59 research outputs found

    Report of an interlaboratory comparison organised by the EU Reference Laboratory for Food Contact Materials - ILC01 2009 - DIDP in Oil Laboratory performance and precision criteria of a harmonised method

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    The Institute for Health and Consumer Protection (IHCP) of the European CommissionÂżs Directorate-General Joint Research Centre hosts the European Union Reference Laboratory for Food Contact Materials (EURL-FCM). One of its core tasks is to organize interlaboratory comparisons (ILCs) among appointed National Reference Laboratories (NRLs). This report presents the results of the second ILC of the EURL-FCM which focused on the determination of Di-isodecyl phthalate (DIDP) in an oil matrix. The aim was to develop and perform the validation of a method for the analysis of DIDP (as model substance for a technical mixture of phthalates) from oil (as simulant for fatty foods). This exercise was used both as proficiency testing and to validate a standard operating procedure (SOP) for the determination of DIDP in oil that was written by the EURL based on the most performant methods used by NRLs in the proficiency test of 2008. Participation of local laboratories under NRLs was encouraged (by producing 60 samples). There were 28 participants to whom samples were dispatched 24 of which submitted results. From the EURL-NRL network 23 laboratories out of 24 reported results. There were 2 guests from Germany that provided results as well. Participants were invited to report four replicates measurements under repeatability conditions. The ILC was closed permanently in the middle of October for statistical interpretation. Based on the results in this precision experiment the method performance was assessed through evaluation of the repeatability and reproducibility standard deviation (SD) according to the mechanism described in ISO 5725 [11,12]. The assigned value and its uncertainty were obtained as a consensus values after applying the robust statistics to the results obtained from the participants. Laboratory results were rated with z and zÂż scores in accordance with ISO 13528 [1]. Standard deviations for proficiency assessment (also called target standard deviations) were set based on Horwitz equation. The participation of the laboratories was regarded as satisfactory for the aim of the precision experiment with regards of the numbers of received results thanks to the proactive involvement of the NRLs-FCM. As a conclusion for participation and laboratory performance, this ILC showed: A noted increase in participation compared to the similar exercise of 2008. The number of laboratories submitting results for DIDP in oil rose from 17 to 25. This was due in part from the experience acquired in the previous year exercise as well as to the provision by the EURL of both the method description in a CEN like format as well as of the internal standard. A great increase in laboratory performance compared to 2008 with 76-92% of successful achievement of results from the participants within the tolerance limits (range 76-92% depended on concentration level considered) compared to 59% in 2008. In particular the performance at the concentration level of the SML was 80% compared to 59% for the same exercise in 2008. The harmonisation of the procedure and following a harmonised method for determination of DIDP in oil in 2009 resulted in a decrease more then 2.5 times in the reproducibility SD from 37% to 14 % for the concentration level around SML of 9 mg/kg while the repeatability SD remained almost the same Âż 6.5%.JRC.DG.I.2-Chemical assessment and testin

    Report of the interlaboratory comparison organised by the EU Reference for Laboratory Food Contact Material - ILC02 2009- Bisphenol A in 50% aqueous ethanol (milk simulant): Laboratory performance and precision criteria of a harmonised method

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    The Institute for Health and Consumer Protection (IHCP) of the European CommissionÂżs Directorate-General Joint Research Centre hosts the Community Reference Laboratory for Food Contact Materials (EURL-FCM). One of its core tasks is to organize interlaboratory comparisons (ILCs) among appointed National Reference Laboratories (NRLs). This report presents the results of the second ILC exercise of the EURL-FCM for the year 2009, which focused on the determination of Bisphenol A (BPA) in 50% aqueous ethanol as a food simulant for milk. The general aim was to develop and perform the validation of a method for the analysis of Bisphenol A as model substance for a polycarbonate (PC), since it is a material that has typically been used as baby bottles and therefore typically in contact with mostly milk-type products. The strategy rose from the implementation of the new milk simulant 50% Ethanol (EtOH) in Commission Directive 2007/19/EC that current CEN standards for specific migration have not addressed yet. Four 50% ethanol solutions containing different concentrations of Bisphenol A were provided for analysis encompassing concentrations of relevance to exposure determination and compliance determination. The homogeneity and stability studies were performed by the EURL-FCM laboratory. Standard operating procedures (SOPs) for the two approaches were also written. There were 31 participants from twenty-five countries to whom samples were dispatched and 26 of which submitted results. The results of analyses were received and statistically interpreted. The assigned values were obtained as a consensus values after applying the robust statistics to the results obtained from the participants. Laboratory results were rated with z-scores in accordance with ISO 13528 [1]. Standard deviations for ILC comparison (also called target standard deviations) were set based on Horwitz equation and Horrat ratio 0.5. The results and preliminary report were discussed in the plenary of December 2009. The participation of the laboratories was regarded as satisfactory for the aim of the precision experiment with regards of the numbers of received results. As a conclusion of the precision exercise on the quantification of Bisphenol A in the new milk simulant 50% ethanol, this ILC showed that the validation of the method based on HPLC-FLD according to the description based mostly on the previous CEN standard TS 13130-13 was successful. The precision that can be suggested were of 15% reproducibility SD and 6% repeatability SD for the 0.0067 mg/kg level, 10% reproducibility SD and 4% repeatability SD for the 0.0.21 mg/kg level, 6% reproducibility SD and 2% repeatability SD for the 0.0.75 mg/kg level, 6% reproducibility SD and 0.2% repeatability SD for the 0.56 mg/kg level. With respect to the scarcity of data previously available in the validation performed as reported in the CEN standard TS 13130-13 (issued version of 2005), this validation also provides a great breadth of valuable detailed and traceable raw data, which should prove extremely relevant for the creation of an extension of the standard from CEN.JRC.DG.I.2-Chemical assessment and testin

    Il Suolo della Provincia di Pavia (Parte due)

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    Il presente Rapporto completa lo studio effettuato sul territorio della Provincia di Pavia, giĂ  pubblicato come EUR Report nel 2006. Questo rapporto presenta in modo completo i dati di metalli pesanti e diossine ottenuti attraverso l'analisi di campioni di sedimento. I dati relativi ai suoli superficiali sono stati integrati con gli elementi Co, Mn e alcuni macroelementi. I dati ottenuti non evidenziano valori anomali per tutto il territorio indagato. Per quanto riguarda l'utilizzo dei bioindicatori e dei concetti di biodiversitĂ , batteri e muschi, i dati sono stati ampliati presentando la distribuzione spaziale della loro concentrazione nelle aree a valenza prevalentemente industriale. In conclusione l'apporto dato da questo rapporto completa in modo significativo il Precedente EUR report. I dati ottenuti sono sovrapponibili a quanto giĂ  descritto e confermano la buona qualitĂ  dei suoli pavesi.JRC.H.7-Land management and natural hazard

    Monitoraggio Ambientale di un'Area Contaminata nella Provincia di Pavia

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    Lo scopo di tale indagine Ăš stato quello di valutare il livello di contaminazione, l'estensione e l'entitĂ  di contaminanti presenti nei suoli superficiali a suo tempo riscontrati mediante il Progetto Pavia. Il monitoraggio ambientale ha interessato un'area di circa 12 ettari che si trova nel comune di Carpiano. Complessivamente sono state identificate 33 aree di campionamento dove sono stati prelevati campioni di suolo sino alla profonditĂ  di 30 cm. In ciascun campione di suolo, dopo adeguati trattamenti, Ăš stata valutata la concentrazione di metalli pesanti, metalloidi, macroelementi, sostanza organica, pH, densitĂ  apparente, contenuto d'acqua. In alcuni campioni, precisamente 11, si Ăš analizzata la concentrazione di diossine e furani e si Ăš approntato uno studio che ha visto l'utilizzo dei batteri e dei loro prodotti. Lo studio condotto attraverso l'uso dei batteri ha evidenziato anomalie in alcuni punti ad elevata contaminazione. I risultati analitici ottenuti hanno identificato la presenza di una importante contaminazione di metalli pesanti, metalloidi, diossine e furani che interessa un area di alcuni ettari. Tale livello di contaminazione, per la presenza di sostanza organica e per valori ridotti di aciditĂ  dei suoli stessi, potrĂ  arrecare danni ingenti all'ambiente.JRC.DDG.H.7-Land management and natural hazard

    Prevalence of urinary colonization by extended spectrum-beta-lactamase Enterobacteriaceae among catheterised inpatients in Italian long term care facilities.

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    Abstract Background: Long Term Care Facilities (LTCFs) play a key role in guaranteeing care to patients in developed countries. Many patients, mostly elderly, access LTCFs at some time in their lives, and their healthcare pathways often require them to move back and forth between hospital and outpatient settings. These patterns bring about new challenges regarding infection control, especially healthcare associated infections. Methods: A point prevalence study was conducted in 23 Italian LTCFs, to identify colonization in patients with urinary catheter (>24 hours). Species identification, susceptibility tests and extended spectrum beta lactamase (ESBL) production screenings were performed using Vitek 2 System. Enterobacteria identified by Vitek 2 System as ESBL-producers or suspected AmpC hyperproducers on the basis of cephamycin resistance, were sent to a research laboratory where they underwent a double-disk synergy test. Finally, ESBL-producers were screened for bla resistance genes by PCR assay. Results: 211 patients with catheter were screened, 185 out of 211 patients showed positive samples for the presence of Enterobacteriaceae, 114 of these 185 patients were colonized by extended spectrum cephalosporins resistant microorganisms. We identified a total of 257 Gram negative pathogens, of which 51.8% (133/257) were extended spectrum cephalosporins resistant. 7 out of 133 cephamycin not susceptible strains proved to be AmpC-type beta-lactamases and 125/133 ESBL-producers; 1 was not further characterized. 43 out of 257 (16.7%) E. coli, 37/257 (14.4%) P. mirabilis, 20/257 (7.8%), P. stuartii, 14/257 (5.4%) M. morganii, 7/257 (2.7%), K. pneumoniae, 4/257 (1.6%) C. koseri proved to be overall ESBL-producers by double-disk synergy test. Third and fourth generation cephalosporin resistant P. mirabilis, P. stuartii and M. morganii strains mainly harboured a blaTEM gene (95.9%), while 89.1% of E. coli were positive for the blaCTX-M determinant by PCR and sequencing. Patients with decubitus had a higher risk of colonization by at least one resistant isolate (p < 0.01). Samples of patients undergoing antibiotic therapy and patients with decubitus showed a higher risk (p < 0.05) of colonization by beta-lactam resistant microorganisms. Conclusions: These data confirm the presence of high percentages of ESBL-positive Enterobacteria in Italian LTCFs and the predominance of CTX-M type ESBL in E. coli. The alarming presence of ESBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae in Italian LTCFs can seriously compromise the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy.acilities (LTCFs), Antimicrobial resistance

    Search for dark matter produced in association with bottom or top quarks in √s = 13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector

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    A search for weakly interacting massive particle dark matter produced in association with bottom or top quarks is presented. Final states containing third-generation quarks and miss- ing transverse momentum are considered. The analysis uses 36.1 fb−1 of proton–proton collision data recorded by the ATLAS experiment at √s = 13 TeV in 2015 and 2016. No significant excess of events above the estimated backgrounds is observed. The results are in- terpreted in the framework of simplified models of spin-0 dark-matter mediators. For colour- neutral spin-0 mediators produced in association with top quarks and decaying into a pair of dark-matter particles, mediator masses below 50 GeV are excluded assuming a dark-matter candidate mass of 1 GeV and unitary couplings. For scalar and pseudoscalar mediators produced in association with bottom quarks, the search sets limits on the production cross- section of 300 times the predicted rate for mediators with masses between 10 and 50 GeV and assuming a dark-matter mass of 1 GeV and unitary coupling. Constraints on colour- charged scalar simplified models are also presented. Assuming a dark-matter particle mass of 35 GeV, mediator particles with mass below 1.1 TeV are excluded for couplings yielding a dark-matter relic density consistent with measurements

    Measurement of the dependence of transverse energy production at large pseudorapidity on the hard-scattering kinematics of proton-proton collisions at √s=2.76 TeV with ATLAS

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    The relationship between jet production in the central region and the underlying-event activity in a pseudorapidity-separated region is studied in 4.0 pb-1 of s=2.76 TeV pp collision data recorded with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. The underlying event is characterised through measurements of the average value of the sum of the transverse energy at large pseudorapidity downstream of one of the protons, which are reported here as a function of hard-scattering kinematic variables. The hard scattering is characterised by the average transverse momentum and pseudorapidity of the two highest transverse momentum jets in the event. The dijet kinematics are used to estimate, on an event-by-event basis, the scaled longitudinal momenta of the hard-scattered partons in the target and projectile beam-protons moving toward and away from the region measuring transverse energy, respectively. Transverse energy production at large pseudorapidity is observed to decrease with a linear dependence on the longitudinal momentum fraction in the target proton and to depend only weakly on that in the projectile proton. The results are compared to the predictions of various Monte Carlo event generators, which qualitatively reproduce the trends observed in data but generally underpredict the overall level of transverse energy at forward pseudorapidity

    Measurement of the W-boson mass in pp collisions at √s=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector

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    A measurement of the mass of the W boson is presented based on proton–proton collision data recorded in 2011 at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector at the LHC, and corresponding to 4.6 fb−1 of integrated luminosity. The selected data sample consists of 7.8×106 candidates in the W→ΌΜ channel and 5.9×106 candidates in the W→eÎœ channel. The W-boson mass is obtained from template fits to the reconstructed distributions of the charged lepton transverse momentum and of the W boson transverse mass in the electron and muon decay channels, yielding mW=80370±7 (stat.)±11(exp. syst.) ±14(mod. syst.) MeV =80370±19MeV, where the first uncertainty is statistical, the second corresponds to the experimental systematic uncertainty, and the third to the physics-modelling systematic uncertainty. A measurement of the mass difference between the W+ and W−bosons yields mW+−mW−=−29±28 MeV

    Measurement of inclusive jet and dijet cross-sections in proton-proton collisions at s √ =13 TeV with the ATLAS detector

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    Inclusive jet and dijet cross-sections are measured in proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV. The measurement uses a dataset with an integrated luminosity of 3.2 fb−1 recorded in 2015 with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. Jets are identified using the anti-kt algorithm with a radius parameter value of R = 0.4. The inclusive jet cross-sections are measured double-differentially as a function of the jet transverse momentum, covering the range from 100 GeV to 3.5 TeV, and the absolute jet rapidity up to |y| = 3. The double-differential dijet production cross-sections are presented as a function of the dijet mass, covering the range from 300 GeV to 9 TeV, and the half absolute rapidity separation between the two leading jets within |y| < 3, y∗, up to y∗ = 3. Next-to-leading-order, and next-to-next-to-leading-order for the inclusive jet measurement, perturbative QCD calculations corrected for non-perturbative and electroweak effects are compared to the measured cross-sections

    Measurements of the charge asymmetry in top-quark pair production in the dilepton final state at s √ =8  TeV with the ATLAS detector

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    Measurements of the top-antitop quark pair production charge asymmetry in the dilepton channel, characterized by two high-pT leptons (electrons or muons), are presented using data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 20.3  fb−1 from pp collisions at a center-of-mass energy s√=8  TeV collected with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. Inclusive and differential measurements as a function of the invariant mass, transverse momentum, and longitudinal boost of the ttÂŻ system are performed both in the full phase space and in a fiducial phase space closely matching the detector acceptance. Two observables are studied: AℓℓC based on the selected leptons and AttÂŻC based on the reconstructed ttÂŻ final state. The inclusive asymmetries are measured in the full phase space to be AℓℓC=0.008±0.006 and AttÂŻC=0.021±0.016, which are in agreement with the Standard Model predictions of AℓℓC=0.0064±0.0003 and AttÂŻC=0.0111±0.0004
