84 research outputs found

    Derivation and travelling wave analysis of phenotype-structured haptotaxis models of cancer invasion

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    Funding: TL gratefully acknowledges support from the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MUR) through the grant PRIN 2020 project (No. 2020JLWP23) “Integrated Mathematical Approaches to Socio-Epidemiological Dynamics” (CUP: E15F21005420006) and the grant PRIN2022-PNRR project (No. P2022Z7ZAJ) “A Unitary Mathematical Framework for Modelling Muscular Dystrophies” (CUP: E53D23018070001), from the CNRS International Research Project “Modelisation de la biomecanique cellulaire et tissulaire” (MOCETIBI), and from the Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica (INdAM) and the Gruppo Nazionale per la Fisica Matematica (GNFM). KJP is a member of INdAM-GNFM and acknowledges “Miur-Dipartimento di Eccellenza” funding to the Dipartimento di Scienze, Progetto e Politiche del Territorio (DIST).We formulate haptotaxis models of cancer invasion wherein the infiltrating cancer cells can occupy a spectrum of states in phenotype space, ranging from ‘fully mesenchymal’ to ‘fully epithelial’. The more mesenchymal cells are those that display stronger haptotaxis responses and have greater capacity to modify the extracellular matrix (ECM) through enhanced secretion of matrix-degrading enzymes (MDEs). However, as a trade-off, they have lower proliferative capacity than the more epithelial cells. The framework is multiscale in that we start with an individual- based model that tracks the dynamics of single cells, which is based on a branching random walk over a lattice representing both physical and phenotype space. We formally derive the corresponding continuum model, which takes the form of a coupled system comprising a partial integro-differential equation for the local cell population density function, a partial differential equation for the MDE concentration and an infinite-dimensional ordinary differential equation for the ECM density. Despite the intricacy of the model, we show, through formal asymptotic techniques, that for certain parameter regimes it is possible to carry out a detailed travelling wave analysis and obtain invading fronts with spatial structuring of phenotypes. Precisely, the most mesenchymal cells dominate the leading edge of the invasion wave and the most epithelial (and most proliferative) dominate the rear, representing a bulk tumour population. As such, the model recapitulates similar observations into a front to back structuring of invasion waves into leader-type and follower-type cells, witnessed in an increasing number of experimental studies over recent years.Peer reviewe

    Derivation and travelling wave analysis of phenotype-structured haptotaxis models of cancer invasion

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    We formulate haptotaxis models of cancer invasion wherein the infiltrating cancer cells can occupy a spectrum of states in phenotype space, ranging from `fully mesenchymal' to `fully epithelial'. The more mesenchymal cells are those that display stronger haptotaxis responses and have greater capacity to modify the extracellular matrix (ECM) through enhanced secretion of matrix-degrading enzymes (MDEs). However, as a trade-off, they have lower proliferative capacity than the more epithelial cells. The framework is multiscale in that we start with an individual-based model that tracks the dynamics of single cells, which is based on a branching random walk over a lattice representing both physical and phenotype space. We formally derive the corresponding continuum model, which takes the form of a coupled system comprising a partial integro-differential equation for the local cell population density function, a partial differential equation for the MDE concentration and an infinite-dimensional ordinary differential equation for the ECM density. Despite the intricacy of the model, we show, through formal asymptotic techniques, that for certain parameter regimes it is possible to carry out a detailed travelling wave analysis and obtain invading fronts with spatial structuring of phenotypes. Precisely, the most mesenchymal cells dominate the leading edge of the invasion wave and the most epithelial (and most proliferative) dominate the rear, representing a bulk tumour population. As such, the model recapitulates similar observations into a front to back structuring of invasion waves into leader-type and follower-type cells, witnessed in an increasing number of experimental studies over recent years

    The impact of phenotypic heterogeneity on chemotactic self-organisation

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    The capacity to aggregate through chemosensitive movement forms a paradigm of self-organisation, with examples spanning cellular and animal systems. A basic mechanism assumes a phenotypically homogeneous population that secretes its own attractant, with the well known system introduced more than five decades ago by Keller and Segel proving resolutely popular in modelling studies. The typical assumption of population phenotypic homogeneity, however, often lies at odds with the heterogeneity of natural systems, where populations may comprise distinct phenotypes that vary according to their chemotactic ability, attractant secretion, {\it etc}. To initiate an understanding into how this diversity can impact on autoaggregation, we propose a simple extension to the classical Keller and Segel model, in which the population is divided into two distinct phenotypes: those performing chemotaxis and those producing attractant. Using a combination of linear stability analysis and numerical simulations, we demonstrate that switching between these phenotypic states alters the capacity of a population to self-aggregate. Further, we show that switching based on the local environment (population density or chemoattractant level) leads to diverse patterning and provides a route through which a population can effectively curb the size and density of an aggregate. We discuss the results in the context of real world examples of chemotactic aggregation, as well as theoretical aspects of the model such as global existence and blow-up of solutions

    Pathema: a clade-specific bioinformatics resource center for pathogen research

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    Pathema (http://pathema.jcvi.org) is one of the eight Bioinformatics Resource Centers (BRCs) funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) designed to serve as a core resource for the bio-defense and infectious disease research community. Pathema strives to support basic research and accelerate scientific progress for understanding, detecting, diagnosing and treating an established set of six target NIAID Category A–C pathogens: Category A priority pathogens; Bacillus anthracis and Clostridium botulinum, and Category B priority pathogens; Burkholderia mallei, Burkholderia pseudomallei, Clostridium perfringens and Entamoeba histolytica. Each target pathogen is represented in one of four distinct clade-specific Pathema web resources and underlying databases developed to target the specific data and analysis needs of each scientific community. All publicly available complete genome projects of phylogenetically related organisms are also represented, providing a comprehensive collection of organisms for comparative analyses. Pathema facilitates the scientific exploration of genomic and related data through its integration with web-based analysis tools, customized to obtain, display, and compute results relevant to ongoing pathogen research. Pathema serves the bio-defense and infectious disease research community by disseminating data resulting from pathogen genome sequencing projects and providing access to the results of inter-genomic comparisons for these organisms

    Diet-Derived Metabolites and Mucus Link the Gut Microbiome to Fever After Cytotoxic Cancer Treatment

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    Not all patients with cancer and severe neutropenia develop fever, and the fecal microbiome may play a role. In a single-center study of patients undergoing hematopoietic cell transplant (n = 119), the fecal microbiome was characterized at onset of severe neutropenia. A total of 63 patients (53%) developed a subsequent fever, and their fecal microbiome displayed increased relative abundances of Akkermansia muciniphila, a species of mucin-degrading bacteria (P = 0.006, corrected for multiple comparisons). Two therapies that induce neutropenia, irradiation and melphalan, similarly expanded A. muciniphila and additionally thinned the colonic mucus layer in mice. Caloric restriction of unirradiated mice also expanded A. muciniphila and thinned the colonic mucus layer. Antibiotic treatment to eradicate A. muciniphila before caloric restriction preserved colonic mucus, whereas A. muciniphila reintroduction restored mucus thinning. Caloric restriction of unirradiated mice raised colonic luminal pH and reduced acetate, propionate, and butyrate. Culturing A. muciniphila in vitro with propionate reduced utilization of mucin as well as of fucose. Treating irradiated mice with an antibiotic targeting A. muciniphila or propionate preserved the mucus layer, suppressed translocation of flagellin, reduced inflammatory cytokines in the colon, and improved thermoregulation. These results suggest that diet, metabolites, and colonic mucus link the microbiome to neutropenic fever and may guide future microbiome-based preventive strategies

    Diet-Derived Metabolites and Mucus Link the Gut Microbiome to Fever After Cytotoxic Cancer Treatment

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    Not all patients with cancer and severe neutropenia develop fever, and the fecal microbiome may play a role. In a single-center study of patients undergoing hematopoietic cell transplant (n = 119), the fecal microbiome was characterized at onset of severe neutropenia. A total of 63 patients (53%) developed a subsequent fever, and their fecal microbiome displayed increased relative abundances of Akkermansia muciniphila, a species of mucin-degrading bacteria (P = 0.006, corrected for multiple comparisons). Two therapies that induce neutropenia, irradiation and melphalan, similarly expanded A. muciniphila and additionally thinned the colonic mucus layer in mice. Caloric restriction of unirradiated mice also expanded A. muciniphila and thinned the colonic mucus layer. Antibiotic treatment to eradicate A. muciniphila before caloric restriction preserved colonic mucus, whereas A. muciniphila reintroduction restored mucus thinning. Caloric restriction of unirradiated mice raised colonic luminal pH and reduced acetate, propionate, and butyrate. Culturing A. muciniphila in vitro with propionate reduced utilization of mucin as well as of fucose. Treating irradiated mice with an antibiotic targeting A. muciniphila or propionate preserved the mucus layer, suppressed translocation of flagellin, reduced inflammatory cytokines in the colon, and improved thermoregulation. These results suggest that diet, metabolites, and colonic mucus link the microbiome to neutropenic fever and may guide future microbiome-based preventive strategies

    Cross-cutting principles for planetary health education

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    Since the 2015 launch of the Rockefeller Foundation Lancet Commission on planetary health,1 an enormous groundswell of interest in planetary health education has emerged across many disciplines, institutions, and geographical regions. Advancing these global efforts in planetary health education will equip the next generation of scholars to address crucial questions in this emerging field and support the development of a community of practice. To provide a foundation for the growing interest and efforts in this field, the Planetary Health Alliance has facilitated the first attempt to create a set of principles for planetary health education that intersect education at all levels, across all scales, and in all regions of the world—ie, a set of cross-cutting principles

    Search for dark matter produced in association with bottom or top quarks in √s = 13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector

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    A search for weakly interacting massive particle dark matter produced in association with bottom or top quarks is presented. Final states containing third-generation quarks and miss- ing transverse momentum are considered. The analysis uses 36.1 fb−1 of proton–proton collision data recorded by the ATLAS experiment at √s = 13 TeV in 2015 and 2016. No significant excess of events above the estimated backgrounds is observed. The results are in- terpreted in the framework of simplified models of spin-0 dark-matter mediators. For colour- neutral spin-0 mediators produced in association with top quarks and decaying into a pair of dark-matter particles, mediator masses below 50 GeV are excluded assuming a dark-matter candidate mass of 1 GeV and unitary couplings. For scalar and pseudoscalar mediators produced in association with bottom quarks, the search sets limits on the production cross- section of 300 times the predicted rate for mediators with masses between 10 and 50 GeV and assuming a dark-matter mass of 1 GeV and unitary coupling. Constraints on colour- charged scalar simplified models are also presented. Assuming a dark-matter particle mass of 35 GeV, mediator particles with mass below 1.1 TeV are excluded for couplings yielding a dark-matter relic density consistent with measurements

    Molecular characterization and clinical relevance of metabolic expression subtypes in human cancers.

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    Metabolic reprogramming provides critical information for clinical oncology. Using molecular data of 9,125 patient samples from The Cancer Genome Atlas, we identified tumor subtypes in 33 cancer types based on mRNA expression patterns of seven major metabolic processes and assessed their clinical relevance. Our metabolic expression subtypes correlated extensively with clinical outcome: subtypes with upregulated carbohydrate, nucleotide, and vitamin/cofactor metabolism most consistently correlated with worse prognosis, whereas subtypes with upregulated lipid metabolism showed the opposite. Metabolic subtypes correlated with diverse somatic drivers but exhibited effects convergent on cancer hallmark pathways and were modulated by highly recurrent master regulators across cancer types. As a proof-of-concept example, we demonstrated that knockdown of SNAI1 or RUNX1—master regulators of carbohydrate metabolic subtypes-modulates metabolic activity and drug sensitivity. Our study provides a system-level view of metabolic heterogeneity within and across cancer types and identifies pathway cross-talk, suggesting related prognostic, therapeutic, and predictive utility
