10 research outputs found

    Actuation of Micro-Optomechanical Systems Via Cavity-Enhanced Optical Dipole Forces

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    We demonstrate a new type of optomechanical system employing a movable, micron-scale waveguide evanescently-coupled to a high-Q optical microresonator. Micron-scale displacements of the waveguide are observed for milliwatt(mW)-level optical input powers. Measurement of the spatial variation of the force on the waveguide indicates that it arises from a cavity-enhanced optical dipole force due to the stored optical field of the resonator. This force is used to realize an all-optical tunable filter operating with sub-mW control power. A theoretical model of the system shows the maximum achievable force to be independent of the intrinsic Q of the optical resonator and to scale inversely with the cavity mode volume, suggesting that such forces may become even more effective as devices approach the nanoscale.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures. High resolution version available at (http://copilot.caltech.edu/publications/CEODF_hires.pdf). For associated movie, see (http://copilot.caltech.edu/research/optical_forces/index.htm

    Dynamical Coupling between a Bose-Einstein Condensate and a Cavity Optical Lattice

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    A Bose-Einstein condensate is dispersively coupled to a single mode of an ultra-high finesse optical cavity. The system is governed by strong interactions between the atomic motion and the light field even at the level of single quanta. While coherently pumping the cavity mode the condensate is subject to the cavity optical lattice potential whose depth depends nonlinearly on the atomic density distribution. We observe bistability already below the single photon level and strong back-action dynamics which tunes the system periodically out of resonance.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Decoherence Suppression by Cavity Optomechanical Cooling

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    We consider a cavity optomechanical cooling configuration consisting of a mechanical resonator (denoted as resonator b) and an electromagnetic resonator (denoted as resonator a), which are coupled in such a way that the effective resonance frequency of resonator a depends linearly on the displacement of resonator b. We study whether back-reaction effects in such a configuration can be efficiently employed for suppression of decoherence. To that end, we consider the case where the mechanical resonator is prepared in a superposition of two coherent states and evaluate the rate of decoherence. We find that no significant suppression of decoherence is achievable when resonator a is assumed to have a linear response. On the other hand, when resonator a exhibits Kerr nonlinearity and/or nonlinear damping the decoherence rate can be made much smaller than the equilibrium value provided that the parameters that characterize these nonlinearities can be tuned close to some specified optimum values

    Coupling ultracold atoms to mechanical oscillators

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    In this article we discuss and compare different ways to engineer an interface between ultracold atoms and micro- and nanomechanical oscillators. We start by analyzing a direct mechanical coupling of a single atom or ion to a mechanical oscillator and show that the very different masses of the two systems place a limit on the achievable coupling constant in this scheme. We then discuss several promising strategies for enhancing the coupling: collective enhancement by using a large number of atoms in an optical lattice in free space, coupling schemes based on high-finesse optical cavities, and coupling to atomic internal states. Throughout the manuscript we discuss both theoretical proposals and first experimental implementations.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figure

    Mechanical systems in the quantum regime

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    Mechanical systems are ideal candidates for studying quantumbehavior of macroscopic objects. To this end, a mechanical resonator has to be cooled to its ground state and its position has to be measured with great accuracy. Currently, various routes to reach these goals are being explored. In this review, we discuss different techniques for sensitive position detection and we give an overview of the cooling techniques that are being employed. The latter include sideband cooling and active feedback cooling. The basic concepts that are important when measuring on mechanical systems with high accuracy and/or at very low temperatures, such as thermal and quantum noise, linear response theory, and backaction, are explained. From this, the quantum limit on linear position detection is obtained and the sensitivities that have been achieved in recent opto and nanoelectromechanical experiments are compared to this limit. The mechanical resonators that are used in the experiments range from meter-sized gravitational wave detectors to nanomechanical systems that can only be read out using mesoscopic devices such as single-electron transistors or superconducting quantum interference devices. A special class of nanomechanical systems are bottom-up fabricated carbon-based devices, which have very high frequencies and yet a large zero-point motion, making them ideal for reaching the quantum regime. The mechanics of some of the different mechanical systems at the nanoscale is studied. We conclude this review with an outlook of how state-of-the-art mechanical resonators can be improved to study quantum {\it mechanics}.Comment: To appear in Phys. Re

    A Strict occam Design Tool

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    This paper presents a graphical design tool for the construction of multi-process systems that are guaranteed free from deadlock, livelock and starvation. The tool is strictly targeted to implemen