2,351 research outputs found

    Software project economics: A roadmap

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    The objective of this paper is to consider research progress in the field of software project economics with a view to identifying important challenges and promising research directions. I argue that this is an important sub-discipline since this will underpin any cost-benefit analysis used to justify the resourcing, or otherwise, of a software project. To accomplish this I conducted a bibliometric analysis of peer reviewed research articles to identify major areas of activity. My results indicate that the primary goal of more accurate cost prediction systems remains largely unachieved. However, there are a number of new and promising avenues of research including: how we can combine results from primary studies, integration of multiple predictions and applying greater emphasis upon the human aspects of prediction tasks. I conclude that the field is likely to remain very challenging due to the people-centric nature of software engineering, since it is in essence a design task. Nevertheless the need for good economic models will grow rather than diminish as software becomes increasingly ubiquitous

    Group project work from the outset: an in-depth teaching experience report

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    This article is an extended version of a paper that was submitted to 24th IEEE Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training, Honolulu, May 2011CONTEXT - we redesigned our undergraduate computing programmes to address problems of motivation and outdated content. METHOD - the primary vehicle for the new curriculum was the group project which formed a central spine for the entire degree right from the first year. RESULTS - so far this programme has been successfully run once. Failures, drop outs and students required to retake modules have been halved (from an average of 21.6% from the previous 4 years to 9.5%) and students obtaining the top two grades have increased from 25.2% to 38.9%. CONCLUSIONS - whilst we cannot be certain that all improvement is due to the group projects informally the change has been well received, however, we are looking for areas to improve including the possibility of more structured support for student metacognitive awareness

    The scientific basis for prediction research

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    Copyright @ 2012 ACMIn recent years there has been a huge growth in using statistical and machine learning methods to find useful prediction systems for software engineers. Of particular interest is predicting project effort and duration and defect behaviour. Unfortunately though results are often promising no single technique dominates and there are clearly complex interactions between technique, training methods and the problem domain. Since we lack deep theory our research is of necessity experimental. Minimally, as scientists, we need reproducible studies. We also need comparable studies. I will show through a meta-analysis of many primary studies that we are not presently in that situation and so the scientific basis for our collective research remains in doubt. By way of remedy I will argue that we need to address these issues of reporting protocols and expertise plus ensure blind analysis is routine

    Human vs. Algorithm

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    We consider the roles of algorithm and human and their inter-relationships. As a vehicle for some of our ideas we describe an empirical investigation of software professionals using analogy-based tools and unaided search in order to solve various prediction problems. We conclude that there exist a class of software engineering problems which might be characterised as high value and low frequency where the human-algorithm interaction must be considered carefully if they are to be successfully deployed in industry

    Re-planning for a successful project schedule

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    Time-to-market or project duration has increasing significance for commercial software development. We report on a longitudinal study of a project at IBM Hursley Park. The focus of this study was schedule behaviour; however, we explored a range of related factors, including planned versus actual progress, resource allocation and functionality delivered. In the course of the 12-month study, evidence was collected from eight interviews, 49 project meetings, a number of project documents and a feedback workshop. The project leader considered the project to be a success, not only in terms of satisfying resource and schedule objectives, but also in the marketplace. Whilst many of the originally planned external commitments were met, it is clear that the project did not adhere to its original (detailed) plan and indeed there were no less than seven re-plans. These re-plans were mainly in response to mis-estimates in the original plan, rather than in response to the introduction of additional requirements (of which there were several) or problems with external dependencies. Furthermore, these re-plans suggest a distinction between the nature of the initial planning process and the nature of the re-planning process during the project. Attention is also directed at the implications these re-plans have for software metrics and cost estimation researc

    An empirical investigation of an object-oriented software system

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    This is the post print version of the article. The official published version can be obtained from the link below.This paper describes an empirical investigation into an industrial object-oriented (OO) system comprised of 133,000 lines of C++. The system was a subsystem of a telecommunications product and was developed using the Shlaer-Mellor method. From this study, we found that there was little use of OO constructs such as inheritance and, therefore, polymorphism. It was also found that there was a significant difference in the defect densities between those classes that participated in inheritance structures and those that did not, with the former being approximately three times more defect-prone. We were able to construct useful prediction systems for size and number of defects based upon simple counts such as the number of states and events per class. Although these prediction systems are only likely to have local significance, there is a more general principle that software developers can consider building their own local prediction systems. Moreover, we believe this is possible, even in the absence of the suites of metrics that have been advocated by researchers into OO technology. As a consequence, measurement technology may be accessible to a wider group of potential users

    Making inferences with small numbers of training sets

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    A potential methodological problem with empirical studies that assess project effort prediction system is discussed. Frequently, a hold-out strategy is deployed so that the data set is split into a training and a validation set. Inferences are then made concerning the relative accuracy of the different prediction techniques under examination. This is typically done on very small numbers of sampled training sets. It is shown that such studies can lead to almost random results (particularly where relatively small effects are being studied). To illustrate this problem, two data sets are analysed using a configuration problem for case-based prediction and results generated from 100 training sets. This enables results to be produced with quantified confidence limits. From this it is concluded that in both cases using less than five training sets leads to untrustworthy results, and ideally more than 20 sets should be deployed. Unfortunately, this raises a question over a number of empirical validations of prediction techniques, and so it is suggested that further research is needed as a matter of urgency
