3 research outputs found
Pesticide use survey in Ohio nurseries
- Publication venue
- Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center
- Publication date
- 01/01/1980
- Field of study
A revision of the genus Hilara in eastern North America (Diptera: empididae) /
- Author
- Publication venue
- The Ohio State University / OhioLINK
- Publication date
- 01/01/1971
- Field of study
List of publications on the economic and social history of Great Britain and Ireland published in 2012
- Author
- Abrams
- Abrams
- Abrams
- Abrams
- Abrams
- Accominotti
- Acheson
- Adams
- Afanasyev
- Aldhouse-Green
- Allen
- Allen
- Allison
- Amor
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- Anderson
- Anderson
- Anderson
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- Andrews
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- Ardeleanu
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- Armstrong
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- Arnold
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- Bailey
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- Bastow
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- Beckett
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- Bradley
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- Breeze
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- Clark
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- Cousins
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- Cox
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- Cressey
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- Crone
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- Davies
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- Dziennik
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- Evans
- Evans
- Everest-Phillips
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- Faith
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- Ferguson
- Field
- Field
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- Fisher
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- Fleming
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- Gray
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- Green
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- Griffiths
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- Harding
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- Hare
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- Harris
- Harris
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- Harvey
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- Hayes
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- Hayward
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- Hemingway
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- Hitchcock
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- Holmes
- Holmes
- Holmes
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- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
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- Humphries
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- Jenkinson
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- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
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- Kanter
- Kay
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- Keller
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- Kelly
- Kelly
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- King
- King
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- Kirby
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- Klein
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- Lambert
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- Lewis
- Lewis
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- Liddy
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- Liffen
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- Llewellyn
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- Martin
- MartinĂłn-Torres
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- Middleton
- Middleton
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- Miller
- Miller
- Miller
- Miller
- Miller
- Miller
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- Minns
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- Miskell
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- Mori
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- Moss
- Moss
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- Mukharji
- Muldrew
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- Murphy
- Murray
- Mutch
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- O'Shaughnessy
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- Orme
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- Owen
- Owen
- Owens
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- Peer
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- Philo
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- Pumfrey
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- Rahiz
- Ray
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- Reid
- Reid
- Reid
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- Richards
- Richardson
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- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts-Pedersen
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- Rogers
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- Rosenthal
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- Ross
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- Samy
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- Sandemose
- Sanders
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- Sargeant
- Satsuma
- Saul
- Schmidt-Rutsch
- Schularick
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- Scott
- Scott
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- Seed
- Seel
- Selgin
- Selley
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- Sharpe
- Sharpe
- Sharpe
- Shaw-Taylor
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- Sheppard
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- Skillen
- Slattery
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- Slitt
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- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smout
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- Snell
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- Southall
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- Stevens
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- Strange
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- Taylor
- Taylor
- Taylor
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- Tindley
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- Toal
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- Turner
- Turner
- Turner
- Tyas
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- University of Leicester Graveyards Group
- Upton
- Uttley
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- Vernon
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- Vincent
- Vongsathorn
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- Walton
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- Ward
- Wareham
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- Watt
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- Webster
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- Wells-Furby
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- Wilcox
- Wilcox
- Wild
- Wildman
- Wildman
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- William
- Williams
- Willoughby
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- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson-Lee
- Wolf
- Wolloch
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- Woods
- Woods
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- Wright
- Xue
- Yamamoto
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- Young
- Younger
- Zakariah
- Zutshi
- Ó Gráda
- Ó hÓgartaigh
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study