2,716 research outputs found

    La biblioteca pública: un agente de inclusión socio cultural. La experiencia de la Biblioteca Pública Municipal de Doñihue

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    It treats about importance and role of public libraries at the society. It presents the experience of Doñihue Public Library(Chile)

    Inclusión del subsidio familiar en la asignación de retiro conforme al principio de igualdad de los soldados profesionales

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    Artículo de investigaciónLos soldados profesionales en actividad contaban con una partida computable la cual era el subsidio familiar por el hecho de estar casados o tener una unión marital estable. No obstante, en retiro se les suspendió el pago de dicho subsidio teniendo en cuenta que un decreto dispone cuales son las partidas que deberán liquidarse para el reconocimiento de la asignación de retiro.23 p.INTRODUCCIÓN 1. ASIGNACIÓN DE RETIRO 2. IGUALDAD 3. CONDICIONES SALARIALES DE ACUERDO AL GRADO 4. EXCEPCIÓN DE INCONSTITUCIONALIDAD CONCLUSIONES REFERENCIASPregradoAbogad

    The Use of Acoustics to Resolve Nightly Excursions of Hyperbenthos

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    Acoustic analysis of die1 vertical migration in the Darnariscotta River estuary, Maine, showed a fairly regular nightly increase in biovolume (mm3 m\u273) of organisms in the water column, presumed to be due to emergence, the entry of hyperbenthic organisms into the water column. Timing of these events was significantly correlated with time of sunset and time of sunrise for more than 50% of the dates where emergence and re-entry could be identified, between June and October 2002. Emergence traps indicate that the mysid shrimp, Neomysis americana, is the predominant migrator. Daily fluctuations in irradiance influence the timing of emergence fiom the hyperbenthos. Local variability in irradiance that may cause populations to emerge before sunset or leave the surface after the beginning of nautical twilight is accommodated in speed of ascent or descent. Emergence before sunset is marked by a slow ascent rate, and leaving the surface after the initiation of nautical twilight is marked by a fast descent rate. This pattern would be expected for populations avoiding visual predators by concealing themselves in dark waters. Mean ascent (f 1 SE) (0.29 f 0.03 cm s-\u27) and descent (-0.26 f 0.02 cm s-\u27) rates show little difference, suggesting that a similar mechanism controls both. Variations in the light regime as both a cue and mechanism for migration under the isolume hypothesis and rate of change hypothesis are discussed

    Evolutionary history of South American Paucituberculata (Mammalia: Marsupialia)

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    Fil: Abello, María Alejandra. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Laboratorio de Sistemática y Biología Evolutiva; Argentin

    La Irrupción de lo fantástico. Una aproximación a la narrativa de Juan Jacinto Muñoz Rengel

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    Un breve repaso por la narrativa fantástica actual sería suficiente para constatar su relevancia, no solo por la nómina de autores consagrados a tal efecto, sino por la labor de las editoriales y el interés de los lectores. Lo fantástico, con su poder para transgredir y cuestionar el mundo, se ha instituido como una de las modalidades narrativas más pertinentes para adentrarse en los misterios humanos. En ese panorama destaca la figura literaria de Juan Jacinto Muñoz Rengel, escritor malagueño que profundiza en la poética de lo fantástico posmoderno a través de sus libros de cuentos y de sus novelas. Una taxonomía exhaustiva de los resortes fantásticos permite acceder a ese cosmos narrativo, ofreciendo un análisis global de toda su producción.A brief review of current fantastic narrative would be enough to corroborate its relevance, not only thanks to the large number of canonical authors who have used it but also because of the work of publishing houses and the interest of readers. The fantastic, with its power to transgress and question the world, has become one of the most important narrative modes to penetrate human mysteries. The literary figure of Juan Jacinto Muñoz Rengel stands out within this literary framework. He is a writer from Malaga, Spain who delves deep into the postmodern fantastic through his short stories and novels. An exhaustive classification of the resources of the fantastic allows entering that narrative space, by offering a global analysis of his whole production

    Optimize parallel numerical applications for climate modelling

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    Aquest projecte vol avaluar els possibles beneficis d'implementar paral·lelisme amb memòria compartida en la versió més recent del model NEMO, el qual actualment només fa servir paral·lelisme amb memòria distribuida utilitzant MPI. Generalment les paral·lelitzacions híbrides, que explotan memòria distribuida i compartida, fent servir ambdós paradigmes de paral·lelisme són més eficients. Amb el llançament de l'última versió de NEMO 4.2 amb millores a l'escalabilitat, volem avaluar el rendiment de OpenMP per a implementar el paral·lelisme híbrid amb els objectius de millorar l'escalabilitat del model i preparar-lo per a les noves arquitectures de clusters, les quals estan tendint a incrementar el nombre de nuclis per node.This project wants to evaluate the possible benefits of implementing shared memory parallelism in the most recent version of the NEMO model which currently uses distributed memory parallelism with MPI. Generally, hybrid parallelizations, which exploit distributed and shared memory, using both parallelism paradigms are more efficient. With the release of the latest version of NEMO 4.2 with improvements on the scalability, we want to evaluate the performance of OpenMP to implement the hybrid parallelism in order to improve the model's scalability and making it better suited for the new cluster architectures, which are tending towards increasing the amount of cores per node

    A novel cooperative opportunistic routing scheme for underwater sensor networks

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    Increasing attention has recently been devoted to underwater sensor networks (UWSNs) because of their capabilities in the ocean monitoring and resource discovery. UWSNs are faced with different challenges, the most notable of which is perhaps how to efficiently deliver packets taking into account all of the constraints of the available acoustic communication channel. The opportunistic routing provides a reliable solution with the aid of intermediate nodes’ collaboration to relay a packet toward the destination. In this paper, we propose a new routing protocol, called opportunistic void avoidance routing (OVAR), to address the void problem and also the energy-reliability trade-off in the forwarding set selection. OVAR takes advantage of distributed beaconing, constructs the adjacency graph at each hop and selects a forwarding set that holds the best trade-off between reliability and energy efficiency. The unique features of OVAR in selecting the candidate nodes in the vicinity of each other leads to the resolution of the hidden node problem. OVAR is also able to select the forwarding set in any direction from the sender, which increases its flexibility to bypass any kind of void area with the minimum deviation from the optimal path. The results of our extensive simulation study show that OVAR outperforms other protocols in terms of the packet delivery ratio, energy consumption, end-to-end delay, hop count and traversed distance
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