183 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of multi-professional educational interventions to train Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA) – a Systematic Review

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    Introduction: As the world population ages, health and social care professionals are increasingly confronted with patients with chronic long-term conditions and multimorbidity, requiring an extensive assessment and integrated care management strategy. The aim of this paper was to systematically collect and assess evidence of interprofessional education and training strategies for Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA) to build a competent health workforce. Methods: A systematic review was conducted according to PRISMA guidelines and the databases Medline, CINAHL, Cochrane and Embase were searched for studies illustrating effectiveness of educational interventions for teaching and training CGA in an interprofessional context. Results: Based on 21 identified studies, a great variability and heterogeneity in duration, setting and design of the interventions was identified. Promising results were found in the domains analysed, ranging from knowledge and skills; practices and behaviour; patient health outcomes; attitudes and perceptions to collaboration and quality of care. Discussion: Education and training of transversal skills within a continuous learning approach is key to equip the health care workforce for successful CGA performance in an interprofessional environment. Conclusion: Further research in this field is recommended to strengthen the evidence-base towards development of a resilient and integrated health care workforce for an ageing population. Kurzfassung Hintergrund: Aufgrund der zunehmenden Alterung der Weltbevölkerung sehen sich FachkrĂ€fte des Gesundheits- und Sozialwesens immer hĂ€ufiger mit Patient*innen mit chronischen Erkrankungen (bzw. Langzeiterkrankungen) und MultimorbiditĂ€t, welche eine umfassende Beurteilung und eine integrierte Versorgungsmanagementstrategie erfordern, konfrontiert. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, systematisch Evidenz fĂŒr interprofessionelle Aus- und Weiterbildungsstrategien fĂŒr ein Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA) zu sammeln und zu bewerten, um Kompetenz im Gesundheits- und Sozialwesen zu generieren. Methodik: Es wurde eine systematische Übersichtsarbeit gemĂ€ĂŸ den PRISMA-Richtlinien durchgefĂŒhrt und die Datenbanken Medline, CINAHL, Cochrane und Embase im Zuge dessen nach Studien durchsucht, welche die Wirksamkeit von Bildungsmaßnahmen zur Vermittlung und Ausbildung von CGA in einem interprofessionellen Kontext belegen. Ergebnisse: Basierend auf 21 identifizierten Studien wurde eine große VariabilitĂ€t und HeterogenitĂ€t in Bezug auf Dauer, Setting und Design der Interventionen festgestellt. Vielversprechende Ergebnisse wurden in den analysierten Bereichen gefunden, welche von Wissen und FĂ€higkeiten, Praktiken und Verhalten, gesundheitlichen Ergebnissen fĂŒr Patient*innen, Einstellungen und Wahrnehmungen bis hin zu Zusammenarbeit und QualitĂ€t der Versorgung reichen. Diskussion: Die Aus- und Weiterbildung von transversalen FĂ€higkeiten im Rahmen eines kontinuierlichen Lernansatzes ist der SchlĂŒssel dazu, Angehörige der Gesundheits- und Sozialprofessionen mit entsprechendem Werkzeug auszustatten, um geriatrische Assessments (CGA) erfolgreich im interprofessionellen Umfeld durchfĂŒhren zu können. Schlussfolgerung: Es besteht der Bedarf fĂŒr weitere Forschungsvorhaben in diesem Bereich, um die Evidenzbasis fĂŒr die Entwicklung eines zuverlĂ€ssigen, integrierten Gesundheitspersonals fĂŒr eine alternde Bevölkerung zu stĂ€rken. SchlĂŒsselwörter: Integrierte Versorgung; Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment; Ausund Weiterbildung; interprofessionelle Bildung; Alterun

    Principles of Periodontology

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    Periodontal diseases are among the most common diseases affecting humans. Dental biofilm is a contributor to the etiology of most periodontal diseases. It is also widely accepted that immunological and inflammatory responses to biofilm components are manifested by signs and symptoms of periodontal disease. The outcome of such interaction is modulated by risk factors (modifiers), either inherent (genetic) or acquired (environmental), significantly affecting the initiation and progression of different periodontal disease phenotypes. While definitive genetic determinants responsible for either susceptibility or resistance to periodontal disease have yet to be identified, many factors affecting the pathogenesis have been described, including smoking, diabetes, obesity, medications, and nutrition. Currently, periodontal diseases are classified based upon clinical disease traits using radiographs and clinical examination. Advances in genomics, molecular biology, and personalized medicine may result in new guidelines for unambiguous disease definition and diagnosis in the future. Recent studies have implied relationships between periodontal diseases and systemic conditions. Answering critical questions regarding host‐parasite interactions in periodontal diseases may provide new insight in the pathogenesis of other biomedical disorders. Therapeutic efforts have focused on the microbial nature of the infection, as active treatment centers on biofilm disruption by non‐surgical mechanical debridement with antimicrobial and sometimes anti‐inflammatory adjuncts. The surgical treatment aims at gaining access to periodontal lesions and correcting unfavorable gingival/osseous contours to achieve a periodontal architecture that will provide for more effective oral hygiene and periodontal maintenance. In addition, advances in tissue engineering have provided innovative means to regenerate/repair periodontal defects, based upon principles of guided tissue regeneration and utilization of growth factors/biologic mediators. To maintain periodontal stability, these treatments need to be supplemented with long‐term maintenance (supportive periodontal therapy) programs

    Biodiversity of Borrelia burgdorferi Strains in Tissues of Lyme Disease Patients

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    Plant and animal biodiversity are essential to ecosystem health and can provide benefits to humans ranging from aesthetics to maintaining air quality. Although the importance of biodiversity to ecology and conservation biology is obvious, such measures have not been applied to strains of an invasive bacterium found in human tissues during infection. In this study, we compared the strain biodiversity of Borrelia burgdorferi found in tick populations with that found in skin, blood, synovial fluid or cerebrospinal fluid of Lyme disease patients. The biodiversity of B. burgdorferi strains is significantly greater in tick populations than in the skin of patients with erythema migrans. In turn, strains from skin are significantly more diverse than strains at any of the disseminated sites. The cerebrospinal fluid of patients with neurologic Lyme disease harbored the least pathogen biodiversity. These results suggest that human tissues act as niches that can allow entry to or maintain only a subset of the total pathogen population. These data help to explain prior clinical observations on the natural history of B. burgdorferi infection and raise several questions that may help to direct future research to better understand the pathogenesis of this infection

    Self-reported dental hygiene, obesity, and systemic inflammation in a pediatric rural community cohort

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    Background A growing body of epidemiologic evidence links oral health, obesity, and cardiovascular health, though few studies have reported on these relationships in children. While underlying mechanisms are unclear, adult studies have suggested sub-acute systemic inflammation, also implicated in the etiology of both obesity and cardiovascular disease. This study investigated associations between self-reported dental hygiene, obesity, and systemic inflammation in children. Methods 128 children \u3c 19 years of age from rural counties in West Virginia participated in a community-based health screening that included anthropometric assessments, blood collection, and a questionnaire about dental hygiene and self-assessed oral health. Results Participants ranged from 3.0-18.7 years. Univariate analysis demonstrated an association between parent-reported dental hygiene, including frequency of preventive dental care and parent-assessed overall dental health, and markers of systemic inflammation but not obesity. In multivariable regression, parent-assessed overall dental health and obesity were independent predictors of systemic inflammation, after adjustment for age, gender, and parent education. Conclusions This is the first known study of the association between dental hygiene, obesity, and systemic inflammation in children. These results highlight the importance of preventive dental care in overall, systemic health in children and are consistent with previous reports in adults

    Tick-borne diseases and co-infection: Current considerations

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    Over recent years, a multitude of pathogens have been reported to be tick-borne. Given this, it is unsurprising that these might co-exist within the same tick, however our understanding of the interactions of these agents both within the tick and vertebrate host remains poorly defined. Despite the rich diversity of ticks, relatively few regularly feed on humans, 12 belonging to argasid and 20 ixodid species, and literature on co-infection is only available for a few of these species. The interplay of various pathogen combinations upon the vertebrate host and tick vector represents a current knowledge gap. The impact of co-infection in humans further extends into diagnostic challenges arising when multiple pathogens are encountered and we have little current data upon which to make therapeutic recommendations for those with multiple infections. Despite these short-comings, there is now increasing recognition of co-infections and current research efforts are providing valuable insights into dynamics of pathogen interactions whether they facilitate or antagonise each other. Much of this existing data is focussed upon simultaneous infection, however the consequences of sequential infection also need to be addressed. To this end, it is timely to review current understanding and highlight those areas still to address

    Identification of a Shared Genetic Susceptibility Locus for Coronary Heart Disease and Periodontitis

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    Recent studies indicate a mutual epidemiological relationship between coronary heart disease (CHD) and periodontitis. Both diseases are associated with similar risk factors and are characterized by a chronic inflammatory process. In a candidate-gene association study, we identify an association of a genetic susceptibility locus shared by both diseases. We confirm the known association of two neighboring linkage disequilibrium regions on human chromosome 9p21.3 with CHD and show the additional strong association of these loci with the risk of aggressive periodontitis. For the lead SNP of the main associated linkage disequilibrium region, rs1333048, the odds ratio of the autosomal-recessive mode of inheritance is 1.99 (95% confidence interval 1.33–2.94; P = 6.9×10−4) for generalized aggressive periodontitis, and 1.72 (1.06–2.76; P = 2.6×10−2) for localized aggressive periodontitis. The two associated linkage disequilibrium regions map to the sequence of the large antisense noncoding RNA ANRIL, which partly overlaps regulatory and coding sequences of CDKN2A/CDKN2B. A closely located diabetes-associated variant was independent of the CHD and periodontitis risk haplotypes. Our study demonstrates that CHD and periodontitis are genetically related by at least one susceptibility locus, which is possibly involved in ANRIL activity and independent of diabetes associated risk variants within this region. Elucidation of the interplay of ANRIL transcript variants and their involvement in increased susceptibility to the interactive diseases CHD and periodontitis promises new insight into the underlying shared pathogenic mechanisms of these complex common diseases

    Borrelia Burgdorferi Induces a Type I Interferon Response During Early Stages of Disseminated Infection in Mice

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    BACKGROUND: Lyme borrelia genotypes differ in their capacity to cause disseminated disease. Gene array analysis was employed to profile the host transcriptome induced by Borrelia burgdorferi strains with different capacities for causing disseminated disease in the blood of C3H/HeJ mice during early infection. RESULTS: B. burgdorferi B515, a clinical isolate that causes disseminated infection in mice, differentially regulated 236 transcripts (P \u3c 0.05 by ANOVA, with fold change of at least 2). The 216 significantly induced transcripts included interferon (IFN)-responsive genes and genes involved in immunity and inflammation. In contrast, B. burgdorferi B331, a clinical isolate that causes transient skin infection but does not disseminate in C3H/HeJ mice, stimulated changes in only a few genes (1 induced, 4 repressed). Transcriptional regulation of type I IFN and IFN-related genes was measured by quantitative RT-PCR in mouse skin biopsies collected from the site of infection 24 h after inoculation with B. burgdorferi. The mean values for transcripts of Ifnb, Cxcl10, Gbp1, Ifit1, Ifit3, Irf7, Mx1, and Stat2 were found to be significantly increased in B. burgdorferi strain B515-infected mice relative to the control group. In contrast, transcription of these genes was not significantly changed in response to B. burgdorferi strain B331 or B31-4, a mutant that is unable to disseminate. CONCLUSIONS: These results establish a positive association between the disseminating capacity of B. burgdorferi and early type I IFN induction in a murine model of Lyme disease
