43 research outputs found

    Regional variation of the minimum wages in China

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    Effect of Saddle height on skin temperature measured in different days of cycling.

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    Infrared thermography can be useful to explore the effects of exercise on neuromuscular function. During cycling, it could be used to investigate the effects of saddle height on thermoregulation. The aim of this study was to examine whether different cycling postures, elicited by different knee flexion angles, could influence skin temperature. Furthermore, we also determined whether the reproducibility of thermal measurements in response to cycling differed in the body regions affected or not affected by saddle height. Sixteen cyclists participated in three tests of 45 min of cycling at their individual 50 % peak power output. Each test was performed in a different knee flexion position on the bicycle (20°, 30°, 40° knee flexion when the pedal crank was at 180°). Different knee angles were obtained by changing saddle height. Skin temperatures were determined by infrared thermography before, immediately after and 10 min after the cycling test, in 16 different regions of interest (ROI) in the trunk and lower limbs. Changes in saddle height did not result in changes in skin temperature in the ROI. However, lower knee flexion elicited higher temperature in popliteus after cycling than higher flexion (p = 0.008 and ES = 0.8), and higher knee flexion elicited lower temperature variation in the tibialis anterior than intermediate knee flexion (p = 0.004 and ES = 0.8). Absolute temperatures obtained good and very good intraday reproducibility in the different measurements (ICCs between 0.44 and 0.85), but temperature variations showed lower reproducibility (ICCs between 0.11 and 0.74). Different postures assumed by the cyclist due to different saddle height did not influence temperature measurements. Skin temperature can be measured on different days with good repeatability, but temperature variations can be more sensitive to the effects of an intervention

    Preclinical evidence implicating corticotropin-releasing factor signaling in ethanol consumption and neuroadaptation

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    The results of many studies support the influence of the corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) system on ethanol (EtOH) consumption and EtOH-induced neuroadaptations that are critical in the addiction process. This review summarizes the preclinical data in this area after first providing an overview of the components of the CRF system. This complex system involves hypothalamic and extra-hypothalamic mechanisms that play a role in the central and peripheral consequences of stressors, including EtOH and other drugs of abuse. In addition, several endogenous ligands and targets make up this system and show differences in their involvement in EtOH drinking and in the effects of chronic or repeated EtOH treatment. In general, genetic and pharmacological approaches paint a consistent picture of the importance of CRF signaling via type 1 CRF receptors (CRF1) in EtOH-induced neuroadaptations that result in higher levels of intake, encourage alcohol seeking during abstinence and alter EtOH sensitivity. Furthermore, genetic findings in rodents, non-human primates and humans have provided some evidence of associations of genetic polymorphisms in CRF-related genes with EtOH drinking, although additional data are needed. These results suggest that CRF1 antagonists have potential as pharmacotherapeutics for alcohol use disorders. However, given the broad and important role of these receptors in adaptation to environmental and other challenges, full antagonist effects may be too profound and consideration should be given to treatments with modulatory effects.The authors were supported by the Department of Veterans Affairs; NIH NIAAA grants P60AA010760, R24AA020245 and U01AA013519 and NIH NIDA grant P50DA018165, during the writing of this manuscript. The authors have no financial conflict of interest to disclose

    Anti-Stress Effects of Carnosine on Restraint-Evoked Immunocompromise in Mice through Spleen Lymphocyte Number Maintenance

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    Carnosine (β-alanyl-L-histidine), a naturally occurring dipeptide, has been characterized as a putative neurotransmitter and serves as a reservoir for brain histamine, which could act on histaminergic neurons system to relieve stress-induced damages. However, understanding of the role of carnosine in stress-evoked immunocompromise is limited. In this study, results showed that when mice were subjected to restraint stress, spleen index and the number of spleen lymphocytes including Natural Killer (NK) cells were obviously decreased. Results also demonstrated that restraint stress decreased the cytotoxic activity of NK cells per spleen (LU10/spleen) while the activity of a single NK cell (LU10/106 cells) was not changed. However, oral administration of carnosine (150 and 300 mg/kg) increased spleen index and number of spleen lymphocytes (including NK cells), and elevated the cytotoxic activity of NK cells per spleen in restraint-stressed mice. These results indicated that carnosine ameliorated stress-evoked immunocompromise through spleen lymphocyte number maintenance. Carnosine was further found to reduce stress-induced elevation of plasma corticosterone level. On the other hand, results showed that carnosine and RU486 (a glucocorticoids receptor antagonist) treatment prevented the reduction in mitochondrion membrane potential and the release of mitochondrial cytochrome c into cytoplasm, increased Bcl-2/Bax mRNA ratio, as well as decreased terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP-biotin nick end labeling (TUNEL)-positive cells in spleen lymphocytes of stressed mice. The results above suggested that the maintenance of spleen lymphocyte number by carnosine was related with the inhibition of lymphocytes apoptosis caused by glucocorticoids overflow. The stimulation of lymphocyte proliferation by carnosine also contributed to the maintenance of spleen lymphocyte number in stressed mice. In view of the elevated histamine level, the anti-stress effects of carnosine on restraint-evoked immunocompromise might be via carnosine-histamine metabolic pathway. Taken together, carnosine maintained spleen lymphocyte number by inhibiting lymphocyte apoptosis and stimulating lymphocyte proliferation, thus prevented immunocompromise in restraint-stressed mice

    Performance evaluation of deep feature learning for RGB-D image/video classification

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    Deep Neural Networks for image/video classification have obtained much success in various computer vision applications. Existing deep learning algorithms are widely used on RGB images or video data. Meanwhile, with the development of low-cost RGB-D sensors (such as Microsoft Kinect and Xtion Pro-Live), high-quality RGB-D data can be easily acquired and used to enhance computer vision algorithms [14]. It would be interesting to investigate how deep learning can be employed for extracting and fusing features from RGB-D data. In this paper, after briefly reviewing the basic concepts of RGB-D information and four prevalent deep learning models (i.e., Deep Belief Networks (DBNs), Stacked Denoising Auto-Encoders (SDAE), Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Neural Networks), we conduct extensive experiments on five popular RGB-D datasets including three image datasets and two video datasets. We then present a detailed analysis about the comparison between the learned feature representations from the four deep learning models. In addition, a few suggestions on how to adjust hyper-parameters for learning deep neural networks are made in this paper. According to the extensive experimental results, we believe that this evaluation will provide insights and a deeper understanding of different deep learning algorithms for RGB-D feature extraction and fusion

    Neuronal diversity of the amygdala and the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis

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    The amygdala complex is a diverse group of more than 13 nuclei, segregated in five major groups: the basolateral (BLA), central (CeA), medial (MeA), cortical (CoA), and basomedial (BMA) amygdala nuclei. These nuclei can be distinguished depending on their cytoarchitectonic properties, connectivity, genetic, and molecular identity, and most importantly, on their functional role in animal behavior. The extended amygdala includes the CeA and the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST). Both CeA and the BNST share similar cellular organization, including common neuron types, reciprocal connectivity, and many overlapping downstream targets. In this section, we describe the advances of our knowledge on neuronal diversity in the amygdala complex and the BNST, based on recent functional studies, performed at genetic, molecular, physiological, and anatomical levels in rodent models, especially rats and mice. Molecular and connection property can be used separately, or in combinations, to define neuronal populations, leading to a multiplexed neuronal diversity-supporting different functional roles. © 2020 Elsevier B.V

    Corticotrophin-releasing factor 1 activation in the central amygdale and visceral hyperalgesia

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    Corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF)-CRF(1) receptor in the brain plays a key role in stress-related alterations of behavior including anxiety/depression, and autonomic and visceral functions. In particular, CRF(1) signaling mediates hypersensitivity to colorectal distension (CRD) in various models (early life adverse events, repeated psychological stress, chronic high anxiety, postcolonic inflammation, or repeated nociceptive CRD). So far, knowledge of brain sites involved is limited. A recent article demonstrates in rats that CRF microinjected into the central amygdala (CeA) induces a hyperalgesic response to CRD and enhances the noradrenaline and dopamine levels at this site. The visceral and noradrenaline, unlike dopamine, responses were blocked by a CRF(1) antagonist injected into the CeA. Here, we review the emerging role that CRF-CRF(1) signaling plays in the CeA to induce visceral hypersensitivity. In the somatic pain field, CRF in the CeA was shown to induce pain sensitization. This is mediated by the activation of postsynaptic CRF(1) receptors and protein kinase A signaling that increases N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor neurotransmission. In addition, the activation of tetraethylamonium-sensitive ion channels such as Kv3 accelerates repolarization and firing rate. Whether facilitation of pain transmission underlies CRF action in the CeA-induced visceral hypersensitivity will need to be delineated. CRF(1) signaling in the CeA is also an important component of the neuronal circuitry inducing anxiety-like behavior and positioned at the interphase of the reciprocal relationship between pain and affective state. The hyperactivity of this system may represent the neuroanatomical and biochemical substrate contributing to the coexpression of hypersensitivity to CRD and mood disorders in subsets of irritable bowel syndrome patients