866 research outputs found

    North Atlantic marine biogenic silica accumulation through the early-to-mid Paleogene: implications for ocean circulation and silicate weathering feedback

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    The Paleogene history of biogenic opal accumulation in the North Atlantic provides insight into both the evolution of deep-water circulation in the Atlantic basin, and weathering responses to major climate shifts. However, existing records are compromised by low temporal resolution and/or stratigraphic discontinuities. In order to address this problem, we present a multi-site, high-resolution record of biogenic silica (bioSiO2) accumulation from Blake Nose (ODP Leg 171B, western North Atlantic) spanning the early Paleocene through late Eocene time interval (~65‒34 Ma). This record represents the longest single-locality history of marine bioSiO2 burial compiled to date and offers a unique perspective into changes in bioSiO2 fluxes through the early-to-mid Paleogene extreme greenhouse interval and subsequent period of long-term cooling. Blake Nose bioSiO2 fluxes display prominent fluctuations that we attribute to variations in sub-thermocline nutrient supply via cyclonic eddies associated with the Gulf Stream. Whereas few constraints are available on the bioSiO2 flux pulses peaking in the early Paleocene and early Eocene, a middle Eocene interval of elevated bioSiO2 flux between ~46 and 42 Ma is proposed to reflect nutrient enrichment due to invigorated overturning circulation following an early onset of Northern Component Water export from the Norwegian-Greenland Sea at ~49 Ma. Comparison of our North Atlantic record against published Pacific bioSiO2 flux records indicates a diminished nutrient supply to the Atlantic between ~42 and 38 Ma, interpreted as a response to weakening of the overturning circulation. Subsequently, a deep-water circulation regime favoring limited bioSiO2 burial in Atlantic and enhanced bioSiO2 burial in the Pacific was established after ~38 Ma, likely in association with a further invigoration of deep-water export from the North Atlantic. We also observe that Blake Nose bioSiO2 fluxes through the middle Eocene cooling interval (~48 to 34 Ma) are consistently higher than background fluxes throughout the late Paleocene‒early Eocene interval of intense greenhouse warmth. This observation is consistent with a temporally variable rather than constant silicate weathering feedback strength model for the Paleogene, which would instead predict that marine bioSiO2 burial should peak during periods of extreme warming

    Bioavailability of Echinacea Constituents: Caco-2 Monolayers and Pharmacokinetics and the Alkylamides and Caffeic Acid Conjugates

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    Many studies have been done over the years to assess the effectiveness of Echinacea as an immunomodulator. We have assessed the potential bioavailability of alkylamides and caffeic acid conjugates using Caco-2 monolayers and compared it to their actualbioavailability in a Phase I clinical trial. The caffeic acid conjugates permeated poorly through the Caco-2 monolayers. Alkylamides were found to diffuse rapidly through Caco-2 monolayers. Differences in diffusion rates for each alkylamide correlated to structural variations, with saturation and N-terminal methylation contributing to decreases in diffusion rates. Alkylamide diffusion is not affected by the presence of other constituents and the results for a synthetic alkylamide were in line with those for alkylamides found in an ethanolic Echinacea preparation. We examined plasma from healthy volunteers for 12 hours after ingestion of Echinacea tablets manufactured from an ethanolic liquid extract. Caffeic acid conjugates could not be identified in any plasma sample at any time after tablet ingestion. Alkylamides were detected in plasma 20 minutes after tablet ingestion and for each alkylamide, pharmacokinetic profiles were devised. The data are consistent with the dosing regimen of one tablet three times daily and supports their usage as the primary markers for quality Echinacea preparations


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    Recent studies in Kenya and Ghana have shown that individuals who inherit two malaria-protective genetic disorders of haemoglobin—α+ thalassaemia and sickle cell trait—experience a much lower level of malaria protection than those who inherit sickle cell trait alone. We have previously demonstrated that this can limit the frequency of α+ thalassaemia in a population in which sickle cell is present, which may account for the frequency of α+ thalassaemia in sub-Saharan Africa not exceeding 50%. Here we consider the relationship between α+ thalassaemia and sickle cell in South Asian populations, and show that very high levels of α+ thalassaemia combined with varying levels of malaria selection can explain why sickle cell has penetrated certain South Asian populations but not others

    Land Surface Temperature from Ka-band (37 GHZ) Passive Microwave Observations

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    An alternative to thermal infrared satellite sensors for measuring land surface temperature (T<inf>s</inf>) is presented. The 37 GHz vertical polarized brightness temperature is used to derive T<inf>s</inf> because it is considered the most appropriate microwave frequency for temperature retrieval. This channel balances a reduced sensitivity to soil surface characteristics with a relatively high atmospheric transmissivity. It is shown that with a simple linear relationship, accurate values for T<inf>s</inf> can be obtained from this frequency, with a theoretical bias of within 1 K for 70% of vegetated land areas of the globe. Barren, sparsely vegetated, and open shrublands cannot be accurately described with this single channel approach because variable surface conditions become important. The precision of the retrieved land surface temperature is expected to be better than 2.5 K for forests and 3.5 K for low vegetation. This method can be used to complement existing infrared derived temperature products, especially during clouded conditions. With several microwave radiometers currently in orbit, this method can be used to observe the diurnal temperature cycles with surprising accuracy. © 2009 by the American Geophysical Union

    A process-based model of conifer forest structure and function with special emphasis on leaf lifespan

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    We describe the University of Sheffield Conifer Model (USCM), a process-based approach for simulating conifer forest carbon, nitrogen, and water fluxes by up-scaling widely applicable relationships between leaf lifespan and function. The USCM is designed to predict and analyze the biogeochemistry and biophysics of conifer forests that dominated the ice-free high-latitude regions under the high pCO2 “greenhouse” world 290–50 Myr ago. It will be of use in future research investigating controls on the contrasting distribution of ancient evergreen and deciduous forests between hemispheres, and their differential feedbacks on polar climate through the exchange of energy and materials with the atmosphere. Emphasis is placed on leaf lifespan because this trait can be determined from the anatomical characteristics of fossil conifer woods and influences a range of ecosystem processes. Extensive testing of simulated net primary production and partitioning, leaf area index, evapotranspiration, nitrogen uptake, and land surface energy partitioning showed close agreement with observations from sites across a wide climatic gradient. This indicates the generic utility of our model, and adequate representation of the key processes involved in forest function using only information on leaf lifespan, climate, and soils

    Mapping the sex determination locus in the hāpuku (Polyprion oxygeneios) using ddRAD sequencing

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    Background&nbsp; Hāpuku (Polyprion oxygeneios) is a member of the wreckfish family (Polyprionidae) and is highly regarded as a food fish. Although adults grow relatively slowly, juveniles exhibit low feed conversion ratios and can reach market size in 1&ndash;2 years, makingP. oxygeneiosa strong candidate for aquaculture. However, they can take over 5years to reach sexual maturity in captivity and are not externally sexually dimorphic, complicating many aspects of broodstock management. Understanding the sex determination system ofP. oxygeneiosand developing accurate assays to assign genetic sex will contribute significantly towards its full-scale commercialisation.&nbsp; Results&nbsp; DNA from parents and sexed offspring (n = 57) from a single family of captive bredP. oxygeneioswas used as a template for double digestion Restriction-site Associated DNA (ddRAD) sequencing. Two libraries were constructed usingSbfI&ndash;SphI andSbfI &ndash;NcoI restriction enzyme combinations, respectively. Two runs on an Illumina MiSeq platform generated 70,266,464 raw reads, identifying 19,669 RAD loci. A combined sex linkage map (1367cM) was constructed based on 1575 Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) markers that resolved into 35 linkage groups. Sex-specific linkage maps were of similar size (1132 and 1168cM for male and female maps respectively). A single major sex-determining locus, found to be heterogametic in males, was mapped to linkage group 14. Several markers were found to be in strong linkage disequilibrium with the sex-determining locus. Allele-specific PCR assays were developed for two of these markers, SphI6331 and SphI8298, and demonstrated to accurately differentiate sex in progeny within the same pedigree. Comparative genomic analyses indicated that many of the linkage groups within theP. oxygeneiosmap share a relatively high degree of homology with those published for the European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax).&nbsp; Conclusion&nbsp; P. oxygeneioshas an XX/XY sex determination system. Evaluation of allele-specific PCR assays, based on the two SNP markers most closely associated with phenotypic sex, indicates that a simple molecular assay for sexingP. oxygeneiosshould be readily attainable. The high degree of synteny observed withD. labraxshould aid further molecular genetic study and exploitation of hāpuku as a food fish

    Perturbations in the carbon budget of the tropics

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    The carbon budget of the tropics has been perturbed as a result of human influences. Here, we attempt to construct a ‘bottom-up’ analysis of the biological components of the budget as they are affected by human activities. There are major uncertainties in the extent and carbon content of different vegetation types, the rates of land-use change and forest degradation, but recent developments in satellite remote sensing have gone far towards reducing these uncertainties. Stocks of carbon as biomass in tropical forests and woodlands add up to 271 ± 16 Pg with an even greater quantity of carbon as soil organic matter. Carbon loss from deforestation, degradation, harvesting and peat fires is estimated as 2.01 ± 1.1 Pg annum(−1); while carbon gain from forest and woodland growth is 1.85 ± 0.09 Pg annum(−1). We conclude that tropical lands are on average a small carbon source to the atmosphere, a result that is consistent with the ‘top-down’ result from measurements in the atmosphere. If they were to be conserved, they would be a substantial carbon sink. Release of carbon as carbon dioxide from fossil fuel burning in the tropics is 0.74 Pg annum(−1) or 0.57 MgC person(−1) annum(−1), much lower than the corresponding figures from developed regions of the world

    The Benefits of Financial Statement Comparability

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    Investors, regulators, academics, and researchers all emphasize the importance of financial statement comparability. However, an empirical construct of comparability is typically not specified. In addition, little evidence exists on the benefits of comparability to users. This study attempts to fill these gaps by developing a measure of financial statement comparability. Empirically, this measure is positively related to analyst following and forecast accuracy, and negatively related to analysts’ dispersion in earnings forecasts. These results suggest that financial statement comparability lowers the cost of acquiring information, and increases the overall quantity and quality of information available to analysts about the firm

    Fucanomics and Galactanomics: Marine Distribution, Medicinal Impact, Conceptions, and Challenges

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    Glycomics turned out to be a very extensive project where its subdivision is consequently emerging. This is seen by the growing number of terminologies used to define subprojects concerning particular classes of bioactive carbohydrates. Sulfated fucans (SFs) and sulfated galactans (SGs) are relatively new classes of sulfated polysaccharides (SPs) that occur mostly in marine organisms, and exhibit a broad range of medicinal effects. Their structures are taxonomically dependent, and their therapeutic actions include benefits in inflammation, coagulation, thrombosis, angiogenesis, cancer, oxidation, and infections. Some red algae, marine angiosperm and invertebrates express SPs of unique structures composed of regular repeating oligomeric units of well-defined sulfation patterns. This fine pattern of structural regularity is quite rare among any naturally occurring long SPs, and enables accurate structure-biofunction correlations. Seeing that, fucanomics and galactanomics may comprise distinguished glycomics subprojects. We hereby discuss the relevance that justifies the international recognition of these subprojects in the current glycomics age associated with the beneficial outcomes that these glycans may offer in drug development