1,651 research outputs found

    The computerization of programming: Ada (R) lessons learned

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    One of the largest systems yet written in Ada has been constructed. This system is the Intermetrics Ada compiler. Many lessons have been learned during the implementation of this Ada compiler. Some of these lessons, concentrating on those lessons relevant to large system implementations are described. The characteristics of the Ada compiler implementation project at Intermetrics are also described. Some specific experiences during the implementation are pointed out

    Ultra thin gage plastic film

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    Process utilizing specially modified conventional equipment, with changes in process temperature, pressure, and cooling requirements produces ultra thin 1.56 micron /0.0614 mil/ thick polyethylene film

    Substantial Changes Follow 2-Year Dormancy of Wingfield Pines Abandoned Mine Drainage Remediation System

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    The passive coal mine remediation system at Wingfield Pines Conservation Area (Bridgeville, Pennsylvania) failed following a November 2017 rupture of the mining cavern it contained. The event caused a ~2000 gallon/min abandoned mine drainage (AMD) flow to bypass the remediation system, directly entering Chartiers Creek between November 2017 and September 2019. The system was observed during the last 7 months of its ~2-year dormancy and simultaneous repair, which drained the system of water. Personal observation, testimonies, and photographic evidence were analyzed to identify changes in vegetation, flow, and function of the system pre-rupture (2017) and post-repair (November 2019). Major physical and chemical changes occurred in the system and mining cavern during its dormancy, which may affect its function and remediation of AMD well into the future. The ~2-year dormancy of the system acted to dry the saturated AMD-sludge, which accumulated at the bottom of the ponds, allowing opportunistic vegetation to spread throughout the ~20-acre system. Despite receiving no direct influent and the absence of water in previous and subsequent ponds, pond 4 retained water during the ~2-year dormancy. This suggests an alternate water source supplies pond 4 of the system. After water was returned to the system, vegetation accumulated and showed visual evidence of decay at the influent of each pond except pond 4. The physical and chemical alterations to the system have the ability to both directly and indirectly impact conditions such as flow rate and pattern, dissolved oxygen, temperature, and pH. Exposure of the anoxic sediments within ponds 1, 2, 3, and 5 likely caused the species they contain to become completely oxidized. In the context of AMD remediation, the alteration of multiple biotic and abiotic factors has the potential to cause complex changes to microbial community composition and chemistry at Wingfield Pines. Furthermore, these changes may act to alter the function and remediation efficiency of Wingfield Pines passive remediation system as compared to 2017

    Edward Struble in a Senior Tenor Recital

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    This is the program for the Senior tenor Recital of Edward Struble. Mr. Struble was accompanied on the piano by Tad Hardin. This recital took place on October 3, 1996, in the McBeth Recital Hall in the Mabee Fine Arts Center

    What Is Command and Control Warfare?

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    Infrastructure, Installations, and the Future of the Navy

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    Now that the Cold War is indeed over, the Navy finds itself in a conflict that poses a real threat to its ability to influence events around the globe. It is a budget war, and the antagonists are not the usual suspects. The conflict is not between the Navy and elected officials--post-Cold War military budget reductions were widely accepted as inevitable. Nor is the conflict with its sister services-the Commission on Roles and Missions has likely settled (at least for a while) the question of who docs what and, hence, what the budget-share percentages are, to within a narrow range.1 This conflict is being waged within the Navy, and it center around the distribution of Navy Department resources. Even here, however, we find the lines of battle drawn in unaccustomed ways. Today\u27s conflict is not over whether the Navy should build more ships or more submarines or more aircraft; it is over whether it will have the resources to build enough of any of these to sustain a navy large enough to place weapons on target when and where needed

    Stroobz Electronic LoFi Hip-Hop: An EP and Producer Career Preparation Project

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    Matthew Struble’s Career Preparation CE project, is a hip-hop and bass music infused EP, in addition to the branding of Struble’s digital footprint under the producer name Stroobz. The EP consists of five electronic lo-fi hip-hop tracks utilizing newly learned techniques in sound design and vocalists from Berklee Valencia, Germany, New York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. This EP will be showcasing Struble’s production in electronic lo-fi hip-hop, and will be highlighted on Stroobz.com, a website created by Struble to present work and skills to potential artists and employers in the New York City market. The goal of this project is to showcase the new-wave of Struble’s hip-hop sound, and establish a digital footprint and identity to his unique production style. With the need for a stable career upcoming on the horizon, Struble’s CE project will aim to provide proof of concept and a foundation for professional connections upon his graduation in 2019.https://remix.berklee.edu/graduate-studies-production-technology/1173/thumbnail.jp

    Bioaugmentation for Improved Recovery of Anaerobic Digesters After Toxicant Exposure

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    Bioaugmentation was investigated as a method to decrease the recovery period of anaerobic digesters exposed to a transient toxic event. Two sets of laboratory-scale digesters (SRT = 10 days, OLR = 2 g COD/L-day), started with inoculum from a digester stabilizing synthetic municipal wastewater solids (MW) and synthetic industrial wastewater (WW), respectively, were transiently exposed to the model toxicant, oxygen. Bioaugmented digesters received 1.2 g VSS/L-day of an H2-utilizing culture for which the archaeal community was analyzed. Soon after oxygen exposure, the bioaugmented digesters produced 25–60% more methane than non-bioaugmented controls (p \u3c 0.05). One set of digesters produced lingering high propionate concentrations, and bioaugmentation resulted in significantly shorter recovery periods. The second set of digesters did not display lingering propionate, and bioaugmented digesters recovered at the same time as non-bioaugmented controls. The difference in the effect of bioaugmentation on recovery may be due to differences between microbial communities of the digester inocula originally employed. In conclusion, bioaugmentation with an H2-utilizing culture is a potential tool to decrease the recovery period, decrease propionate concentration, and increase biogas production of some anaerobic digesters after a toxic event. Digesters already containing rapidly adaptable microbial communities may not benefit from bioaugmentation, whereas other digesters with poorly adaptable microbial communities may benefit greatly

    How People Think about Police Interrogations

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    It has been established through numerous research studies that police interrogation tactics have the ability to elicit false confessions from innocent individuals. Not only do the tactics used have the ability to coerce a confession, but confirmation bias may further influence the techniques used during an interrogation and pressure exerted on a suspect. Individuals may falsely admit guilt to a crime in order to escape pressure, to obtain a promise of leniency, or because they internalize the confession based on evidence against them. Confessions are expanded upon, written down and signed to be used against the suspect in trial. Jurors that are exposed to confessions hold high regard for this form of evidence. Because of this, an innocent individual who falsely confesses to a crime is likely to be wrongfully convicted. The purpose of this study is to examine how individuals evaluate an interrogation with or without a confession. In a pilot study (N=201), undergraduates from Montclair State university rated overall verdict decisions (guilty vs. innocent), and perceived coercion based on an interrogation transcript. Participants were randomly assigned to one of three different scenarios: murder, hit and run, and sexual assault. There were two versions of each scenario, one with a confession present, and one where a confession was absent. In Study 2 (/V=485), undergraduates from Montclair State University additionally reviewed twelve interrogation tactics presented in the transcript and rated the tactics in terms of effectiveness, coercion, and ethicality of each technique. As predicted, the presence of a confession resulted in a greater number of guilty than innocent verdicts compared to a confession-absent scenario. Unlike what was hypothesized, however, the presence of a confession resulted in higher ratings of coercion. This suggests that participants perceive higher levels of coerciveness used to elicit a confession, but this pressure is not used in rendering a verdict. In terms of tactic ratings, it was assumed that participants will perceive interrogation tactics as less effective when the interrogation did not result in a confession, or when the suspect was believed to be guilty. The presence of a confession lead participants to rate each tactic as more effective. However, verdict did not seem to play a role in effectiveness ratings. For coercion, it was hypothesized that tactics will be perceived as more coercive when a confession is absent, or when the suspect was believed to be innocent. Alternatively, in general, ratings for each tactic were significantly higher when there was a confession. In terms of verdict, ratings of coerciveness were higher when the participant believed the suspect was innocent, which was predicted. Ratings of ethicality were suggested to be lower in the absence of a confession or when the suspect was believed to be innocent. Ratings were higher, though not significantly so, when no confession was present. This was opposite of what was predicted. In terms of verdict, ratings of ethicality were significantly higher when participants believed the suspect was guilty, as hypothesized. Despite limitations in sample selection, this research will increase the knowledge regarding how individuals evaluate interrogations and confessions, how they perceive numerous interrogation tactics, and how these factors influence overall verdict
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