4,103 research outputs found

    From Free Radicals and Spin-Chemistry Over Spin-Dynamics and Hyperpolarization to Biology and Materials Science

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    This special issue of ZPC is dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Kev Salikhov, a prominent scientist who has made seminal contributions to spin chemistry, chemical kinetics, spin hyperpolarization and magnetic resonance. Altogether there are 41 scientific papers; for this reason, the guest editors have decided to publish three subsequent issues. Each issue is focused on a particular field, which is closely related to research interests of Salikhov or was even seeded by his work. As the following papers clearly demonstrate, the initial seed of Salikhov fell on a very fruitful soil and has grown to a huge and impressive scientific tree with branches ranging from fundamental science to applications in biochemistry and materials science

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    Mit der Herausgabe eines kreisbezogenen Florenatlas auf der Basis des feinen Viertelquandrantenrasters zeigt der Naturkundliche Verein Egge-Weser (NEW) e.V. einmal mehr, dass er schon immer der Zeit voraus war, denn in dieser Form existiert landesweit nichts Vergleichbares. Gewidmet ist dieses umfangreiche Werk unserem Ehrenvorsitzenden Kurt Preywisch, der am 23. Juni 1997 sein 80. Lebensjahr vollendet. Das Gebiet zwischen Egge und Weser ist für den aus Böhmen stammenden Naturwissenschaftler zu seiner wirklichen Heimat geworden. Seit mehr als vier Jahrzehnten geht das Erkennen von Naturphänomenen und Umweltproblemen, das Entwickeln von Bearbeitungskonzepten und das Rekrutieren von Mitstreitern im Kreis Höxter im Wesentlichen von ihm aus. In seltener Weise hat er es verstanden, Menschen an die Natur heranzuführen und sie für seine Sache zu gewinnen und zu begeistern

    Der Ornithologe und Naturschützer Franz-Josef Laudage (1931-1999)

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    Am 4. April 1999 verstarb unser langjähriges Mitglied Franz-Josef Laudage im Alter von 67 Jahren nach langer und geduldig ertragener Krankheit. Fast zwei Jahrzehnte hat er die Naturschutzarbeit im Kreis Höxter ganz wesentlich mitgeprägt. Obwohl seine Hauptaktivitäten mit und im NABU (vormals DBV) stattfanden, trat er mit der Übernahme des DBV-Kreisvorsitzes 1982 auch dem NEW bei, um ein deutliches Zeichen der Verbundenheit der beiden Institutionen zu demonstrieren. Als Interessensgebiete gab er Naturschutz und Ornithologie an, was im Rückblick auch wirkliche Bestätigung fand. Seine Vita ist geprägt von seiner Vielseitigkeit und Leistungsbereitschaft

    Untersuchungen zum Vorkommen von Laubfröschen im Kreis Höxter : Kartierungsergebnisse in den MTB/Q 4121, 4122, 4221/1 und 2, 4321, 4322, 4421

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    In Bezug auf die potentiellen Biotope läßt sich zusammenfassend feststellen, dass in den 20 untersuchten Quadranten neun Gewässer vom Laubfrosch (Hyla arborea) besiedelt sind. In 53 Gewässern ergaben sich im Untersuchungszeitraum jedoch keine aktuellen Hinweise. Die Ergebnisse sind in 5 Tabellen zusammengefaßt

    A hierarchical approach to the prediction of the quaternary structure of GCN4 and its mutants

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    First published in DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, 23 (1996) published by the American Mathematical Society.Presented at DIMACS Workshop on Global Minimization of Nonconvex Energy Functions: Molecular Conformation and Protein Folding, March 20-21, 1995.A hierarchical approach to protein folding is employed to examine the folding pathway and predict the quaternary structure of the GCN4 leucine zipper. Structures comparable in quality to experiment have been predicted. In addition, the equilibrium between dimers, trimers and tetramers of a number of GCN4 mutants has been examined. In five out of eight cases, the simulation results are in accordance with the experimental studies of Harbury, et al

    “That Sucks?”: An Evaluation of the Communication Competence and Enacted Social Support of Response Messages to Depression Disclosures in College-Aged Students

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    Recent communication research on depression has focused on which response messages are most effective in providing emotional comfort to depressed individuals during depression dialogues. This study investigates the impact that a confidant’s initial response to a disclosure has on the disclosing individual, a key moment of dialogue for those with depression. It examines the relationship between the communication competence of responses to depression disclosures and how individuals rate those responses’ enacted social support, hypothesizing that the higher the communication competence of a confidant’s response (where competence reflects the effectiveness of interdependent communication), the more enacted social support the discloser will perceive (where enacted social support assesses how effectively a confidant’s response actually provides support). College-aged participants from a large southern university completed Goldberg’s (1993) Depression Inventory Questionnaire before evaluating the enacted social support in depression disclosure responses of varying competence. Results suggest that the greater the competence of a response, the more enacted social support the individual making the disclosure will perceive. Results also suggest that the presence of depressive symptoms will slightly impact how an individual evaluates a response message’s level of enacted social support. College-aged adults exhibit a higher risk of depressive symptoms, making this group an important starting point for further research on depression dialogues

    The Impact of Sports Metaphors on the Media and Public Sphere

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    One of the problems with this overuse of sports metaphors is that the public starts to lose focus of the candidates’ platforms and positions, looking instead to how well they are doing in the polls

    Zkušenosti se sazbou matematiky ve formátu OpenType math v LuaLaTeXu a XeLaTeXu

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    summary:When LuaTeX first provided support for OpenType math typesetting in version 0.40, high-level macro support for math typesetting was first developed for ConTeXt MkIV, while support for LuaLaTeX was initially limited to a very low-level or non-existent. In the meantime, this gap has been closed by recent developments on macro packages such as luaotfload, fontspec, and unicode-math, so LaTeX users are now provided with a unified high-level font selection interface for text and math fonts that can be used equally well with both LuaLaTeX and XeLaTeX. While a unified high-level interface greatly improves document interchange and eases transitions between systems, it does not guarantee that identical input will always produce identical output on different engines, as there are significant differences in the underlying implementations of math typesetting algorithms. While LuaTeX provides a full-featured implementation of OpenType math, XeTeX has taken a more limited approach based on a subset of OpenType parameters to provide the functionality of traditional TeX engines. Given the possibility of running exactly the same test files on both engines, it now becomes feasible to study those differences in detail and to compare the results. Hopefully, this will allow to draw conclusions how the quality of math typesetting is affected and could be improved by taking advantage of a more sophisticated, full-featured OpenType math implementation.summary:Jelikož LuaTeX podporuje Open Type math až od verze 0.40, byla podpora matematické sazby na vyšší úrovni vytvořena nejprve pro ConTeXt MkIV, zatímco podpora pro LuaLaTeX byla nízká nebo nebyla žádná. Další vývoj však tuto mezeru zacelil – uživatelé LaTeXu mají nyní k dispozici jednotné rozhraní pro připojení fontů pro běžný text i pro matematickou sazbu pomocí balíčků luaotfload, fontspec a unicode-math; obojí lze celkem stejně dobře využít v LuaLaTeXu i v XeLaTeXu. I když toto jednotné rozhraní značně zjednodušuje výměnu dokumentů i přenos mezi různými systémy, nezaručuje, že tentýž vstup vytvoří vždy tentýž výstup na různých počítačích kvůli významným odlišnostem v implementaci algoritmů pro matematickou sazbu. Zatímco LuaTeX poskytuje úplnou implementaci všech vlastností OpenType math, XeTeX převzal jen část z nich s ohledem na tradiční implementace XeLaTeXu. Maje možnost překládat stejné testovací soubory v obou implementacích, bylo možné podrobně zkoumat jejich rozdíly a porovnat výslednou matematickou sazbu. Doufejme, že toto přispěje k zjištěním, co ovlivňuje kvalitu matematické sazby a jak ji zlepšit implementací výhod kompletního formátu OpenType math

    At the Intersection of Natural, Theological, and Political Practice in 16th Century Northern Europe: Tycho Brahe's and Philipp Melanchthon's Astrological Adventures

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    Shorter WorksPerhaps never has someone written so commendable a compliment which could, with as much accuracy, describe him- or herself as Tycho has done here. There is a popular misconception afoot concerning science, namely, that it and theology are fundamentally mutually-exclusive modes of thought and have almost inevitably antagonistic truth-procedures to the point that science is seen as waging a war against religious belief. This misconception, though perhaps more comprehensible in this day and age, is never more obviously false than when the early modern period, through the telescope of history, if you will, is under examination. Throughout the narrative of sixteenth-century astronomy, Tycho Brahe’s personal and professional opinions, as well as those of his political and academic peers, run contrary to these modern misconceptions. As will be seen herein, the codependent enmeshing of religion and politics holds as truly for natural inquiry and religion. Rather than being combative alternative routes to higher truth, theology and natural philosophy in this period, rather, for some early modern scholars and theologians, operate in conjunction with one another. Not only do the theological and scientific cohabitate in the minds of sixteenth-century scholars, they cooperate to such an extent that any acuteness of understanding in natural philosophy is consequently and necessarily an exercise in scrutinizing the divine. This is neatly, though not uniquely, evident in Tycho Brahe’s program of astronomical empiricism, its prognostic applications, and Philip Melanchthon’s encouragement of and the Danish court’s patronage of such an endeavor.http://history.ou.edu/journal-2015undergraduat