56 research outputs found

    Marketing of Chickens in Utah

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    Chickens and eggs rank fourth among the farm enterprises in Utah as a source of farm cach receipts. In 1948 about 21 million dollars of cash receipts were received from sales of chickens and eggs which represent 13.2 percent of total receipts from farm marketings (table 1). In the same year 17.7 of the total receipts were derived from cattle and calves, the largest enterprise. Receipts from dairy products represented 15 percent and sheep, lambs, and wool 13.8 percent

    Bulletin No. 366 - The Relation Between Gradings of Lived and Dressed Chickens in Utah

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    This study was undertaken in order to (1) ascertain the importance of chicken sales of various classes and grades from Utah farms, (2) determine the relation between live and dressed grading of chickens, and (3) ascertain the influence of live grading on the price of chickens at the farm level

    Corporate constructed and dissent enabling public spheres: differentiating dissensual from consensual corporate social responsibility

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    I here distinguish dissensual from consensual corporate social responsibility (CSR) on the grounds that the former is more concerned to organize (or portray) corporate-civil society disagreement than it is corporate-civil society agreement. In doing so, I first conceive of consensual CSR, and identify a positive and negative view thereof. Second, I conceive of dissensual CSR, and suggest that it can be actualized through the construction of dissent enabling, rather than consent-oriented, public spheres. Following this, I describe four actor-centred institutional theories-i.e. a sociological, ethical, transformative and economic perspective, respectively-and suggest that an economic perspective is generally well suited to explaining CSR activities at the organizational level. Accordingly, I then use the economic perspective to analyse a dissent enabling public sphere that Shell has constructed, and within which Greenpeace participated. In particular, I explain Shell's employment of dissensual CSR in terms of their core business interests; and identify some potential implications thereof for Shell, Greenpeace, and society more generally. In concluding, I highlight a number of ways in which the present paper can inform future research on business and society interactions

    Democracia vs. eficiência: como alcançar equilíbrio em tempo de crise financeira

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    Resumo A administração pública é forçada a encontrar um equilíbrio entre eficiência e democracia na definição da sua agenda e curso de ação. Uma das características da administração pública é que todas as decisões devem refletir valores democráticos, para além de serem eficientes. No entanto, a reforma administrativa, motivada por dificuldades financeiras, tende a destacar a importância do desempenho financeiro, em detrimento dos aspetos democráticos nas políticas de gestão pública. Esta pesquisa visa analisar a relação e tensão entre a eficiência e a democracia à luz da mais recente crise financeira global. O trabalho utiliza uma abordagem quantitativa e recolhe dados de governos locais portugueses para testar o argumento de uma relação linear inversa de desempenho financeiro e procedimentos democráticos. Os resultados confirmam o argumento de uma relação inversa, definida por Waldo (1948). Adicionalmente, os resultados também permitem concluir que a crise financeira evidenciou o efeito negativo dos procedimentos democráticos no desempenho financeiro

    Similarity Methods in Chemoinformatics

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    promoting access to White Rose research paper

    Cocaine tolerance: acute versus chronic effects as dependent upon fixed-ratio size.

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    The effects of cocaine on operant behavior were studied by examining fixed-ratio value as a factor in the development of tolerance. Pigeons pecked a response key under a three-component multiple schedule, with each bird being exposed to fixed-ratio values that were categorized as small, medium, or large. Administered acutely, cocaine (1.0 to 10.0 mg/kg) produced dose-related decreases in overall rate of responding. Responding maintained by the largest ratio was decreased by lower doses than those required to reduce rates of responding maintained by the other two ratio schedules. Following repeated daily administration of 5.6 mg/kg of cocaine, dose-effect functions (obtained from sessions during the chronic regimen by making substitutions for the daily dose) indicated tolerance under the smaller ratios, but no tolerance or less tolerance under the largest ratio. Thus, whether tolerance developed, and the degree to which it developed, depended on the ratio value. The results are partially consistent with the notion that tolerance to drug effects on schedule-controlled behavior will develop if drug administration initially reduces reinforcement frequency, but they indicate that reinforcement loss alone is not a sufficient condition for the generation of tolerance under such conditions. The findings suggest that amount of responding required for reinforcement, or "effort," may contribute to the development of tolerance to effects of cocaine

    Effect of data standardization on chemical clustering and similarity searching

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    Standardization is used to ensure that the variables in a similarity calculation make an equal contribution to the computed similarity value. This paper compares the use of seven different methods that have been suggested previously for the standardization of integer-valued or real-valued data, comparing the results with unstandardized data. Sets of structures from the MDL Drug Data Report and IDAlert databases and represented by Pipeline Pilot physicochemical parameters, molecular holograms and Molconn-Z parameters are clustered using the k-means and Ward’s clustering methods. The resulting classifications are evaluated in terms of the degree of clustering of active compounds selected from eleven different biological activity classes, with these classes also being used in similarity searches. It is shown that there is no consistent pattern when the various standardization methods are ranked in order of decreasing effectiveness and that there is no obvious performance benefit (when compared to unstandardized data) that is likely to be obtained from the use of any particular standardization method
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