562 research outputs found

    Customer profile classification using transactional data

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    Customer profiles are by definition made up of factual and transactional data. It is often the case that due to reasons such as high cost of data acquisition and/or protection, only the transactional data are available for data mining operations. Transactional data, however, tend to be highly sparse and skewed due to a large proportion of customers engaging in very few transactions. This can result in a bias in the prediction accuracy of classifiers built using them towards the larger proportion of customers with fewer transactions. This paper investigates an approach for accurately and confidently grouping and classifying customers in bins on the basis of the number of their transactions. The experiments we conducted on a highly sparse and skewed real-world transactional data show that our proposed approach can be used to identify a critical point at which customer profiles can be more confidently distinguished

    Lux junior 2023: 16. Internationales Forum für den lichttechnischen Nachwuchs, 23. – 25. Juni 2023, Ilmenau : Tagungsband

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    Während des 16. Internationales Forums für den lichttechnischen Nachwuchs präsentieren Studenten, Doktoranden und junge Absolventen ihre Forschungs- und Entwicklungsergebnisse aus allen Bereichen der Lichttechnik. Die Themen bewegen sich dabei von Beleuchtungsanwendungen in verschiedensten Bereichen über Lichtmesstechnik, Kraftfahrzeugbeleuchung, LED-Anwendung bis zu nichtvisuellen Lichtwirkungen. Das Forum ist speziell für Studierende und junge Absolventen des Lichtbereiches konzipiert. Es bietet neben den Vorträgen und Postern die Möglichkeit zu Diskussionen und individuellem Austausch. In den 30 Jahren ihres Bestehens entwickelte sich die zweijährig stattfindende Tagung zu eine Traditionsveranstaltung, die das Fachgebiet Lichttechnik der TU Ilmenau gemeinsam mit der Bezirksgruppe Thüringen-Nordhessen der Deutschen Lichttechnischen Gesellschaft LiTG e. V. durchführt

    Innovative Hybridisation of Genetic Algorithms and Neural Networks in Detecting Marker Genes for Leukaemia Cancer

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    Methods for extracting marker genes that trigger the growth of cancerous cells from a high level of complexity microarrays are of much interest from the computing community. Through the identified genes, the pathology of cancerous cells can be revealed and early precaution can be taken to prevent further proliferation of cancerous cells. In this paper, we propose an innovative hybridised gene identification framework based on genetic algorithms and neural networks to identify marker genes for leukaemia disease. Our approach confirms that high classification accuracy does not ensure the optimal set of genes have been identified and our model delivers a more promising set of genes even with a lower classification accurac

    Methemoglobinemia Associated with Late-Onset Neonatal Sepsis: A Single-Center Experience

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    Objective â Methemoglobinemia (MetHb) is a rare congenital or acquired cause of infantile cyanosis. We examined the role of MetHb in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Study Design â A retrospective observational study was conducted reviewing blood gas analyses of hospitalized newborns over a 2-year period. MetHb-positive patients (MetHb >1.8%) were matched with a control group for gestational age, weight, disease, and illness severity at admission. Maternal, neonatal, clinical, and laboratory parameters were collected and analyzed in both groups. Results â MetHb incidence was 6%. The mean MetHb in the case group was 7.2%, and the first positive samples were observed at a mean of 22 days of life, 6 days prior to clinical or culture-proven sepsis. We identified low maternal age (31 vs. 34 years; p = 0.038), sepsis (90 vs. 45%; p = 0.022), and protracted parenteral nutrition (46 vs. 23 days; p = 0.013) as risk factors for MetHb, and early minimal enteral feeding as protective factor (12th vs. 9th day; p = 0.038). Conclusion â MetHb has a high occurrence in NICU and can be a helpful prognostic indicator of an infectious process. Understanding and prompt identification of MetHb can allow pediatricians to implement a life-saving therapy

    Contact-free measurement of heart rate, respiration rate, and body movements during sleep

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    We describe a noncontact method for the ambulant measurement of basic sleep physiology parameters in humans, particularly for field studies involving sleep research and sleep disturbances. This method traces the body movements, respiration, and heart action of a person at rest or asleep on a bed, using four high-resolution force sensors installed under the bedposts. The recoil movement of the body at each heartbeat, known as the cardioballistic effect, as well as the lifting and lowering of the thorax, while breathing, causes very small shifts of the center of gravity of the bed and the subject. These shifts are reflected in the altering force distributions across the four sensors. Cardiac and respiratory parameters and the subject's movement activity can be calculated from the sensor signals. Neither electrodes nor other kinds of transducers are in direct contact with the subject, which is the main advantage of this technique over conventional methods. Laboratory experiments were carried out to estimate validity and practicability. The method has been found to be adequate, especially for automated and unattended sleep-data collection over long periods of tim

    Recognizable neonatal clinical features of aplasia cutis congenita

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    Background: Aplasia cutis congenita (ACC), classified in nine groups, is likely to be underreported, since milder isolated lesions in wellbeing newborns could often be undetected, and solitary lesions in the context of polymalformative syndromes could not always be reported. Regardless of form and cause, therapeutic options have in common the aim to restore the deficient mechanical and immunological cutaneous protection and to limit the risk of fluid leakage or rupture of the exposed organs. We aimed to review our institutional prevalence, comorbidities, treatment and outcome of newborns with ACC. Methods: We conducted a retrospective study including all newborns affected by ACC and admitted at the University Mother-Child Department from October 2010 to October 2019. Anthropometric and clinical characteristics of ACC1 versus a non-isolated ACC group were analyzed. Results: We encountered 37 newborns, 16 with ACC1 versus 21 with non-isolated ACC. The incidence rate of 0.1% in ACC1 was higher than expected, while 19% of cases showed intrafamilial autosomal dominant transmission. Higher birth weight centile, though lower than reference population, being adequate for gestational age, normal Apgar score and euglycemia characterizing ACC1 resulted associated to a rapid tissue regeneration. Non-isolated ACC, in relation to concomitant congenital anomalies and higher prematurity rate, showed more surgical and medical complications along with the risk of neonatal death. Specifically, newborns with ACC4 were characterized by the frequent necessity of abdominal wall defect repair, responsible for the occurrence of an abdominal compartment syndrome. Conclusion: Prompt carefully assessment of the newborn with ACC in order to exclude concomitant other congenital malformations, provides clues to the underlying pathophysiology, and to the short-term prognosis. Family should be oriented toward identification of other family members affected by similar pathology, while obstetric history should exclude initial multiple pregnancy with death of a co-twin, placental anomalies and drug assumption. Molecular-genetic diagnosis and genetic counseling are integrative in individualized disease approach

    Transition barrier at a first-order phase transition in the canonical and microcanonical ensemble

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    We compare the transition barrier that accompanies a first-order phase transition in the canonical and microcanonical ensemble. This is directly encoded in the probability distributions of standard Metropolis Monte Carlo simulations and a proper microcanonical sampling technique. For the example of droplet formation, we find that in both ensembles the transition barrier scales as expected but that the barrier is much smaller in the microcanonical ensemble. In addition its growth with system size is weaker which will enhance this difference for larger systems. We provide an intuitive physical explanation for this observatio

    Winners’ notes. Using Multi-Resolution Clustering for Music Genre Identification

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    Article describing a less technical version of our winning entry in the ISMIS 2011 Music Genre competitio

    Daniel Schiller: Handlungs- und wahrnehmungsleitende Orientierungen im Hinblick auf Schülerinnen und Schüler im Sportunterricht. Rekonstruktion von praktischem Wissen der Sportlehrkräfte. Aachen: Meyer & Meyer Verlag 2019 (511 S.) [Rezension]

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    Rezension von: Daniel Schiller: Handlungs- und wahrnehmungsleitende Orientierungen im Hinblick auf Schülerinnen und Schüler im Sportunterricht. Rekonstruktion von praktischem Wissen der Sportlehrkräfte. Aachen: Meyer & Meyer Verlag 2019 (511 S.; ISBN 978-3-8403-7674-0; 36,00 EUR)

    Microcephaly and macrocephaly. A study on anthropometric and clinical data from 308 subjects

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    Head circumference is the auxological parameter that most correlates with developmental anomalies in childhood. Head circumference (HC) two standard deviations (SD) below or above the mean defines microcephaly and macrocephaly, respectively. The aim of this retrospective study was to explore anthropometric parameters and clinical characteristics among subjects with abnormalities in HC who had been referred for developmental assessment. One hundred and sixty four subjects with microcephaly and 144 subjects with macrocephaly were enrolled from birth to 18 months of age. Head circumference at birth and the association with variables related to maternal health status, gestational age, growth pattern, brain imaging and clinical characteristics were analyzed. In some cases, an etiological diagnosis was made. In the two considered conditions, we found different anthropometric and clinical associations, some of which were statistically significant, with implications for ongoing neurodevelopmental surveillance