45 research outputs found

    Dental implant complications

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    Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, The 6th International Medical Congress for Students and Young Doctors, May 12-14, 2016Introduction: Implantology has known a remarkable evolution over the past 15-20 years. Dental implants are the first treatment option in tooth loss. Modern concepts and aspects in dental implanvology are widely discussed nowadays, while errors and complications are not as well studied. Complications in implant treatment are being discussed more frequently within the recent international conferences. According to (Annibali S. et al. 2009), the complications in implant-prosthetic treatment are divided by the moment of appearance. The immediate complications are: infection, swelling, bruising and hematoma, emphysema, bleeding, flaps dehiscence, sensorial disturbances. The late complications are: mucositis, periimplantitis, disintegration of the implant, gingival retraction, secondary nervous lesions, impact fracture. The purpose of the study is evaluation of implantological treatment complications and developing prophylaxis measures. Materials and methods: The study group is represented by 20 patients, on which 68 implants were inserted. The patients with implant fracture and periimplantitis were selected, according to Annibali S. et al classification. The average age is 52,3 years, the oldest patient was 82 years old and the youngest was 29 years old. 70% of the patients were women, 30% men. 60% of the implants were inserted in the mandible and 40 in the maxilla. The approach towards the affected implants was determined by the scale proposed by James and modified by Misch. Results and discussions: Periimplantitis was determined in 90% of the patients and implant fracture in 10%. Periimplantis in the pre-prosthetic stage has been noticed in 35% of the patients. In the post-prosthetic stage in 65% of the patients. In 95% of periimplantitis, dental implants were used in partial edentations and only 5% in total edentations. From all the inserted implants, Alpha-Bio Tec implants were involved in 45% of the complications, Dentium implants were involved in 20% of cases, 10% blade implants, one stage implants in 25%. The average value of the defects is 4,86 mm, the highest defect is 7,51 mm and the lowest 1,79 mm. From the total of 45 teeth, 22 were extracted, which is 48,8%. The study has shown that pre-prosthetic and post-prosthetic complications have different etiology and the incidence is determined by the type of the used implants, upper or lower jaw localization, partial or total edentation. According to the obtained information, the following methods of prophylaxy are proposed: thorough pre-prosthetic preparation, minimal intra-operatory trauma and using external and internal cooling systems, avoiding over-lifting the flap, careful tissue management, minimal mechanical and thermic bone trauma, performing X-ray, total removal of the fixing cement, occlusal integration of the prosthesis. Conclusions: Implementation of prophylactic measures and an interdisciplinary approach of the patients are necessary in order to prevent implantological complication

    Theoretical Compartment Modeling of DCE-MRI Data Based on the Transport across Physiological Barriers in the Brain

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    Neurological disorders represent major causes of lost years of healthy life and mortality worldwide. Development of their quantitative interdisciplinary in vivo evaluation is required. Compartment modeling (CM) of brain data acquired in vivo using magnetic resonance imaging techniques with clinically available contrast agents can be performed to quantitatively assess brain perfusion. Transport of 1H spins in water molecules across physiological compartmental brain barriers in three different pools was mathematically modeled and theoretically evaluated in this paper and the corresponding theoretical compartment modeling of dynamic contrast enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI) data was analyzed. The pools considered were blood, tissue, and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The blood and CSF data were mathematically modeled assuming continuous flow of the 1H spins in these pools. Tissue data was modeled using three CMs. Results in this paper show that transport across physiological brain barriers such as the blood to brain barrier, the extracellular space to the intracellular space barrier, or the blood to CSF barrier can be evaluated quantitatively. Statistical evaluations of this quantitative information may be performed to assess tissue perfusion, barriers' integrity, and CSF flow in vivo in the normal or disease-affected brain or to assess response to therapy

    The European digital library (Europeana). Concerns related to intellectual property rights

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    The current technological and scientific revolution taking place within the larger context of knowledge and innovation based society and economy has changed all aspects of life, including those related to cultural content consumption, creation, access and distribution. Although art galleries, libraries, archives and museums will continue to exist and function in a physical form, there has been noticed a trend is to preserve and provide access to world cultural heritage by means of digital libraries. Among the European objectives included in the Europe 2020 Strategy we find the digitisation of cultural content and the development of a library that can store and preserve European culture – Europeana. The main objective of this paper is that of debating the main stakes of access to digitised cultural content, such as it is found in digital libraries, A particular focus is set on the issue of intellectual property rights. The study specifically refers to the case of the European Digital Library, Europeana. The main scientific research method used in the paper is the critical analysis of IP legal regulations. Thus, we debate the main implications of these regulations for the process of digitisation, and we next identify the main current legal opportunities for and obstacles in the way of cultural content digitisation

    Prophylaxis and surgical treatment of implant-prosthetic rehabilitation complications

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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu“Rezumat Introducere. Popularitatea crescută a metodelor implanto-protetice a determinat și sporirea complicaţiilor. Literatura de specialitate nu difinește cu exactitate metodele de profilaxie și criteriile de selectare a tacticii de tratament. Scop. Evaluarea complicaţiilor tratamentului implanto-protetic cu evidenţierea direcţiilor de profilaxie și tratament. Materiale și metode. Studiul include 30 de pacienţi cu vîrsta medie 52,3 ani + 3,5 ani (11 femei, 19 bărbaţi), trataţi în perioada a. 2011—2016 în clinica stomatologică SRL „OMNI DENT“. Lotul I -18 pacienţi, ce prezentau procese inflamatorii periimplanare; Lotul II — 12 pacienţi, cu fractura implantului dentar. Ambele loturi au fost divizate în 3 subgrupe după metoda de tratament. Rezultate. Lotul I: 4 pacienţi (22,22 %) cu mucozită sau periimplantită forma ușoară au fost trataţi conservativ, 9 pacienţi (50,00 %) cu mărimea defectului mai mic de 5 mm și celpuţin 3 pereţi osoși au fost trataţi chirurgical cu păstrarea implantului; la 5 pacienţi (27,78 %) cu defecte osoase mai mari de 5 mm și mai puţin de 3 pereţi osoși s-a recurs la eplantarea și augmentarea defectului osos. Lotul II: la 3 pacienţi (25,00 %) s-a înlăturat fragmentul coronar ,apexul implantului păstrîndu-se intraosos, la 3 pacienţi (25,00 %) s-a înlăturat fragmentul coronar cu modificarea ulterioară a lucrării protetice pe, la 6 pacienţi (50,00 %) s-au explantat toate fragmentele fracturate cu augmentarea și implantarea ulterioară. Concluzie. Evoluţia rapidă a implantologiei nu permite aprobarea unui protocol unic de profilaxie și tratament a erorilor și complicxaţiilor tratamentului implanto-protetic .Excluderea lor ţine de competenţa medicului, de o abordare multidisciplinară și o școlarizare continuă. The increased popularity of implant-prosthetic methods has also determined an increase in the number of complications. There is no data in the dental literature sources that would exactly define the methods of prophylaxis and criteria of selection of the treatment tactics. Aim. Evaluation of complications of the implant-prosthetic treatment and highlighting the prophylaxis and treatment directions Materials and methods: The study involves 30 patients with the average age 52,3 years old ±3,5 years (11 women, 19 men), treated between years 2011—2016 in SRL „OMNI DENT“ Dental Clinic. The 1st group of patients includes 18 patients presenting peri-implantary complications, the 2nd group includes 12 patients with a dental implant fracture. Both groups have been divided in 3 subgroups each, according to the method of treatment. Results. The 1st group: 4 patients (22,22 %) with mucositis have been conservatively treated, 9 patients (50,00 %) with a 5 mm bone defects and less than 3 bone walls explantation and osseous defect augmentation were performed. Conclusion: The fast evolvement of implantology does not allow the approbation of a single protocol of prophylaxis and treatment of implant-prosthetic errors and complications. The process of excluding them depends on the doctor’s competences, a multidisciplinary approach and continuous education

    Surgical aspects of implantprosthetic rehabilitation using Knifethread®, nanostructured implants, with surface in-built calc

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    Rezumat În cadrul studiului retro- şi prospectiv au fost incluşi 165 pacienţi (58 bărbaţi şi 107 femei), cu vârsta cuprinsă între 19 şi 74 ani (vârsta medie - 42,46 ani; ES±0,88 ani; DS 11,42), care s-au adresat în Clinica Stomatologică SRL “Omni Dent” (Chişinău, Republica Moldova), în perioada aprilie 2016 – decembrie 2017, pentru reabilitare implanto-protetică. Au fost inserate 443 implante dentare endoosoase AnyRidge (Megagen, Gyeongsang, Korea), dintre care s-au studiat 235 implante, după perioada de osteointegrare, care a constituit 7,07 luni. S-a evaluat eficacitatea utilizării acestui tip de implante în funcţie de: timpii de reabilitare, varietatea situaţiilor clinice, oferta osoasă calitativă/cantitativă şi rezultatele obţinute în dinamică.Summary In this retro and prospective study were included 165 patients (58 men and 107 women), with ages between 19 and 74 years (average age - 42,46 years; ES±0,88 years; DS 11,42), patients who addressed for treatment in SRL “Omni Dent” Dental Clinic (Chisinau, Republic of Moldova) during April 2016 – December 2017. There were placed 443 AnyRidge (Megagen, Gyeongsang, Korea) implants. From this total number, by the end of the osteointegration period, which had an average of 7,07 months, 235 implants were studied. We studied the efficiency of this implant system according to: treatment stages, the variability of clinical indications, bone disponibility and the clinical results over time

    Surgical aspects of implantpro sthetic rehabilitation using knifethread®, nanostructured implants, with surface in-built

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    1,2,3,4,6,7,8 IP USMF “Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Catedra de chirurgie oro-maxilo-facială şi implantologie orală “Arsenie Guţan”În cadrul studiului retro- şi prospectiv au fost incluşi 165 pacienţi (58 bărbaţi şi 107 femei), cu vârsta cuprinsă între 19 şi 74 ani (vârsta medie - 42,46 ani; ES±0,88 ani; DS 11,42), care s-au adresat în Clinica Stomatologică SRL “Omni Dent” (Chişinău, Republica Moldova), în perioada aprilie 2016 – decembrie 2017, pentru reabilitare implanto-protetică. Au fost inserate 443 implante dentare endoosoase AnyRidge (Megagen, Gyeongsang, Korea), dintre care s-au studiat 235 implante, după perioada de osteointegrare, care a constituit 7,07 luni. S-a evaluat eficacitatea utilizării acestui tip de implante în funcţie de: timpii de reabilitare, varietatea situaţiilor clinice, oferta osoasă calitativă/cantitativă şi rezultatele obţinute în dinamică. In this retro and prospective study were included 165 patients (58 men and 107 women), with ages between 19 and 74 years (average age - 42,46 years; ES±0,88 years; DS 11,42), patients who addressed for treatment in SRL “Omni Dent” Dental Clinic (Chisinau, Republic of Moldova) during April 2016 – December 2017. There were placed 443 AnyRidge (Megagen, Gyeongsang, Korea) implants. From this total number, by the end of the osteointegration period, which had an average of 7,07 months, 235 implants were studied. We studied the efficiency of this implant system according to: treatment stages, the variability of clinical indications, bone disponibility and the clinical results over time

    The Sustainable Development of Social Media Contents: An Analysis of Concrete and Abstract Information on Cultural and Creative Institutions with “Artist” and “Ordinary People” Positioning

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    [[abstract]]The sustainability of social media is a common subject of study. With the emergence of cultural and creative industries, many studies have begun to explore the advantages and disadvantages of the integration of social media with cultural and creative industries. However, there remains a lack of research on the sustainability of cultural and creative social media. Therefore, the present study uses the example of a non-profit cultural and creative organization as its case. The use of social media content discovery technology explains the sustainable use of cultural and creative social media and how participation and interaction with cultural and creative brands are promoted from the perspective of artists or ordinary people. In addition, the analysis of concrete and abstract information explores how content orientation and brand perception impact emotions and behavior. We use social media content discovery technology to analyze 9529 image posts. The results show that for abstract themes, for example, art or design, people can be more easily guided by information with the help of images, which stimulate positive emotions, resulting in more actual engagement behavior, including posting and sharing. With respect to emotional responses, images with smiles are found to have a significant effect in guiding positive emotions, which are expressed through actions, such as active participation and feedback. By examining the meaning of the information in the images, we find that images with abstract themes have a good connection with the brand image. Although the information is less easily shown, it can guide significant outcomes that are positively correlated with the information. Therefore, strengthening brand image and content themes can effectively consolidate trust in brand content and the sustainable development of cultural and creative social media.[[notice]]補正完

    Pharmacokinetic aspects of retinal drug delivery

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    Drug delivery to the posterior eye segment is an important challenge in ophthalmology, because many diseases affect the retina and choroid leading to impaired vision or blindness. Currently, intravitreal injections are the method of choice to administer drugs to the retina, but this approach is applicable only in selected cases (e.g. anti-VEGF antibodies and soluble receptors). There are two basic approaches that can be adopted to improve retinal drug delivery: prolonged and/or retina targeted delivery of intravitreal drugs and use of other routes of drug administration, such as periocular, suprachoroidal, sub-retinal, systemic, or topical. Properties of the administration route, drug and delivery system determine the efficacy and safety of these approaches. Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic factors determine the required dosing rates and doses that are needed for drug action. In addition, tolerability factors limit the use of many materials in ocular drug delivery. This review article provides a critical discussion of retinal drug delivery, particularly from the pharmacokinetic point of view. This article does not include an extensive review of drug delivery technologies, because they have already been reviewed several times recently. Instead, we aim to provide a systematic and quantitative view on the pharmacokinetic factors in drug delivery to the posterior eye segment. This review is based on the literature and unpublished data from the authors' laboratory.Peer reviewe