29 research outputs found

    Promoting the use of the PRECISE score for prostate MRI during active surveillance: results from the ESOR Nicholas Gourtsoyiannis teaching fellowship

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    OBJECTIVES: The PRECISE criteria for serial multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the prostate during active surveillance recommend the use of a dedicated scoring system (PRECISE score) to assess the likelihood of clinically significant radiological change. This pilot study assesses the effect of an interactive teaching course on prostate MRI during active surveillance in assessing radiological change in serial imaging. METHODS: Eleven radiology fellows and registrars with different experience in prostate MRI reading participated in a dedicated teaching course where they initially evaluated radiological change (based on their previous training in prostate MRI reading) independently in fifteen patients on active surveillance (baseline and follow-up scan), and then attended a lecture on the PRECISE score. The initial scans were reviewed for teaching purposes and afterwards the participants re-assessed the degree of radiological change in a new set of images (from fifteen different patients) applying the PRECISE score. Receiver operating characteristic analysis was performed. Confirmatory biopsies and PRECISE scores given in consensus by two radiologists (involved in the original draft of the PRECISE score) were the reference standard. RESULTS: There was a significant improvement in the average area under the curve (AUC) for the assessment of radiological change from baseline (AUC: 0.60 [Confidence Intervals: 0.51-0.69] to post-teaching (AUC: 0.77 [0.70-0.84]). This was an improvement of 0.17 [0.016-0.28] (p = 0.004). CONCLUSIONS: A dedicated teaching course on the use of the PRECISE score improves the accuracy in the assessment of radiological change in serial MRI of the prostate

    Comparing Notes: Recording and Criticism

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    This chapter charts the ways in which recording has changed the nature of music criticism. It both provides an overview of the history of recording and music criticism, from the advent of Edison’s Phonograph to the present day, and examines the issues arising from this new technology and the consequent transformation of critical thought and practice

    Wider Still and Wider: British Music Criticism since the Second World War

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    This chapter provides the first historical examination of music criticism in Britain since the Second World War. In the process, it also challenges the simplistic prevailing view of this being a period of decline from a golden age in music criticism

    Stop the Press? The Changing Media of Music Criticism

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    Damas. Notes sur la répartition de la population par origine et par religion

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    Thoumin Richard. Damas. Notes sur la répartition de la population par origine et par religion . In: Revue de géographie alpine, tome 25, n°4, 1937. pp. 663-697

    Le Parti DĂ©mocrate Populaire

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    The Popular Democratic Party, or P.D.PL., first appears in the Nord in March 1925. It will remain active until just before World War II. This party defines itself as a party «directed along four cardinal lines : attachment to the republican regime, development of democracy, class collaboration and collaboration between peoples». Passionately interested in the problems of the working world, the P.D.P. feels called to fulfill a mission in favour of the working class. Faithful to the principle by which it is animated, the P.D.P. wants to see a collaboration between the employers and the workers. It wishes to see the working class organise itself. The reforms it proposes show how clearsighted this party is and how far ahead of its time. This essentially social party, dedicated to justice, is most often composed of convinced Christians, roused by their faith. During the war, many will join the Resistance. Once peace has returned, they will join the ranks of the M.R.P.Le Parti DĂ©mocrate Populaire ou P.D.P. s'implante dans le Nord en mars 1925. Il sera actif jusqu'Ă  la veille de la guerre de 1940. Ce parti se dĂ©finit lui-mĂȘme comme un parti «rĂ©gi par quatre points cardinaux : l'attachement au rĂ©gime rĂ©publicain, le dĂ©veloppement de la dĂ©mocratie, la collaboration des classes et la collaboration des peuples». PassionnĂ© par les problĂšmes du monde du travail, le P.D.P. se sent appelĂ© Ă  une mission Ă  l'Ă©gard de la classe ouvriĂšre. FidĂšle au principe qui l'anime, le P.D.P. veut la collaboration entre patrons et ouvriers. Il souhaite que la classe ouvriĂšre s'organise. Les rĂ©formes qu'il propose montrent combien ce parti est clairvoyant et en avance sur son temps. Ce parti essentiellement social, Ă©pris de justice, est composĂ© le plus souvent de chrĂ©tiens convaincus, animĂ©s par leur foi. Durant la guerre, beaucoup vont entrer dans la RĂ©sistance. La paix revenue, ils continueront Ă  militer dans le M.R.P.De zogeheten Parti DĂ©mocrate Populaire (P.D.P.) krijgt vaste voet in het Noorden in maart 1925 en blijft daar aktief tot het uitbreken van de oorlog, in 1940. Deze paru] verklaart zelf vier grote principes te hebben : trouw aan het republikeins regime, ontwikkeling van de demokratie, samenwerking tussen de klassen en de volkeren. De P.D.P. heeft veel belangstelling voor de wereld van de arbeid en voelt zich geroepen iets voor de arbeidersklasse te doen. Uit hoofde van de ver- melde principes will de P.D.P. samenwerking tussen patroons en arbeiders bewerkstelligen. De arbeidersklasse moet zich organiseren. De voorgestelde hervormingen tonen aan dat deze partij veel doorzicht had en vooruit was op haar tijd. Deze zeer sociaalgerichte partij was op zoek naar gerechtigheid en telde vooral overtuigde kristenen in haar rangen. Tijdens de oorlog waren vele leden betrokken bij de werstand. Na de oorlog militeerden zij verder in de M.R.P.Dujardin-Thoumin Rosane. Le Parti DĂ©mocrate Populaire. In: Revue du Nord, tome 73, n°290-291, Avril-septembre 1991. Cent ans de catholicisme social dans la rĂ©gion du Nord. Actes du colloque de Lille, 7 et 8 dĂ©cembre 1990. pp. 437-443

    Inondations dans le Kalamoun (Syrie centrale) fin octobre 1937

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    Thoumin Richard. Inondations dans le Kalamoun (Syrie centrale) fin octobre 1937 . In: Revue de géographie alpine, tome 26, n°1, 1938. pp. 213-220

    Le Ghab

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    Thoumin Richard. Le Ghab. In: Revue de géographie alpine, tome 24, n°3, 1936. pp. 467-538

    Sovereign risk exploration in times of crisis : a look at financial contagion

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    Les pĂ©riodes marquĂ©es par une aversion au risque intense sont souvent l’origine de distorsions notables dans les prix de marchĂ©, et de pertes substantielles pour les investisseurs. Chaque Ă©pisode de crise financiĂšre montre que les mouvements de ventes gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©es sur les marchĂ©s ont des consĂ©quences trĂšs nĂ©gatives sur l’économie rĂ©elle. Ainsi, explorer le phĂ©nomĂšne d’aversion au risque et la dynamique de propagation du sentiment de panique sur les marchĂ©s financiers peut aider Ă  apprĂ©hender ces pĂ©riodes de forte volatilitĂ©.Dans ce rapport de thĂšse, nous explorons diffĂ©rentes dimensions du phĂ©nomĂšne d’aversion au risque, dans le cadre de portefeuilles d’obligations souveraines EuropĂ©ennes. Le rendement des obligations d’Etat, quottĂ© par les traders, est sensĂ© reflĂ©ter entre autre le risque que le TrĂ©sor fasse dĂ©faut sur sa dette, avant que l’obligation vienne Ă  maturation. Il s’agit lĂ  du risque souverain. Les crises financiĂšres habituellement occasionnent un mouvement important des rendements vers des niveaux plus Ă©levĂ©s. Ce type de correction reflĂšte un accroissement du risque souverain, et implique nĂ©cessairement une hausse du coĂ»t de financement pour les TrĂ©sors nationaux. Un objectif de ce rapport est donc de fournir des dĂ©tails inĂ©dits aux TrĂ©sors sur la maniĂšre dont les rendements obligataires sont sensĂ©s se dĂ©tĂ©riorer en pĂ©riode d’aversion au risque.Chapitre I explore le risque souverain dans le cadre d’un modĂšle probabiliste impliquant des distributions Ă  queues lourdes, ainsi que la mĂ©thode GAS qui permet de capturer la dynamique de la volatilitĂ©. L’ajustement obtenu avec les distributions Hyperboliques GĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©es est robuste, et les rĂ©sultats laissent penser que notre approche est particuliĂšrement efficace durant les pĂ©riodes marquĂ©es par une volatilitĂ© erratique. Dans un but de simplification, nous dĂ©crivons la mise en place d’un estimateur de volatilitĂ© intemporel, sensĂ© reflĂ©ter la volatilitĂ© intrinsĂšque de chaque obligation. Cet estimateur suggĂšre que la volatilitĂ© croit de maniĂšre quadratique lorsque celle-ci est exprimĂ©e en fonction de la fonction de rĂ©partition des variations de rendements. Dans un second temps nous explorons une version bivariĂ©e du modĂšle. La calibration, robuste, met en valeur les corrĂ©lations entre chaque obligation. En guise d’observation gĂ©nĂ©rale, notre analyse confirme que les distributions Ă  queues Ă©paisses sont tout Ă  fait appropriĂ©es pour l’exploration des prix de marchĂ© en pĂ©riode de crise financiĂšre.Chapitre II explore diffĂ©rentes maniĂšres d’exploiter notre modĂšle probabiliste. Afin d’identifier la dynamique de la contagion entre les obligations souveraines, nous analysons la rĂ©action attendue du marchĂ© Ă  une sĂ©rie de chocs financiers. Nous considĂ©rons un niveau important de granularitĂ© pour ce qui est de la sĂ©vĂ©ritĂ© du choc sous-jacent, et ceci nous permet d’identifier des lois empiriques supposĂ©es gĂ©nĂ©raliser le comportement de la rĂ©action de marchĂ© lorsque l’aversion au risque s’intensifie. Puis, nous incorporons nos estimateurs de volatilitĂ© et de rĂ©action de marchĂ© Ă  certaines approches reconnues d’optimisation de portefeuille et nous notons une amĂ©lioration de la rĂ©sistance des portefeuilles, dans cette nouvelle version. Finalement, nous dĂ©veloppons une nouvelle mĂ©thodologie d’optimisation de portefeuille basĂ©e sur le principe de mean-reversion.Chapitre III est dĂ©diĂ© au pricing de produits dĂ©rivĂ©s de taux. Nous considĂ©rons maintenant que l’aversion au risque cause l’émergence de discontinuitĂ©s dans les prix de marchĂ©, que nous simulons par le biais de processus Ă  sauts. Notre modĂšle se concentre sur les processus de Hawkes qui ont l’avantage de capturer la prĂ©sence d’auto-excitation dans la volatilitĂ©. Nous dĂ©veloppons une procĂ©dure de calibration qui se distingue des procĂ©dures habituelles. Les rĂ©sultats de volatilitĂ© implicite sont cohĂ©rents avec la volatilitĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e, et suggĂšrent que les coefficients de prime de risque ont Ă©tĂ© estimĂ©s avec succĂšs.Periods of deep risk aversion are usually marked by sizeable distortions in market prices, and substantial losses in portfolios. As observed during financial crises, a generalized debacle in financial markets is a very negative shock for the real economy. Against this backdrop, it looks relevant to explore how risk aversion tends to affect global market valuations, especially if this exercise helps make the promotion of more optimal portfolio rebalancing procedures.In this dissertation, we investigate different dimensions of risk aversion, with a focus on European Sovereign debt securities. For a given sovereign bond, the (quoted) yield to maturity has to reflect the underlying risk that the Treasury may default on its debt, before maturation of the bond. This is sovereign risk. Financial crises usually occasion an upward correction in bond yields. Since higher yields reflect larger sovereign risk and higher funding costs, national Treasuries are usually inclined to get a deeper understanding of how sovereign risk could evolve under the influence of fierce risk aversion. This is another objective of our research analysis.In Chapter I, we consider a probabilistic approach to sovereign risk exploration, with the main purpose of illustrating the non-linear reaction ensuing from a gradual deterioration in market sentiment. We consider heavy-tailed distributions, and we use the Generalised Autoregressive Score method as a means to capture the volatility momentum. The goodness of fit provided by Generalised Hyperbolic distributions is compelling, and results suggest that our approach is particularly relevant to fit periods or erratic volatility, typical of financial crises. As an attempt to simplify the model, we focus on an empirical formulation of the ‘untemporal’ volatility of each security. This estimator of the intrinsic volatility suggests that volatility tends to accelerate in a quadratic manner when it is expressed against the cumulative distribution function of the yield variations. In a second part, we extend this approach to a problem of larger dimension and we explore the dynamics of risk aversion from a bivariate point of view. Results look robust and illustrate multivariate correlations between sovereign securities. As a general conclusion, heavy-tailed distributions look remarkably efficient to replicate the distribution of times-series affected by distorted volatility and erratic price variations.Chapter II explores different ways to extract information from the model, about financial contagion and how it is supposed to propagate through sovereign securities. In particular, we explore the market reaction to a series of many shocks with gradual intensity. Results offer a high degree of granularity and we extrapolate empirical rules on the expected market dynamics, when risk aversion intensifies. Then we incorporate our estimators of volatility and market reaction (to shocks) into popular portfolio optimisation procedures and we see positive implications on the general resilience of these portfolios. Finally, we also design an in-house methodology for optimal portfolio rebalancing, based on mean reversion.In Chapter III, we explore how sovereign risk tends to affect the price of financial derivatives in a risk-off environment. We consider that risk aversion and the ensuing volatility now favour the emergence of sizeable discontinuities in market prices, that we model with stochastic jumps. The different approaches we investigate extensively rely on Hawkes processes. These stochastic processes seek to estimate the durable impact of risk aversion onto the dynamics of jumps, via the introduction of dedicated self-excited loops. We develop an original approach to the calibration, different from conventional procedures. In the end, the calculated implied volatility remains in the vicinity of the realised volatility and there is a visible capability to jump on any rise in risk aversion

    De la vie nomade Ă  la vie sĂ©dentaire. — Un village syrien : Adra

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    Thoumin Richard. De la vie nomade Ă  la vie sĂ©dentaire. — Un village syrien : Adra. In: Revue de gĂ©ographie alpine, tome 21, n°3, 1933. pp. 569-589