46 research outputs found

    Alinhamento interpessoal, representacional e morfossintĂĄtico na GramĂĄtica Discursivo-Funcional

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    Este artigo se debruça sobre o mapeamento entre os NĂ­veis Interpessoal, Representacional e MorfossintĂĄtico da gramĂĄtica, o chamado alinhamento, segundo o arcabouço da GramĂĄtica Discursivo-Funcional (GDF). PropĂ”e uma tipologia das lĂ­nguas baseada no que a sua organização morfossintĂĄtica codifica: distinçÔes pragmĂĄticas (p.ex. em Tagalo), distinçÔes semĂąnticas (p.ex. em AchĂ©m), ou distinçÔes inerentes Ă  morfossintaxe (p.ex. em InglĂȘs, Basco ou a lĂ­ngua Kham). A inclusĂŁo tanto do Sujeito como do Objeto e de lĂ­nguas tanto acusativas como ergativas no tratamento do alinhamento morfossintĂĄtico permitiu-nos abranger tipos tipologicamente mais variĂĄveis e demonstrar o potencial da GDF para a anĂĄlise contrastiva das lĂ­nguas.<br>Within the framework of Functional Discourse Grammar (FDG), alignment concerns the relations between the Interpersonal, Representational and Morphosyntactic Levels of grammar. This article proposes a typology of languages based upon what we find to be encoded in their morphosyntactic organization: pragmatic distinctions (as in Tagalog), semantic distinctions (as in Acheh), or distinctions inherent to the morphosyntax (as in English, Basque and Kham). By including both subject and object, and both accusative and ergative languages in our treatment of morphosyntactic alignment, we provide a better coverage of typological variation and show the potential of FDG for cross-linguistic analysis

    Reactivity against Complementary Proteinase-3 Is Not Increased in Patients with PR3-ANCA-Associated Vasculitis

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    The etiology of anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA) associated vasculitides (AAV) is unknown, but the association between infections and autoimmunity has been studied extensively. In 2004, a novel theory was proposed that could link infection and autoimmunity. This ‘theory of autoantigen complementarity’ was based on the serendipitous finding of antibodies against complementary-PR3 (cPR3) in patients with PR3-ANCA-associated vasculitis. cPR3 demonstrated homology to several bacterial proteins, and it was hypothesized that PR3-ANCA develop in response to anti-cPR3 antibodies, as a consequence of the anti-idiotypic network. These data have not been confirmed in other patient cohorts. We investigated the presence of anti-cPR3 antibodies in a Dutch cohort of PR3-ANCA-associated vasculitis patients. Anti-cPR3 reactivity was determined in serum using ELISA. Two separate batches of cPR3 were used to determine reactivity in two separate cohorts of PR3-ANCA-associated vasculitis patients. We found that anti-cPR3-reactivity was not increased in our PR3-ANCA-associated vasculitis patients, in comparison to control groups. Further research will be necessary to prove the concept of autoantigen complementarity in autoimmune diseases

    Barbarians at the British Museum: Anglo-Saxon Art, Race and Religion

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    A critical historiographical overview of art historical approaches to early medieval material culture, with a focus on the British Museum collections and their connections to religion

    Philippine subjects in a monostratal framework

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    The well known problem of subjecthood in Philippine-type Western Austronesian languages is the source of Schachter's proposal to factor the traditional grammatical function subject into two more basic grammatical functions. This paper is an attempt to implement Schachter's proposal within the framework of LFG. It is shown that this results in an explanatory account of the subject properties of the two constituents. Furthermore, the LFG analysis proposed is superior to related structurally based ideas

    Islands: A Mixed Analysis ïżœ

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    Ever since Ross (1967), one of the topics that has dominated the literature on wh (long-distance dependency) constructions is that of “islands, ” regions of sentences which are opaque to wh dependencies. (1) a. *This book, I know a student who read. [Complex NP Constraint] b. *What did you eat bagels and? [Coordinate Structure Constraint] c. *It was the Mets that I traveled to New York before I watched. [Adjunct Condition] d. *Star Trek, to watch is important. [Sentential Subject Condition] While Ross simply listed types of structures which display this opacity, subsequent literature has attempted to discover unifying principles to explain islandhood. Despite these efforts, none has been entirely successful. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the source of island constraints, and to propose an LFG account of islands which differs somewhat from the standard account in Kaplan and Zaenen (1989). The literature on islands can be basically split into two groups: those that provide a syntactic explanation and those that provide a pragmatic explanation. Fo