138 research outputs found

    Aplicación y mejoras al método MPM para el análisis de deslizamientos y movimientos de tierra

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    En este artículo se presentan dos extensiones al Método de Puntos Materiales (MPM) que mejoran la aptitud del método en la simulación de deslizamientos y movimientos de tierra. La primera consiste en el uso de una formulación de multi-fase que permite el análisis de mezclas sólido-fluido y su interacción a varias escalas. La segunda provee una técnica apropiada para mitigar el problema de "locking" que surge de usar, en el MPM estándar, funciones de interpolación lineales en una grilla Euleriana. Para este caso se propone una estrategia de relajación basada en el principio de Hu-Washizu y se demuestra su aplicabilidad en la modelación de flujos granulares

    Did London 2012 deliver a sports participation legacy?

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    Despite the increasing academic interest in the analysis of the Olympic legacy, there is a relative knowledge gap as far as sports participation legacy is concerned. The authors bridge this gap by analysing the short-term sports participation legacy of the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games on the adult population in England. By using data from the Active People Survey and considering different sports participation variables and the effect of the economic climate, results demonstrate a positive association with participation from hosting the Games. Participation rates were adjusted to take into account seasonality and changes in the gross domestic product (GDP), accounting in this way for the effect of the recent economic recession. The biggest effect was observed in relation to frequent participation (at least three times per week for at least 30 minutes) in the year immediately after the Games. In 2014, the sports participation rates fell relative to 2013 but remained higher than pre-Olympic levels. The sport participation legacy of the Olympic Games appeared to have significant differences between socio-demographic groups

    Avant-garde and experimental music

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    Modeling Landslide-Induced Flow Interactions with Structures using the Material Point Method

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2013Landslides cause significant damage and loss of life around the world each year. To help protect people, infrastructure, and lifelines against such disasters, it is critical to: a.) control the path and/or redirect flow when potential interaction with the built environment exists, and b.) have engineered structures that are capable of resisting the loads imparted by a landslide. Capturing the mechanical behavior and structural interaction is challenging---as these flow events are highly dynamic, unpredictable, and inherently complex in nature. This dissertation presents the Material Point Method (MPM) as a continuum-based tool for modeling landslides and other flow-like events, with an emphasis on capturing the force interaction between the flow and rigid structures. Key challenges arising in this context are the ability to: a.)~model the transition between solid and fluid-like behavior within a single numerical environment, b.)~develop constitutive frameworks that can accommodate extremely large deformations while remaining computationally efficient and numerically stable, and c.) account for the different phases and constituents that comprise these events This research addresses these challenges and includes an anti-locking enhancement designed to improve kinematics and the quality of the stress field, a volume constraint for multiphase simulations, and an evaluation of different elasto-plastic material models suitable for large deformation analyses of granular materials. The current implementation is used to model several examples from both the solid and fluid mechanics regime, including incompressible fluid flow, the response of an elastic cantilever beam, three fully saturated porous media analyses, a ductile hyper-velocity Taylor bar impact, a parametric investigation of planar granular flow, snow avalanche simulation, and three landslide applications evaluating the nature of the force interaction with structures