1,118 research outputs found

    First passage time statistics of Brownian motion with purely time dependent drift and diffusion

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    Systems where resource availability approaches a critical threshold are common to many engineering and scientific applications and often necessitate the estimation of first passage time statistics of a Brownian motion (Bm) driven by time-dependent drift and diffusion coefficients. Modeling such systems requires solving the associated Fokker-Planck equation subject to an absorbing barrier. Transitional probabilities are derived via the method of images, whose applicability to time dependent problems is shown to be limited to state-independent drift and diffusion coefficients that only depend on time and are proportional to each other. First passage time statistics, such as the survival probabilities and first passage time densities are obtained analytically. The analysis includes the study of different functional forms of the time dependent drift and diffusion, including power-law time dependence and different periodic drivers. As a case study of these theoretical results, a stochastic model for water availability from surface runoff in snowmelt dominated regions is presented, where both temperature effects and snow-precipitation input are incorporated

    Four pillars of cross-cultural management A systematic literature review = A kultĂșraközi menedzsment nĂ©gy pillĂ©re Szakirodalmi ĂĄttekintĂ©s

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    In the 1960s, markets became global, firms became more international, and cross-border joint ventures increasingly provided firms with opportunities to rapidly expand geographical market participation. Culturally diverse settings, and the challenges linked to these, have become the focus of scholarly conversations. The importance of Cross-cultural management (CCM) significantly grew. The purpose of this paper is to review CCM-related studies and to map all the relevant areas. Summary is made of 95 sources consisting top-tier journals’ research papers and management scholars' texts in order to increase understanding in this underresearched field. From many interlinked disciplines, four major ones are identified and detailed in this paper: psychology, anthropology, international business and strategic management. Based on the analysis, the current understanding of CCM is discussed, and promising ways of further research are identified that can further advance the conversation on CCM. ------ A ’60-as Ă©vektƑl kezdƑdƑen egyre nagyobb a nyomĂĄs a szervezeteken, hogy nemzetközivĂ© vĂĄljanak. A nemzetközi szervezeteknek terjeszkedĂ©sĂ©nek köszönhetƑen egyre fontosabbĂĄ vĂĄlik a kultĂșraközi menedzsment. Egyre szĂ©lesebb körben vitatott tĂ©ma, a növekvƑ szakirodalomnak köszönhetƑen mĂĄr nemcsak az ĂŒzleti vilĂĄgban, hanem az akadĂ©miĂĄban is fontos szerepet kap. Az eddigi szakirodalmi ĂĄttekintĂ©sek a kultĂșraközi menedzsmentnek egy adott rĂ©szĂ©t emeltĂ©k ki, a jelenlegi cikkben a fogalom egĂ©szĂ©nek tanulmĂĄnyozĂĄsa a cĂ©l. 95 forrĂĄs feldolgozĂĄsa törtĂ©nt meg annak Ă©rdekĂ©ben, hogy körbejĂĄrhatĂł legyen a tĂ©ma Ă©s az alapvetƑ pillĂ©rek beazonosĂ­thatĂłk legyenek. A kutatĂĄs sorĂĄn nemcsak a szakirodalom összegzĂ©sĂ©re, hanem az egyes forrĂĄsok egymĂĄshoz valĂł viszonyĂĄnak Ă©rtelmezĂ©sĂ©re, tovĂĄbbĂĄ a törtĂ©nelem sorĂĄn bekövetkezett vĂĄltozĂĄsok kiemelĂ©sĂ©re is sor kerĂŒlt. A legrangosabb szakfolyĂłiratok Ă©s könyvek tanulmĂĄnyozĂĄsa sorĂĄn egyĂ©rtelmƱvĂ© vĂĄlt, hogy a jelenlegi Ă©rtelmezĂ©s szerint nĂ©gy alapvetƑ pillĂ©ren ĂĄll a kultĂșraközi menedzsment: pszicholĂłgia, antropolĂłgia, nemezközi kereskedelem Ă©s stratĂ©giai menedzsment. Jelenlegi cikk ezeket vizsgĂĄlja a kultĂșraközi menedzsment jobb Ă©rtelmezĂ©se Ă©rdekĂ©ben

    Climate, Not Conflict, Explains Extreme Middle East Dust Storm

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    The recent dust storm in the Middle East (September 2015) was publicized in the media as a sign of an impending ‘Dust Bowl.’ Its severity, demonstrated by extreme aerosol optical depth in the atmosphere in the 99th percentile compared to historical data, was attributed to the ongoing regional conflict. However, surface meteorological and remote sensing data, as well as regional climate model simulations, support an alternative hypothesis: the historically unprecedented aridity played a more prominent role, as evidenced by unusual climatic and meteorological conditions prior to and during the storm. Remotely sensed normalized difference vegetation index demonstrates that vegetation cover was high in 2015 relative to the prior drought and conflict periods, suggesting that agricultural activity was not diminished during that year, thus negating the media narrative. Instead, meteorological simulations using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model show that the storm was associated with a cyclone and ‘Shamal’ winds, typical for dust storm generation in this region, that were immediately followed by an unusual wind reversal at low levels that spread dust west to the Mediterranean Coast. These unusual meteorological conditions were aided by a significant reduction in the critical shear stress due to extreme dry and hot conditions, thereby enhancing dust availability for erosion during this storm. Concluding, unusual aridity, combined with unique synoptic weather patterns, enhanced dust emission and westward long-range transport across the region, thus generating the extreme storm

    Increasing Atmospheric Humidity and CO\u3csub\u3e2\u3c/sub\u3e Concentration Alleviate Forest Mortality Risk

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    Climate-induced forest mortality is being increasingly observed throughout the globe. Alarmingly, it is expected to exacerbate under climate change due to shifting precipitation patterns and rising air temperature. However, the impact of concomitant changes in atmospheric humidity and CO2 concentration through their influence on stomatal kinetics remains a subject of debate and inquiry. By using a dynamic soil–plant–atmosphere model, mortality risks associated with hydraulic failure and stomatal closure for 13 temperate and tropical forest biomes across the globe are analyzed. The mortality risk is evaluated in response to both individual and combined changes in precipitation amounts and their seasonal distribution, mean air temperature, specific humidity, and atmospheric CO2 concentration. Model results show that the risk is predicted to significantly increase due to changes in precipitation and air temperature regime for the period 2050–2069. However, this increase may largely get alleviated by concurrent increases in atmospheric specific humidity and CO2 concentration. The increase in mortality risk is expected to be higher for needleleaf forests than for broadleaf forests, as a result of disparity in hydraulic traits. These findings will facilitate decisions about intervention and management of different forest types under changing climate

    Boom and Bust Carbon-Nitrogen Dynamics during Reforestation

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    Legacies of historical land use strongly shape contemporary ecosystem dynamics. In old-field secondary forests, tree growth embodies a legacy of soil changes affected by previous cultivation. Three patterns of biomass accumulation during reforestation have been hypothesized previously, including monotonic to steady state, non-monotonic with a single peak then decay to steady state, and multiple oscillations around the steady state. In this paper, the conditions leading to the emergence of these patterns is analyzed. Using observations and models, we demonstrate that divergent reforestation patterns can be explained by contrasting time-scales in ecosystem carbon-nitrogen cycles that are influenced by land use legacies. Model analyses characterize non-monotonic plant-soil trajectories as either single peaks or multiple oscillations during an initial transient phase controlled by soil carbon-nitrogen conditions at the time of planting. Oscillations in plant and soil pools appear in modeled systems with rapid tree growth and low initial soil nitrogen, which stimulate nitrogen competition between trees and decomposers and lead the forest into a state of acute nitrogen deficiency. High initial soil nitrogen dampens oscillations, but enhances the magnitude of the tree biomass peak. These model results are supported by data derived from the long-running Calhoun Long-Term Soil-Ecosystem Experiment from 1957 to 2007. Observed carbon and nitrogen pools reveal distinct tree growth and decay phases, coincident with soil nitrogen depletion and partial re-accumulation. Further, contemporary tree biomass loss decreases with the legacy soil C:N ratio. These results support the idea that non-monotonic reforestation trajectories may result from initial transients in the plant-soil system affected by initial conditions derived from soil changes associated with land-use history

    Delay-induced rebounds in CO_{2} emissions and critical time-scales to meet global warming targets

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    While climate science debates are focused on the attainment of peak anthropogenic CO2 emissions and policy tools to reduce peak temperatures, the human‐energy‐climate system can hold “rebound” surprises beyond this peak. Following the second industrial revolution, global per capita CO_{2} emissions (c_{c}) experienced a punctuated growth of about 100% every 60 years, mainly attributable to technological development and its global spread. A model of the human‐energy‐climate system capable of reproducing past punctuated dynamics shows that rebounds in global CO_{2} emissions emerge due to delays intrinsic to the diffusion of innovations. Such intrinsic delays in the adoption and spread of low‐carbon emitting technologies, together with projected population growth, upset the warming target set by the Paris Agreement. To avoid rebounds and their negative climate effects, model calculations show that the diffusion of climate‐friendly technologies must occur with lags one‐order of magnitude shorter (i.e., ∌6 years) than the characteristic timescale of past punctuated growth in c_{c}. Radically new strategies to globally implement the technological advances at unprecedented rates are needed if the current emission goals are to be achieved

    Characteristics of Gravity Waves over an Antarctic Ice Sheet during an Austral Summer

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    While occurrences of wavelike motion in the stable boundary layer due to the presence of a significant restoring buoyancy force are rarely disputed, their modalities and interaction with turbulence remain a subject of active research. In this work, the characteristics of gravity waves and their impact on flow statistics, including turbulent fluxes, are presented using data collected above an Antarctic Ice sheet during an Austral Summer. Antarctica is an ideal location for exploring the characteristics of gravity waves because of persistent conditions of strong atmospheric stability in the lower troposphere. Periods dominated by wavelike motion have been identified by analysing time series measured by fast response instrumentation. The nature and characteristic of the dominant wavy motions are investigated using Fourier cross-spectral indicators. Moreover, a multi-resolution decomposition has been applied to separate gravity waves from turbulent fluctuations in case of a sufficiently defined spectral gap. Statistics computed after removing wavy disturbances highlight the large impact of gravity waves on second order turbulent quantities including turbulent flux calculations

    The Effect of Plant Water Storage on Water Fluxes within the Coupled Soil–Plant System

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    In addition to buffering plants from water stress during severe droughts, plant water storage (PWS) alters many features of the spatio-temporal dynamics of water movement in the soil–plant system. How PWS impacts water dynamics and drought resilience is explored using a multi-layer porous media model
