34 research outputs found

    Analysis and the Use of Special Blocks from OrCAD Libraries.

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    Import 22/07/2015Bakalářská práce se zabývá popisem knihovny Analog Behavioral model v programu OrCAD Pspice. V této knihovně se nachází dva typy prvků. Control systém parts a equivalent parts. Prvky z této knihovny jsou detailně rozebrány a popsány jejich vlastnosti a parametry. V další části práce jsou jednoduché příklady aplikací. Je popsán postup matematické analýzy stejnosměrného motoru za použití součástek z knihovny ABM. Tato simulace je následně porovnána se simulací v programu Matlab Simulink. Dále jsou zmíněny další možnosti simulace. V příloze je pak vytvořen Sylab popisující vytvoření PI regulátoru.This bachelor thesis is focused on description of Analog Behavioral model library in OrCAD Pspice programme. There are two types of components in the library. Control system and equivalents parts. The property and parameters of these parts are described and analysed minutely. The second part of the bachelor consists of simple examples of application. It describes mathematical model of DC motor with application of components from library ABM. This simulation is subsequently compared with simulation in Matlab Simulink programme. The other possibilities of simulation are also mentioned. Sylab describing formation of PI regulator is created and included in the enclosure.430 - Katedra elektronikyvýborn

    Sample Job Theatrical Thrust - a Simple Task to Connect OP-PLC-Drive

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    V této diplomové práci byl proveden rozbor měničů Sinamics S120 s řídícím systémem Simotion D. V práci jsou uvedené základní principy napájecích a výkonových modulů Siemens. Dále je popsán řídící systém Simotion D, jeho výhody a oblasti použití. Lze zde najít také základní popis funkcí pro řízení Motion Control a popis regulační struktury v prostředí Simotion Scout. Je zde popsána celá regulační struktura s významem jednotlivých parametrů. Dále se tato práce zabývá konfigurací pohonu ve zmíněném prostředí. V druhé části je popsána ukázková úloha divadelního tahu, její komponenty a princip činnosti. V poslední části jsou uvedené výsledky měření na této ukázkové úloze. Měření bylo zaměřeno na vliv nastavení regulátoru na měřené průběhy. V přílohách této práce lze najít kompletní schémata regulační struktury, konfiguraci pohonu a osy krok za krokem a popis MCC programu pro regulaci na polohu. Tato diplomová práce vznikla ve spolupráci s firmou Elvac a.s.The analysis of Sinamics S120 with control unit Simotion D is done in this thesis. Basic principles of rectifiers and power module of Siemens are concluded in this work. Furthermore, the control unit Simotion D is described here, with its advantages and field of application. Moreover, this thesis describes regulatory structure in Simotion Scout software. Practical part is focused on describing demonstration task with Drive- PLC and HMI in theatrical application. Used components are mentioned in the first part of the practical part, second part deals with setting and calibration and the third part concludes measuring of basic waves and his change depending on the change of regulator´s setting. Complete regulation regulatory structure schemes, drive´s and axle´s configuration and description of MCC programme for motion control can be found in the appendices. This thesis was created in cooperation with Elvac a. s. company.430 - Katedra elektronikyvýborn

    Ceftolozane/tazobactam versus meropenem in patients with ventilated hospital-acquired bacterial pneumonia: Subset analysis of the ASPECT-NP randomized, controlled phase 3 trial

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    BACKGROUND: Ceftolozane/tazobactam is approved for treatment of hospital-acquired/ventilator-associated bacterial pneumonia (HABP/VABP) at double the dose approved for other infection sites. Among nosocomial pneumonia subtypes, ventilated HABP (vHABP) is associated with the lowest survival. In the ASPECT-NP randomized, controlled trial, participants with vHABP treated with ceftolozane/tazobactam had lower 28-day all-cause mortality (ACM) than those receiving meropenem. We conducted a series of post hoc analyses to explore the clinical significance of this finding. METHODS: ASPECT-NP was a multinational, phase 3, noninferiority trial comparing ceftolozane/tazobactam with meropenem for treating vHABP and VABP; study design, efficacy, and safety results have been reported previously. The primary endpoint was 28-day ACM. The key secondary endpoint was clinical response at test-of-cure. Participants with vHABP were a prospectively defined subgroup, but subgroup analyses were not powered for noninferiority testing. We compared baseline and treatment factors, efficacy, and safety between ceftolozane/tazobactam and meropenem in participants with vHABP. We also conducted a retrospective multivariable logistic regression analysis in this subgroup to determine the impact of treatment arm on mortality when adjusted for significant prognostic factors. RESULTS: Overall, 99 participants in the ceftolozane/tazobactam and 108 in the meropenem arm had vHABP. 28-day ACM was 24.2% and 37.0%, respectively, in the intention-to-treat population (95% confidence interval [CI] for difference: 0.2, 24.8) and 18.2% and 36.6%, respectively, in the microbiologic intention-to-treat population (95% CI 2.5, 32.5). Clinical cure rates in the intention-to-treat population were 50.5% and 44.4%, respectively (95% CI - 7.4, 19.3). Baseline clinical, baseline microbiologic, and treatment factors were comparable between treatment arms. Multivariable regression identified concomitant vasopressor use and baseline bacteremia as significantly impacting ACM in ASPECT-NP; adjusting for these two factors, the odds of dying by day 28 were 2.3-fold greater when participants received meropenem instead of ceftolozane/tazobactam. CONCLUSIONS: There were no underlying differences between treatment arms expected to have biased the observed survival advantage with ceftolozane/tazobactam in the vHABP subgroup. After adjusting for clinically relevant factors found to impact ACM significantly in this trial, the mortality risk in participants with vHABP was over twice as high when treated with meropenem compared with ceftolozane/tazobactam. TRIAL REGISTRATION: clinicaltrials.gov, NCT02070757. Registered 25 February, 2014, clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT02070757

    Comparing Notes: Recording and Criticism

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    This chapter charts the ways in which recording has changed the nature of music criticism. It both provides an overview of the history of recording and music criticism, from the advent of Edison’s Phonograph to the present day, and examines the issues arising from this new technology and the consequent transformation of critical thought and practice

    Wider Still and Wider: British Music Criticism since the Second World War

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    This chapter provides the first historical examination of music criticism in Britain since the Second World War. In the process, it also challenges the simplistic prevailing view of this being a period of decline from a golden age in music criticism

    Stop the Press? The Changing Media of Music Criticism

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    Biodiverzita dřevních hub v oblasti Národní přírodní rezervace Divoká Oslava

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    The bachelor thesis deals with the surveying of the biodiversity of wood fungi in National Nature Reserve Divoká Oslava. The reserve originated in 1.12.2019, therefore it is relatively young and characteristic with its original and close-to-nature landscape. Inside of the reserve were chosen two locations with the highest potential of the presence of wood fungi and there was since the November 2018 to the November 2020 carried periodical survey through errand method. The collection and identification of the sporocarps took place, taking of the photographic documentation, and the evaluated parameters on the ecology of the species and the substrate on which the fungus grew, were entered into the field diary. In total there were 53 species of the wood fungi found, from which two species are entered in the Red List of Fungi (macromycetes) of the Czech Republic

    Aplication of geodtic methods of mapping while surveying of positional and diagrammatical sketch for the purpose of special maps creation.

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    The work is intent on the aplication of geodetic methods of mapping while surveying of positional and diagrammatical sketch for the purpose of special maps creation. The aim of the work is to create special map and then digital terrain model. The theoretic part is intent on the maps in general, special maps and their kinds, the methods of mapping and the digital terrain models. In the practical part, there is the evaluation of the geodetic methods as same as the process of the creation of the special map and the digital terrain model. The following part is about examination of the possible contribution of the digital model of the terrain for the branch of land adjustment

    Monitoring zdravotního stavu jedle bělokoré (Abies alba Mill.) na vybraných plochách LS Náměšť nad Oslavou

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    The diploma thesis pursues an assessment of the health condition of white fir (Abies alba) in selected areas of the Náměšť nad Oslavou forest administration. All 888 of the white fir trees (Abies alba) on the two research grounds, in the 7th age class, were incorporated into health classification, the symptoms of damage to the tree species were evaluated and the presence of wood fungi, insect pests and other negative factors affecting the studied trees was determined. From the symptoms found, it was assessed that among the abiotic damage, drought and wind had the greatest effect on the health of the trees. Among the biotic damages, white mistletoe (Viscum album), wood-decaying fungi and insect pests had a significant negative effect