89 research outputs found

    Sharing space with a larger relative

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    Interspecific competition of some form is a part of life for most species across the world. For some species it can be part of their evolutionary history over many thousands of years, while for others it is a more recent experience, as is the case of roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) and fallow deer (Dama dama), in Scandinavia. In Sweden the number of fallow deer have shown a strong increase in the last 30 years, bringing more attention to the potential competition between the two related species. This study aimed to compare two areas, Bogesund and Koberg, which have contrasting densities of fallow deer, and to examine if indices of roe deer fitness differ between the two. Bogesund having no resident fallow deer and being an area with much prior research on roe deer. Koberg being an area divided into two by a wildlife fenced road and housing contrasting densities of fallow deer after a deliberate reduction of the population in one of the areas (north) while keeping it more constant in the other (south). This creates a good opportunity for comparative studies between high and low fallow deer density populations. The data used came primarily from hunting statistics at the two study areas, starting in the same year (2006). Physiological indices believed to be relevant and related to fitness were used to examine potential signs of reduced fitness in the roe deer population. The indices were fawn body mass, female ovulation rate and male antler length. The results showed a clear effect of study area in the expected direction, in three out of four possible model selection procedures, namely a potentially negative effect of high fallow deer density on roe deer in two of the investigated fitness traits (fawn body mass and ovulation rate). However, the pattern was reversed when regarding the antler length between study areas (Koberg and Bogesund). But this trait differed between the two contrasting (high/south vs low/north) areas in Koberg, where male antler length was greater in the area with low fallow deer density. The unexpected and reversed result between Koberg and Bogesund antler length is discussed in terms of genetics, non-random sampling and effects of supplemental winter feeding during the time when antlers are growing and still in velvet. This study suggests that there is an interspecific competition relationship between the two deer species and that this could have a negative impact on roe deer fitness, with possible management implication in areas where both species occur. Overall, I believe further studies are required to be able to gain better insight into the field of deer management but that this study functions to illustrate the interspecific competitive relationship between roe deer and fallow deer.RÄdjur (Capreolus capreolus) och dovhjort (Dama dama) Àr tvÄ arter som inte helt ovanligen kan skymtas pÄ fÀlt, till skogs och i trÀdgÄrdar. Men att de bÄda förekommer i Sverige tillsammans har inte alltid varit den sjÀlvklarhet det lÀtt kan misstas för att vara i nutid. RÄdjur har funnits i Sverige sedan istidens slut för cirka 10 000 Är sedan, men dovhjorten kan ha kommit till Sverige sÄ sent som pÄ 1500-talet. PÄ senare tid har deras antal i landet nÀrmat sig varandra och vid senaste mÀtningen 2020 lÄg rÄdjursavskjutningen kring 100 000 och antalet dovhjortar cirka 72 000. Detta i kontrast mot antalen 1993 dÄ avskjutningen av rÄdjur var som högst och uppmÀttes till 382 000 medan det endast fÀlldes 2 638 dovhjortar. Denna studie Àmnar undersöka om rÄdjur uppvisar en mÀtbart försÀmrad kondition i omrÄden med olika tÀtheter av dovhjort, dÄ bÄda hjortdjuren förvÀntas nyttja och eventuellt Àven tÀvla om samma proteinrika vÀxter och örter. Kondition avser i denna studie, kidvikt, ovulationstakt (hur mÄnga kid som förvÀntas födas) samt hornlÀngd hos bockarna. Detta mÀts med hjÀlp av data insamlade efter jakt frÄn tvÄ platser i landet, Bogesund (inga dovhjortar) nÀra Stockholms skÀrgÄrd och Koberg (med dovhjortar) nÀra TrollhÀttan. Koberg Àr uppdelat i tvÄ delar av en bilvÀg (nord och syd), med olika tÀtheter av dovhjort pÄ vardera sidan, nord lÀgre och syd högre tÀthet. Detta tillÄter en bra jÀmförelse för att undersöka om mellanartskonkurrens sker mellan rÄdjur och dovhjort och med olika tÀtheter se om fler dovhjortar innebÀr sÀmre kondition för rÄdjur. Resultaten visade, i tre av fyra utförda mÀtningar, att kiden pÄ Koberg (dÀr dovhjortar finns) vÀgde lite mindre (0,2 kg mindre), att getternas ovulationstakt var lÀgre (i medeltal cirka 0,6 fÀrre kid förvÀntade per Är) samt att hornlÀngden var lite lÀngre (3 mm) pÄ norra Koberg jÀmfört mot södra Koberg. Den fjÀrde mÀtningen fann ett ovÀntat resultat i att rÄdjuren pÄ Koberg i medeltal hade betydligt lÀngre horn jÀmfört med dem pÄ Bogesund (cirka 22 mm), vilket skulle kunna bero pÄ den vinterutfodring som sker pÄ Koberg, genetiska faktorer samt en möjlig effekt av urvalsjakt. Sammanfattningsvis indikerar studien att dovhjort kan ha en negativ effekt pÄ rÄdjur och att detta bör tas i beaktande vid framtida förvaltning och skötsel av hjortdjurs populationer

    How to Map a Sandwich: Surfaces, Topological Existence Theorems and the Changing Nature of Modern Thematic Cartography, 1966-1972

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    This paper is meant to be the beginning of a project that examines the use of abstract mathematics and the changing ontology of mapmaking in the early years of the development of computer cartography. The history of the conceptual developments that took place during this revolutionary period in the history of mapmaking is both controversial and incomplete. Much of the primary source material has yet to be examined by historians, residing as it does in obscure journals, government archives and in obsolete software. This study provides a look at one example of this conceptual development in the early years of computer cartography through a close reading of two papers on existence theorems published by the Harvard Laboratory for Computer Graphics and Spatial Analysis. It attempts to highlight the changing conceptual and mathematical foundations of mapmaking during this period and in doing so provides a case study for the difficulties that historians of modern cartography face in researching this critical period in its history

    Warping WaldseemĂŒller: A Cartometric Study of the Coast of South America As Portrayed on the 1507 World Map

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    In an attempt to shed some light on the problem of Martin WaldseemĂŒller’s portrayal of the shape of South America on his important 1507 world map, polynomial warping algorithms and regression analysis are applied to the coastlines of South America on his map and the known coastal outline. Correlation coefficients are calculated and regression curves are analyzed for inflection point behavior in order to quantitatively compare the geometries of both coastlines. High correlations have been found between both shapes suggesting the possibility of WaldseemĂŒller’s use of empirical data in mapping the South American continent rather than pure chance

    I Can’t Remember: The Effects of Machiavellianism, Mental Effort and Lying on Memory

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    Past research has demonstrated that lying about an event interferes with one’s later recall of that event (Pickel, 2004; Zaragoza, Belli, & Payment, 2007). This study examined the extent that individual differences in Machiavellianism (Christie & Geis, 1970) moderated the effect of lying on event recollection. In a multi-session study, participants were asked to either truthfully recount or lie about the events depicted in a video clip that they had just viewed. One week later, participants verbally recalled the actual events of the clip. Participants did not differ in the amounts of correct inferences and correct details recalled from the clip. However, low levels of Machiavellianism were associated with less memory distortion of the inferable information after lying whereas higher levels of Machiavellianism was related to increased reporting of incorrect inferences after lying. These results also found that high Machiavellian individuals who lied are better able to differentiate between correct and incorrect details during recall than low Machiavellian individuals

    Behavioural study of the house cricket (Acheta domesticus) : individual boldness and personality

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    The study of personality in species can be used to better understand the dynamics of a population. Personality is however a wide concept and is often divided into easier and identifiable terms when it concerns animalia such as “Behavioural traits”. One such trait is boldness which is often used as a distinguishable trait. In this study boldness is measured in the house cricket (Acheta domesticus). The study aims to measure if boldness is con-sistent in the population or if it has a variation, this is done across a timespan of ten days. Boldness is measured by the latency for a cricket to emerge from a shelter into a novel environment. The study measured boldness for 15 males and 15 females a total of 10 times each every day for a total of 600 predicted observations. The study found that there are distinctive patterns in the levels of boldness in the individuals and that they do differ by significant margins. It can thus be concluded that some crickets are bolder than others and different personality types related to boldness exists. Boldness increased over time as the crickets experienced the trial suggesting plasticity in personality. The study also found that in general males displayed higher degrees of boldness compared to the female crickets.Studien om personligheter hos arter Ă€r ett kunskapsomrĂ„de som kan hjĂ€lpa vetenskapen att bĂ€ttre förstĂ„ dynamiken hos populationer. Personlighet kan dock vara ett brett koncept och kan enklare förklaras inom vetenskap med termer som ”Beteendeegenskaper” nĂ€r det angĂ„r djurriket. En egenskap som oftast anvĂ€nds för att mĂ€ta personlighet Ă€r ”modighet” eller ”boldness”. Denna studie mĂ€ter modighet hos hussyrsan (Acheta domesticus). Studien Ă€mnar mĂ€ta modighet och om den Ă€r konsekvent eller om den varierar över ett tidsspann om 10 dygn. Modighet mĂ€ts genom att mĂ€ta tiden det tar för en syrsa att ta sig ut frĂ„n ett skydd och ut till en ny omgivning. Studien mĂ€ter modighet hos 15 hanar och 15 honor tio gĂ„nger var per dygn vilket ska ge totalt 600 mĂ€tpunkter. Studien visar att det finns distinkta skiljemönster nĂ€r det kommer till modighet hos individuella syrsor och att dessa skillander Ă€r markanta. Det kan dĂ€rav dras en slutsats att det existerar modighetsskillnader syrsor emellan och att personlighetsdrag relaterade till dessa existerar. Modigheten ökade under försökens gĂ„ng vilket visar pĂ„ en plasticitet nĂ€r det kommer till personlighet associerad till modighet. Studien visar ocksĂ„ att syrshanarna uppvisar en statistiskt högre grad av modighet Ă€n syrshonorna

    Belief Change and Memory for Previous Beliefs after Comprehension of Contentious Scientific Information

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    We explored the relationship between belief change and recollection of previous beliefs. Subjects reported beliefs about TV violence. Later, subjects read a one-sided, belief inconsistent text. We manipulated whether subjects reported beliefs after reading first, or recollected previous beliefs first. A third group was told their previous beliefs before reporting current beliefs. Recollections were not improved when subjects recollected beliefs first. When told previous beliefs, belief change was reduced, suggesting a desire to appear consistent

    Deep-Sea Origin and In-Situ Diversification of Chrysogorgiid Octocorals

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    The diversity, ubiquity and prevalence in deep waters of the octocoral family Chrysogorgiidae Verrill, 1883 make it noteworthy as a model system to study radiation and diversification in the deep sea. Here we provide the first comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of the Chrysogorgiidae, and compare phylogeny and depth distribution. Phylogenetic relationships among 10 of 14 currently-described Chrysogorgiidae genera were inferred based on mitochondrial (mtMutS, cox1) and nuclear (18S) markers. Bathymetric distribution was estimated from multiple sources, including museum records, a literature review, and our own sampling records (985 stations, 2345 specimens). Genetic analyses suggest that the Chrysogorgiidae as currently described is a polyphyletic family. Shallow-water genera, and two of eight deep-water genera, appear more closely related to other octocoral families than to the remainder of the monophyletic, deep-water chrysogorgiid genera. Monophyletic chrysogorgiids are composed of strictly (Iridogorgia Verrill, 1883, Metallogorgia Versluys, 1902, Radicipes Stearns, 1883, Pseudochrysogorgia Pante & France, 2010) and predominantly (Chrysogorgia Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1864) deep-sea genera that diversified in situ. This group is sister to gold corals (Primnoidae Milne Edwards, 1857) and deep-sea bamboo corals (Keratoisidinae Gray, 1870), whose diversity also peaks in the deep sea. Nine species of Chrysogorgia that were described from depths shallower than 200 m, and mtMutS haplotypes sequenced from specimens sampled as shallow as 101 m, suggest a shallow-water emergence of some Chrysogorgia species

    Travel Writing and Rivers

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    Cyber Warfare: A Study of Threat and Cooperation

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