1,183 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) of the Company on the work process the publishing group life insurance policies differ from one another. In essence, the service is done to maximize the Company's resources in place to provide maximum service to the policyholder. The process of publishing sharia group life insurance policy in this case includes the process at some Division or Section Unit of the Company. To be able to give good results and the determination of the application process flow of work must be agreed in advance by the Division or Section Unit linked by also considering processing time at the Division or Section Unit.To run the policy issuance process, then there is a relationship application of working procedures with the application system used in the issuance of life insurance policies. The application system used must be in accordance with the procedures for issuing the policy. In practice, the Company adjusted the integrated application system to follow the procedures for issuance of policy set by the company. This is certainly to reduce errors, say human error and improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the Company's operations.In determining the working procedures associated with other Unit Parts suggested Companies can pay attention to every working procedures in each section related unit, as this will be tied to the Company's accumulated time required to issue a group life insurance policy

    Alien Registration- Borkowsky, Anthoni (Old Town, Penobscot County)

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    Straightforward Synthesis of α,β-Unsaturated Thioesters via Ruthenium-Catalyzed Olefin Cross-Metathesis with Thioacrylate

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    The cross-metathesis reaction of S-ethyl thioacrylate with a variety of olefins is effectively catalyzed by using a ruthenium benzylidene olefin metathesis catalyst. This reaction provides a convenient and versatile route to substituted α,β-unsaturated thioesters, key building blocks in organic synthesis.


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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana syarat-syarat kemampuan bertanggung jawab secara pidana dan bagaimana pertanggungjawaban pelaku tindak pidana menurut Pasal 44 KUHP. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif dan disimpulkan: 1. Kemampuan bertanggung jawab bagi setiap orang yang mampu melakukan tindak pidana, mengetahui bahwa perbuatannya itu bertentangan dengan hukum; dan tindakan tersebut menentukan kehendaknya sesuai dengan kesadaran yang dimilikinya. Untuk adanya pertanggungjawaban menganut asas bahwa perbuatannya terwujud dan diatur dalam undang-undang pidana. 2.  Setiap orang yang ‘tidak mampu bertanggung jawab’ terhadap perbuatan tindak pidana yang dilakukannya, maka tidaklah dipidana sebagaimana ditentukan dalam Pasal 44 ayat (1) KUHP dalam proses pengadilan, keputusan hakim dapat memerintahkan untuk dimasukkan ke rumah sakit jiwa selama satu tahun sebagai percobaan sebagaimana ditentukan dalam Pasal 44 ayat (2) KUHP. Bagi mereka yang tergolong kurang mampu bertanggung jawab seperti penderita kleptomania, pyromania, claustropobhia, nymphomania dan penderita penyakit perasaan dikejar-kejar oleh musuhnya, tidak dipidana. Kata kunci: Kajian hukum, kemampuan, bertanggung jawa


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    The spread of the Covid-19 pandemic in almost all countries in the world has an impact on the global economy, including Indonesia. The research aims to provide an overview and analysis of the movement of the JCI and ISSI in the period from the Covid-19 pandemic to the start of the new normal period, so that it can be used to determine the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on conventional and sharia stock exchanges in Indonesia. The population of the study was 342 daily data in the form of the closing value of stock transactions on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from January 2, 2019 until President Joko Widodo enforced the new normal way of life on June 5, 2020. While the sample used was data before the pandemic and during the pandemic before the new himbaun. Normal data, each with 62 data, both on an annual basis (year on year) and on a monthly basis (month on month). The data were processed using the independent t test method with the tools of the SPSS 23.00 program. The results showed that there was a significant difference between the movement of the JCI and the movement of the ISSI, both before and during the Covid 19 pandemic. both stocks indexed by the JCI and the ISSI decreased drastically, but on the last observation date, the decline was sloping or stable, it could be because the price had reached the lower limit.Keywords : IHSG, ISSI , Index Movement, Pandemi


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    Abstract: This study aims to determine the effect of service quality, and perceived price fairness through consumer satisfaction on consumer loyalty at Karunia Baru Shipping Company. The sample in this study found 57 respondents who were determined by the saturation sampling technique and the data measurment tool used in this study is the Likert scale. The research method used is quantitative with the Partial Least Square-Structured Equation Model (PLS-SEM) technique using SmartPLS 3 software. The results of this study showed that, first, service quality had a significant positive effect on consumer satisfaction. Second, perceived price fairness had a significant positive effect on consumer satisfaction. Third, consumer satisfaction had a significant positive effect on consumer Loyalty. Fourth, service quality had a positive but not significant effect on consumer loyalty through consumer satisfaction. Fifth, perceived price fairness had a significant positive effect on consumer loyalty through consumer satisfaction. Based on these results it can be concluded that if Karunia Baru Shipping Company can provide a quality service and fair prices to their consumer, their consumers will be satisfied to the company. Even though the quality of service can make the consumer feel satisfied, it won't make them loyal. However fair pricesfrom the company will make the consumer feel satisfied and eventually will be loyal to the company.Keywords: service quality, perceived price fairness, consumer satisfaction, consumer loyalt

    Synthesis of Optically Active Bifunctional Building Blocks through Enantioselective Copper-Catalyzed Allylic Alkylation Using Grignard Reagents

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    Enantioselective copper-catalyzed allylic alkylations were performed on allylic bromides with a protected hydroxyl or amine functional group using several Grignard reagents and Taniaphos L1 as a ligand. The terminal olefin moiety in the products was transformed into various functional groups without racemization, providing facile access to a variety of versatile bifunctional chiral building blocks.

    Klaim ex-gratia dalam prespektif pencatatan akuntansi asuransi syariah

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    One of the things that the insured would argue about in an insurance agreement is the insurer's invalid refusal. In an insurance claim rejection dispute, the insurer and the insured will provide arguments that support the interests of each party. The main problem lies in how the application of the ex-gratia sentence procedure in the claim payment mechanism to the insured is a policy issued by the insurance company to resolve claim disputes. Qualitative research in this study and also for other data collection, namely interview guidelines, observation. The ex-gratia claim payment procedure at PT XXX does not use the usual claim payment procedure where the ex-gratia claim payment procedure has a procedure that must be carried out by the policy holder when there is a risk that the participant gets is not in accordance with the initial agreement, then an ex-gratia claim will occur. must be in accordance with company procedures with the consideration of company management. The recording of ex-gratia claims in the company's financial journal will be carried out when the ex-gratia claim application is approved by management to be paid the claim ex-gratia. AbstrakPenolakan klaim pada umumnya merupakan hal yang cukup tabu atau hal yang kiranya dihindari dalam proses klaim. Dalam penolakan pengajuan klaim asuransi, proses adu argumentasi dalam sengketa penolakan klaim merupakan hal yang lumrah sesuai dengan kepentingan masing-masing pihak. Permasalahan utamanya terletak pada bagaimana suatu pengajuan klaim yang menghasilkan klaim ex-gratia dicatat sebagai transaksi keuangan terkait pencatatan akuntansi. Penelitian kualitatif dalam penelitian ini dan juga untuk pengumpulan data lain yaitu pedoman wawancara, observasi. Prosedur pembayaran klaim ex-gratia pada PT XXX tidak menggunakan prosedur pembayaran klaim seperti biasanya dimana prosedur pembayaran klaim ex-gratia terdapat prosedur yang harus dilakukan pemegang polis ketika terjadi resiko yang didapatkan peserta tidak sesuai dengan perjanjian awal maka akan terjadinya klaim secara ex-gratia yang harus sesuai dengan prosedur perusahaan dengan pertimbangan manajemen perusahaan. Pencatatan klaim ex-gratia pada jurnal bagian keuangan perusahaan akan dilakukan pada saat permohonan klaim ex-gratia disetujui oleh manajemen untuk dibayarkan klaim secara ex-gratia
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