935 research outputs found

    Reliability, validity and responsiveness of the Icelandic version of the knee injury and osteoarthritis outcome score (KOOS)

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/Open Allur texti - Full textThe KOOS self-report questionnaire (Knee injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score) has 5 sub-scales, assessing knee symptoms and function, and quality of life. It is widely used as it has been found to be a valid and reliable measure. The purpose of this study was to investigate the validity, reliability and responsiveness of the Icelandic translation of KOOS. A total of 145 were recruited for the study and in addition to answering KOOS, knee pain was rated on a visual analog scale (VAS), perception of knee function during activities of daily living on a numerical rating scale, and some were tested with the timed up-and-go test (TUG). Reliability was assessed by observing ICC-values, internal consistency with Cronbach's alpha, and associations between KOOS subscales and other outcome measures with Pearson's correlation coefficient. A one-way ANOVA was used to assess differences between groups of participants with different levels of knee dysfunction. A significant change in all KOOS subscales was found in a group of individuals seeking treatment for their knee dysfunction (p<0.001), while no change was seen in a group reporting stable knee status (ICC-values ranging from 0.825 to 0.930). Cronbach's alpha ranged from 0.726 to 0.966 and significant correlations were found between all KOOS sub-scales and other outcome measures (p<0.001). The results indicate that the Icelandic version of KOOS is a valid and reliable measure that may be used as an outcome measure assessing knee symptoms and function of individuals with knee symptoms and impaired knee function. KOOS-spurningalistinn (Knee injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score) hefur 5 undirþætti sem meta einkenni í hné, starfræna færni við athafnir daglegs lífs, íþróttir og tómstundir, auk áhrifa skertrar færni á þátttöku einstaklingsins og lífsgæði. Hann hefur verið þýddur á mörg tungumál og gagnast bæði í klíník og fjölþjóðlegum rannsóknum. Tilgangur þessarar rannsóknar var að meta réttmæti og áreiðanleika íslenskrar þýðingar KOOS-spurningalistans og notagildi kvarðans til að mæla breytingar yfir tíma. Efniviður og aðferðir: Alls svöruðu 145 einstaklingar listanum, og skráðu verki á VAS-kvarða (visual analog scale) og tölulegt mat á færni í hné við daglegar athafnir, auk þess sem hluti þátttakenda framkvæmdi TUG (timed up-and-go) færnipróf. Samræmi við endurteknar mælingar var metið með ICC-gildi, innra réttmæti með Cronbach‘s alpha, og fylgni undirþátta kvarðans við aðrar útkomumælingar var metin með Pearson‘s fylgnistuðli. Þátttakendum var skipt í hópa samkvæmt alvarleika hnékvilla og einþátta ANOVA notuð til að kanna hvort munur fyndist á meðalútkomu milli hópanna. Niðurstöður: Marktæk breyting varð á útkomu allra undirþátta KOOS hjá þeim sem fengu meðferð við hnékvilla sínum (p<0,001), en engin breyting varð milli mælinga hjá einstaklingum með óbreytt ástand í hné (ICC-gildi frá 0,825 til 0,930). Cronbach‘s alpha var á bilinu 0,726 til 0,966 fyrir undirþætti KOOS. Tölfræðileg fylgni fannst milli allra undirþátta KOOS og verkjamats með VAS-kvarða, tölulegs mats á eigin færni í hné og frammistöðu í TUG-prófinu (p<0,001). Ályktun: Niðurstöður rannsóknarinnar benda til þess að íslenska KOOS-spurningalistann megi nota sem klíníska mælingu og í rannsóknum til mats á einstaklingum með margvíslega hnékvilla

    Um siðblindu

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn Skoða/Opna(view/open)"Vægðarlaust ryður hann sér braut gegnum lífið og skilur eftir sig slóð af brostnum hjörtum, væntingum og tómum veskjum. Hann svífst einskis í eigin þágu, enda samviskulaus og ófær um að setja sig í spor annarra. Reglur mannlegra samskipta og samfélagsins eru fótum troðnar án minnstu sektarkenndar eða eftirsjár." - Svona hljómar lýsing sálfræðingsins Robert Hare á siðblindum einstaklingi, en hann hefur varið stórum hluta starfsævinnar í rannsóknir á siðblindu (1). Öll höfum við mismunandi skapgerðareinkenni sem ráða því hvernig við upplifum umheiminn og hegðum okkur. Kallast þetta persónuleikinn. Við getum verið einræn eða mannblendin, bráðlát eða jafnlynd, tilfinningarík, harðlynd, smámunasöm eða dreymin. Þegar persónuleikaeinkennin eru farin að víkja verulega frá almennum umgengnisreglum samfélagsins, farin að trufla annað fólk og trufla aðlögun viðkomandi að umhverfinu er talað um persónuleikaröskun (2). Siðblinda er ein tegund persónuleikaröskunar

    Why Preparedness for Smallpox? [editorial]

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenAtburðirnir 11. september 2001 og mánuðina þar á eftir höfðu djúpstæð áhrif á viðhorf manna til hryðjuverka. Hefðbundnar hugmyndir um varnar- og öryggismál hafa verið endurskoðaðar. Hryðjuverkum er nú á dögum beint gegn almenningi með þeim hætti að hefðbundinn hernaður kemur ekki að notum. Óttast er að sýkla- og eiturefnavopnum sem engan veginn hafa verið óþekkt verði nú beint gegn fólki. Markmiðið með hryðjuverkum, eða ofurhryðjuverkum eins og farið er að kalla þau, er núorðið að valda sem mestu manntjóni og skiptir þá líf hryðjuverkamannsins sjálfs engu máli. Eina raunhæfa leiðin til að bregðast við afleiðingum slíkra atburða af völdum sýkla og eiturefna er að efla heilbrigðisþjónustuna og þær sóttvarnir sem fyrir hendi eru. Í skýrslu Landlæknisembættisins til heilbrigðisráðherra um mat á áhrifum sýkla- og eiturefnavopna á lýðheilsuna (1) er bólusótt einn þeirra sjúkdóma sem talinn er koma til greina að beita sem vopni gegn mönnum. Þótt bólusótt sé ekki líklegasta vopnið sem beitt yrði í hernaði eða hryðjuverki er hún það skæðasta því sjúkdómurinn berst auðveldlega milli manna, dánartalan er há eins og sagan vitnar um

    Cannabis is not harmless[Editorial].

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    Abiotic and biotic factors influencing the spatio-temporal dispersal and population dynamics of Drosophila suzukii, the Spotted Wing Drosophila, in Southwest Germany

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    Die Kirschessigfliege, Drosophila suzukii Matsumura, ist ein polyphages, invasives Schadinsekt. Ursprünglich autochthon im Südosten Asiens, konnte sie ihre natürlichen Ausbreitungsbarrieren überwinden und im Jahr 2008 erstmals in Südeuropa (Italien und Spanien) und Nordamerika (Kalifornien, USA) nachgewiesen werden. Durch ihre Anpassungsfähigkeit an unterschiedlichste klimatische Bedingungen und das Einnehmen einer bisher unbesetzten ökologischen Nische, hat sie rasch stabile Populationen in Europa sowie Nord- und Südamerika aufgebaut und sich weiter ausgebreitet. Bereits 2011 wurde D. suzukii in Süddeutschland und 2014 im gesamten Bundesgebiet nachgewiesen. Der milde Winter 2013/2014 verhalf D. suzukii, sich endgültig in Südwestdeutschland zu etablieren. Im selben Jahr wurden erstmals große Schäden durch Ertragsausfälle im deutschen Obst- und Weinbau.In Erwartung einer möglicherweise bevorstehenden Einwanderung der Kirschessigfliege in Deutschland baute das Institut für Pflanzenschutz in Obst- und Weinbau des Julius Kühn-Instituts (JKI) ab 2011 ein Monitoringprogramm in Südwestdeutschland auf. Bereits im Spätsommer desselben Jahres konnten die ersten Individuen gefangen werden. In den folgenden Jahren erfolgte eine Ausweitung des Monitorings. In Habitaten, die als geeignet empfunden wurden, wie beispielsweise an Waldrändern, in Wäldern sowie offener Agrarlandschaft ebenso wie in Obstanlagen und Weinberge, wurden Monitoringfallen installiert. Anhand dieses Monitorings konnte die Verbreitung und die Flugaktivität von D. suzukii im Jahresverlauf untersucht und statistisch analysiert werden. Anhand der gewonnenen Monitoringdaten wurde das Jahr in fünf „Drosophila-Jahreszeiten“ eingeteilt: Früher Frühling, später Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Winter. Statistische Analysen der Daten zeigten, dass heiße und trockene Phasen im späten Frühling und im Sommer ebenso negativ mit der Aktivität der Kirschessigfliege korrelierten wie geringer Niederschlag zu diesen Jahreszeiten. Frosttage im Winter hatten ebenfalls einen negativen Einfluss auf die Flugaktivität und folglich auf die Überlebensrate der Individuen. Im Rahmen des Monitorings wurden an verschiedenen Waldstandorten zusätzlich Fallen in Kronen verschiedener Baumarten installiert. Durch erhöhte Fangzahlen in Kieferkronen (Pinus sylvestris) im gesamten Jahresverlauf, aber vor allem im Winter und Frühjahr und die daraufhin durchgeführte Untersuchung der Kronen, konnte festgestellt werden, dass kronenbesiedelnde Misteln (Viscum album) eine der ersten Wirtspflanzen im zeitigen Frühjahr für D. suzukii darstellen. Des Weiteren wurde V. album als Nahrungs- und Entwicklungswirt identifiziert. Da sich der Nachweis weiterer Wirtspflanzen, vor allem im Winter und Frühjahr als schwierig erwies, wurde die Methode der molekularen Nahrungsanalyse erstmalig auf tupfend-saugende Brachycera am Beispiel von D. suzukii angepasst und damit ein zukünftiges Analysieren des Nahrungsspektrums erleichtert. Die optimierte molekulare Nahrungsanalyse ermöglicht Rückzugsgebiete im Winter zu identifizieren und hilft so bei der Entwicklung neuer Bekämpfungsstrategien. Die in dieser Arbeit vorgestellten Ergebnisse werden den Einsatz zukünftiger Bekämpfungsmaßnahmen durch ein erweitertes Wissen zur Aktivität im Freiland und der Nahrungsaufnahme verbessern.The Spotted Wing Drosophila, Drosophila suzukii Matsumura, is an invasive polyphagous insect pest. Indigenous to Southeast Asia it overcame its natural barriers in 2008 and has spread to southern Europe (Italy and Spain) and North America (California, USA). Through its adaptability to different climate conditions and the annidation to a hitherto vacant ecological niche, it was able to establish and spread rapidly through Europe and the Americas (South America, North America). In the following, it was first recorded in Germany in 2011. Since summer 2014, it is known from the entire federal territory. The mild winter of 2013/2014 supported D. suzukii to finally establish in south-western Germany, the same year when enormous crop loss occurred for the first time.In anticipation of a forecasted immigration of D. suzukii to Germany, the Institute for plant Protection in Fruit Crops and Viticulture of the Julius Kühn-Institut (JKI) started to establish a monitoring program in southwest Germany in 2011. In late summer of the same year, the first individuals were captured. In the following years the monitoring program was enlarged. Traps were installed at sites believed to be suitable habitats such as forest edges, forests, and open agricultural landscape as well as in fruit crops and vineyards. Based on this monitoring, the distribution and flight activity of D. suzukii was examined and statistically analysed along the years. On the basis of the obtained monitoring data, the year was divided into five "Drosophila seasons": early spring, late spring, summer, autumn and winter. Statistical analysis of the data revealed that both hot and dry phases in late spring and summer and low precipitation during these seasons are negatively correlated with the activity of D. suzukii. Frost days in winter were also negatively correlated with the flight activity and thus the survival rate of the individuals. As part of the monitoring, additional traps were installed in the canopy of various tree species at different forested sites. By examination of the canopy of pine trees (Pinus sylvestris), especially in winter and spring, it was found that crown-dwelling mistletoe (Viscum album) represents one of the first host plants in early spring for D. suzukii in Southwest Germany. In laboratory assays V. album was identified as a host for nutrition and development. The identification of additional host plants, especially in winter and spring, proved to be difficult, thus, a method to analyse ingested food resources molecularly was adapted for the first time to D. suzukii, a sponging-feeding Brachycera, to facilitate future analysis of the nutrition spectrum. The optimized molecular nutrition analysis promises to identify new winter retreats and resources, which may be helpful for developing management strategies. The results presented here will improve the timing of future management strategies through increased knowledge of activity and food intake of D. suzukii

    Paleoecological Analyses of the Late Holocene Dry Period in the Northwestern Great Basin, Nevada

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    During the Pleistocene the Great Basin was filled by endorheic lakes that receded greatly during the Holocene. Several proxy records provide extensive evidence that the basin has gone through periods of amelioration from low precipitation followed by a return to dry conditions through the Holocene. Relative to the Pleistocene/Holocene transition and middle Holocene, aside from the Medieval Climate Anomaly, study of the late Holocene has received less attention. In recent years evidence has emerged for a ca. millennial length drought termed the Late Holocene Dry Period (LHDP), between about 2800 and 1800 years ago. The LHDP has been proposed to follow a dipole climatic pattern associated with changes in precipitation linked to the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) and described as a dry southwest and wet northwest in the United States. Here I present a 4000-year pollen record from northwestern Nevada, investigating the potential for the Late Holocene Dry Period to conform to the modeled dipole pattern in this part of the region. This site is located near a zone of ambiguity between wet and dry conditions in order to identify more definitively where the modeled dipole pattern is centered

    Evaluation of a thyroid nodule

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    Efst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn To access publisher's full text version of this article, please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links field or click on the hyperlink at the top of the page marked Files.Hnútar í skjaldkirtli eru algengt vandamál og nýgengi þeirra hefur aukist mikið. Kerfisbundin nálgun við uppvinnslu er nauðsynleg til að greining fáist fljótt en ekki síður til að koma í veg fyrir ofgreiningu og ofmeðhöndlun sjúklinga. Það er mikilvægt að nota hina svokölluðu þrígreiningu, sögu/skoðun, ómun og fínnálarástungu ásamt skjaldvakamælingu (TSH). Ómun af skjaldkirtli er lykilþáttur í uppvinnslu, þar er mikilvægt að áhættuflokka hnúta, það er eftir líkum á krabbameini, og það er einnig mikilvægt við val á hnútum til að stinga, ef þeir eru fleiri en einn. Ómun er einnig hjálpleg við ástungu, sérstaklega í hnútum sem ekki eru þreifanlegir eða eru að hluta vökvafylltir. Kerfisbundið mat á frumusýnunum, flokkuðum eftir til dæmis Bethesda, er nauðsynlegt til að einfalda samskipti meinafræðinga og klínískra lækna. Thyroid nodules are common and their incidence has increased due to various factors. Systematic approach to the work-up of thyroid nodules is necessary to decrease overdiagnosis as well as over treatment. Applying the trifecta of history, physicial examination and high-resolution ultrasound (HRUS) as well as fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) with added TSH measurement is important in the work-up. HRUS is a central part in the diagnostic approach, being able to risk classify nodules and selecting nodules for FNAB. Systematic analysis of aspirates is necessary to simplify communication between cytologists and clinicians

    Is Less Work Better Work? A shorter working week from a managerial viewpoint

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    Visionaries around the world are advocating for a shorter working week, and there is a reason behind it. Long working hours have been shown to impede productivity while a reduction in working hours increases work-life balance. Future generations’ economic and environmental sustainability may furthermore benefit from a shorter working week. Through a redistribution of working hours, equality and employment might even increase. Even though a 40-hour working week is widely accepted as the norm; it is not set in stone. Previous research on the topic, the shorter working week, has mainly studied the effects of shorter working hours on productivity and work-life balance. Little attention, however, has been given to the manager’s viewpoint when it comes to the issue. How managers react to a shorter working week is important for the study of management as the trend towards a shorter working week is likely to continue, even though the trajectory of the change is uncertain. This research aims to fill this gap in the literature. To do so, we studied three organizations, each participating in an experiment where working hours were reduced. Two of the organizations are located in Iceland but the third one is located in Sweden, and they are all divisions on the municipality level. We took a qualitative approach and interviewed managers using semi-structured interviews. Our findings, first of all, suggest that there is room for efficiency improvements, e.g. by prioritizing work and reducing and shortening meetings. Secondly, the managers experimenting with a shorter working week, in general, seem to be inclusive, engaging and democratic. Our results furthermore indicate that a shorter working week enhances work-life balance, especially for shift-workers and people with young children. At last, our results indicate that implementing a shorter working week might be impeded by culture. In conclusion, reducing working hours may be a positive-sum game, especially when useful countermeasures are exerted

    Snemmgreining geðklofa

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn Skoða/Opna(view/open)Geðklofi er alvarlegur langvinnur geðsjúkdómur sem yfirleitt byrjar seint á unglingsárum eða snemma á fullorðinsárum og veldur í flestum tilfellum ævilangri fötlun. Meiri bjartsýni hefur ríkt á síðustu árum varðandi meðferð og horfur geðklofa, meðal annars vegna tilkomu nýrra geðrofslyfja, meiri vitneskju um líffræðilegan grunn hans og vaxandi áhuga á snemmgreiningu sjúkdómsins, en um það síðastnefnda verður fjallað í þessari grein