617 research outputs found

    Measuring velocity of sound with nuclear resonant inelastic x-ray scattering

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    Nuclear resonant inelastic x-ray scattering is used to measure the projected partial phonon density of states of materials. A relationship is derived between the low-energy part of this frequency distribution function and the sound velocity of materials. Our derivation is valid for harmonic solids with Debye-like low-frequency dynamics. This method of sound velocity determination is applied to elemental, composite, and impurity samples which are representative of a wide variety of both crystalline and noncrystalline materials. Advantages and limitations of this method are elucidated

    Deuterium Exchange between Arenes and Deuterated Solvents in the Absence of a Transition Metal: Synthesis of D-Labeled Fluoroarenes

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    Producción CientíficaFluoroarenes can be selectively deuterated by H/D exchange with common deuterated solvents in the presence of a catalytic amount of an alkali metal carbonate or, for the less acidic arenes, stoichiometric quantities of potassium phosphate. This is a sustainable method that does not need transition metal catalysis or the multistep synthesis of a main-group orga- nometallics. This exchange needs to be taken into account when using H/D scrambling as a mechanistic probe in reactions involving fluoroarenes.MINECO-SGPI, grant CTQ2016-80913-PJunta de Castilla y León (grant VA062G18

    Neuronal oscillations and the rate-to-phase transform: mechanism, model and mutual information

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    Theoretical and experimental studies suggest that oscillatory modes of processing play an important role in neuronal computations. One well supported idea is that the net excitatory input during oscillations will be reported in the phase of firing, a ‘rate-to-phase transform’, and that this transform might enable a temporal code. Here, we investigate the efficiency of this code at the level of fundamental single cell computations. We first develop a general framework for the understanding of the rate-to-phase transform as implemented by single neurons. Using whole cell patch-clamp recordings of rat hippocampal pyramidal neurons in vitro, we investigated the relationship between tonic excitation and phase of firing during simulated theta frequency (5 Hz) and gamma frequency (40 Hz) oscillations, over a range of physiological firing rates. During theta frequency oscillations, the phase of the first spike per cycle was a near-linear function of tonic excitation, advancing through a full 180 deg, from the peak to the trough of the oscillation cycle as excitation increased. In contrast, this relationship was not apparent for gamma oscillations, during which the phase of firing was virtually independent of the level of tonic excitatory input within the range of physiological firing rates. We show that a simple analytical model can substantially capture this behaviour, enabling generalization to other oscillatory states and cell types. The capacity of such a transform to encode information is limited by the temporal precision of neuronal activity. Using the data from our whole cell recordings, we calculated the information about the input available in the rate or phase of firing, and found the phase code to be significantly more efficient. Thus, temporal modes of processing can enable neuronal coding to be inherently more efficient, thereby allowing a reduction in processing time or in the number of neurons required

    Physiological processes of inflammation and edema initiated by sustained mechanical loading in subcutaneous tissues : a scoping review

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    Deep tissue injuries are pressure ulcers which initiate in the subcutaneous tissues and extend through a bottom-up pathway. Once deep tissue injuries are visual at skin level, serious irreversible tissue damage has already occurred. In pressure ulcer development, inflammation and edema are coupled physiological processes associated with tissue damage arising due to sustained mechanical loading. This study aimed to provide an in-depth overview of the physiological processes of inflammation and edema initiated by sustained mechanical loading in subcutaneous tissues, in the context of pressure ulceration. A scoping review was performed according to the framework by Arksey and O'Malley. The databases MEDLINE, EMBASE, Web of Science, and Scopus, and the reference lists of included studies were searched for in vivo (animal, human), and in vitro studies matching the study objectives (from inception to 28 May 2018). No restrictions for inclusion were applied for study design, setting, participants, and year of publication. A total of 12 studies were included, varying in study design, sample characteristics, amount and duration of mechanical loads that were applied, follow-up time, and assessment methods. Neutrophil infiltration and edema occur in the subcutaneous tissues nearly immediately after the application of load on soft tissues. The amount of neutrophils and edema increase in the first days after the mechanical insult and decrease once healing has been initiated and no supplementary mechanical load was applied. One study indicated that edema may extend up to the level of the dermo-epidermal junction. Further research should focus on how deep tissue inflammation and edema are reflected into unique tissue changes at skin level, and how abnormal inflammatory responses manifest (e.g. when the nervous system is not functioning normally)

    The \u3cem\u3eChlamydomonas\u3c/em\u3e Genome Reveals the Evolution of Key Animal and Plant Functions

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    Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is a unicellular green alga whose lineage diverged from land plants over 1 billion years ago. It is a model system for studying chloroplast-based photosynthesis, as well as the structure, assembly, and function of eukaryotic flagella (cilia), which were inherited from the common ancestor of plants and animals, but lost in land plants. We sequenced the ∼120-megabase nuclear genome of Chlamydomonas and performed comparative phylogenomic analyses, identifying genes encoding uncharacterized proteins that are likely associated with the function and biogenesis of chloroplasts or eukaryotic flagella. Analyses of the Chlamydomonas genome advance our understanding of the ancestral eukaryotic cell, reveal previously unknown genes associated with photosynthetic and flagellar functions, and establish links between ciliopathy and the composition and function of flagella

    EcoCyc: a comprehensive database of Escherichia coli biology

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    EcoCyc (http://EcoCyc.org) is a comprehensive model organism database for Escherichia coli K-12 MG1655. From the scientific literature, EcoCyc captures the functions of individual E. coli gene products; their regulation at the transcriptional, post-transcriptional and protein level; and their organization into operons, complexes and pathways. EcoCyc users can search and browse the information in multiple ways. Recent improvements to the EcoCyc Web interface include combined gene/protein pages and a Regulation Summary Diagram displaying a graphical overview of all known regulatory inputs to gene expression and protein activity. The graphical representation of signal transduction pathways has been updated, and the cellular and regulatory overviews were enhanced with new functionality. A specialized undergraduate teaching resource using EcoCyc is being developed

    Modification and preservation of environmental signals in speleothems

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    Speleothems are primarily studied in order to generate archives of climatic change and results have led to significant advances in identifying and dating major shifts in the climate system. However, the climatological meaning of many speleothem records cannot be interpreted unequivocally; this is particularly so for more subtle shifts and shorter time periods, but the use of multiple proxies and improving understanding of formation mechanisms offers a clear way forward. An explicit description of speleothem records as time series draws attention to the nature and importance of the signal filtering processes by which the weather, the seasons and longer-term climatic and other environmental fluctuations become encoded in speleothems. We distinguish five sources of variation that influence speleothem geochemistry: atmospheric, vegetation/soil, karstic aquifer, primary speleothem crystal growth and secondary alteration and give specific examples of their influence. The direct role of climate diminishes progressively through these five factors. \ud \ud We identify and review a number of processes identified in recent and current work that bear significantly on the conventional interpretation of speleothem records, for example: \ud \ud 1) speleothem geochemistry can vary seasonally and hence a research need is to establish the proportion of growth attributable to different seasons and whether this varies over time. \ud \ud 2) whereas there has traditionally been a focus on monthly mean Ã�´18O data of atmospheric moisture, current work emphasizes the importance of understanding the synoptic processes that lead to characteristic isotope signals, since changing relative abundance of different weather types might 1Corresponding author, fax +44(0)1214145528, E-mail: [email protected] control their variation on the longer-term. \ud \ud 3) the ecosystem and soil zone overlying the cave fundamentally imprint the carbon and trace element signals and can show characteristic variations with time. \ud \ud 4) new modelling on aquifer plumbing allows quantification of the effects of aquifer mixing. \ud \ud 5) recent work has emphasized the importance and seasonal variability of CO2-degassing leading to calcite precipitation upflow of a depositional site on carbon isotope and trace element composition of speleothems. \ud \ud 6) Although much is known about the chemical partitioning between water and stalagmites, variability in relation to crystal growth mechanisms and kinetics is a research frontier. \ud \ud 7) Aragonite is susceptible to conversion to calcite with major loss of chemical information, but the controls on the rate of this process are obscure. \ud \ud Analytical factors are critical to generate high-resolution speleothem records. A variety of methods of trace element analysis are available, but standardization is a common problem with the most rapid methods. New stable isotope data on Irish stalagmite CC3 compares rapid laser-ablation techniques with the conventional analysis of micromilled powders and ion microprobe methods. A high degree of comparability between techniques for Ã�´18O is found on the mm-cm scale, but a previously described high-amplitude oxygen isotope excursion around 8.3 ka is identified as an analytical artefact related to fractionation of the laser-analysis associated with sample cracking. High-frequency variability of not less than 0.5o/oo may be an inherent feature of speleothem Ã�´18O records

    Non-commutative separate continuity and weakly almost periodicity for Hopf von Neumann algebras

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    For a compact Hausdorff space X, the space SC(X×X) of separately continuous complex valued functions on X can be viewed as a C*-subalgebra of C(X)**⊗-C(X)**, namely those elements which slice into C(X). The analogous definition for a non-commutative C*-algebra does not necessarily give an algebra, but we show that there is always a greatest C*-subalgebra. This thus gives a non-commutative notion of separate continuity. The tools involved are multiplier algebras and row/column spaces, familiar from the theory of Operator Spaces. We make some study of morphisms and inclusions. There is a tight connection between separate continuity and the theory of weakly almost periodic functions on (semi)groups. We use our non-commutative tools to show that the collection of weakly almost periodic elements of a Hopf von Neumann algebra, while itself perhaps not a C*-algebra, does always contain a greatest C*-subalgebra. This allows us to give a notion of non-commutative, or quantum, semitopological semigroup, and to briefly develop a compactification theory in this context

    Thermoacclimation and genome adaptation of the membrane lipidome in marine Synechococcus

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    The marine cyanobacteria of the genus Synechococcus are important primary producers, displaying a wide latitudinal distribution that is underpinned by diversification into temperature ecotypes. The physiological basis underlying these ecotypes is poorly known. In many organisms, regulation of membrane fluidity is crucial for acclimating to variations in temperature. Here, we reveal the detailed composition of the membrane lipidome of the model strain Synechococcus sp. WH7803 and its response to temperature variation. Unlike freshwater strains, membranes are almost devoid of C18, mainly containing C14 and C16 chains with no more than two unsaturations. In response to cold, we observed a rarely observed process of acyl chain shortening that likely induces membrane thinning, along with specific desaturation activities. Both of these mechanisms likely regulate membrane fluidity, facilitating the maintenance of efficient photosynthetic activity. A comprehensive examination of 53 Synechococcus genomes revealed clade-specific gene sets regulating membrane lipids. In particular, the genes encoding desaturase enzymes, which is a key to the temperature stress response, appeared to be temperature ecotype-specific, with some of them originating from lateral transfers. Our study suggests that regulation of membrane fluidity has been among the important adaptation processes for the colonization of different thermal niches by marine Synechococcus

    UNC-45a promotes myosin folding and stress fiber assembly

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    Contractile actomyosin bundles, stress fibers, are crucial for adhesion, morphogenesis, and mechanosensing in nonmuscle cells. However, the mechanisms by which nonmuscle myosin II (NM-II) is recruited to those structures and assembled into functional bipolar filaments have remained elusive. We report that UNC-45a is a dynamic component of actin stress fibers and functions as a myosin chaperone in vivo. UNC-45a knockout cells display severe defects in stress fiber assembly and consequent abnormalities in cell morphogenesis, polarity, and migration. Experiments combining structured-illumination microscopy, gradient centrifugation, and proteasome inhibition approaches revealed that a large fraction of NM-II and myosin-1c molecules fail to fold in the absence of UNC-45a. The remaining properly folded NM-II molecules display defects in forming functional bipolar filaments. The C-terminal UNC-45/Cro1/She4p domain of UNC-45a is critical for NM-II folding, whereas the N-terminal tetratricopeptide repeat domain contributes to the assembly of functional stress fibers. Thus, UNC-45a promotes generation of contractile actomyosin bundles through synchronized NM-II folding and filament-assembly activities.Peer reviewe