppression. Subsequent research was conducted on the ISS in real microgravity and radiation environments experienced during a Spacex-3 mission (UR-l) launched April 18, 2014. The experiment was designed and integrated into Nanoracks hardware for testing on the ISS. Experimental design and cellular protocols were developed for a time period over a year. During such time dry runs, microgravity grounds models and cell conditions were optimized. Normal lymphocytes were flown on a Nanoracks platform with and without benzofuran-2-carboxylic acid derivative KMEG for 6 days. Appropriate fixatives for RNA isolation and protein analysis were added at the end of 6 days post activation on the ISS. Initial gene array analysis of samples revealed 1 2 that 78 genes were differentially expressed in microgravity exposed lymphocytes compared to ground control lymphocytes. Significantly up-regulated T cell proliferation genes in Spacex- 3 KMEG treated lymphocytes compared to control via Illumina analysis (

    Cory\u27s OND: A Town of Transition

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    A first-person narrative about life in Dayton, Ohio, composed as part of the Facing Project, a nationwide storytelling initiative

    Justice under anarchy: Rawlsian global justice with New Zealand as a case study

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    This thesis makes an argument for global justice by exploring neglected areas of Rawlsian theory, and using New Zealand as a case study. Summary In giving its view of global justice, the thesis argues for a global difference principle focused on persons. This argument includes an exploration of a neglected aspect of the principle; how it is constrained by the duty of assistance and the just savings principle. The thesis will also show that the global difference principle makes demands on developed nations because they can help realize the principle by improving conditions in developing nations by using Official Development Assistance. It is also likely that developed nations can improve conditions in the developing world by using the international factor of trade. However, rather than just focusing on this factor, the thesis reasons it is best to use this factor in tandem with Official Development Assistance. The thesis also shows that developed nations should provide Official Development Assistance by demonstrating how the numerous pledges made by developed nations over the years regarding Official Development Assistance amount to promises, and that promises have moral significance. Before moving on to discuss New Zealand’s Official Development Assistance programme, the thesis examines one of Rawls’s international principles of justice, the freedom and independence of peoples principle, and how it applies to New Zealand. In making an argument for the principle, the thesis shows how the principle can fit into a global justice framework, and adds to the literature by showing how the principle should treat small polities. The thesis also assesses how New Zealand’s history of colonialism has and has not respected the principle. This history also affects New Zealand’s Official Development Assistance programme, so much so that one can be justified in describing this programme as being a relic of this history. This programme will be the subject of the final topic-based chapter. Previous assessments of the programme have been done with no, or a limited, normative framework. By this point a detailed Rawlsian normative framework, along with a picture of Official Development Assistance’s efficacy, is in place, and is used to analyse the programme. This analysis includes the policy recommendations of monetarily enlarging the programme, focusing the programme on the globally least advantaged, and giving more of the programme’s funds to multilateral agencies

    Oral History Interview: Ivory Fulks

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    These are a part of a series of interviews which Diana Parnicza conducted in the course of her project concerning Appalachian caregivers. Ivory Fulks (referred to in the interview as Caregiver #16) discusses: her family, including a series of true/false questions about her family; her own health; detailed information about taking care of her husband; and other topics.https://mds.marshall.edu/oral_history/1368/thumbnail.jp

    From/To: Ivory James (Chalk\u27s reply filed first)

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