158 research outputs found

    Production of Cydia pomonella granulovirus (CpGV) in a heteralogous host, Thaumatotibia Leucotreta (Meyrick) (False codling moth)

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    Cydia pomonella (Linnaeus) (Family: Tortricidae), the codling moth, is considered one of the most significant pests of apples and pears worldwide, causing up to 80% crop loss in orchards if no control measures are applied. Cydia pomonella is oligophagous feeding on a number of alternate hosts including quince, walnuts, apricots, peaches, plums and nectarines. Historically the control of this pest has been achieved with the use of various chemical control strategies which have maintained pest levels below the economic threshold at a relatively low cost to the grower. However, there are serious concerns surrounding the use of chemical insecticides including the development of resistance in insect populations, the banning of various insecticides, regulations for lowering of the maximum residue level and employee and consumer safety. For this reason, alternate measures of control are slowly being adopted by growers such as mating disruption, cultural methods and the use of baculovirus biopesticides as part of integrated pest management programmes. The reluctance of growers to accept baculovirus or other biological control products in the past has been due to questionable product quality and inconsistencies in their field performance. Moreover, the development and application of biological control products is more costly than the use of chemical alternatives. Baculoviruses are arthropod specific viruses that are highly virulent to a number of lepidopteran species. Due to the virulence and host specificity of baculoviruses, Cydia pomonella granulovirus has been extensively and successfully used as part of integrated pest management systems for the control of C. pomonella in Europe and around the world, including South Africa. Commercial formulations have been typically based on the Mexican strain of CpGV. However due to long-term multiple applications of CpGV and the reliance on CpGV in organic farming practices in Europe, resistance to the CpGV-M strain has developed in a number of field populations of C. pomonella. This study aimed to identify and characterize novel isolates of CpGV in South Africa and compare their virulence with the commercial standard CpGV-M. Secondly, since C. pomonella is difficult to culture on a large scale, an alternate method of CpGV production was investigated in order to determine if CpGV could be produced more efficiently and at a reduced cost without negatively impacting the quality of the product. Several isolates of CpGV were recovered either from field collected larvae or from a laboratory-reared C. pomonella colony. Characterisation of DNA profiles using a variety of restriction enzymes revealed that only a single isolate, CpGV-SA, was genetically different from the Mexican strain of the virus used in the commercially available CpGV based products in South Africa. In dose-response bioassays using CpGV-SA, LC₅₀ and LC₉₀ values for neonate C. pomonella larvae were 3.18 x 10³ OBs/ml and 7.33 x 10⁴ respectively. A comparison of these values with those of CpGV-M indicated no significant difference in the virulence of the two isolates under laboratory conditions. This is a first report of a genetically distinct CpGV isolate in South Africa. The biological activity and novelty of CpGV-SA makes this isolate a potentially important tool for CpGV resistance management in South Africa. In order to justify production of CpGV in an alternative host, studies on the comparative biological performance of C. pomonella and T. leucotreta based on oviposition, time to hatch, larval developmental times and rearing efficiency as well as production costs were performed. Thaumatotibia leucotreta was found to be more fecund and to have significantly shorter egg and larval developmental times. In addition, larval production per unit of artificial diet was significantly higher than for C. pomonella. This resulted in T. leucotreta being more cost effective to produce with implications for reduced insectary space, sanitation practices as well as the labour component of production. Virus yield data generated by inoculation both C. pomonella and T. leucotreta with nine concentrations of CpGV resulted in comparable virus yields, justifying the continuation of the research into production of CpGV in T. leucotreta. It was important to determine the LC and LT values required for mass production of CpGV in late instar T. leucotreta larvae. Dose- and time-response bioassays with CpGV-M were conducted on artificial diet to determine these values. Fourth instar LC₅₀ and LC₉₀ values were 5.96 x 10³ OBs/ml and 1.64 x 10⁵ OBs/ml respectively. LT50 and LT90 values were 81.10 hours and 88.58 hours respectively. Fifth instar LC₅₀ and LC₉₀ values were 6.88 x 10⁴ OBs/ml and 9.78 x 10⁶ OBs/ml respectively. LT₅₀ and LT₉₀ values were 111.56 hours and 137.57 hours respectively. Virus produced in fourth instar T. leucotreta larvae was bioassayed against C. pomonella neonate larvae and compared to CpGV-M to establish if production in the heterologous host negatively affected the virulence of the isolate. No significant difference in virulence was observed between virus produced in T. leucotreta and that produced in C. pomonella. The data generated in the bioassays was used in CpGV mass production trials to evaluate production. All production methods tested produced acceptable virus yields. To examine the quality of the virus product, genomic DNA was extracted from larval cadavers and subjected to REN analysis with HindIII. The resulting DNA profiles indicated that the virus product was contaminated with the homologous virus, CrleGV. Based on the above results, the use of T. leucotreta as an alternate host for the in vivo production of CpGV on a commercial basis is not at this stage viable and requires further investigation before this production methodology can be reliable used to produce CpGV. However, this study has shown that CpGV can be produced in a homologous host, T. leucotreta and significant strides have been made towards developing a set of quality control standards that are essential for further development of successful production methodology. Finally a novel isolate of CpGV has been identified with comparable virulence to the CpGV-M. This is an important finding as it has broad reaching implications for resistance management of CpGV products in South Africa

    Development of fungal biological control of four agriculturally important pests, Sitophilus oryzae, Trialeurodes vaporariorum, Planococcus ficus and Eldana saccharina, in South Africa.

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    Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2005.The use of entomopathogenic fungi to control agriculturally important pests, both in greenhouses and in the field, has been demonstrated by various authors for a number of years. This has been brought about by the development of resistance in certain pest species to chemical applications and a growing public awareness of the safety implications of residual insecticides. Several entomopathogenic fungi were tested against four insect pests found in the Republic of South Africa (RSA), the greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum, the rice weevil, Sitophilus oryzae, the grapevine mealybug, Planococcusficus and the sugarcane stem borer, Eldana saccharina. Further concentration, temperature and humidity studies were conducted with selected isolates on the rice weevil, S. oryzae. Sitophilus oryzae is considered one ofthe most important pests of stored grain. Several fungal isolates were tested against the rice weevil, four of which, B1, PPRI 6690, PPRI 6864 and PPRI 7067, were selected for further testing based on the mortality results over a 21 d period. Varying conidial concentrations were applied and at high doses of 1x10 -6 conidia ml -1 with mortality rates of to 84% achieved. LT 50 values ranged from 6 - 68d. Increased spore concentration resulted in an increase in overall mortality. Temperature and humidity was found to affect the infection potential of the four isolates tested. Four temperatures ranging from 15 - 30°C were tested. The highest mortality rates were obtained at 25°C where mortality ranged from 46 - 65% in 14d. Mortality rates decreased with decreasing temperature, and no mortality was recorded at 30°C. Temperature was found to significantly alter the LT 50 values, increasing the LT 50 with decreasing temperatures. Decreasing the humidity resulted in an increased LT 50 and a reduction in the overall mortality rates. The mortality of S. oryzae ranged according to the RH and isolate. Isolates Bland PPRI 6690 resulted in the highest mortalities of 80 and 83% at 92.5% RH, with LT 50's of 6.3d and 6.4d, respectively. Several entomopathogenic fungi were tested against T vaporariorum, P. ficus and E. saccharina, three key pests of South African crops. Nine fungal isolates were tested against the greenhouse whitefly, T vaporariorum, with mortalities ranging from 26.7 - 74.7% over 14d. Beauveria bassiana Isolates Bl and PPRl 6690 produced the highest mortality rates and were recommended for further pathogenicity testing against T. vaporariorum. Planococcus ficus is a common pest ofvineyards in the Western Cape Province, South Africa. Nine entomopathogenic fungi were screened against P.ficus, only two of which produced mortality. Eldana saccharina is a stalk borer, which infests sugarcane in large areas of Southern Africa. Five isolates were tested against second and third instar larvae, three of which, B1, PPRl 6864 and PPRl 6690 resulted in mortalities. Mean percentage mortality was low for all three isolates. From the study it was evident that two of the isolates tested, Bland PPRI 6690 (B. bassiana), showed potential against three of the four pests, and two isolates of Lecanicillium lecanii caused mortality in P. ficus. Further research and understanding of the effect of environmental conditions, spore concentration and epizootic potential would result in the further development of these isolates as future biological control agents

    Stakeholder relationship management and the perception of trust: a case study of a salient stakeholder

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    Trust is an essential aspect in developing meaningful relationships between firms and their stakeholders. Mayer, Davis and Schoorman (1995, p.709) define trust as “the willingness of a party to be vulnerable to the actions of another party based on the expectation that the other party will perform a particular action important to the trustor irrespective of the ability to monitor or control that other party”. This study took the form of an explanatory case study that focussed on an interaction between a firm and a salient stakeholder and attempted to explain how this interaction influenced the perceived trustworthiness of the firm in stakeholders that were observing the interaction. The study attempted to add to the work of Crane (2020), whose research had focussed on stakeholder connectedness, and specifically how this could be utilized by firms interacting with stakeholders to engender trust in a wider group of stakeholders. The research aimed to evaluate how the Sterile Insect Release programme, operating by the firm in the Sunday’s River Valley, was given a second chance through engagement with a salient stakeholder and how the interaction was observed by a wider group of stakeholders leading to perceived stakeholder trustworthiness and social capital. The study had five objectives, namely to; (1) analyse how a firm’s ability, benevolence, and integrity enables (or does not engender) the development of the firm’s trustworthiness amongst its stakeholders; (2) analyse how the firm’s engagement with a salient stakeholder enables (or does not engender) increased levels of trustworthiness in the firm by the stakeholders that are observing its interaction with a salient stakeholder; (3) analyse the benefits of social capital gained through increased levels of stakeholder trust; (4) identify good practice guidelines for firm engagement with salient stakeholders to ensure the correct cues are portrayed to observing stakeholders for the development of the trustworthiness of the firm; and (5) make recommendations related to management practices that will support the development of trust. The research adopted a qualitative approach and data were collected through semi-structured interviews with three groups of stakeholders that were present at the meeting. A review of the literature was undertaken to identify various propositions for the research and from which a theory-driven coding memo was developed. The derived propositions were as follows: (1) observing a firm’s engagement with a single salient stakeholder will provide cues to observing stakeholders about the trustworthiness of the firm, and (2) perceptions of a firm’s trustworthiness will result in increased social capital between the firm and its stakeholders. The first proposition was divided into three sub-propositions for the study which stated; (a) observing a firm’s engagement with a single salient stakeholder will provide cues to observing stakeholders about the ability of the firm; (b) observing a firm’s engagement with a single salient stakeholder will provide cues to observing stakeholders about the benevolence of the firm; and (c) observing a firm’s engagement with a single salient stakeholder will provide cues to observing stakeholders about the integrity of the firm. From the literature analysis, various themes were identified which include, observed interactions, ability, benevolence, integrity, trustworthiness, and increased social capital. The research findings confirmed the propositions as being relevant to the case study. The findings confirmed that ability, benevolence, and integrity are key attributes in portraying trustworthiness when interacting with a salient stakeholder. All three attributes were noted by the interviewees as being important to observing stakeholders in the development of trust in a firm, although ability and integrity were found to be the dominant attributes in this case study. The findings did present some evidence that an increased level of perceived trustworthiness in the firm did positively influence the levels of social capital, however, this was not a common theme among all the interviewees. In the light of these findings, it is recommended that firms utilize stakeholder models to identify salient stakeholders that are influential within the markets in which they operate. The firm should actively pursue a strong relationship with these stakeholders, and further attempt to generate opportunities to interact with these stakeholders in a public forum where stakeholder connectedness could be utilized to develop perceived trust in the wider group of stakeholders. The firm should focus on open, honest, and transparent communication which are key aspects for portraying the attributes of ability, benevolence, and integrity. The study addresses a gap in the trust literature at a stakeholder level and therefore has contributed to the trust literature by addressing how the connectedness between stakeholders can lead to trust in a wider group of stakeholders by increasing efficiency during these interactions and utilizing situational circumstances to build social capital.Thesis (MBA) -- Faculty of Commerce, Rhodes Business School, 202

    The state of the Martian climate

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    60°N was +2.0°C, relative to the 1981–2010 average value (Fig. 5.1). This marks a new high for the record. The average annual surface air temperature (SAT) anomaly for 2016 for land stations north of starting in 1900, and is a significant increase over the previous highest value of +1.2°C, which was observed in 2007, 2011, and 2015. Average global annual temperatures also showed record values in 2015 and 2016. Currently, the Arctic is warming at more than twice the rate of lower latitudes

    Determinants of penetrance and variable expressivity in monogenic metabolic conditions across 77,184 exomes

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    Penetrance of variants in monogenic disease and clinical utility of common polygenic variation has not been well explored on a large-scale. Here, the authors use exome sequencing data from 77,184 individuals to generate penetrance estimates and assess the utility of polygenic variation in risk prediction of monogenic variants

    Rift Valley fever virus (Bunyaviridae: Phlebovirus): an update on pathogenesis, molecular epidemiology, vectors, diagnostics and prevention

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    Rift Valley fever (RVF) virus is an arbovirus in the Bunyaviridae family that, from phylogenetic analysis, appears to have first emerged in the mid-19th century and was only identified at the begininning of the 1930s in the Rift Valley region of Kenya. Despite being an arbovirus with a relatively simple but temporally and geographically stable genome, this zoonotic virus has already demonstrated a real capacity for emerging in new territories, as exemplified by the outbreaks in Egypt (1977), Western Africa (1988) and the Arabian Peninsula (2000), or for re-emerging after long periods of silence as observed very recently in Kenya and South Africa. The presence of competent vectors in countries previously free of RVF, the high viral titres in viraemic animals and the global changes in climate, travel and trade all contribute to make this virus a threat that must not be neglected as the consequences of RVF are dramatic, both for human and animal health. In this review, we present the latest advances in RVF virus research. In spite of this renewed interest, aspects of the epidemiology of RVF virus are still not fully understood and safe, effective vaccines are still not freely available for protecting humans and livestock against the dramatic consequences of this virus

    Trans-ancestry genome-wide association meta-analysis of prostate cancer identifies new susceptibility loci and informs genetic risk prediction.

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    Prostate cancer is a highly heritable disease with large disparities in incidence rates across ancestry populations. We conducted a multiancestry meta-analysis of prostate cancer genome-wide association studies (107,247 cases and 127,006 controls) and identified 86 new genetic risk variants independently associated with prostate cancer risk, bringing the total to 269 known risk variants. The top genetic risk score (GRS) decile was associated with odds ratios that ranged from 5.06 (95% confidence interval (CI), 4.84-5.29) for men of European ancestry to 3.74 (95% CI, 3.36-4.17) for men of African ancestry. Men of African ancestry were estimated to have a mean GRS that was 2.18-times higher (95% CI, 2.14-2.22), and men of East Asian ancestry 0.73-times lower (95% CI, 0.71-0.76), than men of European ancestry. These findings support the role of germline variation contributing to population differences in prostate cancer risk, with the GRS offering an approach for personalized risk prediction

    The trans-ancestral genomic architecture of glycemic traits

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    Glycemic traits are used to diagnose and monitor type 2 diabetes and cardiometabolic health. To date, most genetic studies of glycemic traits have focused on individuals of European ancestry. Here we aggregated genome-wide association studies comprising up to 281,416 individuals without diabetes (30% non-European ancestry) for whom fasting glucose, 2-h glucose after an oral glucose challenge, glycated hemoglobin and fasting insulin data were available. Trans-ancestry and single-ancestry meta-analyses identified 242 loci (99 novel; P < 5 x 10(-8)), 80% of which had no significant evidence of between-ancestry heterogeneity. Analyses restricted to individuals of European ancestry with equivalent sample size would have led to 24 fewer new loci. Compared with single-ancestry analyses, equivalent-sized trans-ancestry fine-mapping reduced the number of estimated variants in 99% credible sets by a median of 37.5%. Genomic-feature, gene-expression and gene-set analyses revealed distinct biological signatures for each trait, highlighting different underlying biological pathways. Our results increase our understanding of diabetes pathophysiology by using trans-ancestry studies for improved power and resolution. A trans-ancestry meta-analysis of GWAS of glycemic traits in up to 281,416 individuals identifies 99 novel loci, of which one quarter was found due to the multi-ancestry approach, which also improves fine-mapping of credible variant sets.Peer reviewe

    Genetic Drivers of Heterogeneity in Type 2 Diabetes Pathophysiology

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    Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is a heterogeneous disease that develops through diverse pathophysiological processes1,2 and molecular mechanisms that are often specific to cell type3,4. Here, to characterize the genetic contribution to these processes across ancestry groups, we aggregate genome-wide association study data from 2,535,601 individuals (39.7% not of European ancestry), including 428,452 cases of T2D. We identify 1,289 independent association signals at genome-wide significance (P \u3c 5 × 10-8) that map to 611 loci, of which 145 loci are, to our knowledge, previously unreported. We define eight non-overlapping clusters of T2D signals that are characterized by distinct profiles of cardiometabolic trait associations. These clusters are differentially enriched for cell-type-specific regions of open chromatin, including pancreatic islets, adipocytes, endothelial cells and enteroendocrine cells. We build cluster-specific partitioned polygenic scores5 in a further 279,552 individuals of diverse ancestry, including 30,288 cases of T2D, and test their association with T2D-related vascular outcomes. Cluster-specific partitioned polygenic scores are associated with coronary artery disease, peripheral artery disease and end-stage diabetic nephropathy across ancestry groups, highlighting the importance of obesity-related processes in the development of vascular outcomes. Our findings show the value of integrating multi-ancestry genome-wide association study data with single-cell epigenomics to disentangle the aetiological heterogeneity that drives the development and progression of T2D. This might offer a route to optimize global access to genetically informed diabetes care