170 research outputs found

    Can Fire and Rescue Services and the National Health Service work together to improve the safety and wellbeing of vulnerable older people? Design of a proof of concept study

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    Older adults are at increased risk both of falling and of experiencing accidental domestic fire. In addition to advanced age, these adverse events share the risk factors of balance or mobility problems, cognitive impairment and socioeconomic deprivation. For both events, the consequences include significant injury and death, and considerable socioeconomic costs for the individual and informal carers, as well as for emergency services, health and social care agencies.Secondary prevention services for older people who have fallen or who are identifiable as being at high risk of falling include NHS Falls clinics, where a multidisciplinary team offers an individualised multifactorial targeted intervention including strength and balance exercise programmes, medication changes and home hazard modification. A similar preventative approach is employed by most Fire and Rescue Services who conduct Home Fire Safety Visits to assess and, if necessary, remedy domestic fire risk, fit free smoke alarms with instruction for use and maintenance, and plan an escape route. We propose that the similarity of population at risk, location, specific risk factors and the commonality of preventative approaches employed could offer net gains in terms of feasibility, effectiveness and acceptability if activities within these two preventative approaches were to be combined

    Did London 2012 deliver a sports participation legacy?

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    Despite the increasing academic interest in the analysis of the Olympic legacy, there is a relative knowledge gap as far as sports participation legacy is concerned. The authors bridge this gap by analysing the short-term sports participation legacy of the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games on the adult population in England. By using data from the Active People Survey and considering different sports participation variables and the effect of the economic climate, results demonstrate a positive association with participation from hosting the Games. Participation rates were adjusted to take into account seasonality and changes in the gross domestic product (GDP), accounting in this way for the effect of the recent economic recession. The biggest effect was observed in relation to frequent participation (at least three times per week for at least 30 minutes) in the year immediately after the Games. In 2014, the sports participation rates fell relative to 2013 but remained higher than pre-Olympic levels. The sport participation legacy of the Olympic Games appeared to have significant differences between socio-demographic groups

    Religion, Resources and Representation: three narratives of engagement in British urban governance

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    Faith groups are increasingly regarded as important civil society participants in British urban governance. Faith engagement is linked to policies of social inclusion and “community cohesion,” particularly in the context of government concerns about radicalization along religious lines. Primary research is drawn upon in developing a critical and explicitly multifaith analysis of faith involvement. A narrative approach is used to contrast the different perspectives of national pol- icy makers, local stakeholders, and faith actors themselves. The narratives serve to illuminate not only this specific case but also the more general character of British urban governance as it takes on a more “decentered” form with greater blurring of boundaries between the public, private, and personal

    Interoperability optimisation for shared equity housing model development and FTB homeownership in the UK

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    Purpose – This paper assessed financial interoperability implications associated with First Time Buyers (FTB) in housing development and the role of the Community Land Trust Shared Equity Housing Model (CLT SEHM). Design/Methodology/Approach – The Interoperability optimisation process adopted by this study involved triangulated findings from literature, semi-structured interviews and questionnaire surveys. The text analysis of interview responses was actualised with Nvivo 9.0. This process informed the validation of themes through a questionnaire survey (purposive sampling), of which findings were subsequently analysed with statistical methods including binary logistic regression to validate interoperability rational and implications. Findings – The study identified positive financial interoperability outcomes for a successful synergy between the CLT SEHM and FTBs. From the analysis, there were sustainable results for average income multiple and property transfer/resale value for the CLT SEHM compared to conventional models. However, for the most at risk FTB groups, recommendations included increased concessions for CLT SEHM developments to incentivise bespoke rent purchase hybrid schemes. Originality/value – This research provided a good starting point for achieving improved level of efficiency necessary for the introduction of emerging/renewed alternative housing models into mainstream operational capabilities in housing and local development policies. Keywords – UK Housing Development, First Time Buyers (FTB), Interoperability, Community Land Trust, Shared Equity Housing Model, Binary Logistic Regression mode

    Markets, large projects and sustainable development: traditional and new planning in the Thames Gateway

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    The transition from traditional hierarchical government to new forms of governance and planning can be overstated. The regionalisation of planning and new ambitions for spatial planning in the UK are commonly understood to have created an overcomplex system concerned with co-ordination and integration across jurisdictional spheres. However, this new governance of planning sits alongside traditional planning processes such as the public inquiry and ministerial decision. This case study of a large port development near London suggests that the emphasis upon the move to new, collaborative practices understimates the influence of traditional governmental structures. This provides cause for questioning the capacity of the current planning system to address the challenge of sustainable development, a central concern for the new planning

    Enhanced invitation methods and uptake of health checks in primary care. Rapid randomised controlled trial using electronic health records

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    Background: A national programme of health checks to identify risk of cardiovascular disease is being rolled out but is encountering difficulties of low uptake. Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of an enhanced invitation method using the Question-Behaviour Effect (QBE), with or without the offer of a financial incentive to return the QBE questionnaire, at increasing the uptake of health checks. Secondary objectives were to evaluate reasons for low uptake of invitations and to compare case-mix for invited and opportunistic health checks. Trial design: Three-arm randomised trial. Participants: All participants invited for health checks from 18 general practices. Randomisation: Individual participants were randomised. Interventions: i) standard health check invitation only, ii) QBE questionnaire followed by standard invitation; iii) QBE questionnaire with offer of a financial incentive to return the questionnaire, followed by standard invitation. Outcomes: The primary outcome was completion of health check within six months of randomisation. A P value of 0.0167 was used for significance. Case-mix was evaluated for invited and opportunistic health checks. Blinding: Participants were not aware that several types of invitation were in use. The research team were blind to trial arm allocation at outcome data extraction. Results: There were 12,459 participants allocated and health check uptake was evaluated for 12,052 participants for whom outcome data were collected. Health check uptake was: standard invitation, 590 / 4,095 (14.4%); QBE questionnaire, 630 / 3,988 (15.8%); QBE questionnaire and financial incentive, 629 / 3,969 (15.9%). The increase in uptake associated with QBE questionnaire was 1.43% (95% confidence interval -0.12 to 2.97%, P=0.070) and for the QBE questionnaire and offer of financial incentive was 1.52% (-0.03 to 3.07%, P=0.054). The difference in uptake associated with the offer of an incentive to return the QBE questionnaire was -0.01% (-1.59 to 1.58%, P=0.995). During the study, 58% of health check cardiovascular risk assessments did not follow a trial invitation. People who received ‘opportunistic’ health checks had greater odds of ≥10% cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk; adjusted odds ratio 1.70, 95% confidence interval 1.45 to 1.99, P<0.001) compared with invited health checks. Conclusion: Uptake of health checks following an invitation letter is low and is not increased through an enhanced invitation method using the QBE, with or without an incentive. A high proportion of all health checks are performed opportunistically. Participants receiving opportunistic checks are at higher risk of CVD than those responding to standard invitations. Trial registration: Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN42856343

    Childhood disability in Turkana, Kenya:Understanding how carers cope in a complex humanitarian setting

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    Background: Although the consequences of disability are magnified in humanitarian contexts, research into the difficulties of caring for children with a disability in such settings has received limited attention.Methods: Based on in-depth interviews with 31 families, key informants and focus group discussions in Turkana, Kenya, this article explores the lives of families caring for children with a range of impairments (hearing, vision, physical and intellectual) in a complex humanitarian context characterised by drought, flooding, armed conflict, poverty and historical marginalisation.Results: The challenging environmental and social conditions of Turkana magnified not only the impact of impairment on children, but also the burden of caregiving. The remoteness of Turkana, along with the paucity and fragmentation of health, rehabilitation and social services, posed major challenges and created opportunity costs for families. Disability-related stigma isolated mothers of children with disabilities, especially, increasing their burden of care and further limiting their access to services and humanitarian programmes. In a context where social systems are already stressed, the combination of these factors compounded the vulnerabilities faced by children with disabilities and their families.Conclusion: The needs of children with disabilities and their carers in Turkana are not being met by either community social support systems or humanitarian aid programmes. There is an urgent need to mainstream disability into Turkana services and programmes.</jats:p

    Evaluating Long-term Outcomes of NHS Stop Smoking Services (ELONS): a prospective cohort study

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    Integration and continuity of primary care: polyclinics and alternatives - a patient-centred analysis of how organisation constrains care co-ordination

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    Background An ageing population, the increasing specialisation of clinical services and diverse health-care provider ownership make the co-ordination and continuity of complex care increasingly problematic. The way in which the provision of complex health care is co-ordinated produces – or fails to produce – six forms of continuity of care (cross-sectional, longitudinal, flexible, access, informational and relational). Care co-ordination is accomplished by a combination of activities by patients themselves; provider organisations; care networks co-ordinating the separate provider organisations; and overall health-system governance. This research examines how far organisational integration might promote care co-ordination at the clinical level. Objectives To examine (1) what differences the organisational integration of primary care makes, compared with network governance, to horizontal and vertical co-ordination of care; (2) what difference provider ownership (corporate, partnership, public) makes; (3) how much scope either structure allows for managerial discretion and ‘performance’; (4) differences between networked and hierarchical governance regarding the continuity and integration of primary care; and (5) the implications of the above for managerial practice in primary care. Methods Multiple-methods design combining (1) the assembly of an analytic framework by non-systematic review; (2) a framework analysis of patients’ experiences of the continuities of care; (3) a systematic comparison of organisational case studies made in the same study sites; (4) a cross-country comparison of care co-ordination mechanisms found in our NHS study sites with those in publicly owned and managed Swedish polyclinics; and (5) the analysis and synthesis of data using an ‘inside-out’ analytic strategy. Study sites included professional partnership, corporate and publicly owned and managed primary care providers, and different configurations of organisational integration or separation of community health services, mental health services, social services and acute inpatient care. Results Starting from data about patients’ experiences of the co-ordination or under-co-ordination of care, we identified five care co-ordination mechanisms present in both the integrated organisations and the care networks; four main obstacles to care co-ordination within the integrated organisations, of which two were also present in the care networks; seven main obstacles to care co-ordination that were specific to the care networks; and nine care co-ordination mechanisms present in the integrated organisations. Taking everything into consideration, integrated organisations appeared more favourable to producing continuities of care than did care networks. Network structures demonstrated more flexibility in adding services for small care groups temporarily, but the expansion of integrated organisations had advantages when adding new services on a longer term and a larger scale. Ownership differences affected the range of services to which patients had direct access; primary care doctors’ managerial responsibilities (relevant to care co-ordination because of their impact on general practitioner workload); and the scope for doctors to develop special interests. We found little difference between integrated organisations and care networks in terms of managerial discretion and performance. Conclusions On balance, an integrated organisation seems more likely to favour the development of care co-ordination and, therefore, continuities of care than a system of care networks. At least four different variants of ownership and management of organisationally integrated primary care providers are practicable in NHS-like settings. Future research is therefore required, above all to evaluate comparatively the different techniques for coordinating patient discharge across the triple interface between hospitals, general practices and community health services; and to discover what effects increasing the scale and scope of general practice activities will have on continuity of care