572 research outputs found

    Gifts, emotions and cognitive processes: an inquiry of gift receiving from a consumer psychology perspective

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    Gift exchange is a universal, social, cultural, and economic phenomenon. Over the past 90 years, it has fascinated scholars from different disciplines within the social sciences thanks to its diffusion across societies and centuries. Since Marcel Mauss' foundational paper (1925), scholars have agreed on the social integrative function of gifts, which are tools to build and maintain relationships. Giving gifts generates a virtuous circle of reciprocity, within which gifts are exchanged to attain a balanced reciprocity between the parties. Gifts are also intrinsically associated with identity definition and influence recipients' and givers' self-view. Above all, the gift is a symbolic communication, "a language that employs objects instead of words as its lexical elements" (Caplow, 1984, p. 1320), by which the giver communicates a variety of meanings, such as affection for the recipient, image of the recipient, or intention with regard to the relationship with the recipient

    Experimental evidence of unethical gift reconstruction in consumer moral reasoning

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    There are empirical evidences that consumers do not walk the talk. Although they express a preference for ethical products, they often consume indifferently. Nonetheless, we know little about the factors that facilitate unethical consumption. This article uses the experimental method to investigate the unethical consumption in the gifting experience context and the impact of psychological distance. An exploratory study shows that consumers are willing to accept morally questionable gifts in order to not hurt the giver. Moreover, two experiments demonstrate that consumers are a. eager to accept an unethical gifted product and b. they cognitively reconstruct it as less unethical. However, the unethical gift cannot be reconciled from an emotional standpoint, resulting in an emotional misalignment. The recipient feels guilty about the decision, especially if the product is sourced locally. Several theoretical and managerial contributions are derived from this study’s findings

    Caracterização físico-química, potencial antioxidante e avaliação de toxicidade preliminar do jambo vermelho (Syzygium malaccense (L.) Merr. & L.M.Perry)

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    Orientadora : Profª. Drª. Cláudia C. Hecke KrügerCoorientadora : Profª Dra. Renata Labronici BertinDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Alimentação e Nutrição. Defesa: Curitiba, 25/07/2017Inclui referências : f. 70-79Resumo: O Brasil é considerado um país de grande diversidade biológica, pois abriga milhares de espécies de animais, microrganismos, plantas e alimentos. Um importante exemplo de diversidade biológica encontrado no Brasil é a família Myrtaceae. Dentre algumas de suas frutas mais conhecidas estão a goiaba, a jabuticaba, a pitanga, o araçá e o jambo. Conhecido cientificamente como Syzygium malaccense (L.) Merr. & L.M. Perry, o jambo é um fruto encontrado principalmente nas regiões Nordeste, Sudeste e em alguns lugares da região Sul. Esse estudo teve como objetivo realizar a caracterização fisico-química, o potencial antioxidante e avaliar a toxicidade do jambo vermelho. Os frutos foram colhidas no Instituto Agronômico do Paraná (IAPAR) no município de Morretes, sendo realizadas as determinações de comprimento, diâmetro, peso, umidade, cinzas, pH, acidez titulável, sólidos solúveis totais, proteínas, lipídios, fibra alimentar, valor energético total, açúcares, ácidos orgânicos, carotenoides e vitamina C. Para determinação de compostos fenólicos, atividade antioxidante e toxicidade preliminar foi obtido o extrato metanólico do fruto. Os resultados indicaram que o jambo vermelho liofilizado apresenta alto teor de umidade (11,8g/100g), açúcares totais e redutores, fibra alimentar (31,15 g/100g) e alguns minerais essenciais, podendo contribuir para RDA de indivíduos adultos, principalmente em relação ao manganês, ferro, fósforo, magnésio, zinco, potássio e cálcio. Além disso, não foi considerado tóxico (CL50 > 1000 ?g/mL). Também, foram encontrados resultados significativos de vitamina C ( 196,77 mg/100g na porção comestível) e carotenoides (5,14 mg/100g de ?-caroteno e 4,29 mg/100g de licopeno), indicando o jambo vermelho como uma fonte natural desses compostos, principalmente de licopeno. Os resultados demonstram também que jambo é uma fruta com boa capacidade antioxidante e quantidades expressivas de compostos fenólicos totais (202,30 mg/100g). Assim, os resultados encontrados nesse estudo tornam o jambo vermelho uma fruta com ótimo potencial nutricional para ser inserido na alimentação da população. Palavras - chave: Sociobiodiversidade. Frutas. Myrtaceae. Composição nutricional. Fibras alimentares. Compostos bioativos. Atividade Antioxidante.Abstract: Brazil is considered a country of great biological diversity, as it hosts thousands of species of animals, micro-organisms, plants and food. An important example of biological diversity found not Brazil is a Myrtaceae family. Among some of its most known fruits are guava, a jabuticaba, a pitanga, araçá and jambo. Scientifically known as Syzygium malaccense (L.) Merr. And L.M. Perry, jambo is a fruit found in the Northeast, Southeast and in some places of the South. This study aim was to accomplish the physical-chemical characterization, evaluate the antioxidant potential and the toxicity of the red jambo. The fruits were harvested at the Agronomic Institute of Paraná (IAPAR) in the city of Morretes, being determined as determinations of length, diameter, weight, moisture, ash, titratable acidity, total soluble solids, proteins, lipids, dietary fiber, energy Total, sugars, organic acids, carotenoids and vitamin C. For determination of phenolic compounds, preliminary antioxidant and toxic activity was obtained the methanolic extract of the fruit. The results indicated that the lyophilized red jamb is high in moisture content (11.8g/ 100g), total and reducing sugars, dietary fiber (31.15g / 100g) and some essential minerals, which may contribute to adult RDA, in relation to manganese, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, potassium and calcium. In addition, it was not considered toxic (LC50> 1000 ?g/mL). In addition, significant results of vitamin C (196.77 mg/100g in the edible portion) and carotenoids (5.14 mg/100g ?-carotene and 4.29 mg / 100g lycopene) were found, indicating the red jambo as a natural source, mainly lycopene. The results also demonstrate that jambo is a fruit with good antioxidant capacity and expressive amounts of total phenolic compounds (202,30 mg/100g). Thus, the results found in the study make red jambo a fruit with great nutritional potential to be inserted into the population's diet. Key words: Socio biodiversity. Fruits. Myrtaceae. Nutritional composition. Food fibers. Bioactive compounds. Antioxidant activity

    Estudo fitoquímico, avaliação de atividades biológicas, propriedades antioxidantes, efeitos na obesidade e síndrome metabólica em Syzygium malaccense (L.) Merr. & LM Perry e Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels, Myrtaceae

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    Orientadora: Profa. Dra. Josiane de Fátima Gaspari DiasCoorientadores: Profª Drª. Claudia Carneiro Hecke Kruger, Prof Dr. Obdulio Gomes MiguelTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Farmacêuticas. Defesa : Curitiba, 16/12/2021Inclui referênciasResumo: Syzygium malaccense (L.) Merr. & LM Perry (jambo vermelho) e Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels (jambolão), são espécies que apresentam mistura vários compostos fitoquímicos e alguns efeitos farmacológicos comprovados, atuando principalmente em doenças como Diabetes, alguns tipos de câncer e doenças do trato gastrointestinal. Porém, algumas patologias e componentes podem ser explorados e desta forma, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar as propriedades fitoquímicas, atividades biológicas e investigar o efeito na obesidade e síndrome metabólica de jambo vermelho (J) e jambolão (JL). Inicialmente, foi extraído óleo essencial das frutas liofilizadas e caracterizado o óleo essencial da casca de jambo vermelho (70,6% de ácido palmítico). Avaliou-se a composição físico-química e monossacarídica das frutas liofilizadas, sendo que J e JL possuem quantidades expressivas de fibras alimentares totais (11,38 g/100g para J e 19,50 g/100g para JL) e a glicose como monossacarídeo majoritário. Posteriormente, foi realizada uma extração aquosa com as frutas liofilizadas e avaliada a toxicidade preliminar frente Artemia salina, a atividade hemolítica e alelopática, e a viabilidade em duas linhagens celulares (CP-H460 e HEK-293). Os extratos aquosos de J e JL não apresentaram toxicidade preliminar, nem atividade hemolítica e, em contrapartida, tiveram efeito positivo na atividade alelopática. Além disso, JL apresentou atividade anti-câncer contra uma célula de carcinoma de pulmão (CP-H460), inibindo quase 80% da proliferação celular. Por fim, foram preparados extratos etanólicos (80% m/v) para doseamento de fenólicos totais (778,72 mg GAE/100 g para J e 1332,1 mg GAE/100 g para JL), identificação do potencial antioxidante (destaca-se os valores pelo método DPPH, de 366,68 ?mol de TEAC/100 g para J e 764,76 para JL ?mol de TEAC/100 g) e realização de um ensaio experimental com animais. Ratos Wistar machos receberam dieta hipercalórica e hiperlipídica (5,9 kcal/g) complementada com solução de frutose-água (20% m/v) ad libitum por oito meses. Apenas um grupo recebeu dieta padrão AIN-93 (3,9 kcal/g) com água purificada ad libitum (grupo controle- GC). Nos últimos dois meses, quatro grupos receberam diariamente, via gavagem, extratos de J e JL em duas doses (150 e 300 mg/kg), um grupo recebeu metformina (GM) na dose de 150 mg/kg e foi separado um grupo para controle de síndrome metabólica (GCSM), que recebeu água destilada. Foram avaliados durante o experimento: peso corporal, Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC), gordura corporal, circunferências e Teste de Tolerância Oral à Glicose (TTOG). Ao final do estudo, os órgãos dos ratos foram coletados e parâmetros bioquímicos identificados. As duas frutas reduziram parâmetros de obesidade, atuando na diminuição do peso corporal, no IMC (J 300 mg/kg após a intervenção teve 26% menor IMC do que o GC) e no percentual de gordura corporal (2-8) %. O perfil lipídico (LDL-colesterol p <0,05), e a tolerância glicêmica dos ratos também melhorou e no geral, as duas frutas promoveram alterações importantes na função hepática e renal e interferiram positivamente no peso dos órgãos dos animais. Conclui-se que o óleo essencial da casca de J é rico em ácido palmítico e que J e JL possuem potencial antioxidante, anti-câncer e anti-obesidade, sem toxicidade preliminar.Abstract: Syzygium malaccense (L.) Merr. & LM Perry (red jambo) and Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels (jambolan), are species that present a mixture of several phytochemical compounds and some proven pharmacological effects, acting mainly in diseases such as Diabetes, some types of cancer and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. However, some pathologies and components can be exploratory and in this way, this work aimed to evaluate the phytochemical properties, biological activities and to investigate the effect on obesity and metabolic syndrome of red jambo (J) and jambolan (JL). Initially, essential oil was extracted from freeze-dried fruits and the essential oil of red jambo peel (70.6% palmitic acid) was characterized. The physicochemical and monosaccharide composition of the lyophilized fruits, being composed that J and JL are rich in fats containing nutrients (38 g/100gídeo for J and 19.50g/100g for JL) and glucose as monosaccharide. Subsequently, an aqueous extract was carried out with lyophilized fruits and preliminary toxicity by Artemia saline, hemolytic viability and two cell cells (CP-H460 and HE-293) were evaluated. The aqueous extracts of J and JL did not show preliminary toxicity or hemolytic activity and, on the other hand, had a positive effect on ale activity. In addition, JL showed anti-cancer activity against a mild carcinoma cell (CP-H466), inhibiting 80% of cell function. Finally, ethanolic extracts (80% m/v) were prepared to measure total phenolics (778.72 mg GAE/100 g for J and 1332.1 mg GAE/100 g for JL), identification of the antioxidant potential (highlights the values by the DPPH method, of 366.68 ?mol of TEAC/100 g for J and 764.76 for JL ?mol of TEAC/100 g) and carrying out an experimental test with animals. Male Wistar rats received a high-calorie and high-fat diet (5.9 kcal/g) supplemented with a fructose-water solution (20% w/v) ad libitum for eight months. Only one group received the standard AIN-93 diet (3.9 kcal/g) with purified water ad libitum (control group-GC). In the last two months, four groups received daily via gavage of J and JL in two doses (150 and 300 mg/kg), one group received metformin (GM) at a dose of 150 mg/kg and a group was separated for control of metabolic syndrome (GCSM), who received distilled water. The following were evaluated during the experiment: body weight, Body Mass Index (BMI), body fat, circumferences and Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT). At the end, the rats' organs were studied and the biochemical parameters identified. The fruits extract reduced obesity parameters, there was no increase in body weight reduction (J 300 mg/kg after the intervention had 26% BMI than GC) and no body fat percentage (2-8) %. The lipid profile (LDL-cholesterol p<0.05), and the glycemic tolerance of the rats also improved and in general, as both promote important changes in liver and kidney function and positively improve the weight of the animals' organs. It is concluded that the essential oil of J peel is rich in palmitic acid and that J and JL have antioxidant, anti-cancer and anti-obesity potential, without preliminary toxicity

    Interferon-α mediated immunotherapy in Friend retroviral infection

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    Die Expression von Typ I Interferon (IFN) ist in der Regel die erste Antwort des Wirtes auf eine Virusinfektion. Typ I IFN hat eine direkte antivirale Aktivität, welche durch antivirale Enzyme wie Proteinkinase R und Oligoadenylatsynthetase vermittelt wird. Zusätzlich kann Typ I IFN Einfluss auf Zellen des Immunsystem wie z.B. dendritische Zellen, NK-Zellen, T- und B-Zellen, nehmen und deren Funktion modulieren. Viele Viren haben darum verschiedenste Wege gefunden die initiale Produktion von IFN-α/β zu unterdrücken. In retroviralen Infektionen ist die Expression von IFN-α/β sehr schwach, auch wenn der Mechanismus der Suppression der IFNα-Antwort bisher unbekannt ist. Daher ist eine Möglichkeit der Immuntherapie von Virusinfektionen die Verstärkung der Immunantwort durch die Erhöhung der IFN-α/β-Antwort. Dies kann zum Einen über eine exogene Applikation von rekombinantem Interferon-α geschehen, oder zum Anderen durch die Injektion von Liganden für Toll-ähnliche Rezeptoren (TLR), wie z.B. Poly I:C, das eine starke Expression von Interferon-α induziert. Poly I:C, ein artifizieller Ligand für die zytoplasmatische Helikase MDA5 und den in den Endosomen lokalisierten TLR3, wurde bereits für die Behandlung diverser Virusinfektionen verwendet. Allerdings wurde Poly I:C nicht in retroviralen Infektionen untersucht und vor allem wurde der genaue immunologische Mechanismus, welcher einer erfolgreichen Therapie mit Poly I:C zugrunde liegt, nicht aufgeklärt. In der vorliegenden Arbeit sollte mit Hilfe des Friend Retrovirus-Mausmodell (FV) die Wirkung von Poly I:C in einer antiretroviralen Immuntherapie untersucht werden. Die Behandlung mit Poly I:C in FV-infizierten Mäusen führte zu einer signifikanten Reduktion der Viruslast und verhinderte die Entstehung einer letalen Erythroleukämie. Dieser Effekt von Poly I:C war abhängig von Typ I IFN, denn eine Poly I:C-Therapie in Mäusen, die keinen Interferon-α/β-Rezeptor besitzen, resultierte in keiner Reduktion der Viruslast. Durch die Behandlung mit Poly I:C wurden antivirale Enzyme exprimiert, welche direkt die FV-Replikation inhibierten. Des Weiteren wurde eine Aktivierung und eine verbesserte Effektorfunktion von T-Zellen nach der Therapie mit Poly I:C beobachtet. Die Behandlung induzierte dabei keine Expansion von virus-spezifischen CD4+ und CD8+ T-Zellen, sondern verbesserte die Effektorfunktion (z.B. Produktion von zytotoxischen Molekülen und Zytokinen) dieser Zellen. Typ I IFN gehört zu einer Multigenfamilie, die aus 14 verschiedenen IFNα Subtyp-Genen und einem IFNβ-Gen besteht. All diese Subtypen binden an den gleichen Rezeptor, allerdings besitzen sie sehr unterschiedliche biologische Aktivitäten. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass Poly I:C in vivo die Expression aller IFNα Subtypen induzierte. Im Weiteren wurden 3 Subtypen (IFNα2, 5 und 11) auf ihre antivirale Aktivität gegen FV genauer untersucht. IFNα2 und 5 besaßen in vivo keine antiviralen Effekte gegen das FV, obwohl IFNα5 besonders stark durch Poly I:C induziert wurde. Eine Therapie mit dem Subtyp IFNα11, welcher allerdings nur sehr moderat durch Poly I:C induziert wurde, reduzierte die Viruslast signifikant und aktivierte NK-, B- und T-Zellen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen einen direkten antiviralen und immunomodulatorischen Effekt durch die Poly I:C-induzierte IFNα-Antwort und die Therapie mit einem einzelnen Subtyp. Folglich ist der klinische Einsatz von Poly I:C oder einem bestimmten IFNα Subtyp vielversprechend für die Therapie von retroviralen Infektionen.The induction of type I Interferon (IFN) is the most immediate host response to viral infections. Type I IFN has a direct antiviral activity mediated by antiviral enzymes like proteinkinase R or oligoadenylatesynthetase. It also modulates the function of cells of the adaptive immune system e.g. dendritic cells, NK cells, T or B cells. Many viruses can suppress type I IFN production. In retroviral infections the initial type I IFN is weak, but the mechanism of the suppressed IFNα response is unclear. Thus, one strategy of immunotherapy in viral infection is the improvement of the host immune response by the induction of type I IFN. On the one hand, this can be done by exogenous application of recombinant IFNα, or on the other hand, by infection of Toll-like receptor (TLR) ligands, like Poly I:C which induces a strong IFNα expression. Poly I:C is an artificial ligand of the cytoplasmic helicase MDA5 and the endosomal TLR3, which has already been used to treat viral infections. However, Poly I:C has not been investigated in retroviral infections so far and the immunological mechanisms underlying a successful therapy have not been defined until now. In this study the Friend Retrovirus (FV) mouse model was used to investigate the mode of action of Poly I:C in anti-retroviral immunotherapy. Post exposure Poly I:C treatment of FV-infected mice resulted in a significant reduction in viral loads and protection from virus-induced leukemia. This effect was IFNα dependent since type I IFN receptor deficient mice could not be protected by Poly I:C. The Poly I:C induced IFN response resulted in the expression of antiviral enzymes, which directly suppressed FV replication. Also the virus-specific T-cell response was augmented. Interestingly, it did not enhance the number of virus-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T cells but rather the functional properties of these cells, like cytokine production and cytotoxic activity. Type I IFN belongs to a multigene family that includes 14 different IFNα subtypes and only one IFNβ subtype. All these subtypes bind to same receptor, but they have various biological activities. It was shown that Poly I:C induced the expression of all IFNα subtypes in vivo. The antiviral activity against FV of three IFNα subtypes (IFNα2, 5 and 11) was further analyzed. IFNα2 and 5 had no antiviral effects against FV in vivo, although IFNα5 was strongly induced by Poly I:C. A therapy with IFNα11 , which was moderately expressed by Poly I:C, reduced the viral loads significantly and activated NK, B and T cells. The results demonstrate a direct antiviral and immunomodulatory effect of the Poly I:C induced IFNα response and the therapy with a single IFNα subtype. Therefore, the clinical treatment with Poly I:C or a certain IFNα subtype is promising for the therapy of retroviral infections

    Modulation of taxonomic (versus thematic) similarity judgments and product choices by inducing local and global processing

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    Perceived similarity is influenced by both taxonomic and thematic relations. Assessing taxonomic relations requires comparing individual features of objects whereas assessing thematic relations requires exploring how objects functionally interact. These processes appear to relate to different thinking styles: abstract thinking and a global focus may be required to explore functional interactions whereas attention to detail and a local focus may be required to compare specific features. In four experiments we explored this idea by assessing whether a preference for taxonomic or thematic relations could be created by inducing a local or global perceptual processing style. Experiments 1–3 primed processing style via a perceptual task and used a choice task to examine preference for taxonomic (versus thematic) relations. Experiment 4 induced processing style and examined the effect on similarity ratings for pairs of taxonomic and thematically related items. In all cases processing style influenced preference for taxonomic/thematic relations

    Competitividade do açúcar brasileiro no mercado internacional

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    The study objectifies, by means of a group of indicators, to evaluate the competitiveness of the Brazilian sugar in the international trade. The indicator market-share evidenced its significant importance, considering that Brazil was responsible for 40,61% of the sugar commercialized in the international market in 2005. About the competitiveness front to other countries and other products, the indicator relative advantage in the export also discloses the advantage competitive of the Brazilian sugar. As for participation of the sugar in the total of the Brazilian exportations, the growth is substantial, having increased its representation in 95% in the analyzed period. The participation of the commercial balance of the sugar in the GIP Brazilian agricultural also was increasing in the analyzed period, considering that in 1994 the sugar represented less than 1% of the GIP agricultural and arrived to represent 3.53%, in 2002. These data ratify the importance of the Brazilian sugar in the generation of income and detach its increasing competitive advantage before the too much producing and exporting countries.Competitiveness, Sugar, Exportations, International Relations/Trade,

    Transparency of reporting practices in quantitative field studies: The transparency sweet spot for article citations

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    Intuitively, there would appear to be a direct positive link between the transparency with which research procedures get reported and their appreciation (and citation) within the academic community. It is therefore not surprising that several guidelines exist, which demand the reporting of specific features for ensuring transparency of quantitative field studies. Unfortunately, it is currently far from clear which of these features do get reported, and how this affects the articles’ citations. To rectify this, we review 200 quantitative field studies published in five major journals from the field of management research over a period of 20 years (1997–2016). Our results reveal that there are significant gaps in the transparent reporting of even the most basic features. On the other hand, our results show that copious reporting of transparency is productive only up to a certain degree, after which more transparent articles get cited less, pointing to a ‘transparency sweet spot’ that can be achieved by reporting mindfully

    Rigorous, transparent, and eye-catching: exploring the universalistic parameters of impactful theory building in management

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    In the management discipline, scholarly impact is most commonly measured using a researcher perspective, by counting the number of times a particular article is mentioned in the references section of other articles (Aguinis, Shapiro, Antonacopoulou, and Cummings, 2014). This approach conceptualizes scholarly impact using a measurable indicator, the citation count an article receives. Several studies have been conducted to examine what drives scholarly impact in the field of management. The originality of the idea, rigor of the study, and clarity of writing have been identified as the most significant universalistic parameters of scholarly impact (Judge, Colbert, Cable, and Rynes, 2007). This dissertation sets out to do a detailed examination of these parameters. The six articles included in the thesis do so in two ways: either by offering recommendations for improving these universalistic parameters of scholarly impact or by further exploring the relationship between the universalistic parameters and scholarly impact. Our first empirical article, here relayed in Chapter II, focuses on case studies, and analyzes the methodological rigor of all case studies published during the period 1996-2006. We point out different types of replication logic, and illustrate how their individual research actions have differential effects on the internal and external validity (in that order of priority) of the emerging theory. Chapter III follows up on the previous chapter, extending the investigation to quantitative as well as qualitative research, and offers replication logic as a tool for analyzing deviant cases identified during the course of a qualitative or quantitative study. We call this technique the ‘Deviant Case Method’ (‘DCM’). Through this study, we explain the theoretical consequentiality (Aguinis et al., 2013; Cortina, 2002) of analyzing three different kinds of outliers (construct, model fit, and prediction outliers/ deviant cases) and offer DCM for analyzing prediction outliers/deviant cases. In Chapter IV, we extend this method to have a look at medium-N studies. Here we focus on inconsistent or deviant cases which turn up during a fuzzy set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA). We offer a method called ‘Comparative Outlier Analysis’ (‘COA’) which combines DCM and Mill’s canons (1875) to examine these multitude of inconsistent cases. We explicate this using exemplars from fields like politics, marketing, and education. Unlike in other disciplines or methods, it is far from clear what the label ‘transparent research procedures’ constitutes in management field studies, with adverse effects during write-up, revision, and even after publication. To rectify this, in Chapter V, we review field studies across seven major management journals (1997- 2006) in order to develop a transparency index, and link it to article impact. Chapter VI is a sequel to the previous chapter. We propose a new method for assessing the methodological rigor of grounded theory procedures ex-post using an audit trail perspective. While existing research on the methodological sophistication of grounded theory was typically done from the perspective of the author or producer of the research, our perspective is customer-centric, both in terms of the end-customer (i.e. the reader or other author), as well as the intermediate customer (i.e. reviewers and editors). The last empirical article in the thesis, Chapter VII, focuses on yet another parameter influencing impact: the style of academic writing. Specifically, we focus on the attributes of article titles and their subsequent influence on the citation count. At this early stage of theory development on article titles, we do this in the specific application context of management science. We conclude with Chapter VIII where we sum up the findings and implications of all preceding studies and put forth suggestions for future research