288 research outputs found

    Sodelovalne ucne oblike pri jezikovnem delu pouka slovenscine v osnovni soli

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    In the Slovenian language syllabus, teachers are recommended to provide a greater share of group work during class. During types of learning such as cooperative learning in smaller groups or pairs, students actively develop communicative competence. The present article presents a survey that attempted to determine whether teachers from the first to the fifth grade execute cooperative learning in language classes. The purpose of the article is to raise teachersā€™ awareness and encourage them to design and execute cooperative learning more frequently. (DIPF/Orig.

    An Uterine Electromyographic Activity as a Measure of Labor Progression

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    Understanding the physiology of the uterus during term and preterm parturition is essential to solving clinical problems related to gestation and labor. The uterus is a smooth muscle organ. It undergoes specific changes during gestation and is known for its unique contractility during the labor

    Biokemijski pokazatelji u krvi uživalaca alkohola

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    The biological, clinical and social effects of alcohol abuse call for objective and specific biomarkers of alcohol-related diseases and early detection of alcohol consumers at risk. Alcohol abusers may exhibit several clinical and/or chemical changes. Changes in parameters such as gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), and mean corpuscular volume (MCV) may serve as biomarkers of chronic alcoholism. All available biomarkers have two drawbacks. The first is that they indicate adverse effects in a particular organ, but tell little about their aetiology. The second is that they are not sensitive enough to detect abuse before it results in organic impairment. The 1990s have seen the introduction of a new diagnostic biomarker, carbohydrate-deficient transferrin (CDT). Reduced concentrations of this biomarker are found in serum after regular high alcohol intake. Relying on literature and their own clinical experience, the authors conclude that CDT seems to meet the clinical criteria of reliability and specificity.BioloÅ”ka, klinička i socijalna stanja alkoholičara već dugo iziskuju objektivne i specifične pokazatelje poremećaja uzrokovanih uživanjem alkohola u svrhu Å”to ranijeg otkrivanja rizičnih uživalaca. Uživaoci prekomjernih količina alkohola mogu pokazivati nekoliko kliničko-kemijskih promjena od kojih se neke upotrebljavaju kao pokazatelji alkoholizma. To su ponajprije promjene u aktivnostima jetrenih enzima gama-glutamiltransferaze (GGT), aspartat aminotransferaze (AST) i alanin aminotransferaze (ALT) te promjene srednjeg volumena eritrocita (MCV). Svi ti pokazatelji imaju dvije slabe strane. S jedne strane, mogu odražavati poremećaj ili bolest određenog organa s nepouzdanom specifičnoŔću prepoznavanja etiologije bolesti. S druge strane, nisu dovoljno osjetljivi za otkrivanje kroničnog alkoholičara prije nastajanja organskih komplikacija. Tijekom posljednjeg desetljeća uveden je u dijagnostiku kroničnog alkoholizma novi biokemijski pokazatelj sni.eni ugljikohidratni transferin (carbohidrate deficient transferrin, CDT). To je glikoprotein koji prenosi željezo u tijelu i koji se stvara i oslobađa iz jetre. Iako razlozi joÅ” nisu sasvim rasvijetljeni, u osoba koje redovito uživaju veće količine alkohola koncentracija sniženog ugljikohidratnog transferina u serumu redovito je poviÅ”ena. U radu su dani odabrani relevantni literaturni podaci o biokemijskim pokazateljima u.ivanja alkohola i dijagnosticiranja kroničnog alkoholizma. Usto, autori su i sami procjenjivali do koje mjere uobičajeni krvni biopokazatelji alkohola odražavaju Å”tetne učinke uživanja alkoholnih pića u skupini vlastitih ispitanika tijekom periodičkih medicinskih pregleda. Pritom su se posebno usredotočili na novi biokemijski parametar postotak CDT-a (%CDT). Na temelju pregleda literaturnih podataka i vlastitog opa.anja, autori su zaključili da %CDT kao biopokazatelj alkohola u krvi u velikoj mjeri udovoljava postavljenim kliničkim kriterijima pouzdanosti i specifičnosti


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    The aim of this study was to form a method and find the highest model resolution for which the cell averaged interpolated fields of 24 h raingauge precipitation would be independent of the interpolation method. We used heavy precipitation data for Slovenia and three different interpolation methods. Cross-validation results showed that the magnitudes can be as large as 50 % of the measured maxima (in our case 50 mm - 110 mm). Therefore a reliable interpolation to high resolution and into a point is not sensible. We found that results became independent of the interpolation method when model cells arc apart at least two times of the average distance to the closest neighbor in the raingauge network. For our case this occurred at 16 km. At this resolution the absolute maximum difference was in most cases less than 15% of the measured maximum

    Uporaba storitev socialnih omrežij med Slovenci po svetu

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    The authors conducted a survey of online groups on Facebook (N = 270) and a survey of Slovenian migrants (N = 629) to gain insight into the use of social networking services (SNSs) during different phases of the migration process. SNSs can help migrants establish new relationships with migrants in the destination country, which may help them to cope with periods of loneliness in the post-migrant phase. Online groups are an important source of information on the destination, aiding informed decision-making in the pre-migrant phase. Migrants in the post-migrant phase may have lower privacy concerns and perceive higher regulatory protection of their privacy than in the settled phase.Da bi dobila vpogled v uporabo storitev socialnih omrežij (SSO) med različnimi fazami migracijskega procesa, sta avtorja pregledala spletne skupine na Facebooku (N = 270) in izvedla anketo med slovenskimi migranti (N = 629). SSO pomagajo migrantom vzpostaviti nova razmerja z migranti v namembni državi, kar jim lahko pomaga med spoprijemanjem z obdobji osamljenosti v postmigrantski fazi. Spletne skupine so pomemben vir informacij o destinaciji in pomagajo pri informiranemu odločanju v predmigrantski fazi. Migranti imajo v postmigrantski fazi manjŔe skrbi glede zasebnosti in zaznavajo viŔjo regulativno zaŔčito svoje zasebnosti kot v ustaljeni fazi

    Die Wirkung von Cycloheximid auf die Feinstruktur der Bohnen- Chloroplasten

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    Changes in the fine structure of bean chloroplasts after cycloheximide treatments are described. In greening etioplasts, and in young, not fully developed chloroplasts, cycloheximide causes considerable changes in the thylakoid system. Grana, in so far developed, are enlarged and bent; tubular complexes often appear. In fully developed chloroplasts some inter- thylakoid spaces appear as dark layers. After high concentrations of cycloheximide (0.1%) characteristic crystalloids appear in the plastid stroma.Opisane su promjene u finoj građi kloroplasta graha nakon djelovanja cikloheksimida. U etioplastima, koji se nalaze u fazi ozelenjavanja, kao i u mladim, joÅ” nepotpuno razvijenim kloroplastima, cikloheksimid uzrokuje znatne promjene u tilakoidnom sustavu. Grana, ukoliko ona postoje, povećana su i svinuta, a pojavljuju se često i tubularni kompleksi. U razvijenim kloroplastima pojedini intertilakoidni prostori stvaraju zajedno s membranama tamni sloj. Nakon visokih koncentracija cikloheksimida (0,1%) u stromi kloroplasta pojavljuju se karakteristični kristaloidi.VerƤnderungen in der Feinstruktur der Bohnen-Chloroplasten nach Behandlung mit Cycloheximid werden beschrieben. In ergrĆ¼nenden Etioplasten, sowie in jungen, noch nicht vƶllig entwickelten Chloroplasten, verursacht Cycloheximid auffallende VerƤnderungen im Thylakoid-Sys- tem. Grana-Thylakoide, sofern vorhanden, sind vergrƶssert und gebogen; hƤufig kommen tubulƤre Komplexe vor. In voll entwickelten Chloroplasten erscheinen einzelne interthylakoidale RƤume als dunkle Schichten. Nach Behandlung mit hohen Konzentrationen von Cycloheximid (0.1%) entstehen in Chloroplasten-Stroma charakteristische Kristalloide

    Der Tastsinn

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    Der Schwerpunkt dieser Magisterarbeit beruht darin, den Tastsinn in einer theoretischen Bearbeitung in eine kultursoziologische AnnƤherung zu bringen. Ziel ist es, einen Ansatzpunkt zu schaffen, auf den sich weitere ForschungstƤtigkeiten erstrecken kƶnnten oder sich darauf aufbauen lassen. In dieser theoretischen Auseinandersetzung mit dem Tastsinn, wird einerseits der Frage nachgegangen, warum das Tasten in der Moderne gegenĆ¼ber dem Sehen vergleichsweise zurĆ¼ckgedrƤngt wird und andererseits wird versucht den Tastsinn von seiner Konnotation zu ā€žAnimalitƤtā€œ und ā€žPrimitivitƤtā€œ herauszulƶsen. Einleitend wird ein Ɯberblick auf den aktuellen Begriffsgebrauch des Tastsinns in wissenschaftlicher Forschung und alltƤglichem Gebrauch gegeben. Ein kurzer Ɯberblick Ć¼ber die Geschichte des Tastsinns, von der Antike bis zum Mittelalter, leitet die theoretische Aufarbeitung des Tastsinns fĆ¼r eine kultursoziologische AnnƤherung ein. In Folge wird auf den Zusammenhang Sinneswahrnehmung und Erkenntnisgewinn eingegangen. Des Weiteren wird auf die tastsinnliche Wahrnehmung in Bezug auf die Hand, als Sinnesorgan, Organ des Kontaktes und Arbeitshand erƶrtert. Darauffolgend beschƤftigt sich die Arbeit mit der GefĆ¼hlsseite der tastsinnlichen Wahrnehmung. AnschlieƟend wird der Tastsinn in Verbindung mit der Kƶrperwahrnehmung behandelt. Am Beispiel der tastsinnliche Wahrnehmung in der GroƟstadt, wird der Bogen zu heute gespannt. Diese Arbeit basiert vor allem auf den Werken von Norbert Elias, Helmuth Plessner und Georg Simmel. Es werden, sowohl die historischen Entwicklungsprozesse der genannten Autoren aufgezeigt, als auch weiterfĆ¼hrende AutorInnen miteinbezogen. Die theoretische Aufarbeitung des Tastsinns zeigte, dass die SinnesmodalitƤt des Tastsinns, den Menschen seine kƶrperliche Existenz und die der physischen Welt vermittelt


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    Stečaj predstavlja sudski postupak nad imovinom dužnika zbog nesposobnosti za plaćanje i prezaduženosti. Postupak stečaja provode sud, stečajni upravitelj, skupÅ”tina vjerovnika i odbor vjerovnika. Stečajni postupak pokreće se podnoÅ”enjem prijedloga za otvaranje stečajnog postupka, a prijedlog za otvaranje stečajnog postupka ovlaÅ”ten je podnijeti vjerovnik ili dužnik. Računovodstvo druÅ”tva u stečaju ne razlikuje se bitno od računovodstva u redovitom poslovanju. Porezni propisi nalažu određene obveze druÅ”tvu u stečaju, ali se one bitno ne razlikuju od obveza koje je druÅ”tvo imalo prije pokretanja postupka stečaja. Sukladno Zakonu o osiguranju radničkih tražbina prava radnika iz radnog odnosa u stečajnom postupku osiguravaju se i djelomično isplaćuju iz sredstava Agencije za osiguranje radničkih potraživanja. Namirenje vjerovnika diobom u stečajnom postupku provodi se po priljevu novca. Stečajni upravitelj izrađuje diobeni popis koji mora biti odobren od odbora vjerovnika ili suda. Glavni cilj provođenja stečaja je namirenje obveza druÅ”tva prema vjerovnicima.Bankruptcy represents a court case over the debtor's assets due to inability to pay and overindebtedness. The bankruptcy proceeding is carried out by a court, a bankruptcy trustee, a creditor assembly, and a creditor committee. The bankruptcy proceedings are initiated by submitting a proposal for the opening of bankruptcy proceedings, and the motion for opening a bankruptcy proceeding is authorized to be filed by a creditor or a debtor. Accounting for a bankruptcy company is no different from accounting in regular business. Tax regulations impose certain obligations on a bankruptcy company, but they do not significantly differ from the obligations the company had before the bankruptcy proceeding. Pursuant to the Law on Insurance of Worker Claims on the Right of Workers in a Bankruptcy Procedure are provided and partially paid out from the funds of the Agency for Insurance of Worker's Claims. Settling down creditors in a bankruptcy proceeding is done by cash inflow. The bankruptcy trustee creates a split list that must be approved by the creditor or court board. The main purpose of bankruptcy is to settle the company's obligations towards creditors

    Hrvatska dječja književnost između dvaju svjetskih ratova

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    Hrvatska dječja književnost tijekom svoje povijesti prolazila je kroz mnogo uspona i padova. Gospodarska kriza, siromaÅ”tvo i ostale neprilike koje su pogađale svijet na prijelazu iz 19. u 20. stoljeće i za vrijeme velikih svjetskih ratova nisu zaobiÅ”le ni Hrvatsku. Sve to utjecalo je i na književnost. U ovom radu prikazat će se povijest hrvatske dječje književnosti na prijelazu stoljeća i između dvaju svjetskih ratova, razdoblje hrvatske dječje književnosti koje su početkom stoljeća obilježile spisateljice Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić i Jagoda Truhelka te zaokret na realističku orijentaciju tridesetih godina 20. stoljeća uz pojavu Mate Lovraka.Throughout its history Croatian childrenā€™s literature had many ups and downs. Economic crisis, poverty and other predicaments that happened in the world at the turn of the nineteenth century into the twentieth and in times of great World Wars happened also in Croatia. All that influenced the Croatian literature. In this paper, the history of Croatian childrenā€™s literature at the turn of the centuries and between two World Wars will be shown, the period of Croatian children literature that was marked by Ivana Brlić-MaÅ£uranić and Jagoda Truhelka and also the turn to realistic orientation of 1930s with the appearance of Mato Lovrak

    Relationship between Customers\u27 Loyalty and Income: Preliminary Research

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    Customer relationship management has a great role in customers\u27 loyalty and satisfaction. However, it is questionable if companies are facing their customers with adequate care. Research that analyzes income and its impact to customersā€™ loyalty, especially in post-transition countries is scare. This paper investigates customers\u27 attitudes towards selected loyalty determinants. In order to achieve the goal, empirical research on the sample of Croatian customers has been conducted. The respondents were classified into three groups regarding income level and then compared using Kruskall-Wallis test. This work is licensed under a&nbsp;Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p
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