80 research outputs found

    The impact of dance/movement classes on adolescent behavior in an urban high school setting

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    The inclusion of the arts in education has been undervalued and overlooked by many public school districts throughout the country. As a result of cutbacks, dance programs in educational settings have become an afterthought. In this study the relationship between dance/movement classes and disruptive behavior was analyzed in a sample of 45 at risk students in an urban high school setting. The findings supported the hypothesis that a) dance classes can be utilized as an intervention to reduce stress and b) students who participate in dance programs in public school settings will develop self-control, self-regulation and exhibit less disruptive behavior. Implications for further research and arts programming are discussed

    Cannabidiol and Other Cannabinoids in Demyelinating Diseases

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    A growing body of preclinical evidence indicates that certain cannabinoids, including cannabidiol (CBD) and synthetic derivatives, may play a role in the myelinating processes and are promising small molecules to be developed as drug candidates for management of demyelinating diseases such as multiple sclerosis (MS), stroke and traumatic brain injury (TBI), which are three of the most prevalent demyelinating disorders. Thanks to the properties described for CBD and its interesting profile in humans, both the phytocannabinoid and derivatives could be considered as potential candidates for clinical use. In this review we will summarize current advances in the use of CBD and other cannabinoids as future potential treatments. While new research is accelerating the process for the generation of novel drug candidates and identification of druggable targets, the collaboration of key players such as basic researchers, clinicians and pharmaceutical companies is required to bring novel therapies to the patients


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    La presente ponencia presentará los avances de la investigación de maestría realizados durante agosto de 2018 y julio de 2019. El trabajo problematiza la contaminación desde una perspectiva cultural, desde la cual las personas otorgan un valor simbólico a la información que reciben de medios de comunicación, expertos en la materia, etcétera; que no implica un cambio en la producción de basura. La disociación entre el conocimiento del deterioro ambiental y las prácticas enmarcadas en la cotidianidad puede explicarse analizando el consumo (obsolescencia programada y obsolescencia permitida), ya que la inmensa mayoría de los productos y alimentos, aun los más simples, vienen empacados en plásticos o papeles plastificados, a lo cual se agrega el fetichismo de la mercancía. La investigación se lleva a cabo en tres zonas de la ciudad de Cuernavaca que comprenden la cuenca alta del Río Apatlaco: Avenida Universidad, Santa María Ahuacatitlán y Rancho Cortés. Todas estas desembocan en barrancas y son contiguas, sin embargo, sin muy diferentes en su configuración territorial, por lo tanto, cada una hace diferente disposición de basura

    Efecto del anabólico acetato de trembolona sobre el crecimiento de Carassius auratus (Pisces: Cyprinidae)

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    The anabolic efficiency of steroid trenbolone acetate was evaluated in 60 days old juveniles of Carassius auratus. Fish were exposed during 120 days to steroid at a dose of 300 mg/kg food. Total length, standard length, height and weight were registered every two weeks. The benefit of the steroid was characterized with a model that relates the weight as a function of time, coupled to other two models: one where size is related with time and an alometric one which correlates weight with size. The models showed that growth of steroid treated fish was superior to that of untreated (control) fish, differing significantly (p <0.001), while the alometric model for each treatment, indicated a similar growth (p>0.05). Analysis of the variability of the three models demonstrated that the estimates adequately described the growth. This was further confirmed by the determination coefficient (r2 ) that fluctuated between 72.9 and 93.5% and by the distribution analysis of size and weight by means of box plots. It was concluded that application of the steroid trenbolone acetate to Carassius auratus was successful. A survival rate of 100% was registered coupled to an efficient anabolic effect, since a 48.0% gain of biomass and 41.3% increase in size were obtained as compared to the control group.Se evaluó la eficiencia anabólica del esteroide acetato de trembolona en juveniles de Carassius auratus de 60 días de edad, expuestos durante 120 días a dosis de 300 mg/kg de alimento. Cada dos semanas se registraron las siguientes biometrías: longitud total, longitud patrón, altura y peso. El beneficio del esteroide se caracterizó con un modelo que relacionó el peso en función del tiempo, acoplado a otros dos modelos: uno en donde se relaciona la talla con el tiempo y otro alométrico, que relacionó el peso con la talla. Los modelos estimados mostraron que el crecimiento de los peces tratados con el anabólico fue superior al de los peces del testigo y difieren significativamente (p<0.001), mientras que los modelos alométricos para cada tratamiento indicaron un crecimiento similar (p>0.05). El análisis de la variabilidad de los tres modelos demostró que las estimaciones describieron en forma adecuada el crecimiento, así lo confirma el coeficiente de determinación (r2 ) que fluctúa entre el 72.9 y 93.5% y el análisis de la distribución de la talla y el peso con diagramas de caja. Se concluye que la aplicación del acetato de trembolona en Carassius auratus fue exitosa, al registrarse una sobrevivencia del 100% y funcionar como un eficiente agente anabólico, ya que se obtuvo una ganancia de biomasa del 48.0% y de talla del 41.3%, con respecto al testigo

    Taking on a Community Solutions Process (Co-Solve) to the Pain and Opioid Epidemic: A Multi-disciplinary and Multi-institute Pain Panel and Community Response in Sacramento, California

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    America’s healthcare providers and patients are challenged by an overwhelming high prevalence of chronic pain and opioid misuse. Approximately 23.4 million adults suffer from daily pain and in 2014, nearly 61% of Americans who died from drug overdoses used an opioid analgesic. Unrecognized addiction, untreated psychiatric comorbidity, and lack of training/education for providers and patients are factors associated with chronic pain and opioid misuse. Communication strategies and structures are required to enhance collaboration between multidisciplinary providers and institutions. On September 28, 2017, an open panel discussion with pain specialists from three major academic and medical institutes in Sacramento, California initiated an integrative community solutions process to optimize pain education best practices and to protect public health. The attendees represented a wide range of healthcare disciplines. This commentary describes ideas derived from dialogue between community attendees and panelists, which considers both healthcare provider characteristics and patients’ cultural backgrounds. Providers of most disciplines underscored the need to share information and institute cross-disciplinary training on pain and behavioral health treatments. In conclusion, we outline an integrative community-based framework, namely the Community Solutions Process (Co-Solve), to help other communities to implement and derive their own action-oriented solutions unique to their population

    Signaling from maize organ primordia via FASCIATED EAR3 regulates stem cell proliferation and yield traits.

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    Shoot apical meristems are stem cell niches that balance proliferation with the incorporation of daughter cells into organ primordia. This balance is maintained by CLAVATA-WUSCHEL feedback signaling between the stem cells at the tip of the meristem and the underlying organizing center. Signals that provide feedback from organ primordia to control the stem cell niche in plants have also been hypothesized, but their identities are unknown. Here we report FASCIATED EAR3 (FEA3), a leucine-rich-repeat receptor that functions in stem cell control and responds to a CLAVATA3/ESR-related (CLE) peptide expressed in organ primordia. We modeled our results to propose a regulatory system that transmits signals from differentiating cells in organ primordia back to the stem cell niche and that appears to function broadly in the plant kingdom. Furthermore, we demonstrate an application of this new signaling feedback, by showing that weak alleles of fea3 enhance hybrid maize yield traits.The fea3-0 allele was kindly provided by Victor Shcherbak, Krasnodar Res. Inst. Agric., Russia. We acknowledge funding from a collaborative agreement with Dupont Pioneer, and from NSF Plant Genome Research Program grant # IOS-1238202 and MCB-1027445, and with the support of the Gatsby Charitable Foundation (GAT3395/PR4) and Swedish Research Council (VR2013-4632) to HJ, and "Next-Generation BioGreen 21 Program (SSAC, Project No. PJ01137901)" Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea. We also thank Ulises Hernandez for assistance with cloning, Amandine Masson for assistance with peptide assays, and members of the Jackson lab for comments on the manuscript.This is the author accepted manuscript. It is currently under an indefinite embargo pending publication by Nature Publishing Group

    Towards sustainable production of formic acid

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    peer-reviewedFormic acid is a widely used commodity chemical. It can be applied as a safe, easily handled and transported source of hydrogen or CO for different reactions including those producing fuels. The review includes historical aspects of formic acid production. It shortly analyzes the production based on traditional sources such as toxic CO, methanol and methane. However, the main emphasis is done to the sustainable production of formic acid from biomass and biomass-derived products via hydrolysis, wet and catalytic oxidation processes. New strategies of low temperature synthesis from biomass may lead to utilization of formic acid for production of fuel additives such as methanol, upgraded bio-oil, γ-valerolactone and its derivatives, as well as synthesis gas used for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis of hydrocarbons. Some technological aspects are considered

    Advances in purification and separation of posttranslationally modified proteins

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    Recent advances in hydrothermal carbonisation:from tailored carbon materials and biochemicals to applications and bioenergy

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    Introduced in the literature in 1913 by Bergius, who at the time was studying biomass coalification, hydrothermal carbonisation, as many other technologies based on renewables, was forgotten during the "industrial revolution". It was rediscovered back in 2005, on the one hand, to follow the trend set by Bergius of biomass to coal conversion for decentralised energy generation, and on the other hand as a novel green method to prepare advanced carbon materials and chemicals from biomass in water, at mild temperature, for energy storage and conversion and environmental protection. In this review, we will present an overview on the latest trends in hydrothermal carbonisation including biomass to bioenergy conversion, upgrading of hydrothermal carbons to fuels over heterogeneous catalysts, advanced carbon materials and their applications in batteries, electrocatalysis and heterogeneous catalysis and finally an analysis of the chemicals in the liquid phase as well as a new family of fluorescent nanomaterials formed at the interface between the liquid and solid phases, known as hydrothermal carbon nanodots